New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 57, meeting Li Mei for the first time

Just after Christmas, on December 12th, Ron embarked on a voyage to England with a few assistants.They stopped in Iceland that night and flew directly to England at dawn the next day.In the afternoon, the plane landed at a certain military airfield in Molesworth. Here was their first stop—the 27rd Bomber Group of the Eighth Air Force.

Not long after landing, Ron had just had time to meet with the commander of the 303rd Bomber Squadron. He arranged a temporary office for Ron.

Although it was known before that the bomber unit suffered serious losses under the enemy's attack, but if you don't see it with your own eyes, you really don't know how serious the so-called seriousness is.Now, the B-303 Sky Fortress bombers of the 17 Bomber Group are landing one after another. Even without binoculars, Ron can clearly see the scars on those planes.

"How much is it lost?" Ron asked.

"There are 6 planes that failed to come back, and one of them lost control after crossing the center line of the strait. The pilots all parachuted, and they should all be rescued. In addition, there are some seriously damaged planes, um, for example this One—" a lieutenant colonel officer pointed to a bomber that was landing, "I guess it can only be dismantled to provide spare parts."

Ron raised his binoculars and looked at the bomber that was preparing to land.Two of the plane's four engines were damaged, as was evident from the stalled propeller.There is also a big hole in one wing, and the top of the vertical tail has been chipped off by a shell.

The plane wobbled towards the runway, and the damage to the vertical tail greatly affected its stability, so that even simple things like aligning with the runway became difficult.Damage to one wing also caused the plane to always automatically tilt to the other side.Like a lumbering duck, the gigantic plane approached the runway wobbly, the landing gear hit the ground - obviously the captain was very good at controlling it - and the wheels of the main gear on both sides Landed on the runway almost at the same time.Then the plane bumped slightly on the runway, and then began to taxi smoothly.

"Miller is really good!" The lieutenant colonel next to him waved his fist excitedly!

The plane came to a stop at the end of the runway.This is the last bomber to land today.Several cars - fire trucks, ambulances - drove towards the plane.

"Let's go take a look too." Ron said to the lieutenant colonel.

"Okay, get in my car."

The lieutenant colonel approached in his Willys jeep.It stopped at a place that was out of reach of the plane.The personnel on the bomber were leaving the plane one by one. Almost everyone on the plane was injured. The captain Miller was unconscious, and the co-pilot was not much better. A shell broke his calf.The telegraph operator was killed, and two machine gunners were killed on the emplacements.Only one machine gunner was left unharmed.You know, the most likely to be killed on a bomber is the machine gunner.With the plane being beaten up like this, he was still unscathed. I have to say that he was really lucky.

"I don't need to be checked, I don't have any injuries on my body." The machine gunner said to the doctor, "Really, if there are still missions now, I can change planes and go out to fight those Germans!"

The most mobile member of the bomber crew is the machine gunner.Because they have the highest casualty rate.After a mission, there will always be many planes that lack machine gunners, and some crews that can no longer fly will be broken up and assigned to other crews.

The machine gun receiver looked familiar to Ron, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him for a while.He said to the lieutenant colonel: "Let him come to my office tomorrow. I want to know something from him."

Generally speaking, the machine gunner is the one who can see the attack process of the enemy plane most clearly.And this bomber was so severely damaged, it is believed that it was hit more than once.By asking the machine gunner on this plane, he must be able to learn a lot of information.

The ambulance left, the fire truck left, and the uninjured crew left.The tractor began pulling the plane aside.

After dinner together, Ron said to the lieutenant colonel:

"I'd like to go to the hangar and see for myself how each plane is under attack, okay?" asked Ron.

"Ah, feel free, I have other things to do, so I can't stay with you."

The hangar is very busy now, and many aircraft damaged during the day are being repaired here.Ron boarded the most severely damaged B-17 first.

There is a large hole on the wing, shaped like a long strip, about 80 centimeters wide and nearly two meters long. Looking down from above, the hole looks like a peanut.

"Could this kind of damage be caused by mk101? But if I remember correctly, this thing should be installed on me110. Could it be caused by this kind of fighter that needs to be escorted?" Judging from the shooting situation , should be the result of diving down from a high altitude to attack.

Walking into the cabin, you can see a lot of holes through which the light comes through. The outside lights pass through these small holes, shining one after another on the floor.After a closer look, there are both 20mm cannons and 13mm machine guns.

Then Ron carefully checked the other planes, and saw many scars left by 20mm guns and 13mm machine guns, but the terrible wounds on the wings of that plane were no longer seen.

Guess who is that machine gunner?Mind you, he was a celebrity at the time, and even Hitler admired him.

Early the next morning, just after breakfast, Ron was in his office talking to some of the crew who had gone out on yesterday's sortie.He needed to learn from them the usual interception methods used by the Germans.

