June 14th, at 3:[-] sharp.

It was an ordinary early morning in northeastern India, and the sun hadn't come out yet, and there wasn't even a hint of color on the eastern horizon.The sky is full of stars, and under the shroud of faint starlight, the vast fields and rolling mountains are still sleeping in a dream.Except for some chirping insects occasionally making a little sound, everything is still shrouded in the boundless darkness and tranquility.

But the darkness was pierced immediately, and the light that pierced the darkness did not come from the sun in the east, but the lights on the airport.As the large area of ​​lights came on, the roar of various machines quickly broke the tranquility before dawn.

A large group of p-51s lined up neatly at one end of the runway.Following the command from the tower, they soared into the sky one after another, and then merged into the dark night sky, only the navigation lights on the wingtips were shining.

Two hours later, the sun will rise here, and then groups of transport planes will take off from here loaded with fuel and supplies, and then bypass the towering snow-capped mountains, cross the vast jungle, and brave the enemy's artillery fire, along the The route full of wreckage from the crash sent those precious materials to China.Most of these supplies would then remain in the No. 14 air force's warehouses to support the air offensive.Of the remaining half, a part will appear in the hands of the soldiers of the army confronting Japan, and a part will appear in the mouths of those hungry and hungry in the rear. Of course, a large part will also flow into the black market. There it turns into dollars or gold, and it flows into someone's pocket like a bottomless pit.Sometimes, some of those things that flow into the black market will miraculously pass through the confrontational fronts between China and Japan, pass through one level after another, and finally appear in the hospital of the Imperial Japanese Army. Up, in the tank.

According to the new combat plan, the fighter jets no longer follow the transport planes to escort them. After one and a half hours, the fighter jets that clear the airspace will also take off. They will rush ahead of the transport planes and appear in front of the Japanese fighter jets Patrol areas to perform the task of clearing the airspace.And those fighter jets going on safari missions must take off now, because in this way, they can fly over areas where Ri himself may have observation posts hidden in the dense forest at night, thus ensuring the sudden attack on the airport xing.

In terms of flying time alone, Christie is an out-and-out novice. Before he joined the Tenth Air Force, he had about 200 hours of flying experience. Most are training flights).But his performance in air combat is not bad. Relying on the tactics he learned in the "Reverse Cross", he has already achieved quite good results in a few air combats-he shot down an enemy plane and returned fire. One of them was injured, and this one would not have escaped if it hadn't run out of ammunition in the previous air battle.

Because of the qualities Christie showed, he, a rookie, was also qualified to participate in the safari as a wingman.Their formation will take off first, and then rush to the vicinity of Myitkyina Airport, waiting for the Japanese fighter jets to take off.

When the sun rose as high as a bamboo pole, Myitkyina Airport was not far away.

At this time, he saw Captain Ronald's lead plane flying about 100 meters ahead shook its wings, and then began to dive down shallowly.

Christy knows.To sneak attack on enemy planes preparing to take off and land at the airport, their flying altitude should not be too high.Because the flight is too high, it is difficult to see with the naked eye whether there is an enemy plane on the runway preparing to take off.

Calculated by time, the transport fleet should have been discovered by Ri's own observation post.Then, the Japanese fighter jets should also be preparing to take off.Christie gently pushed the nose of the aircraft as Ron taught, followed the leader to lower the altitude, and at the same time retracted the throttle valve, so the roar of the motor began to become lighter.

Although both planes have throttled down, because the plane is lowering its altitude, with the help of gravity, the speed of the plane has not dropped, and has been firmly maintained at about 520 kilometers, which is slightly higher than the highest speed of ki-43. Level flight speed, so, as long as the enemy plane does not dive down from a high place, this speed can basically guarantee the safety of the plane.

Now, the flight altitude has dropped to about 1000 meters, and Myitkyina Airport has also appeared in Christie's sight.He could also vaguely see some planes preparing to take off.

According to normal circumstances, Myitkyina is on the east side of India, and the p-51 that took off from India should be facing the direction of the sun.But before approaching the airport, the lead plane took Christie in a big circle, and now their position is on the east side of the airport, with their backs facing the sun.At this time, if someone stands on the airport and looks this way, he will find that he cannot see anything because of the interference of the sun.

