New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 45, Repaying the Blood Debt for Roosevelt

When he first got the news of the Japanese plane's attack, Ron didn't know that their target was no longer the airport, but the fortifications of Blood Ridge.Therefore, he also borrowed all his Vulcan anti-aircraft guns from Vandergrift to protect the airport. It is also necessary to lend the anti-aircraft guns originally equipped for the airport to the Marine Corps, and by the way, support them with a batch of ammunition for free.

The Japanese fleet arrived at the airspace near Guadalcanal around ten o'clock in the morning.Their formation is basically the same as before, except that there are a little more bombers.However, the situation of their enemy this time is very different from the previous few days. Now the two original fighter runways at the airport have been repaired, and with the addition of a new runway, he now has three for fighter jets. The runway for takeoff and landing is gone.Although some damaged supporting facilities have not been repaired, and the dispatch rate of aircraft cannot be compared with that before the artillery attack, it is no longer the same as when there was only one runway a few days ago.


What is different from before is the division of tasks. In the past, p-38 and f4f were responsible for dealing with zero combat, while p-39 was responsible for dealing with bombers.But this time the number of Japanese bombers is relatively large, and the firepower of the p-38 has also made great progress-there is no doubt that the p-38 equipped with Vulcan is already the fighter with the most abnormal firepower in the world-this makes She can kill even targets like Japanese bombers with one blow.It would be a pity not to use such firepower to hit bombers.So Ron adjusted the task assignment so that the brothers in the army fight bombers, and the brothers in the navy entangle the zero battle.

The Navy was somewhat dissatisfied with this allocation.Someone said: "Isn't this the army eating meat and asking us to gnaw bones?" But immediately someone from the navy came to explain to him: "Who made our firepower insufficient? 4 . It must be killed. It may take a long time to fight a bomber. The efficiency is too low, so I can’t blame others. Sigh, when will our navy have such a good thing.” He didn’t know that the navy’s new aircraft would arrive soon. The goods are ready, the latest f50u corsair with a raised cockpit is already stepping up production, and the difference in history is that due to the stimulation of the army, the navy chose it instead of f4f.Moreover, it is also equipped with four 6mm high-performance rotary guns produced by Boaconda, in order to not lose to the p-4 in terms of firepower.Of course, this thing is not even equipped on the aircraft carrier, and the land-based troops have to wait patiently...

Facing the Japanese aircraft fleet, the U.S. military still used the same old formula: relying on its altitude advantage, ignoring the interception of zero combat, and directly swooping towards the bombers.Unless Zero War dares to play head-on confrontation with American aircraft, they will not be able to effectively prevent the attack of American aircraft. However, after the P-38 is replaced with a Vulcan cannon, confrontation is basically the same as suicide.Moreover, even if the method of killing the she is adopted, it is actually impossible to prevent the P-38 from attacking the bomber. The most they can do is interfere.

This time the Japanese fighter jets did not intercept them head-on, not because the Japanese pilots were not brave, but because such interception was actually ineffective.So Ron's fleet successfully pounced on the Japanese bomber.However, after being injured by the fragments of the Japanese bomber last time, Ron dared not shoot head-on now.He chose to enter from the direction of about 10:[-] o'clock.In this way, even if the enemy plane explodes, it is not easy to hurt yourself.And now Ron no longer blindly pursues hitting the enemy planes into the air.Isn't it enough to just shoot it down?

Gently press the launch button, a short click, and a Type [-] Land Attack aircraft burst into flames—although it didn't crash immediately, this aircraft is definitely hopeless.Ron looked around and found that there was no enemy plane that could threaten him, so he pulled up the nose and began to climb, ready to attack the next target.When he looked down to search for the target, he saw that the people on the plane he had set ablaze just now did not jump out one by one as he expected.The plane left the fleet, flew straight towards the blood ridge, and finally brought a raging fire, and hit the blood ridge fiercely...

This air battle ended again with a big victory for the US military. All 20 Japanese bombers were shot down, 6 of the escorting zero fighters were also shot down by U.S. fighter jets, and another 4 zero fighters were shot down by anti-aircraft artillery fire.In this battle, the Japanese army lost 30 fighter planes and all the pilots on them.The US military also had 3 f4fs shot down.Two of the three pilots survived, and one was shot by Japanese fighter jets after parachuting and died unfortunately.

