New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 23, Boa Constrictor

** Python Inc.

Boa Constrictor is an arms company founded in 1930. Its founders smelled the atmosphere of future chaos during the global depression, so they established such a company.I want to use this to make a fortune for the country.But at the beginning, this company had no products or technologies that people could see. It just relied on some old machinery bought cheaply to produce some personal weapons.Its main customers are not serious, mostly gangsters from all over the United States.But obviously, in the field of remanufacturing firearms, this small company is no match for guys like Colt, and even gangsters don't think much of their weapons.If it weren't for the fact that you can sometimes buy some things that can't be bought in private channels here, such as explosives such as grenades, (this is of course illegal) maybe by the end of 1932 at most, the company would have gone bankrupt.

However, at the end of 32, the joining of a shareholder changed the situation of the company.Under the operation of this person, the company received a large order for the first time - 2000 imitation Mauser self-made pistols, which are commonly known as "20 rings" in Chinese, box guns.Of course, this order is not a serious order. It can be seen from one of the requirements of the order: this batch of guns must be marked with Mauser's inscription.

The batch of guns was shipped out by a truck on a rainy evening. As for where they were shipped, no one in the company knew, and no one wanted to know.Only a few months later, the price of narcotics in the US market suddenly rose a lot.It is said that in countries such as Mexico and Colombia, large-scale gang fights took place, which affected the production and sales of narcotics.According to the news paper, the local gang suddenly got a large number of special weapons-a kind of extremely powerful submachine gun.Compared with the Chicago typewriter, the traditional gangster weapon, this thing is much smaller. Although it is still slightly larger than the average pistol, it can still be easily hidden on the body, and its close-range firepower is close to the level of the Chicago typewriter.It is really a must-have product for home travel, murder and arson.

These guns set off a bloody storm, and the local police department also suffered greatly.Relevant departments carried out investigations, but the Germans firmly denied that they wanted these countries to export such offensive pistols.

The guns turned a corner for the company, and shortly after the first orders, additional orders followed.In fact, the local police department is not unaware of some of the company's problems, for example, they may be infringing on the intellectual property rights of the Germans.But after all, in these bad times, this company is creating jobs.As long as these things are not sold to gangsters in the United States in large quantities, and let them fight everywhere, no one will really care about him.

On this money, which smacked of blood and coca, the company survived and even developed somewhat.By the end of 1933, the company was not only profitable, but also poached many technicians from other ailing businesses and updated their machinery.Ron's eldest brother came to this company at this time.

At this time, the company's eyes have turned to further regions.In addition to South America, Africa and Asia have entered the company's business scope.Relying on legal or illegal channels, the company began to send more weapons with low price, average quality and great lethality to those chaotic areas.Includes guns, regular grenades, and explosive incendiary grenades (the factory version of the Molotov cocktail).

By 1935, the company had become the center for the production of one of the most imitated foreign firearms in the United States.With the further expansion of the scale, not having its own brand is obviously not conducive to further development. The 1935 war between Italy and Ethiopia gave it such an opportunity.Under the Italian blockade, Anaconda was still able to get weapons in using its efficient underground smuggling network.This multi-year war brought more profits to the company and directly affected the style of the company's weapons.Since the Libyans cannot guarantee good maintenance of the weapons, the reliability of the company's weapons is always high. Of course, this will also affect other performances.For example, the Python 1 rifle developed by the company, compared with the Lee Enfest rifle that the Ethiopians obtained from the British, has a significant difference in shooting speed and accuracy.But still an Ethiopian favorite because it's basically maintenance-free.This advantage became even more apparent during the period of guerrilla warfare following the fall of the Ethiopian capital in May 1936.In July 5, civil war broke out in Spain.In the competition with the Soviet-made Mosin Nagant, which is also highly reliable and has the advantages of high precision, Boacon1936 can also compete with it by virtue of its cheap price and lighter weight.Although the boa constrictor is still a small one, its progress is obvious to all.And now, it can manufacture rifles, machine guns, as well as some mortars and small artillery.

But now, the company faces a new challenge.The outbreak of war has greatly increased the opportunities for arms companies to gain benefits, but it has also made the competition more and more intense.With the passage of the Lend-Lease Act, some foreign users were able to obtain weapons through lease. As a result, the price advantage of the boa constrictor disappeared, but its performance defects became more obvious.If the company is to continue to develop, it must obtain the sky wither.

