In the early morning of June 6th, the aircraft carrier Akagi.In the standby room, the pilots of General Nagumo finished a serving of dried chestnuts and Japanese cold rice wine, which is the traditional food before soldiers are about to enter the battlefield.The take-off deck was full of planes, and as the first rays of sunlight penetrated the sea, the pilots climbed into the cockpit one after another.The aircraft carrier also turned against the wind and accelerated at full speed.The anemometer turned crazily, and it was time to take off. The searchlights of the four motherships were turned on, and the deck was as bright as day.

The combat aircraft on the Hiryu had already been prepared. Yagyu was sitting in the cockpit of a Zero Fighter, waiting to take off. Behind him was his wingman Ishihara Mori.Before the order to take off was issued, Yagyu turned his head to see the condition of the wingman, and saw Ishihara leaning on the back of the chair.Seeing Liu Sheng turning his head, he smiled and held up a contact board to show him.It said: "Fortune lasts forever".Liu Sheng smiled, and also held up the contact board, the same is "Lucky for a long time".

The last time such an attack was at Pearl Harbor, unfortunately, there were too few planes that could fly that time.Meishu is just so arrogant, she has no defense at all.How could they be the opponents of Yamato Samurai?

The officer directing the takeoff waved the green light, and the first Zero fighter jet skimmed the brightly lit takeoff deck into the dark pre-dawn sky.Afterwards, Yagyu also let go of the brakes and drove his Zero Battle into the air.While the sailors on the deck cheered in unison, one plane after another flew up, first there was a zero battle, and then the 99 ships exploded.

Within 15 minutes, 108 aircraft took off simultaneously from 4 aircraft carriers.They roared around the fleet in a spectacular circular formation, and then rushed towards Midway Island in the southeast.People on the ship watched as the long string of red and blue lights on their wingtips flickered away.The decisive battle has begun.

At an altitude of 4000 meters, a "Catalina" water reconnaissance plane is flying alone.The time is now 5:13, and the captain, Captain Howard Eddy, has just emerged from the clouds with the plane.

"Captain, look over there! It's three o'clock!" The navigator's voice trembled with excitement.

Captain Howard Eddy turned his head and looked to the right, and was surprised: at least 100 planes were flying towards Midway Island in a neat queue.

The appearance of the "Catalina" water reconnaissance plane also caught the Japanese army by surprise.Just as the Zero Fighters were about to approach and kill the patrol plane, he plunged into the cloud again.It made the Japanese fighters very depressed.

Obviously, the operation was discovered, and if the Americans reacted quickly enough, they should be able to take off a plane to intercept it.This is not good news, but Yagyu is faintly happy—Pearl Harbor is completely performed by torpedo planes and dive bombers, but this time, the opportunity for fighter jets has come.

At 5:15, Midway Island received a telegram from the "Catalina" water reconnaissance plane. The entire base raised the alarm, and the land-based aircraft began to take off urgently. After 20 minutes, all planes took off.

After using the clouds to get rid of the entanglement of the Japanese fighters, Captain Howard Eddy's seaplane continued to search in the direction where the Japanese planes appeared. At 5:25, they spotted the Japanese fleet.Many years later, when Captain Howard Eddy recalled the moment, he described it this way:

"We continued to fly forward after getting rid of the entanglement of those zero battles. At that time, the sea was not fully lit, and the sea fog had not dispersed, which caused a lot of trouble for the search. So we began to lower the altitude and kept the The altitude was lowered to 2000 feet. Only then could I barely see the sea.

This continued until about 5:50, when we suddenly discovered the track of the ship.Looking in the direction of the track, I saw a huge fleet.Many ships surrounded four aircraft carriers.

