New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 16, The Battle of the Warriors

Less than 3 minutes apart on the left and right sides of the fleet, two groups of torpedo planes appeared successively.On one side are 15 Avenger torpedo planes from the USS Hornet, and on the other side are 14 torpedo planes of the same type from the USS Enterprise.These two formations are different from the separate attacks in history due to separation. Now they have been successfully organized together and formed a joint force.More importantly, at a height of about 400 meters above them, there are 20 f4fs covering each.Zero War can no longer attack torpedo planes as unscrupulously as before.

But in any case, Zero Warfare must do its best to prevent the US military from attacking the fleet.It's just that there are no more zero battles in the air now than the incoming enemy planes, or even more than the escorting f4fs.Because some zero battles have already landed and refueled just now, and others have not had time to take off. In the air today, the overall number of American fighters has actually gained an advantage.

Now Ron could see that in front of and above him, there were only 6 Zero Fighters rushing towards the torpedo planes behind them.The formation on the Hornet aircraft carrier was the first to attack, so most of the zero battles were attracted by them.The attention of the observation post was also drawn away, so that they failed to send out a signal in time when Ron and the others appeared. As a result, only a few Zero Fighters who were still on alert at a higher position above the fleet had time to pounce down to intercept them.

The commander of this zero battle team is Yuichi Miyamoto, an old pilot.He judged that it would be difficult for the fighters on the opposite side to immediately climb to their altitude to intercept them. Therefore, they could have flew directly over the F4F fleet, and then swooped down to attack from the rear hemisphere of the torpedo fleet.However, because it was too late to discover this group of enemy planes, if this was done, the enemy must have entered the attack route and dropped torpedoes.If the enemy is allowed to drop torpedoes calmly, if the mother ship is hit, even if all the enemy planes can be shot down, it will be a failure.Therefore, now it is necessary to dive head-on, directly break through the interception of f4f, and shoot down as many enemy planes as possible before the enemy planes drop torpedoes.Even if you use the collision method, you must prevent the enemy plane from dropping torpedoes!

So these zero-war uncharacteristically charged directly head-on. (Under normal circumstances, zero battles will avoid head-to-head confrontation.) Since Japan himself wants to have a passionate head-to-head confrontation, the Americans certainly have no reason to refuse. (It's too late to welcome.) Ron pulled the nose and greeted him.The distance between the two sides quickly approached, the American plane opened fire first, (no way, who let others shoot further.) while the Japanese plane dodged, while continuing to approach, a Zero Fighter appeared right in front of Ron, and Ron killed it He stuck to the shooting halo, and then shot a long shot.So he saw a lot of debris falling from the plane, and then thick black smoke and orange flames emerged from the plane.But the plane was not completely out of control, it continued to rush towards Ron, first the 7.7mm machine gun, and then the two 20mm guns also fired.Apparently, the plane was going to kill Ron with it.But how could Ron let him get what he wanted? With a light push, the nose of the f4f sank, and all the shells shot from the opposite side roared past Ron's head, followed by thick smoke and Lie Yan's zero battle also rushed over Ron's head. Ron turned his head and saw it falling straight into the sea-this was Ron's seventh victory.

Just when Ron shot down a zero battle, Miyamoto Yuichi also entered the confrontation with f4f. When the distance between the two sides was still 700 meters, the opposite f4f had already started to fire violently. (The U.S. military’s .50 machine gun bullets have a high initial velocity and a good bullet shape, so they have a long range. Even when chasing after them, they can effectively strike targets at a distance of 500 meters. When head-on, because the two sides are moving in opposite directions, they can shoot at a greater distance. Effective shooting at long distances.) From Yuichi Miyamoto's perspective, those .50 machine gun tracers were like a swarm of angry hornets rushing straight at him.Yuichi Miyamoto made a sharp putter, and Zero Zhan made a negative g movement lightly, and quickly sank down.This action is a common evasion action when being attacked head-on. In the eyes of the pilots on the opposite side, the Zero Fighter on the opposite side suddenly disappeared.Of course, the zero battle did not disappear, it just entered the blind spot of f4f's line of sight-the f4f pilot's line of sight was blocked by his own nose at this time.