Among the 10 downed bombers, [-] tried to hit the Blood Ridge position after they caught fire, and three of them rammed into the U.S. defense positions with bomb fuel, causing dozens of U.S. Marine Corps casualties.This lesson also made Ron revise the principle of firing again: if the enemy plane is relatively close to our army's ground target, we must fight until it completely loses control.

The soldiers of the Maruyama Division hid in the jungle and witnessed this one-sided air battle. The Japanese planes were shot down one after another, making everyone heartbroken, and the bomber pilots slammed into the bloody ridge with fire, which moved the soldiers of the Japanese army even more.They were all ashamed of not being able to take down the airport in one go yesterday, and they were determined to take down the airport tonight no matter what.

After witnessing the impact of the Japanese army on the ground, Vandergrift also knew that there would be a truly decisive battle tonight.So throughout the day, the U.S. Marine Corps and Army were busy constantly strengthening their positions, while the Air Force was constantly dropping bombs on any areas that might hide Japanese troops.

Time gradually reached four o'clock in the afternoon, and Vandergrift sent someone to return the Vulcan cannon. According to the agreement, all the original ones on the Blood Ridge were returned, and the four gates of the airport were also provided to the marines.But Vandergrift's people were not satisfied, the captain named Hunter looked at the plane parked in the aircraft fort, and asked Ron: "Can you dismantle those on the plane to us? "

"As long as you can find the gun mount, you can dismantle it as much as you want." Ron knew that tonight was a critical moment, so he stopped bargaining with Vandergrift's people.

In the end, the buddy waved his sleeves, and instead of taking away the cloud in the western sky, he took away a full 12 Vulcan cannons and almost all the 20mm shells in stock at the airport.Moreover, under Ron's strong recommendation, they also borrowed a batch of anti-aircraft searchlights.

At 10 o'clock in the evening on October 25th, Maruyama's army began to move towards Xueling. Maruyama decided to launch an attack at 18:18, and captured Xueling at all costs!

But just as the team was approaching the edge of the jungle, a mine exploded suddenly.

The mine had been planted by Marine Scouts Tom and Jerry, who, along with other teams like them, had been laying mines all afternoon on the edge of the jungle at the foot of Blood Ridge.The role of these mines is not only to kill and injure the enemy, but also to warn and indicate the target.

With the explosion of this mine, more mines also exploded.Then there was the sound of 105mm grenades piercing the air in the sky... But this is not over. Just after the shelling of the howitzers ended, several bombers (even if the Japanese army sent an bombardment fleet anyway, it is impossible to attack at this time) Arrived, you can boldly turn on the lights on the runway to let the plane take off and land) and dropped a lot of aerial bombs according to the landing point of the shells.

This burst of artillery fire not only caused at least hundreds of casualties to the Japanese army, but also completely disrupted the Japanese army's plan to launch an assault.Maruyama was not able to organize the first attack until 19:20.

In order to boost morale and intimidate the Yankees on the opposite side, Maruyama asked his subordinates to pat the 38-cap gunstock rhythmically, and shouted in unison in English: "Repay the blood debt for the emperor! The United States Marine Corps! Die tomorrow!" Of course, the buddies in the Marine Corps were not good-natured babies who could not fight back when they were beaten, and they immediately cursed back: "Repay the blood debt for Roosevelt! Let the emperor go to hell!"

However, to be honest, the reprimands of the Marine Corps were too irregular. In terms of momentum, um, it was far inferior to Ri himself.However, as a big industrial country, it has advantages in equipment.After a while, a tweeter rang on the US military position, and the sound completely overwhelmed the noise made by Ri himself.From there came a Japanese saying with a straight voice: "The emperor is a dirty gay man, he loves chrysanthemums the most, and he loves others to get his chrysanthemums in the water, so his family emblem is to get his chrysanthemums on the water chrysanthemum……"

"What do you mean?" Tom, lying in the trench, poked Jerry.

"God knows, I'm not Harry, and I've studied in Japan. But the things that can spit out of Harry's mouth must not be good!"

"That's it, that's it!" Someone beside him responded.

