Miki led the military dog ​​Sasaki and five soldiers to follow the scent of the Mei animal pilot to a small stream, and then the military dog ​​lost the direction of the Mei animal.Miki knew that that cunning beast must be walking along the stream. "He thought he could avoid the pursuit of the brave Japanese imperial army by doing this? He underestimated the witty and brave Japanese imperial army too much." Miki gave an order, and several Japanese soldiers followed him along the stream. come over.

After chasing like this for a long time, the military dog ​​Sasaki suddenly stopped, refusing to move forward no matter what, and at the same time making a low "whooping" sound.

"Sir, Sasaki seems to have discovered something and is unwilling to advance any further," said a private first class.

"What the hell is it, Matsuda, is it a ghost?"

"I don't know, sir, but I don't think so. Maybe some beast."

"Ah, that's nothing important," Miki waved his hand indifferently, "We have six people, six guns, and the beasts should be afraid of us. Please comfort Sasaki... let's move on"

"Sir, if there are really beasts, it's good to let everyone eat meat. These days, eating group meals is really..."

Miki didn't look back, he knew that it was the non-commissioned officer Ono Mingsai who spoke, although this person was his subordinate, he was not very obedient, but he had a certain background, just look at the knife he carried with him.Someone with a knife like this must come from a samurai family.Only such a guy would complain about having rice balls every day.For such a guy, Miki didn't want to offend too much, so he didn't criticize him, he just said: "Don't complain, when we wipe out the ghosts and animals on the island, there will be a lot of good things!"

In this way, a group of people stepped into the territory of the anaconda.

Sasaki was still very nervous, no matter how the private corporal surnamed Matsuda comforted him.Now it stopped again, with its tail tucked tightly, refusing to go any further.Matsuda had no choice but to walk over to pick it up and move forward.At this time, Sasaki broke the discipline and barked wildly.

"What's wrong with Sasaki!" Miki's face was livid.

Just as Matsuda opened his mouth and wanted to reply, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and then a huge force pulled him down into the stream.Then, amidst the exclamation, he felt something tightly around him like an iron hoop, and it became tighter and tighter, and he clearly heard the sound of his bones breaking.

The sudden change caused the whole team to panic, and everyone looked at the scene in horror: a huge python tightly wrapped around Matsuda and dragged him into the stream.Sasaki rushed up first, scratching and biting the boa constrictor, but its attack power was too weak, the huge boa constrictor didn't even need to pay attention to it.

"Baga!" Miki took out his pistol and fired several shots at the boa constrictor.But the bullets from the Nanbu pistol were obviously not powerful enough, and they slid away from the boa constrictor's firm and smooth body, which was bulging like a fully inflated tire.

A soldier raised his [-] rifle and was about to shoot at the python. Miki hurriedly pushed him away, "Baga! You will kill Matsuda! You idiot, use the bayonet!"

Just when several soldiers were rushing back bullets, Miki had already pulled out his command saber, and slashed at the boa constrictor viciously. Instead of splattering the boa constrictor's body with the inferior saber, it shot high stand up.

But these few slashes obviously made the boa constrictor very painful, it let go of Matsuda, opened its bloody mouth and jumped at Miki, as fast as an arrow flying over.At this moment, a cold light flashed, slashed fiercely at the boa constrictor's body, and chopped off the arrow.

It was Ono Mingsai who made the knife, and his knife cut deeply into the python's body, almost cutting it in two.But now the knife is embedded in the snake bone.He couldn't pull it out all at once (Ono didn't dare to pull it out forcefully, for fear of damaging the knife). The snake's tail swung over and hit him hard, sending him flying.

A few Japanese soldiers rushed over with bayonets...

Apparently, it was impossible to continue hunting down the beautiful animals. Matsuda was already dead, and all his bones were broken.Sasaki was squatting beside him whimpering, and Ono was also seriously injured, probably with a broken rib.Now he was sitting against a large rock, examining his knife with pain.There is an obvious gap on the gorgeously patterned war knife.

"It's a good knife, cough, cough," Ono coughed fiercely, "It seems to be useless."

"Yeah, what a pity, if it weren't for this knife, we would be..."

"Sir, the stretcher is ready."

"You carry Ono-kun well, let's go back." After a pause, Miki said, "This time it was my fault, Sasaki has already issued a warning, but I... I will ask my superiors for punishment when I go back .”

"Cough, cough, Miki-kun, in fact, I was also at fault. At that time, I was also frightened and fainted. If I reacted faster and drew the knife faster and more accurately, maybe Matsuda-kun would not... My father said, no matter what I do No matter how many times you win a bamboo sword fight, a samurai who has never seen blood is still not a real samurai. If Shalu-kun were here, it would definitely not be like this..."