If you are an experienced veteran, you will definitely do a barrel roll or side slide immediately to defend when you have already faced such a situation.But Anand, who is in the cockpit now, is not a seasoned veteran. Although he has excellent grades in flight school, he is still a rookie after all. At this moment, he was stunned.Although this period of time is very short, maybe less than a second.But this second can determine life and death.

After a putt, Miyamoto immediately pulled the bar.As the nose of the plane was raised, the oncoming f4f had already been firmly wrapped in the shooting halo by him.And because the distance between the two sides is closing very quickly in the head-on state, the opponent has now entered the range of the 20mm gun for zero combat.Miyamoto pressed the launch button fiercely, and a string of orange fireballs roared out.

The power of the shells fired head-on is far greater than that of tail-chasing, even the sturdy f4f can't stand it.This string of 20mm shells hit the Anand fighter plane head-on, and the plane trembled violently under such a blow, and then, in fact, instantly, with a violent explosion, the whole plane disintegrated in the air, turning into a Lots of falling debris.Anand, the top student in the flight school, was hit by the first series of artillery shells fired by the enemy in the first real air battle in his life, and died honorably for his country.Maybe just by surviving the first few air battles he'll grow up to be a real old bird, and even among the old birds he'll have a chance to stand out and be a formidable, The evil, terrifying butcher bird.However, there has never been a possibility on the battlefield, and the life of a rookie can only be counted in minutes here.

But victor Miyamoto's situation is not so good, a piece of debris from the explosion of the enemy plane hit his plane, the debris hit the aileron on one side, making the aileron almost completely useless.This nimble plane suddenly turned into a waddling duck.If it is normal, Miyamoto has full confidence that he can still drive it to land safely.But now, this is obviously impossible.Although all the enemy planes have passed them by, as long as the enemy turns around, the Zero Fighter with its ailerons disabled has been cleaned and put on the chopping board.Any guy, even a rookie, can take it down with ease. ——Sometimes it is not only technology that determines the outcome of an air battle, but also luck. (So ​​giving up your seat to an old nainai on the bus is extremely important and should not be ignored.)

In this head-on confrontation, two planes were shot down on both sides.In addition, two planes in the United States were slightly injured (it was hit by 7.7, but it had little impact on the operation), and the captain of Miyamoto was seriously injured on the Japanese side.Considering the range and quantity advantages of f4f and the influence of luck factors, it has to be said that in this hit, the Japanese navy pilots demonstrated a very high level of technology.

Now the remaining 4 Zero Fighters (one of which was seriously injured and almost impossible to fly) can directly face the formation of torpedo planes.They had to shoot down as many torpedo planes as possible before the American fighters turned their heads.

Miyamoto was still driving the nearly out-of-control fighter plane, wobbled towards a torpedo plane, and started firing at the plane, but because his fighter plane was always twisting uncontrollably, the shells None of them hit. Looking back, the U.S. fighter jets turned their heads through a half-somersault, and they were about to come back.Moreover, the torpedo plane has also entered the attack route, and is about to drop a deadly torpedo.

"There's no time." Miyamoto looked at the friendly plane beside him, and said silently in his heart: "Masters, I see you at the Yasukuni Shrine." Then he drove the plane towards the plane in front of him that had entered the attack route and was about to drop it. The "Avenger" of the torpedo directly hit the past.

The Avenger made a sharp turn to avoid the impact of this clumsy fighter plane. In reality, not every warrior who holds the belief of dying with me can succeed.Miyamoto's plane slammed into the sea, causing a huge and beautiful snow-white water splash, and those splashed water droplets fluttered in the sea breeze, just like the cherry blossoms drifting in the wind in Ueno Park at dusk .

Miyamoto's sacrifice was not meaningless. In order to avoid his impact, the torpedo plane dropped the torpedo in advance in a hurry, and judging from the crooked track of this torpedo, it must have been hit crookedly.

Before the U.S. fighter jets turned back, the other three Zero Fighters were also desperately spraying ammunition at the torpedo plane.There were already three torpedo planes smoking, but these three planes did not lose their torpedoes and left the formation. In fact, as long as they did this, those zero fighters would definitely give up attacking them and turn to other targets.These three planes are still trying their best to guard their own attack route, moving forward...

