New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 51 Who Moved My Butt

The results on the morning of the 13th were so brilliant, so everyone felt that Ri himself should be more honest these days.After all, he lost two battleships at once, and everyone who changed them had to consider whether it would be worthwhile to continue playing in this big hole. Wouldn't Ri himself plan to throw all 4 King Kong here?

In fact, when the news of Abe's fiasco came, the Japanese Navy was in an uproar.After the loss was confirmed, those old guys from the Admiralty could no longer sit still.As soon as Naval Commander Nagano (that one) Slim got the news, he immediately called Yamamoto 56 and asked him: "What's going on with this guy, Abe! How could he lose two battleships at once! Let the battleships perform such dangerous missions At that time, Abe didn't prepare a complete plan?"

Yamamoto knew what Yongye meant.Don't look at what Nagano is talking about is Abe, but in fact he is accusing himself of sending precious battleships out to do such a dangerous thing.Last time when discussing whether to support the Guadalcanal operation on a large scale, although Yong Ye did not directly express his position, he left this sentence: "Don't destroy the warship."

Looking back now, what Yong Ye (that) said about self-cultivation at the time was indeed very good. If he won, this sentence was a kind wake-up call. You took a risk and messed around, but you didn't listen to me, and look, you broke the warship?"

Leaders in ancient and modern China and foreign countries are all the same on one point, that is: the job is done well because of the care and instructions of the leader. If the job is not done well, it must be because you have not fully understood the leader's intention.But the terrible thing is that the leader never speaks out his intentions straightforwardly. He always likes to let you play the intellectual game of "I guess, I guess, I guess".It is said that there was an emperor in history who had evolved to the extreme in this respect, and actually used the method of guessing riddles to issue imperial edicts to ministers.However, Yamamoto understands Yongye's intention very clearly. It is nothing more than: the battle must be fought, but it is best not to take risks, and of course not to suffer.To put it more bluntly, it is to let the horse run, but also to keep the horse from eating grass.

If you can not take risks, Yamamoto does not want to take risks.Regardless of Yamamoto’s background as a gambler, he was even registered in Morocco (Yamamoto’s gambling skills are so high that Moroccan casinos banned him from entering).But this does not mean that Yamamoto likes to take risks. Gamblers who like to take risks have long since left no pants left. They are definitely the casino's favorite.When the empire decided to go to war with the United States, Yamamoto firmly opposed such an adventure.For this reason, those patriotic and passionate relatives almost regarded him as a national thief "Heavenly Punishment".At that time, Nagano (that) self-cultivation was very active in promoting the war against the United States, as if he didn't know what kind of risk he was taking.

This is the second best habit of being a leader.When something goes wrong, the responsibility is always below.For example, if there is a problem with violent law enforcement, if it is traced down, the final responsibility must be zero-hour workers (such as coordinating police).By the way, if you understand this, you will know why it is not easy to see a policeman on the street, all of them are policemen.

Kurita also made it clear to Yamamoto: Guadalcanal is a bottomless pit, and a boat or even a sampan should not be sent there.

Alas, Kurita, this is called completely unable to understand the intention of the leader.Didn't Yamamoto know that this was a bottomless pit?But Yamamoto has his own intentions.Yamamoto knew that Japan would not be an opponent of the Americans in any case, and Japan must negotiate peace with the United States.In order to achieve this goal, he must hit two enemies.

The first and most hateful enemy is not the Americans, but the army's red deer.Without them there was no war at all, and the guys were so dazzled by the victory at the beginning of the war, all they could think about was line up on Pennsylvania Avenue (the road in front of the White House).These stubborn bumpkins who have never seen the world really think that Japan can do better than the United States. In their view, whoever dares to negotiate with the Americans now and give up some of the benefits that Japan has already obtained is traitorous. It is a national thief, everyone gets it and "heaven punishes" him.In the previous history of Japan, there have been prime ministers who have been "punished by heaven" by such patriotic youths, so what is "Tianzhu" Yamamoto?

The best way to bring such a guy back to his senses is to give them a slamming club on their dumb granite heads, like the Soviets did at Nomonkan (after that battle, no brains ever went north thing).It's a pity that Yamamoto doesn't have such a big stick that can smash a granite head, neither does the entire Japanese navy, or even the entire Japanese country.Maybe Hirohito has the stick,'s Hirohito who needs to be knocked over the head the most.

Now the only country in the world with such a stick is the United States.In a sense, it is definitely a good thing for the empire to let the red deer of the army go to Guadalcanal to see the power of the Americans.I believe that suffering from this sap will make them sober up a lot.

The second enemy was, of course, the United States, apparently enraged by the undeclared war at Pearl Harbor.And they also know that their power far exceeds that of the Empire.If you want them to bow their heads and negotiate, they must continue to win decisive victories on the battlefield.Through such a series of victories, the Americans are forced to agree to peace talks.

In order to achieve this goal, a decisive battle must be carried out.It's a pity that Americans don't have much interest in playing this kind of game with Japan at present.Now time is on the side of the Americans. As long as there is more delay, a large number of new aircraft carriers and new aircraft will continue to join the ranks of the US Navy.At that time, if the main decisive battle is carried out, the Americans will have an overwhelming advantage.Nimitz knew this, and Admiral King knew it too.

The Battle of Guadalcanal was a good bait to lure the main force of the US fleet and the United Fleet to a decisive battle.As long as the army on the island can put enough pressure on the U.S. Marine Corps, there will be no chance of a decisive battle with the U.S. fleet.