I turned around to Sith the radio operator and Rodriguez the navigator, 'Quick, get the message out,'

I knew that if I was discovered, I would be shot down. In the face of zero battle, my seaplane has no possibility of escape.Fortunately, Ri himself has no radar, and the sea fog that has not dissipated also provides us with the best protection, which prevents them from finding us. "


Pilot Kanu is sitting in the cockpit of F2A, and now his altitude is around 5000 meters.It belongs to the first echelon, that is, the enemy formation.The formation's call sign is Lie Yan, and he is Lie Yan 3.The vertical height above his left rear is about 600 meters higher than him, and at a distance of about 2.5 kilometers is the second echelon composed of 10 F2A and 4 F4F, code-named Fox's assault formation.

"The flames are calling for the bird's nest, enemy fighter jets are found below [-] o'clock, enemy fighter jets are found below [-] o'clock! Prepare to attack!"

"The bird's nest calls the fox, the bird's nest calls the fox. Turn to a 75-degree direction and attack the enemy bombers!"

"The fox understands! The whole team follows me!"

An American fighter jet was spotted at the front and above. It seems that the reconnaissance plane really sent out an early warning message, and the American response was really good.Yagyu shook the wings, signaled the wingman to follow, then pulled the lever and pushed the throttle to the end at the same time, and started an emergency climb.Those who came were all F2A Buffalo fighter jets, and it was not the first time Yagyu had dealt with this kind of aircraft.He knew that it was an extremely clumsy fighter compared to Zero Fighter. "Stupid as a cow." This was Yagyu's emotion after shooting down f2a for the first time.But this time, because the Americans had been warned in advance, these buffaloes had a height advantage over them. However, Yagyu believed that this would not change the result. is consumed.

Zero War, who was in charge of the escort, did not use a head-on approach to intercept F2A, because it was not cost-effective to do so. The main weapons of Zero War were two 7.7mm machine guns and two 20mm machine guns. The lethality of the 7.7mm machine gun is very limited, and the possibility of shooting down an enemy plane with it in a head-on attack is basically non-existent.In fact, U.S. military aircraft often have a record of being able to fly back after being hit by 7.7 with one or two hundred rounds.However, the power of the 20mm gun is enough. A head-on shot is enough to shoot down the enemy plane.It's a pity that this weapon has two problems. One is that the shooting speed is too slow. Both sides attack head-on. From entering the shooting distance to crossing over, the time is very short, and everyone is moving at high speed. This is a weapon with too low shooting speed. , In such a state, the efficiency will not be too high. The second is that the muzzle velocity of the 20mm gun shell is too low, and the ballistic trajectory is so curved that some people even jokingly call it a urinating cannon.Meaning it's ballistically curved like piss.This causes its effective range to be very short, and its accuracy is also very problematic.Using it to hit fighter jets flying head-on, in the words of Japanese pilots, is like using a rifle to hit dragonflies in flight.In contrast, the .50 caliber machine gun (12.7 mm caliber) of the U.S. military aircraft has a high muzzle velocity, fast shooting speed, long range, and good precision. Although its power is not as good as the 20mm gun, it is still quite a deadly.Therefore, confronting her head-on is not a good choice for a zero battle, and it is a better way to kill from the flank.

The Zero Fighter formation first climbed urgently to the right. When the altitude was in the same direction as the American fleet, they quickly turned to the left, trying to attack the Flame fleet from the side.If f2a didn't change course, Yagyu was sure he could stop them and turn them all into torches before they could attack the bombers.

If Japanese pilots are avoiding head-to-head combat, then American pilots are actively creating such opportunities.Although this crazy approach is a bit like Russian roulette, sometimes it depends on luck.But in terms of the probability of winning, the American aircraft is still higher.Lie Yan also began to turn around, trying to form a head-on situation.

Although they hadn't really engaged in battle yet, the Bandit Skua noticed the changes in the Americans with just one turn.The clumsy formation of three or even four aircraft in the past was replaced by a smaller and more flexible formation of two aircraft.This makes the overall turn of the American fleet much faster.But buffaloes are just too stupid.Steering is still too slow.The two sides failed to form a head-on situation, but formed a diagonal intersection with each other.

