New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 1, The Traveling of the Director of DSG Gearbox

A gust of cold wind passed through the shattered windshield and entered Ron's nose with a salty smell unique to the tropical ocean, waking up Ron, who was already in a coma.

"I can't pass out, the airport, the airport is just ahead, I can already see the spire of the tower..."

"The children should have come back long ago..." In the tower, an officer who was nearly fifty years old held up his binoculars and looked around, murmuring.

"Lieutenant Colonel, maybe today..." Another officer in his thirties, with one hand wrapped in a bandage around his neck and a roster in the other, continued, "Actually, we all know Let these guys fly for less than 30 hours and drive the p40 to fight with Ri himself..." He suddenly trembled, as if a gust of cold wind had blown through his heart, and he seemed to see that scene again A small plane with plastered flags climbed rapidly before his eyes, its thin wings trembled violently, as if it was about to fall apart, and then it suddenly flipped so fast that he couldn't even see it clearly. Turned over to his six o'clock position.

He shook his head vigorously, as if trying to shake something out of his head, "...Actually, before I went to heaven, I had crossed their names off the list of active personnel..."

"Wait! Tony, a kid is back! I saw him!"

A p40 flew over crookedly, as if drunk.Through the binoculars, the lieutenant colonel saw that the front windshield of the plane was almost broken, the rudder was missing, and the grass-green fuselage was covered with bullet holes.

"Ambulance! Fire engines are ready!"

Ron felt his eyes getting blurred, "It's so cold, it's so... Hold on! Ron! Think of Mom!...Mom...It's so cold..."

Ron clearly felt that the blood was slipping away from his body bit by bit with life, and the rickety runway was getting bigger and bigger before his eyes.

"Lord, you are my shield and my castle...Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am not afraid of disaster, because you are with me..."

"Boom..." With a violent shock, Ron's eyes suddenly went dark.

"Son! Hold on!" The lieutenant colonel stood at the end of the runway, his hands full of sweat.

The tires of the main landing gear hit the runway heavily, and the whole plane jumped upwards, several meters high, then the main landing gear landed on the runway again, and then jumped into the air again, with the tail tilted high stand up.

Everyone closed their eyes, and immediately the plane would flip over on the runway, the cockpit would be pressed down, and there would be a firm kiss with the hard runway.

As if a miracle had occurred, a strong wind blew at this moment.On the island, such wind is common, it will bring a lot of trouble to the planes taking off and landing, and none of the pilots like it.But today, the gust of wind is a miracle: the high tail of the plane fell down, and the plane hopped and slid on the runway like a naughty rabbit.Finally the rabbit stopped at the end of the runway.

"Where am I?" Gao Tianxiang opened his eyes with difficulty.Now his head was in a mess, he felt as if he had just woken up from a nightmare, in the dream he was a US military pilot, driving a P40 to fight against Japanese Zero fighter jets in the vast Pacific Ocean.It's just that the self in the dream is really clumsy, trying to use the clumsy p40 to fight Zero.In the world of virtual flying, even a rookie who has just learned to fly knows that it is courting death.As a result, I was beaten like a fool by Ri himself. In the end, after being shot in the dream, I finally understood, swooped over the sea and fled, and a Zero Fighter kept firing from behind. Fortunately, the p40 was strong enough to take countless bullets Finally, it was still able to fly, and finally the Japanese plane finally left, then returned to the airport, then landed, and then..., and then woke up.

"Fortunately, it's just a dream. If you really behaved so stupidly in the battle, you wouldn't let your teammates laugh to death." Gao Tianxiang tried to get up with his hands on the bed, but a sudden pain caused him to fall back down again. to bed.

"You're hurt, don't move around!" Damn it, the voice was still in English!

