This encounter with the Japanese warship passed without any risk, and the frightened people continued on their way.During the period, someone once again asked whether to use night flight and find an uninhabited island to hide during the day.But the lack of modern means of navigation forced them to continue sailing during the day.Except for the one crossing the Surigao Strait.

It was a night with a small half moon, because Surigao had an important status, and a few years later, there would be a final battle between battleships here.Of course, at this time, people did not know this.No one will think about the nostalgia for this. Japan's inspections in this area are also relatively strict.So everyone can only choose such a night to cross the strait.Crossing the strait at night without the aid of a navigation system is difficult for a small boat with no long-distance capabilities.Fortunately, there is a bit of moonlight, and you can still see the dark shadows of the surrounding islands.The boat sailed from the shadow of one island into the shadow of another.Thus passed through the most dangerous straits.On the way, they encountered a Japanese warship again. At that time, the boat was hiding in the shadow of the small island, and a Japanese destroyer passed by not far away.Under the faint moonlight, a black silhouette and a long faintly glowing trail were left behind—this is the light emitted by some plankton living in the sea water stirred by propellers.

All the people in the boat held their breath (although it didn't mean much), but Ri himself didn't notice them.In fact, they don't need to be so nervous, because firstly, they are hiding in the shadows, and secondly, because the deck of Japanese warships is much higher than that of small boats, from the perspective of Japanese, the small fishing boats seem to be completely melted in the dark sea Same.But, perhaps because from their vantage point, the silhouettes of the Japanese warships were so clear against the brighter sky relative to the sea, it made them worry that the Japanese themselves saw them the same way.So everyone was still scared to death. (In fact, German submarines often take advantage of this perspective to surface at night to attack the merchant fleets of the United States and Britain)

The days since then have been much safer, and I have never encountered a Japanese warship along the way.But soon after, something even more terrifying happened—for several days, there was no trace of wind on the sails.These guys who don't know much about sailing don't know that they have entered the forbidden area of ​​sailing ships - the equatorial windless zone.

Near the equator, due to the long-term direct sunlight, the atmosphere is dominated by vertical motion, and there is little horizontal atmospheric motion. That is to say, there is almost no wind in this area.This is an insurmountable obstacle for sailing ships that rely on wind power to sail.

Now, the sailboat floated motionless on the ocean like a dead fish.The tropical sun shot straight down, scorching the planks of the ship very hot, and the cabin was stuffy like a big oven.The whole cabin reeked of sweat and some other stuff.In order to avoid heat stroke, everyone hid in the cabin and remained motionless.In the first day or two, there were still people praying to God—give some wind.But now, everyone seems to have lost interest in prayer.Once, there have been a gust or two of wind, but it never lasted longer than a cigarette.Fortunately, there is a lot of rain in the calm zone, and it is very punctual.Almost every day around four o'clock in the afternoon, thick clouds will appear in the sky on time, and half an hour later, a downpour will come as scheduled.Until around six o'clock, the rain will end on time, and the sunset at this time will also reflect a rainbow in the sky on time.

This punctual rain provides the people on board with the most important commodity - fresh water.And give them the opportunity to take a bath.At this time, a group of people will take off their clothes and wash off the white layer of salt left by sweating too much in the heavy rain.At the same time, they were having fun showing off their muscles to each other, and were even bored to compare the size of something.Rely on this way to relieve the worries of being trapped in this boundless ocean.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed like this.During this week, the whole world is like a pot of boiling water, but this boat seems to be completely out of this noisy world.For a week, they didn't see a boat, a plane, or even a seabird.Three days ago, the radio on the boat went out, and the whole world went away, and the people on the boat were now barely dressed and full of beards, so that even Ron had such fantasies, maybe I have traveled again, and I have traveled to the primitive era.In others, feelings of hesitation, fear, and remorse all became more and more obvious with the continuation of the captivity.A week later, the noise in the heavy rain was gradually replaced by terrible silence.

On the afternoon of the 12th day when No. [-] was trapped in the windless area, after the expected heavy rain, the conflict finally broke out.

Just when the heavy rain was about to end, Pato saw Marcos scrubbing his body with coconut oil soap, and said something like this: "Don't waste soap, no matter how much you wash, you won't be much whiter than a chimpanzee!"

Marcos only looked up at Pato, and continued to take a shower. Obviously, he had long been used to this kind of racially discriminatory language.

