Early the next morning, the United team began preparations for the transition.The fighter jets installed the auxiliary fuel tanks, and the pilots were all on standby in the lounge. At this time, they all learned the specific destination, and it really was Midway Island.

Teams of planes took off one after another, and soon it was Ron's turn. The machine had already refueled and inspected the P40 that Xinfen had given him.Just waiting for him to board the plane.

Just as Ron stood up and was about to walk out of the lounge, the captain, Major Braun, and another officer in a navy uniform walked in.The man was Lieutenant Commander Peterson, commander of the air force on the Yorktown.

The two walked directly to Ron.

"Second Lieutenant Ron, I am now announcing the new mission assigned to you by the Army Air Force." Major Braun said loudly, "Starting today, you will be temporarily seconded to the aircraft carrier Yorktown to perform combat missions."

Before Ron could understand, Lieutenant Commander Peterson stepped forward, and he patted Ron on the shoulder enthusiastically: "I forced you to come here, I hope this won't make you unhappy." He stopped Come down, stare into Ron's eyes, seems to really want to see if Ron is really unhappy. "Okay, my car is waiting for us outside, young man, let's go."

Sitting in the back seat of the jeep, Major Peterson began to brief Ron.

"We are leaving in three days. Everyone thinks that you are very talented in air combat command. We think we need your help. Especially these few days, we need you to help us complete the training of new tactics. Time is running out , let's go directly to the airport."

An hour later, the vehicle drove into an airport and stopped in front of the control tower.Not far away, two F4Fs are landing on the runway.

Entering the control tower, Ron found that it was very lively inside, with many small flags of different colors placed on a large chart.Obviously, the tower is directing the training based on the information provided by the radar.

At the same time, in the Pacific Ocean, a huge fleet is speeding.This is a terrifying fleet, which consists of 26 large and small ships, including 4 large aircraft carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu.Surrounding them are the Haruna and the Kirishima battleships of the 12nd Squadron of the 5rd Battleship Squadron, the Tone and the Chikuma of the 1th (Heavy) Cruiser Squadron, and the captain of the 2th Destroyer Squadron. The light cruiser Liang and 19 other destroyers, 50 supply ships.This is a victorious division, and the strength of this fleet alone has overwhelmed the entire US Pacific Fleet.And there is a larger fleet at a distance of several hours of sailing behind him: including 7 aircraft carrier, 3 seaplane carriers, 21 carrier-based aircraft, 4 seaplanes, 56 battleships, and light cruisers [-] ships, [-] destroyers, and [-] supply ships, the main fleet of Yamamoto [-]!

Commander of the Second Squad of the Third Battleship Squadron Takama Kan was standing on the bridge, looking forward through the glass.Now the sea is a little windy, and the waves are gradually getting bigger.But this is really nothing to a huge battleship. Those waves were swept by the wind, hit the plowshare-like bow fiercely, and then were split into splashing water by the huge and solid bow. The wind blew like smoke and rain, drifted over the huge gun turrets, passed under the bridge, and then disappeared without a trace.Since the Meiji Emperor, how much the empire has been like this battleship. Although it has been through many winds and rains, it can cut through all obstacles and move forward bravely.Whether it was the Beiyang Navy of the Chinese or the Far East Fleet of the Russians, they all rushed towards us like a storm before them, but they were completely destroyed by the power of the empire in a blink of an eye, like water splashing at the bow of a ship.Now the empire is once again facing a huge challenge. As long as the United States can be knocked down, the empire's future journey will be smooth sailing, and the great ambition of the Meiji emperor to spread the emperor's prestige in the world can be realized in the hands of his own generation.Just like in the lyrics.

"The bang of the cannon was the only thunder in the storm!

The warship skimmed the thousands of miles of waves,

The light of the empire is shining brightly! "

Thinking of this, Gao Jian Wan felt his heart fluctuate and couldn't control himself.Thinking about it, Marshal Togo Heihachiro raised the Z-flag during the Battle of Tsushima, and issued an order to the entire United Fleet that "the empire will rise and fall in this battle, and you must fight the enemy bravely", he must have felt the same way.It's a pity that the battleship was still the decisive force at that time, but now, those ugly fly ships have actually become the creators of a series of previous victories, and the imperial navy has to use noble battleships to escort those fly ships.