When the U.S. fighter jets turned back, two of the three torpedo planes had been shot down, and one was also severely damaged, obviously unable to fly back.But all three planes completed their mission to drop the torpedoes.Now, a large net woven by the tracks of the torpedoes dropped by these 14 torpedo planes has tightly netted the Canglong and Feilong aircraft carriers in Zhongyang.No matter how the two big fish struggle, at least two to three torpedoes will hit.

Just when Ron was aiming at a Zero Fighter and was about to take his wingman to kill it, that Zero Fighter rushed straight towards the sea.It rammed into a torpedo that was shooting towards the mothership.

A beautiful cherry blossom bloomed again on the surface of the sea, but he failed to hit the torpedo, which was too small and several meters deep underwater.Those white tracks on the water surface are actually left by the gas driving the torpedo.Therefore, the top of the track is not the torpedo, the torpedo is a little further ahead.The success rate of hitting a torpedo with a fighter jet is actually very small.

But inspired, the remaining two zero battles also hit the torpedo without hesitation.However, they also failed to succeed.Looking at the cherry blossoms on the sea that had dissipated, although Ron hated Ri himself deeply, he still raised his hand and silently gave a military salute to the direction where the Zero Fighters fell.

Although Canglong tried his best to avoid it, two torpedoes still hit him.The continuous torpedo explosions stirred up a huge water column, and the huge Soryu trembled in the explosion.And Feilong's performance was particularly eye-catching, her huge hull made an extremely precise turn, so the two torpedoes passed by, and the aircraft carrier was not injured at all.

At the same time, on the other side of the fleet, the fighter and torpedo formations that took off from the Hornet fell into a bitter battle.Let's go back to a few minutes ago. Since they were discovered by the Japanese army very early, these planes were attacked intensively by the Japanese army. More than 25 Zero Fighters greeted them first.This time, Zero War does not have to choose to go head-to-head with the f4f escort, because they now have enough time-the torpedo plane will take at least 4 minutes to enter the attack course and drop the torpedo.

Zero War passed the f4f flying a little ahead of the torpedo plane from a higher altitude, and then swooped down and killed the torpedo plane group directly.The escorting f4f immediately turned around somersault and rushed towards Zero Zhan.A melee begins.

F4F pilot Lawrence was bitten by a Zero Fighter, and the 7.7mm machine gun of the Zero Fighter behind him had hit his fighter plane more than once.Fortunately, f4f is relatively strong, and it is worthy of being a product of Grumman Iron and Steel Works (the fighters produced by Grumman are quite strong and durable, so Grumman Aircraft Company got the nickname of Grumman Iron and Steel Works.) This point The injuries are not affecting the plane much at this time.But it would be hard to say if it was hit by a few rounds of 20mm shells.Fortunately, at this time, a Wildcat rushing from the direction of 9 o'clock saved him. Although the shot from that plane did not hit the Zero Fighter behind him, the flying bullets also forced it to give up. Attack on Lawrence.

Just when Lawrence was relieved that he had escaped, a Zero Fighter unexpectedly appeared in front of him.The Zero was chasing a torpedo plane, and inadvertently ran ahead of Lawrence, so that Lawrence took advantage of its rear hemisphere without much trouble.And it is very likely that the pilots of Zero War may not realize that when he was about to attack the torpedo plane, someone was also preparing to attack him.If it was normal, Lawrence would touch it quietly, and when he was most confident, he would give him a long shot and send him to the sea to feed the fish.But now the situation is different, and the Zero Fighter is about to open fire on the torpedo plane.Protecting comrades in arms is always a higher priority than shooting down enemies.This is the basic professional ethics of pilots.So Lawrence opened fire at a distance of 450 meters.It is very difficult to hit accurately at this distance. The intersection point of Lawrence's machine gun is set at 250 meters (the intersection point is set closer in this way so that it can achieve a fatal blow when you are sure) that is to say, at this The density of the bullets is the highest at the distance above, beyond which the bullets will start to scatter.However, Lawrence's goal was not to shoot down the enemy plane, he was trying to prevent the enemy from attacking the torpedo plane.

The tracer bullets flying past startled the Zero Fighter. It immediately gave up its attack on the torpedo plane, made a sharp turn, and got rid of Lawrence.At this time, Lawrence didn't bother to chase it at all, because another zero battle was staring at him.