It's just that Japan must win this decisive battle. Now, Japan can no longer bear a Midway-style defeat, and even a Coral Sea-style "victory" is unbearable.For example, victories such as the naval battle of the Santa Cruz Islands not long ago are definitely not enough.And now, after last night's battle, Yamamoto understands that the hope of defeating the U.S. military in a fleet decisive battle and thus forcing the U.S. peace talks has been dashed.Yamamoto understands that now, not only the victory over Guadalcanal Island has been divided, but also the outcome of this war has been determined.

However, the base camp doesn't see it that way, as the so-called IQ has no lower limit.The army red deer who controlled the base camp still thought they had a chance of winning the battle.This one might still be huge.

But Yamamoto has decided to stop and can no longer play with the army's silly hat.But it would be too embarrassing for the Imperial Navy to talk about it directly like this.So Yamamoto decided to send a few more boats to Guadalcanal to demonstrate before making a fuss.It can be regarded as an explanation for the base camp.And the burden of this demonstration fell on Junichi Mikawa, commander of the 8th Fleet who had won the naval battle of Savo Island.

Regarding the impact of the battle from the night of the 12th to the morning of the 13th, the judgment made by the US military is basically similar to that of Yamamoto.Everyone, including Ron, believed that the overall situation was settled.Indeed, the overall situation has been settled, and General Halsey sent a congratulatory message to Guadalcanal: "Good job!" But no one expected that at this moment, Yamamoto sent another bombardment fleet.

The evening of the 13th came. Usually at this time, in order to prevent possible shelling, the airport would be evacuated.But tonight, um, considering that Ri himself had just encountered such a big setback in order to bombard the airport, he should be at least calm for a few days.Therefore, although the superior did not instruct that there is no need to evacuate, the speed and degree of evacuation are much worse than before.After all, continuous high-intensity battles make people physically and mentally tense. Once they relax, everyone feels a little lazy and unable to lift up their strength.

At midnight, Mikawa's artillery formation arrived in the waters of Savo Island.Sanchuan knew that his mission was only to demonstrate, not to really blow up the airport.In fact, after these hours of fighting, everyone knows how strong Guadalcanal Airport's recovery capabilities are.As far as the artillery with a caliber of only 203mm is in my hand, it is impossible to cause too much damage to the airport.

Therefore, Sanchuan divided the 12 warships under his command into two teams, and commanded 7 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruiser, and 1 destroyers under the command of the 4th Squadron Commander Nishimura to form an artillery detachment, rushed into Tiedi Bay, and went straight to Guadalcanal Island; Then command the remaining 2 heavy cruisers, 1 light cruiser and 2 destroyers to form the main force, and guard west of Savo Island to cover the actions of the artillery squadron.In this way, in case there is an American fleet in Iron Bottom Bay, the two teams can cooperate with each other, so as not to suffer a big loss and "destroy the warship."

At 23:203, the bombardment team arrived in the waters of Cape Longe on Guadalcanal Island. The seaplane on the heavy cruiser took off, dropped flares over the airport, and provided target guidance and bomb impact correction for the warship.The pilot of the shipboard seaplane was surprised to find that the camouflage of the airport was quite random.Many planes didn't even have camouflage nets attached. The Japanese ship immediately began shelling. The heavy cruiser "Suzuya" fired 504 rounds of 203mm artillery shells, and the heavy cruiser "Maya" fired 485 rounds of 989mm artillery shells. The two ships fired a total of 1 rounds, destroying 17 US bomber and 32 fighter jets. Injured 203 fighter jets and blew up the runway with bullet scars.Fortunately, it is the 356mm artillery shell of the cruiser. If it is the [-]mm artillery shell of the battleship, it is estimated that the airport will be unusable for a while.

Ron was still fast asleep in his bed when the shelling started.The conditions at Guadalcanal Island Airport are now much better than when they first started.The transport ship that came a few days ago also brought them a new gadget-rubber inflatable soft bed.It's a pity that Ri himself hadn't invented the inflatable girl (that) at that time. When he was bored, Ron began to wonder if he should invent this thing. The market must be huge, at least, those under Vandergrift Guys will love it.

With all these messy things in his head, Ron didn't fall asleep until very late, only to be awakened by the sound of gunfire just as he fell asleep.At first Ron thought he was dreaming, but soon he judged that this was not a dream, it was real!The shell exploded not far from him.

The blast hole was about 20 meters away from the yard, and Ron didn't even have time to put on his trousers—whatever he was doing now, running is the kingly way—he rushed towards the blast hole.Just as he ran out of his cabin, a 203mm explosive incendiary bomb saved him.It was half a step too late, and Ron was going to eat fried rice with eggs.

Rushing into the blast hole, Ron let out a long breath, and saw that there was already someone in the blast hole, but it was dark, and he couldn't see who it was.

"It's amazing, running faster than me." Ron patted the guy on the shoulder casually.At this time, a bright light from a cannonball exploding on the ground entered the hole, and Ron could see clearly that the guy was Foss.Good guy, this guy's dormitory is twice as far away from the bomb defense hole as he is, and he can run so fast.And this guy not only runs faster than Ron, um, he also wears less clothes than Ron. Ron even wears a vest and trousers, and this guy doesn't wear anything at all.

"It's terrible, if people see it like this, they may think we are having a romantic relationship."

Ron planned to sit down and wait, and now he had nothing else to do but wait for Ri himself to leave.Unexpectedly, as soon as the buttocks touched the chair (I used to hide in the bomb hole, and there were chairs in it), it suddenly felt a burning pain.Stretch out your hand and touch under the buttocks, it's wet.

Maybe just now, when Ron ran into the blast hole, a piece of shrapnel flew over and hit Ron's ass accurately.

"My ass!" A wolf howled from the blast hole.

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