After this big air battle, Japan's air defense was completely opened.Since then, the Japanese have never organized a large-scale interception operation.On the one hand, this is because the Japanese lost too much in the air battle that day—in this big air battle, the Japanese lost [-] of the more than [-] fighters dispatched, and it was also because of the Japanese resources. Not enough.The Japanese still had planes, but they had run out of fuel for combat.Since the Philippines was retaken by the U.S. military, the Japanese have lost their supply of oil.Nowadays, the Japanese use a little less fuel, so they have to plan carefully.

The base camp has now completely lost confidence in seizing air supremacy through air combat.They believe that the only meaning of air power now is to launch a kamikaze attack on the US fleet.Moreover, the amount of fuel remaining in Japan is only enough to support several large-scale kamikaze assaults.

In this way, in the subsequent series of escort operations, Ron's fighter pilots found that they had more and more nothing to do.Therefore, someone proposed that according to the experience in Europe, a wide range of low-altitude hunting should be carried out over Japan.

"I guess most of the Japanese don't have enough fuel, and when they go hunting now, they won't encounter any flying Japanese planes." Ron said, "However, the main purpose of our safari to Japan is not to attack Japan." Instead, they interfere with and destroy the Japanese ground transportation. Recently, citizens in Japan have fled the cities one after another, and the Japanese seem to have plans to transfer some production departments to the countryside. In this way, there must be There will be a lot of transport vehicles...well, pay attention, the Japanese don't have too many cars, and they don't have gasoline to consume, so Japan's transportation should be more dependent on animal-drawn vehicles or even human-powered vehicles. Crack down on such small Targets, bombers are not easy to use, but fighter jets are more convenient."

"General, our airport is still a little far away from Japan. Coupled with the limitation of the number of airports, I think it will be difficult for us to achieve the same results as in Europe." An officer said.

"Of course, even if we have enough airports and planes, the Japanese don't have enough targets to hit us. Hey, look, the general is already thinking about the Japanese carriage. When we were in Europe, we I'm afraid I never dreamed that we would fly for several hours, and then use advanced weapons such as machine guns, rockets, and bombs to bully a poor old horse." Another officer also inserted such a sentence, " I really don't understand, it has reached such a level, why the Japanese still haven't surrendered?"

"It's so normal. Didn't the Germans fight to the end? Those fascists don't cry until they see the coffin." Ron also spoke.Now because the situation is so good, when the tactical discussion meeting is held, the officers who have no pressure at all will often lean downstairs slightly when discussing things, and sometimes Ron, who is the chief officer, will participate in it.

"It seems that we can only prepare to land in Japan and besiege Tokyo." An officer said, "At that time, we must arrest that bastard Hirohito, smear his ass with tar, stick feathers on him, and carry him to Pennsylvania Avenue Put it on display, and then hang the bastard upside down on a pole, like Mussolini."

"Not necessarily, Hirohito is different from Mussolini or Hitler. Hitler is the one who directly planned, launched, and directed various war operations. He can't find a scapegoat. Even if he surrenders, he can't escape. Punishment. So Hitler can only fight to the end. But Hirohito is different. He is a guy hiding behind the scenes, and there is a prime minister in front of him who is a scapegoat. For example, Tojo Hideki when the war was launched is a good one Scapegoat. It’s just that they still have fantasies. When the day comes, maybe that bastard Hirohito will be the first to jump out and say to us: ‘American friends, I’m here to show you the way to catch and launch this evil. The war of Tojo!'”


Japan's propaganda agencies are no longer talking about winning, and this kind of propaganda can no longer deceive people.A few years ago, the Japanese still believed in the propaganda of the "Victory at Midway Island" and held parades with lanterns for it, but now, the American heavy bombers arriving on time every day, as well as the American fighter jets scurrying around and attacking various vehicles make it difficult Any publicity about the victory of the imperial army became a joke.Therefore, the current Japanese radio and newspapers are discussing one word in unison: "[-] million total pieces of jade".