The fighter planes of the two sides crossed each other, the roar of the fighter plane engines and the roar of bullets across the sky were intertwined, playing the prelude to this decisive battle.The air battle has officially begun. In the stagger just now, neither side actually hit the target, because for both sides, the shooting window is too short.But after passing by, Zero War began to show its powerful performance advantages.With a light pull on the rod and a half-somersault, Yagyu rode firmly on the buffalo's 6 o'clock.According to his past experience, the buffalo in front of him is already doomed.Because whether it is speed or agility, the buffalo is not as good as Zero Fight.Apart from obediently giving himself another record, so that his record can reach double digits, what else can he do?

Even the fish on the chopping board will struggle and jump a few times.In desperation, the opponent will continue to struggle.The enemy plane in front made a sharp turn to the right.At the same time his wingman began to turn sharply to the left.Yagyu gestured to Ishihara, signaling them to keep on attacking one by one.

"Funny," thought Yagyu, "that he would turn sharply to the right." Due to the torque of the propellers, the plane rolled to the left faster than to the right.And the higher the power output of the engine, the more obvious the difference.Therefore, when making a sharp turn, pilots are always used to making a sharp turn to the left.

Zero War's right roll is slower, and if you roll right, the enemy has a chance to get rid of him, at least for a short time.But this is no problem for an ace like Yagyu. He did not take the usual method, which is to roll 90 degrees to the right, and then pull the lever to chase the enemy. Instead, he rolled 270 degrees to the left. Rolling right 90 degrees is the same, but done faster than rolling straight to the right.This allowed the Bandit Skua to still bite firmly behind the enemy plane.

The enemy plane found that the action just now failed to get rid of the opponent, and in a panic, it began to turn sharply to the left again.

"Haha, panicked? How can the sharp left turn get rid of me? There is no aircraft in the world that can turn better than the Zero Fighter. Of course, those bumpkins of Army Aviation may use their Ki43 as an example, but What is Lu Hang? It’s just a group of grass chickens who can only flap their wings.”

For a long time, the Japanese navy and army have been rivals.The grievances between them can even be counted from the Edo period.Anyway, in the eyes of the navy, the army is a bumpkin who has never seen the world and is brain-dead;This contradiction continued even after the war.After the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the Ground Self-Defense Force's performance was unsatisfactory, and even after the incident of stealing a military vehicle as a deserter, a civil servant from Haizi gloated and said that he had known that Luzi's guys were not good enough, and it was us Sea self-sufficiency.Unexpectedly, Haizi also had an exposed bird incident immediately. (Brothers in World War II know what I'm talking about)

During the Zhi (Harmony) incident, Lu Hang's bumpkins even disgraced the Great Japanese Empire.At one time, the Air Force of Zhi (Harmony) made a shameful exchange ratio.Even those Russian pilots who had been defeated by the empire long ago were beaten to pieces.What's even more shameful is that they actually let a Russian woman rely on them as their trump card. (Sister Wa is getting ready to play and is warming up. Brothers of Erhe Battleship, applaud the Queen)

F2A is an aircraft that is not good at sharp turns. After two turns, its speed has dropped a lot.The Bandit Skua has already firmly inserted it into the aperture of the scope at this time, as long as it is a little closer, the 20mm cannon can finish him.But at this moment, a strange, sudden uneasiness came to his heart.This feeling is so strong.So much so that the Bandit Skua didn't even think about it, and almost reflexively pulled up the plane.At that moment, a string of .50 machine gun tracer rounds flew under his belly.

"Nearly hit it," Jones clenched his fists angrily.However, his annoyance didn't last long before he was interrupted by a string of bullets shot from behind.

Shi Yuan was shooting at the buffalo in front with a 7.7 machine gun. The cunning buffalo just now had the opportunity to shoot at his lead plane after two sharp turns.If it wasn't for Yagyu's unimaginable quickness, maybe that guy would have succeeded.