The terrible Sharu is a famous swordsman and Ono's idol. According to Ono, he once saw Sharu show his unique skill - Iai Slash. Ono described that the momentum of the sword made people feel that even A Type 97 tank can also be easily split.

Ron has been watching all this not far away, holding the m1911 pistol tightly in his hand, but he did not intend to take advantage of the fire to rob, this is not because of "gentlemanly demeanor", but because it is impossible.He didn't think he was good at Call of Duty, and he would be really good at fighting the Japanese army.Shooting each other with guns, that's the Army's business, and he's air-no, he's the Army too, but he's in the Army Air Corps.And if you let your superiors know that he—an ace who has shot down 6 planes (3 of which are zero battles)—uses pistols and those worth five ri (the postage consumed when the original conscription order was sent out) This infantryman is desperate, and he will definitely think that there is something wrong with his head.

Ri himself backed off, but that didn't mean everything was safe.In the jungle, it always gets dark very early, just after noon, the sun has moved a little to the west, and the forest is much darker.A cloud of green-gray wet mist evaporated in the forest.Make the whole rainforest stuffy and hot - there are no seasons in the rainforest, it's always the same hot and humid.After the pursuers left, Ron also left the stream, and the python told him that it was too risky to move along the stream.God knows if there is another stream like this in the stream ahead.Moreover, the National Geographic Channel also told him that sun bears also like to play in the stream.

But soon after, Ron regretted his choice. There are no roads in this forest, and there are branches and vines everywhere. Those guys who shoot jungle shows have guides and machetes, but Ron only has a small dagger. When he was trying to cut a way with the dagger, he had to keep an eye out for a colorful snake coiling in the dark places behind the branches and vines.For two full hours, he only walked a few hundred meters.

It was almost dusk now, and the forest was getting darker, and the visible distance was barely a few meters away.What's even more frightening is that there are more and more mosquitoes.Ron didn't know what these guys were carrying in their dirty mouths, but he knew that whether it was malaria or dengue fever, they would kill him silently in this jungle. These guys were far worse than the one just now. Team Japanese soldiers are dangerous.Ron put the cigarette in his mouth, chewed it, and applied it to the naked body, hoping to use the strong smell of tobacco to drive away mosquitoes. This trick seems to be effective, but there are still some things that are not afraid of the smell, such as dry ants locust.They'd even fall straight from a tree onto Ron's head and try to stare right at his face or neck to suck blood.

Ron found a huge tree and climbed up to the top of the canopy, which was much higher than the jungle and much brighter.Ron could see that the setting sun was dyeing the sea a golden red, and covering the dark green rolling hills in the distance with a faint purple color.

There will be a constant sea breeze blowing here, making the branches shake.But these winds are good, at least here, because the wind is strong and the mosquitoes can't stay.And dry leech will not climb so high.Of course, more importantly, although sun bears and leopards can climb trees, they will not climb so high casually.

After Ron secured himself to the top of the tree with a strap, he turned his head to see the sun picking up its last rays, and the sea and the sky turned from a fiery red to a deep purple, and then merged into one again. A pitch-black flannelette.

Ron barely slept that night.Although he was extremely tired, the shaking of the branches, the strange whining sound of the wind blowing through the treetops, and the distant sound of waves lapping on the shore or sea wind shaking the jungle disturbed him. distracted.It wasn't until dawn that I fell asleep intermittently for a few minutes...

Ron had been walking in the jungle for a whole week.The chocolates he carried with him have long been exhausted, and now he has become a natural enemy of small reptiles, whether it is snakes or lizards, he will not let them go.But it was not enough to fill his stomach, and as his physique declined, his digestion ability also declined rapidly.Symptoms of diarrhea also started to appear.Due to the dehydration caused by diarrhea and electrolyte imbalance in the body, his formerly strong body was on the verge of collapse.Fortunately, the airport is near.In fact, he had already walked not far from the airport last night, when he could see the tower of the airport from the tree.In the middle of the night, after barely falling asleep in a tree, he was awakened by the roar of an engine, and a plane was flying over his head.At one point he thought about waving at them, but he knew it was useless, they couldn't see it.The plane gradually flew away, and from its deep and powerful roar, Ron could hear that it was a B17.

Leaving the last tropical palm behind, Ron stumbled and ran towards the runway. He saw that a blue and white flag was flying on the tower at this time.The flag swayed gracefully in the morning wind, and the rising sun illuminated it like a pair of translucent wings.Then he heard a yell, accompanied by the crisp sound of a Springfield rifle, and he fell heavily on the lawn beside the runway.

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