Maybe it was because he felt ignored, or because he had just had a drink and was already holding back his anger, but such actions of Marcos made Pato inexplicably angry.He stepped forward and slapped the soap off Marcos' hand, "Damn it! Didn't you hear me talking to you! You brown-skinned monkey!"

Marcos raised his head and looked at the furious Pato in bewilderment.He saw that Pato's face, which had been tanned by the equatorial sun these days, was flushing, and his two round eyes were full of anger.

"Sir...I'm" Marcos said stumblingly.

"What about me, me, you, you, haven't you evolved to be able to use human language?" Pato suddenly seemed proud.

"Shut up!" Ron, who was about to enter the cabin, couldn't help it. This was not only because as a person from later generations, a young man in the new century who had studied "I Have a Dream" in English class had an instinct for racial discrimination. Not only because he is also full of depression and needs to vent, but also because Marcos is his orderly and his man!He has to defend him!The experience of being a middle-level person in his previous life told him: In this situation, the group can easily collapse due to mutual distrust and mutual complaints. At this time, any actions that may cause the team to collapse must be stopped immediately.Even if it can't be stopped, even if all the order on this ship will collapse, then if you want to be a Lord of the Flies here, (of course, this novel seems to have not been written at the time.) You must ensure that someone will stand by you wholeheartedly .Marcos is the easiest person to rally around himself, and his actions will affect his younger brother.And those who can drive fishing boats and fish are the most indispensable people on this boat.

Ron shielded Marcos, who was at a loss, and stared fiercely into Pato's eyes: "Enough, Pato! You are too shameful! Marcos is our comrade in arms, our brother! He apologized! Besides, it’s because of him that you can have fish every day! Without him, without Kodis, we would die!”

Pato was a little shocked by Ron's roar, but in a blink of an eye, a sense of shame and indignation made him more angry: "What are you waiting for death! Isn't it waiting for death now! If it wasn't for you! Not for you! How could we fall? To such an extent!"

"Do you want to line up and go to the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp?!"

"Even the prisoner-of-war camp of Japan itself would not be worse than this! If you weren't alarmist..."

"Shut up!" It was Tom who spoke this time, obviously he also realized the consequences of letting this kind of argument go, "Pato, you also voted for this action! And you also said that instead of losing your zi You, you might as well be Robinson Crusoe! But now, I'm ashamed of you!"

"Tom, I..." Pato turned his head and looked at Tom, seemingly hesitating.Obviously, facing Tom who was almost 20 years older than him, he was a little at a loss.

Ron knew that now was a good time. As long as he seized this opportunity, he could temporarily resolve the imminent conflict and postpone the live-action "Lord of the Flies" on this boat.

"Pato, I know you are under a lot of pressure, and so are we. In fact, all of us are under a lot of pressure." Ron relaxed his tone, "I know, some people regret it, to be honest, I also think, It might not be a bad idea to try your luck in the prisoner camps of the Japanese themselves. But it is useless for us to think about these now, we must hold on."

"I miss my mother, and my Amy!" Pato suddenly squatted down and choked up, "I don't think I'll see them again..."

Listening to Pato's words, Ron suddenly felt his nose sore. If Pato might never see his relatives again, Ron lost a whole world.Tears welled up from his eyes unknowingly. Fortunately, it was still raining, so no one could tell.

After stabilizing his emotions, Ron stretched out his hand, patted Pato's shoulder, and squatted down beside him.

"We're not dead end yet," said Ron. "We're not worried about fresh water, we're not worried about food, we've got enough vitamins and medicine. Pato, we're in much better shape than Robinson, aren't we? Don't Be discouraged, tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, there will be a lovely wind."

"What if not tomorrow, and what if not all the time?"

"Don't worry, now we are in the countercurrent of the equator, drifting with the ocean current, we will also drift to the United States." Ron comforted, but he also knew that this was just a comfort, because it would take several years to drift so far. time of year.


"Really, I'd swear on my geography teacher's beautiful daughter," said Ron. "And besides, there might be an American ship."

"I'm afraid that instead of meeting the American ship, we will encounter a Japanese ship." I don't know who said later.

"The sea is so big, why is it so..." Ron said disapprovingly, and looked up.Suddenly, he froze.

"Damn it! There's a boat coming! God! Jesus! It must be our boat!"

At this time, the rain had gradually stopped, and the setting sun shone golden-red light on the sea through the gradually dissipating clouds.The sea is also reflected in a golden red.Right there, a boat was coming this way at high speed.Through the binoculars, Ron clearly saw a sixteen-ray rising sun flag proudly waving in the wind.

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