This clamor of militarism actually has two purposes. One is that when those militarists are desperate, they want to tie up more people to be buried with them.This is what all militarists have in common. When these guys gain power, they will use words such as "We are a superior nation, and it is the historical mission God has given us to rule other inferior nations", "The most fertile land on the earth The land is occupied by those inferior peoples, which is a crime against mankind. We must change this" and other nonsense to fool the common people to get chestnuts from the fire for them.And once the battle situation is unfavorable, they may directly order the destruction of all the infrastructure that the people depend on for survival, and curse them, saying, "Those really good people died on the battlefield, and the rest are unworthy to survive." The scum" will directly use violent means to force the entire nation to be buried with him, or continue to brainwash, trick the common people into collectively "breaking the jade", or even directly force them to jump off a cliff to "die for the country" with a knife.

As for the other purpose, it is to increase the opponent's casualties by deceiving the common people to resist desperately, and then use this as a bargaining chip in exchange for conditions that allow him to escape punishment.The greater purpose of Japan's "[-] million total jade fragments" is actually here.

In fact, some high-level Japanese officials hope to cause great damage to the Americans, but they dare not really cause too much damage to the Americans.The Japanese actually have weapons that are stronger than kamikaze—the Kwantung Army is immune to the plague and anthrax of the water supply troops. They really take out, tie on balloons, and float along the westerly wind to the United States. It is definitely better than using them. Balloons are a hundred times more powerful than mortar shells.However, the top management in Japan really dare not.If you don’t do this, you can throw a few scapegoats out after the defeat. If you really want to do this, then there is really only one way to go, and those who have never had a good life may be really. Willing to "jade broken", but who of those Chinese-born, wealthy guys really want to have a good life, really want "jade broken"?

Therefore, while shouting, the Japanese passed through the Soviet Union, wanting to negotiate conditions with the allies and come to a conditional surrender.But their asking price is too high, and they are too weak on the battlefield.For example, in the Battle of Okinawa, due to the large losses in the previous air battles and the suppression of the US safari fleet, the performance of "Kamikaze" was far inferior to Ron's original historical effect.And the Soviet Union, which ended the European War earlier than in the original history, also launched an attack on the Japanese army entrenched in the Northeast earlier.Although the Japanese resisted more tenaciously than in the original history, they were still defeated.

At this time, the progress of the atomic bomb that ended the war in the original history has not accelerated accordingly, and it has not been ready in time.So the U.S. military began to seriously prepare for the landing operations in Japan.However, Ron knew that such a large-scale landing would take a long time, and it was estimated that by the time it was ready, the American atomic bomb would have come out.

So Ron is not particularly enthusiastic about this landing battle, and now his mind is on the arrangement of his post-war road.

As the youngest general of the U.S. Army Aviation, staying in the army should be a good development prospect for individuals.But if there is no major change in history, it won't be long before China and the United States will have a war on the Korean Peninsula. If they continue to stay in the U.S. military, well, the problem will be very troublesome.Moreover, if you consider the McCarthyism trend that will inevitably appear after the war, let alone your relationship with Najia, even the second brother in your family who is obviously pro-Communist will bring you a lot of trouble.Therefore, staying in the army may not be a very good choice for Ron.Perhaps it would be a better choice to leave the army and enter the business world.

Ron thought carefully about what he could do if he transferred to the business world.First of all, he has a lot of contacts in the military - whether it is the army, navy or the air force that will soon be independent in the future.Moreover, he is also very familiar with the future direction of military technology, and he already has shares in the arms company, so being an arms dealer is probably the best choice.


In 1984, Beijing.

As Reagan's entourage, Ron came to China again with his wife and began to sell the weapons of the company under his name to the Chinese.At this time, the United States and China have almost become non-aligned allies.Arms sales to China have become an aspect of the US policy towards China.

A general about 70 years old was seriously looking at the information in his hand. After a long time, he started to ask Ron: "Mr. Ron, this vertical launch anti-aircraft missile produced by your company, and this Can the price of this kind of ship-borne helicopter, and this kind of hanging sonar and light anti-submarine torpedo be lowered? Can you also provide technology transfer? "

"Ah, Commander Liu, I know that your country has limited hard currency, but the price we proposed is already very cheap." Ron said, "As for technology transfer, we can also talk about it. However, I think it is too much to talk about money. Hurt feelings, let's talk about it... so if it goes well, we can close the whole deal before 88 years. It's a win-win situation for us, isn't it?"


End of the book

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