To say these few words is really not ordinary viciousness. Ri himself was immediately irritated by these few words. Ri himself is virtuous, and likes to pick things up, whether he can bear it.So without waiting for Maruyama to issue an order, a group of Japanese soldiers rushed out shouting onboard.

Now that someone had already rushed out, Maruyama followed suit and gave the order: "Assault with the whole army!"

The open area was brightly illuminated by the rising flares. As soon as the Japanese army rushed out, the 105 howitzers rang out.As the Japanese army advanced, 80mm mortars and even 37mm anti-tank guns rang out.But the Vulcan Cannon, which gave them a huge shock last night, has remained silent. "Could it be that their weapons were knocked off by the plane?" Someone thought.

But such delusion was shattered in front of the barbed wire.Just as Ri himself approached the first barbed wire fence, 6 bright lights shone on them.These sudden lights came from the anti-aircraft searchlights that Ron had recommended to Henry.

After nightfall, as the light weakens, the pupils of the human eyes will gradually dilate to adapt to the low-light environment.At this time, once exposed to strong light, the eyes will be stimulated by too much light in a short period of time, and they will not be able to see anything. At the same time, the pupils will automatically shrink sharply to protect the eyes.And after their eyes adapt to such a strong light environment, if the light source is removed, their eyes will not see anything because the amount of light entering is too small.Although in a few minutes, everything will be restored again.But on the battlefield, being blind for a few minutes is no fun.Now the Japanese soldiers under the searchlight are in this state, although in the later Japanese comics, after the protagonist is deprived of hearing, vision and other things, he will often miraculously comprehend the sixth sense, the seventh sense, and so on. sense and even the nth sense.But none of these Japanese soldiers today is the protagonist of the anime. The evidence is: when they were suddenly deprived of their eyesight, they did not comprehend the nth sense and burst out the energy of the small universe. On the contrary, they all messed up .

At this moment, the Vulcan cannon rang, and in front of the barbed wire, severed limbs and remnants flew all over the sky...

In this way, Maruyama's first desperate assault ended in the combination of searchlights and Vulcan cannons.Unwilling to fail, Maruyama launched one after another desperate assault (it may be more appropriate to call it a death assault).Facts have proved that as long as an army has enough courage, it can always advance a little bit. Relying on the corpses piled up in front of the first barbed wire gradually reaching the height of the barbed wire, the Japanese army was able to break through the first barbed wire.But not far from where they met, there was another barbed wire fence that was extremely cheating...

In one night, Maruyama launched seven such death-death assaults. The brave and fearless Imperial Japanese Army crossed one barbed wire fence after another by stacking corpses.Those evil Yankees on the opposite side are constantly massacring the warriors of the big Japanese with 105 howitzers, 80 mortars, 37mm anti-tank guns, 20mm Vulcan anti-aircraft guns, and various other firearms. Now because Japan himself is finally approaching The American trenches are near, and they even started to use flamethrowers.

"Okay! It's only a little bit close, just add more strength, and we'll go up!" Maruyama clenched his fists, secretly encouraging his loyal and brave soldiers.

However, this point now seems to be wider than the Pacific Ocean. Countless people have fallen, but no one can really break into the US military's defense line.

In fact, even if it breaks through, so what can it do.The remaining rationality told Maruyama that even if a few people broke into the US military positions, the result would be just like last night.Maruyama looked down at his watch: the time is running out, and it will be dawn.Looking up, he saw the morning star was already twinkling in the eastern sky.The battle ahead was fierce, but Maruyama felt as if his heart had been immersed in a sea of ​​ice.

The gunfire in front gradually subsided. Obviously, this assault failed again.His adjutant asked Maruyama for instructions: "General, do you want to charge again?"

"What did you say?" Maruyama seemed to have just woken up from a nightmare, "ah, no...we're running out of's almost dawn." Maruyama turned around with difficulty, he looked as if he had aged ten years how old.The old man exhausted all his strength and finally issued this order: "Retreat... retreat-retreat... keep going back..."

In this terrible night of blood and fire, the elite Maruyama Division killed half of the soldiers and two-thirds of the officers.They have run out of strength to try again.

Now, the only thing Maruyama can do is to bring these survivors back.

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