And this is no longer a problem that the Chinese shareholder can solve through his underground network.This problem is now on the shoulders of the company's highly paid technical director, Schilazi.This also made the stubborn old man feel a lot of pressure, so that he rarely saw his smile on weekdays.

But now, Schillazzi is rarely smiling.He said to Ron who had just put away the drawings: "I'm sure, your design is definitely the most genius design. Although I haven't contacted the boss yet, I can be sure that if you are willing to sell this design to us Company, we will not let you suffer."

Ron stood up and smiled politely at Heinlaisi: "You know, when my eldest brother was in the most difficult situation because of unemployment, this company gave him a precious opportunity. So, I I also have deep gratitude to your company. The promise I can make now is-if the conditions offered by other companies are not much higher than your company, I will choose to sell it to your company.”

This answer did not surprise Strachey. He also knew that this deal could not be finalized immediately like buying an apple.

"We will make our offer as soon as possible. Please give us priority." Seeing Ron stand up, Strachey also stood up and shook hands with Ron again.


In a few days, Ron went to several companies, some companies were very interested in his design, and some companies didn't care.But now, all the places to go have gone, and all that is left is to wait for someone's reply.

This morning, Ron got up early.Since running through several arms dealers, his life has been very regular in the past two days.When the sun just came out in the morning, when the fish were actively foraging, I went to the river not far away to fish for an hour. After breakfast, I went back to eat, and then shut myself in the house to do other things.He's writing a book, a book on energy air warfare.

Now that the sun had just turned the eastern sky red, Ron sat down under a big tree at the bend in the river.Skillfully put bait on the hook, throw it into the river, and then quietly watch the float floating on the water.

It was a morning in June, and the river was still covered with a thin layer of blue-gray water mist. A little farther away, some reeds could be seen faintly swaying in the morning wind.On the other side of the river is a large cornfield. From a distance, these swaying corns look like a cloud of dark green smoke.Further afield are the Rocky Mountains.The morning glow in the sky is already very red, but the sun has not yet come out, and it is blocked by those mountains.The red rays of the sun and those black mountain peaks set off each other, but it has a special flavor.

At this time, the wind gradually stopped, and the float stood on the river for a long time without any movement.A dragonfly flew over and landed on it.The float was pressed down and sank, which startled the dragonfly. It quickly flew up again. After checking that everything was fine, it carefully landed on it.

It's not all because of boredom, and of course it's not some kind of activity like Mr. Jiang's fishing. It's just to sharpen his temperament and exercise his ability to concentrate for a long time.Because most of the time, downed pilots are shot down without seeing the enemy.During a long flight, it is easy to lose concentration and be attacked by the opponent.

At this time, the float trembled slightly, and a circle of thin ripples appeared on the water surface.The dragonfly shook its wings, as if it wanted to fly, but stopped again.But at this time, the movement of the float gradually increased, and the dragonfly felt something was wrong, and flew away by vibrating its wings.At this time, Ron quietly took the fishing rod that had been inserted on the ground into his hand.

The bobber fell silent again, but Ron was not in a hurry. He knew that fishing should not be rushed as much as fighting.Sure enough, the float suddenly sank, and the whole thing sank under the water.

Ron lifted the fishing rod violently, and the whole fishing rod was stretched into a bow shape. Obviously, this guy in the water is not small.That guy dragged the fishing line and ran under the water. In order not to break the fishing line, Ron could only run along the river bank. Fortunately, most fish have limited stamina. After more than ten minutes, they lost their strength. floated to the surface.Ron lifted its head out of the water, slowly pulled it to the bank, and fished it out with a dredge.

This is an American bass, about a catty and a half in size, and it could have been a good meal when I took it home.However, since industrialization, especially in the 20s and 30s, American rivers have been seriously polluted.So much so that some states even legislate against the consumption of freshwater fish.This influence even made Americans forget that freshwater fish can also be eaten.Even now, freshwater fish is still a rarity in American supermarkets.So, Ron could only record its size and put it back. (The fish returned to the river, raised its pectoral fins high, and shouted, long live the pollution!)

Back home, had breakfast.Ron was just about to continue copying energy air combat from his brain.I heard the sound of a car engine coming from outside.Then the doorbell rang.Is there really a fish coming to bite the hook?

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