In a dogfight in the air, an enemy plane may appear in your rear hemisphere at any moment, or an enemy plane may expose 6 points to you by itself.The chances of everyone firing and shooting will be greatly increased. Sometimes the situation in the air is like a large sandwich. In the front is an American torpedo plane, behind it is a Japanese Zero Fighter, and then another F4F, And then again...

In just a few minutes, firing everywhere, Ono was firing at the torpedo planes, Sam was firing at Ono, Oshima was firing at Sam again, and then... and then, well, 15 torpedo planes were shot down 6 of them, and two of them were also seriously injured, and it is estimated that they will not be able to fly back.The remaining seven were not unscathed. Of the 7 f20fs, 4 were also shot down, and 6 were seriously injured and withdrew from the battle.Of course, the ri themselves were not unscathed. Although their superb technology and the excellent flight performance of the aircraft and even their numerical advantage gave them the upper hand in the melee, the f3f also relied on its solid body, more effective firepower, and radio The advantage cost Ri himself a lot-a total of 4 Zero Fighters were shot down in air battles, but the rest of the planes were not injured. (Because the structure of the zero battle is too fragile, it is basically finished if it is hit, so the possibility of being injured but not shot down is indeed not high.) Although the loss is huge, the US military fleet is still firmly approaching the enemy fleet. Go forward a little and you will enter the torpedo course!

Now the large-caliber high-level dual-purpose guns of the Japanese warships have also begun to shoot at them.Although the projectiles of these large-caliber antiaircraft guns are powerful, their firing speed is limited, and at this time the radio proximity fuze has not yet been invented, and the projectiles use timed fuzes. Therefore, if the enemy plane evades, they will pose a threat to the plane. In fact, it is very limited. The purpose of launching them may not be to use them to shoot down enemy planes, but to use them to disrupt the enemy's formation.Interfere with enemy planes launching torpedoes.Following the flickering flames on the Japanese warships, around the fleet, even in the gaps between the formations, flowers of death made of flames and thick smoke continuously bloomed.But the torpedo fleet of the US military still firmly maintained its formation and moved forward.While the large-caliber anti-aircraft guns fired and fired, according to the Cao Code, the fighter planes responsible for intercepting should have withdrawn from the battle to avoid being accidentally injured by the anti-aircraft gun fire.But at this time, the Japanese pilots didn't even have a single retreat. They braved the artillery fire of their own people and still clung to the torpedo plane, and the American F4F also ignored the threat of anti-aircraft fire and still tried their best. Stop Zero War's attack on torpedo planes.In the sea of ​​flowers of death formed by the constantly exploding antiaircraft shells, the fighter jets of both sides fluttered like elves.

At this distance, two more torpedo planes and one F4F were shot down, (one of the torpedo planes was already seriously injured) and two Zero Fighters on the Japanese side were affected by anti-aircraft fire and crashed.But the remaining torpedo planes finally rushed into the torpedo range.Now there are only 7 torpedoes, but due to the interception in front, the formation state of the torpedo planes is not ideal, but no matter what, the torpedoes were finally dropped, and they pulled a long snow-white flight path, like a sharp sword. The Japanese aircraft carriers Kaga and Akagi shot away.

After dropping the torpedoes, the "Avengers" pulled up urgently, ready to withdraw from the battle, but at this time they had already entered the firing range of the ship's small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. These guys shoot fast and pose a greater threat to aircraft Large caliber antiaircraft guns are much bigger.During the turn, three more torpedo planes were shot down.Of the 3 torpedo planes that were attacking today, after a few minutes of fierce fighting, only 15 planes remained!

Due to too much interference received when dropping mines, the torpedoes dropped by these torpedo planes failed to hit any aircraft carrier. , Nagumo's aircraft carrier experienced this large-scale attack, only the Soryu lost the ability to sail at high speed due to the mine, and it was tilted by about 8 degrees, temporarily losing the ability to take off and land aircraft.It and the mothership are both intact.Nagumo believed that as long as the fighter planes above them flew together, they would be able to completely destroy the US fleet.Now maybe it's time for Ri himself to attack.

Just when Nanyun was full of ambition, the air defense alarm rang again: "Dive bomber found!"

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