The first person to come to Ron's office was the machine gunner who made Ron feel a little familiar yesterday.He was wearing a flying cap yesterday, and there was a lot of blood and oil on his face, so Ron didn't recognize him.But today, what he was wearing on his head was no longer the flying cap that could cover half of his face like yesterday, and he had that iconic naughty smile on his clean and unobstructed face.So Ron recognized him immediately. He was Clark Gable, the most popular male movie star in Hollywood.

To be honest, Ron is not that kind of fanatical movie fan in this life and in his previous life. He has been fighting in this life, and he really doesn’t have many opportunities to watch movies. There are not many movies with a deep impression.And among these few films is the somewhat faded old movie starring Clark Gable-"Gone with the Wind".

The first time I saw this movie was not in the cinema, but when I was in college.At that time, a certain brother sleeping on his upper bunk caught a mermaid in the foreign language department, and he was so busy all day dizzy.One day he suddenly told Gao Tianxiang that the foreign language department's courses this week are all watching original English movies, and they can hang out together to watch free movies.

"Old Gao, let's go together, let's go together." After going there, I can watch movies and strengthen communication with my MM from the foreign language department. How nice it is.So go together.The movie played by the foreign language department that day was "Gone with the Wind".When the movie was played by Clark Gable, Rhett was standing at the bottom of the stairs, showing Scarlett a charming, naughty smile, and there was a scream in the classroom:

"Wow, so handsome!"

"It's so masculine!"

"I like him so much!"

A girl next to her even said to her female companion: "If anyone can smile at me like that, I won't want anything immediately, and I will follow him wholeheartedly."

But more exaggerated things are yet to come.

Later, his buddy went to buy a photo of Clark Gable and giggled like that all day long.When asked, he said: "Girlfriend's Yizhi." It's all a joke.

With this story, if he still can't recognize Clark Gable, Ron's pilot qualifications will be doubted-what eyes, he also wants to be a pilot?

To say that during World War II, Hollywood movie stars joined the US military, and Clark Gable was far more than the one fighting on the front line. James Stewart, the star of The Philadelphia Story, also served in the US military and was also in the Eighth Air Force.However, he is much better than Gable in the military. This buddy was already a brigadier general when he finally retired from the US military.

"Second Lieutenant Gable, please sit down." Although he was facing a big star, Ron has never been a star-chaser. Although he was surprised and prepared a pen and notebook, he would not immediately jump up and say, "Brother idol, Give me an autograph."

Seeing Gable sit down, Ron began to ask questions formally: "Second Lieutenant, can you tell us about the situation when you were attacked yesterday?"

"Sir, yesterday morning we set off on a mission, and we were escorted by a British Spitfire team.  …We were intercepted when we were approaching the target. The Germans calculated well. They knew the Spitfire range. Limited, there is no way to escort us all the way... The German fighter jets swooped over from the front first, and hit us violently with a head-on shot. Several planes were hit at this time, and our formation was too large. The number 22 accidentally collided with the 31st when it was dodging the enemy plane... But we didn't make it easy for them. When they, those bf109s and fw190s passed by us, there were also Several of them were hit by our .50, billowing smoke... We also took a few hits at that time. But to be honest, the attack of the 109mm machine gun and 13mm gun of the bf20 can't knock us down immediately, fw190 The firepower is stronger, but it is still not fatal in one blow. Our No. 109 engine was hit, and it will not work soon, but it did not catch fire. The fleet continued to move forward against the attack of bf[-], but was repeatedly attacked by the enemy. Next, the formation began to become looser...

Just as our planes began to enter the bombing route, ready to strike the target, a new attacker appeared.The first is the anti-aircraft guns on the ground, but we fly very high, and only large-caliber anti-aircraft guns can reach us.As for the large-caliber antiaircraft guns," Gable showed his iconic smile again, "their firing speed is too slow, and the chance of hitting us is not high.The trouble is the group of guys that show up behind.

A group of bf110s rushed down from a high place and shot at us violently.It can fire more powerful shells, and it is also stronger than the bf09. Under its attack, the entire formation was scattered...but we still dropped bombs on the target...we started to return, the german plane Still attacking us, our formation has been broken up, the Germans are approaching from our shooting blind spot, shooting at us constantly, various bullets are flying around in the cabin, many people are dead, engine number 4 It was also broken.A bf110 rushed over from below 6 o'clock and shot at us with a huge aerial cannon. The big hole on the left wing was left by that kind of cannon. ...just when we were about to despair, the British fire-breathing appeared, the Germans left immediately, and then we saw the channel..."

Ron listened silently, not writing down something in his notebook.After Gable finished speaking, Ron invited him to drink another cup of coffee, and then asked again:

"You just mentioned that there is a powerful cannon on the bf110. How about the shooting speed of that cannon?"

"Sir, the shooting speed of that gun is not high, about 4 shots per second."

4 shots per second, so about 250 rounds per minute, it must be mk101.The shooting speed of this thing is limited, and it is not very useful to hit (that) aircraft. The Germans have always used it to sweep the ground (attack ground targets). Now they use this on interceptors. It seems that the Germans are very good at their fighters. Not satisfied.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Gable, your answer is very helpful to me, thank you." Ron stood up and shook hands with Gable, "Oh, by the way, can you sign me? My two nieces are Your fans." Ron suddenly took out another notebook from his pocket.