Ishihara hit Jones' buffalo a few times, but obviously, the distance was still a bit far, and such shots were not enough to knock down the opponent.Just as Ishihara was about to use the 20mm gun at the approach point, the buffalo turned sharply to the left again. Ishihara was about to follow up, but suddenly saw the Bandit Skua's Zero Fighter shaking its wings at him.Turning his head to look carefully, he saw the bandit skua made a gesture to him, which meant: don't follow, keep the direction, and climb up.The trust he had built up over the years led him to do so without hesitation.

After Ishihara pulled up, he continued to look down at the enemy plane that had just turned left, only to find that another enemy plane also turned → at the same time. If it had just followed, the enemy plane that had turned right would get a shot own chance.How cunning.Fortunately, Liu Changguan saw through their conspiracy at once.Two enemy planes staggered past. The enemy plane that I was chasing just now ran to Yagyu's direction, while the enemy plane that was about to ambush him just now appeared in front of and below him.At this moment, Liu Yu directly dived towards the enemy plane that appeared in front of him. With the high speed gained from the dive, he almost instantly narrowed the distance between the two sides to about [-] meters.

Bang, bang, bang, orange fireballs were shot from Zero War's muzzle.One after another, they hit the buffalo in front of them.Before Jones even had time to react, the whole plane trembled violently.Then he saw an orange fireball hit his left wing, the left wing broke in two, and the plane immediately began to flip violently to the left, completely out of control.Jones shouted: "I've been hit, I'm going to skydive." With all his strength, he unfastened his seat belt in the violently overturned plane, pushed open the canopy and tried hard to climb out.But the centrifugal force brought by the violent roll pressed him firmly on the seat...

Yagyu pulled up the plane and stared at the crashing enemy plane. This was his tenth victory.He knew that it would be almost impossible for an enemy pilot to climb out of such a sharply rolling plane and parachute out.This is a cunning and outstanding enemy, and he is an outstanding samurai compared to the opponent he shot down before.Just now, he nearly shot himself down.But right now, he's trapped in that plane, surrounded by smoke and flames, falling toward the sea, like, like a falling cherry blossom.The cherry blossom is the national flower of Japan. Isn't the brilliant and easy to wither cherry blossom a symbol of the samurai?With the proliferation of guns, the glory of the samurai has withered like cherry blossoms.Now maybe only the sky is the final duel field of the samurai.Yagyu silently made a military salute to the falling enemy plane, just as his elders bowed to the corpse of the most stubborn opponent after they had knocked them out in a duel.Then he looked around, looking for his next target.

Just as Yagyu shot down Jones, Ishihara also attacked Kanu.But his shooting technique was obviously not as good as Yagyu's, and he missed even the slightest bit in the first round of shooting.But Kanu is obviously in trouble now, and it is almost a matter of time before he gets hit.

"If you are bitten by Zero War, then roll to the right, then dive, dive all the way to the sea surface, and then escape close to the sea surface." This passage suddenly appeared in Kanu's mind.Before he had time to think about it, Kanu immediately followed suit.This action really allowed him to escape from the fire net, and the enemy left after chasing him a little.Obviously, there are other more important things for the enemy.For example, prevent other aircraft from attacking Japanese bombers.

The departure of the enemy is a good thing for Kanu anyway.His plane was battered and the rudder was a little weak.It's hard to say whether it can fly back.

The outcome of this encounter was tragic. 10 buffaloes were intercepted by zero battle, except for 4 escaped, the rest were all shot down.But they also managed to shoot down two Zeros.Compared with 17 aircraft shot down in history, 7 aircraft were damaged. The "Zero" fighter jets of the Japanese army did not suffer any losses, nor did they have the record of letting a U.S. fighter jet shoot down a bomber. This time it has improved a lot.What's more, their sacrifices are of greater value. They delayed the zero battle and bought time for the fox formation in charge of the assault.

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