Rear Admiral Yamaguchi Tamon was also contemplating on board the fly ship Hiryu aircraft carrier that Takama Wan was watching from afar with a complicated mood.This battle is not only to capture Midway Island, but the more important goal is to draw out the US Pacific Fleet and give them a devastating blow.Completely wipe out the Pacific Fleet, exposing the west coast of the United States to the Japanese Fleet.Perhaps only in this way can Commander Yamamoto's vision be realized and the United States be forced to bow its head and negotiate.Since the beginning of the war, the imperial army has been invincible, and there is an atmosphere of optimism within the empire. Those ignorant people parade with lanterns every day, celebrating one victory after another. They all think that the empire can easily defeat the United States.Now not only the ignorant people, but also the bumpkins in the army think so, and even in the navy, some ignorant old and young guys think that the empire can defeat the United States in the same way it defeated Russia.These red deer have no idea how terrible the United States is.He remembered the conversation he had with General Yamamoto a few days ago.Those red deer in the army, especially the brainless red deer in Tojo, have promised to make peace with the United States as soon as possible.But if this battle is won, will the United States definitely make peace?Are those red deer in the military who are dazzled by the victory willing to stop?Even if the entire US Pacific Fleet is destroyed, can Japan win?No, both Yamaguchi Tamon and General Yamamoto know that with the industry of the United States ten times that of Japan, it will not take long to rebuild a brand new and even stronger Pacific Fleet.They can easily overwhelm Japan with a pile of numbers.Before the war, Admiral Yamamoto said that the Navy can support it for three to four years. If this battle is won, it may be able to support it for a longer period of time.For some reason, Yamaguchi suddenly thought of his wife. Yamaguchi usually likes to drink two sips of sake, and sometimes he is so drunk that he loses consciousness.His wife once advised: "You should cherish your body. Unless it is a night when the moon is in the sky or when snowflakes are flying, you should not drink freely." time.” But since the outbreak of the war, such “nights with a bright moon in the sky or when snowflakes are flying” have become rarer and rarer.I don't know if there will be any more in the future.

Yesterday, Yamaguchi and Vice Admiral Nagumo Chuichi had a conversation about the enemy's situation. Yamaguchi was very worried about the US aircraft carrier, while Nagumo firmly believed that, according to intelligence, the US military has no aircraft carriers available in this area.His ease worries Yamaguchi, who has been haunted by a sense of foreboding these days.

But Yamaguchi didn't show his emotions.The officers and men of the fleet had no idea of ​​the commander's worries.Just like the pilot humming while walking not far away, he didn't feel worried at all.The pilot was named Liusheng Bandit, who came from a famous family and was a success at a young age.Because of his outstanding performance in an accident and his technical proficiency, he was awarded the rank of Major at a young age.Speaking of that accident, it was really funny.

That was a few years ago, and Yagyu was still a new pilot. He and his troops were at Truk Airport at that time, equipped with some old-fashioned biplanes. One day, a tornado suddenly blew up, and the troops began to rush The planes on the apron were moved into the hangar, but when the last b4n Nakajima torpedo plane equipped with seagull wings was left, the tornado had already approached the apron, and the troop commander stopped the rescue operation. Obviously, it was too late. Everyone could only watch helplessly as the plane was destroyed by the tornado.But Yagyu suddenly remembered that the plane was full of fuel. If he ran there now and flew it before the tornado came, he could save the Emperor's plane.He knew that the commander of the army would not agree to such an adventure, so he took advantage of others not paying attention and ran like a plane. Relying on the foundation of his family's martial arts, he climbed into the plane like an agile ape, opened the cabin, and got into the plane. Got in, and started the engine.The propellers spun, and the plane wobbled toward the runway, with the tornado chasing after him.The people who discovered all this were stunned with astonishment.Just as the plane was approaching the runway, the tornado caught it, and the plane flapped its wings and flew vertically like a light skua.Everyone thought that Yagyu and the plane would be torn to pieces by the tornado, and then become a new tablet of Kuduanzaka.However, when the tornado dissipated, the plane that was swept up into the sky fell almost vertically, but Yagyu leveled the plane at a height of less than a few meters from the ground, and finally drove the plane to a safe landing.When he landed, it was discovered that the plane's horizontal tail was missing.Since then, Yagyu Bandit has a nickname: Bandit Skuail.

Still young and happy.Yamaguchi thought silently.Yagyu didn't notice that the commander was not far away.Still humming and walking forward, a breeze passing through the hall brought his singing into Yamaguchi's ears:

"Crossing the sea, corpses floating on the surface,

Across the mountains, corpses are everywhere.

To die for the emperor, to regard death as home..."

This chapter is dedicated to the Megatron military world since the age of the ship knowledge forum, and has continuously created such things as the Boeing 747 vertical take-off and landing, the Turtle Huaihai Campaign invested 500 million troops, and the fully armed Japanese army's onboard charge speed can reach 10 meters Seconds, the machine gun can't hit the Japanese soldiers running at full speed at all, and the flamethrower can't kill the fast running people. One zero battle can single out 1 p75ds and win. Wearing t51\97, the Bean Chariot can easily handle Tiger King. If it wasn't for the emperor's announcement of the end of the war, Japan's Guan (that) Eastern Army in the northeast would be able to wipe out Vasilevsky's Soviet army's theism. The historical inventor of conscience, as well as the creator of low-carbon anti-tank technologies such as anti-tank bayonet, anti-tank vise, and anti-tank broadcast radio, and a famous ri fan-Skua. (If you want to know more details, please Baidu "Skua's Lair" or "Pacific War" by yourself. Also note that when reading the old bandit's articles, you must be calm and calm again. According to unreliable rumors, the reason why Hirohito dared to launch The Pacific War was caused by mistakenly entering the "skua's lair" while surfing the Internet.)

Nai bottle will try to reproduce these great theories, (sweat, the pressure is huge) shout to yourself: come on, old bandit onboard!

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