Now that the distance is closer, Christie has turned the throttle to minimum, and now the engine is basically just idling, and in doing so, the sound of the aircraft engine will also drop.By the time the people at the airport could hear the engine, it was too late for them to react.

However, doing so also reduced the speed of the plane, although just now, Christie and his lead plane Ronald had thrown away the auxiliary fuel tank, thus reducing the flight resistance, although they still maintained a shallow dive attitude.However, the dive angle is too small, and the gain brought by gravity cannot offset the loss of engine power reduction. Therefore, their speed has been reduced from 520 kilometers to about 460 kilometers.However, this speed is much faster than the speed of the Japanese fighter jets that are taking off.

Now that he was quite close to the airport, Christie saw that there were two Ki-43s taxiing on the runway at high speed, and the front wheel of the plane in front had already started to lift off the ground.

It couldn't have been an ideal time.If the two enemy planes hadn't started and were parked quietly on the tarmac, the pilots would have every chance to abandon the plane and flee when they were attacked.Similarly, if the two planes have flown to an altitude of only a few hundred meters at this time, the pilots will have the opportunity to parachute.However, in the current situation, there is only one dead end if you get hit.

"Attack! Attack!" It was pointless to keep the radio silent at this time, and Ronald's order came from Christie's earphone.

Christie pushed up the throttle valve, and the engine roared immediately.The Japanese on the ground also spotted them. Christie saw them in a mess, some were yelling, some were desperately turning the handles of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, trying to quickly fire the guns. point the muzzle (muzzle) at them.

"It's too late for you," Christie thought.He saw that the lead plane easily caught up with the enemy plane that had just flown less than ten meters high.The current speed of this unlucky plane is less than 200 kilometers, and its energy is too low to make any defensive actions.Then, Christie saw the lead plane go a little longer and hit the Ki-43 into a big fireball.

Christie's target's front wheel hadn't had time to leave the ground yet, let alone make any evasive moves.It is simply a fixed target.Christie slipped it securely into the halo of the sight and fired all four.

In the rain of 20 gun bullets, the plane trembled violently. The right wing first broke into two pieces, and then the fuselage tilted to the right and hit the runway. Then the plane surrounded by flames Driven by the huge inertia, he turned several somersaults on the runway, and then blew up a gorgeous firework.As for the brother inside.

At this time, a high-speed machine gun had already turned around and started to fire at Christie and the others. However, the firepower density of one machine gun was too low, and Christie and the others had already flown a long distance away, out of its effective range. In their view, this kind of ineffective shooting is more like the festive firecrackers set off by the Chinese in Chinatown during the festival.

"Follow me!" Christie saw the lead plane turn around and fly towards the airport.

"Could it be that Ronald is not satisfied and wants to do it again? Now rush over, those anti-aircraft guns on the airport are not vegetarian."

But Ronald is obviously not a stupefied young man, as soon as he gets close to the range of the anti-aircraft guns, he starts to turn, always teasing the nerves of those small-caliber anti-aircraft guns at their extreme range.And those larger caliber anti-aircraft guns?They rotate so slowly that they can't keep up with the angular velocity of the fighter's movement at all, and there is no chance to fire at all.

Under the protection of anti-aircraft guns, several Japanese fighter jets planned to take off at risk. Just as they were gliding on the runway at high speed, two more P-51s took off from the same route as Christie and the others when they launched the attack. out.Then, two thick black smoke columns rose from the end of the runway, like beacons lit in ancient wars.

What about those flak guns protecting the airfield?They were all attracted by the fleet of Ronald and Christie, so much so that, until the two planes ran out of range, they still failed to shoot a single shell at the two planes.That's why Ronald, a veteran with [-] hours of flying experience, made an odd move, and that was the answer to Christie's question.It is in this kind of battle that the rookies are constantly learning from the experience of the veterans, and thus continue to grow up.

Affected by this sneak attack, it was not until half an hour later that the Japanese fighter jets on the Myitkyina Airport flew up carefully under the protection of anti-aircraft artillery.First two ki-43s, then two more.The four planes circled the airport, and under their protection, the remaining fighter jets were able to take off one after another.However, at this time, they had already missed the best time to intercept the first batch of transport planes.And not far away, there is a large group of p-51s who have got rid of the shackles of having to follow the transport plane, waiting for them gearing up.

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