While skillfully signing his name on the notebook, Clark Gable smiled and said, "Sir, I haven't signed someone for a long time."

"It shouldn't be. I heard that Hitler was also a fan of your movie. He must really need your autograph. Why don't you put your autograph on the bomb and throw it to him."

"Sir, that's a good idea. But we just have too many bombs here."

After sending Gable away, Ron had a conversation with several other people.Finally, when all the talking was over, Ron wrote these lines in his notebook:

1. When the formation is complete, the bomber fleet is not at a disadvantage most of the time in the battle with the German fighters.

2. Most of the losses were caused by the formation being broken up.

3. Many times the formation was broken up because the bombers were trying to evade enemy attacks.

4. The Germans are working hard to strengthen their firepower.

In the afternoon, Ron went to the nearby Royal Air Force fighter unit to learn about the situation of German fighter jets.In fact, for Ron from later generations, he is quite familiar with the situation of World War II fighter jets, but it is quite beneficial to hear the opinions of guys who have personally participated in the battle.

After dinner that day, Ron left Molesworth and went to the 305th Bomber Group.The commander of this bomber unit is Li Mei, the general of ghosts and animals who later became famous because of the burning of Tokyo.But at this time, Li Mei was still a school officer.But he is already famous for his proficient tactics. The day after tomorrow, Li Mei's 305 bomber brigade will bomb a submarine base in France.Ron plans to take his bomber to experience the scene.

It wasn't too late when Ron arrived.In the war room, Ron met this legendary figure who was born in an ordinary labor family and eventually became the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Air Force——Li Mei.

Li Mei is actually a small person, but his face is very broad, especially his extraordinarily wide chin, coupled with the strong occlusal muscles, people can feel his powerful inner strength at a glance.

"We already know why you are here, welcome Ron." Li Mei let Ron into the war room, "We are studying the operation of the day after tomorrow. I know that you are an expert in fighter jets, so let's do research together."

There is a huge sand table in the war room, and several staff officers are inserting small flags marking the strength of the troops on the sand table.Li Mei personally took the baton and gave instructions to Ron.

"According to intelligence, the Germans have an anti-aircraft artillery emplacement here, equipped with quite a few 88mm anti-aircraft guns, and maybe a small number of 127mm anti-aircraft guns. Here, and here, there are similar anti-aircraft artillery emplacements. Here are the Germans The German military airport, the Germans have deployed more than 60 fighter jets here and here, about half of which are new fw190s. In addition, at this airport, there are about 20 bf110s. After the protective circle, they may also attack us."

Li Mei put down her baton and said to Ron: "Lieutenant Colonel, you are an expert in fighter jets. I heard that you have successfully intercepted Japanese bombers many times when you were in Guadalcanal. You also created a comparable number of wiped out by 20 fighter jets." It is a miracle that there are no Japanese bombers and no loss. Lieutenant Colonel, if you are the commander of the Germans, how do you plan to intercept our bomber group."

what happened?Ron thought, how could it be so difficult for people to meet?If it wasn't for the frankness and sincerity in Li Mei's eyes, Ron would almost think that he was deliberately provoking.However, regardless of whether he meant it or not, Ron had to come up with something now, or he would be looked down upon by the people in the room.

Recalling some successful practices of the German army in history, Ron said:

"Intercepting the B-17 is completely different from intercepting the Japanese bomber. The Japanese bomber is extremely fragile. In terms of anti-strike capability, it is even inferior to our fighter jets. Our fighter jets are specially modified and have far more firepower than the enemy. Powerful. One of our attacks can even directly disintegrate a Japanese bomber. Here, the b-17 is much stronger than any kind of German fighter, and the firepower of the German fighter is far inferior to our fighter. Therefore, as long as the b-17 can maintain a dense formation and cover each other's shooting blind spots, it is difficult for German fighter jets to gain the upper hand in such a battle. Therefore, the first starting point of all interception tactics is to disperse the bombers formation."

"In our 305th bomber brigade, there is an iron discipline, that is, when under any attack, you must not dodge." Li Mei added proudly.

"This is a very wise decision." Ron complimented first.In fact, this sentence is not a compliment, because after adopting such tactics, the loss of the 305th Bomber Group has always been the smallest in the Eighth Air Force.

"However, such a dense formation is not impossible to deal with." Ron added, "If I were the German commander, I would use the plane to carry a large number of rockets and attack head-on. It is not difficult technically, but it can certainly cause huge damage to a dense formation of bombers. I believe that as long as I can launch a few rounds of such rocket attacks, I will definitely be able to destroy the bomber group. The dense formation broke up."

When Ron first said that he had a way to deal with the dense formation of bombers, many people showed skeptical expressions, but as Ron revealed his trump card, everyone fell silent.

In the end, it was Li Mei who spoke first:

"Thank God, Colonel Ron, you're an American."

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