"Am I injured?" Gao Tianxiang remembered.I was really injured, and it seemed to be serious.He remembers driving his own Golf to work early in the morning, on familiar roads.Suddenly, the advanced 7-speed dsg gearbox made a strange sound, and then the whole car lost power, and the speed also dropped rapidly, and in the reflector, a truck was getting bigger and bigger, it seemed that The car probably won't stop.In a panic, Gao Tianxiang stepped on the accelerator to the floor.But the car still didn't respond.

Fortunately, the speed of the big truck behind also slowed down, and it seemed that it would probably not be rear-ended.Gao Tianxiang looked at the speedometer. The car still had a speed of about forty yards, so he dialed the right turn signal, then turned the steering wheel, intending to change lanes to the emergency lane.Unexpectedly, at this time, the power of the vehicle suddenly recovered, and the car sprinted forward, hitting an SUV in the lane next to it, then turned around on the spot, and was caught up by another A large cargo crashed into the middle, and then...

"It's really not easy for you to wake up, but Doctor Kaxiu said, as long as you can wake up..."

Gao Tianxiang turned his face away and saw a slender female nurse walking towards his bed.The rising sun was shining on her pale and haggard little face through the window.

"Dr. Kaxiu said, as long as you can wake up, you will recover in a short time. Thank God...but now you have to rest on the hospital bed honestly..."

"Which hospital is this that actually employs such a decent foreign girl as a nurse?" Gao Tianxiang thought while staring at the girl who was talking endlessly in front of him.

To be honest, although the female nurse was beautiful, she was far from being a disaster.Although she has an oval face, her face is too thin and her eyes are slightly smaller.Maybe it was the busy days that made her exhausted, and those green eyes were full of tiredness that couldn't be concealed.But in these tired eyes, Gao Tianxiang also saw a kind of joy flickering as bright as the morning sun. "These eyes are so beautiful..." Gao Tianxiang thought silently...

After lying on the bed for several days, Gao Tianxiang gradually understood that he had traveled through time and became a second lieutenant pilot named Ron Green of the US Marine Corps in 1942, and now he was fighting in the Philippines.It's not hard to understand this, but it's not so easy to accept it.

At the beginning, he regarded all this as a tricky program—while deceiving him by various means, making him believe that he had time-traveled, he filmed all this with a camera hidden next to him, and then broadcast it for profit. .When he was surfing the Internet, he saw some boring TV stations in certain countries, and he likes to do these things.So while he couldn't quite move in bed, he looked around trying to figure out where the camera was.And when the female nurse came to serve him, he also acted extraordinarily upright—although it’s okay to flirt with a beautiful female nurse, but if it is filmed and then seen by his wife, he will be in trouble, right? ?

Two days later, he was allowed to walk around the ward.So Dr. Kaxiu and the female nurse found that poor Ron often had some strange behaviors: he seemed to be particularly interested in places like the corners, under the table, and under the bed, and would often study these places.

"Hey, Ron, what are you looking at?" When Gao Tianxiang was studying where the damn camera was hidden again, a voice came from behind.

"Ah, Dr. Kashu. I'm looking at where the damn camera is hidden... Also, don't play tricks on me! Call me high!...Damn it, I can definitely find it!"

"Okay, so's such a strange name." Dr. Kaxiu said gently while shaking his head with a smile, "Now go back to the hospital bed, Lucia and I will give you some routine examinations .”

The so-called routine examination is nothing more than taking blood pressure, temperature, and pressing the stethoscope on the chest to listen to the sound, and it will be over in a while.

After packing up the things, Dr. Kaxiu said to Gao Tianxiang: "You are recovering well, but you should rest more. In addition, the trauma on your head is basically healed, and the bandage can be removed in a while."

After speaking, he walked out with the beautiful female nurse talking in a low voice.

A gust of wind blew by, and Gao Tianxiang faintly heard this sentence: "...It's a pity that my brain is broken..."

After a while, nurse Lucia came and took off the bandage on his head. After he washed his face, the green-eyed female nurse thoughtfully handed him a mirror.

"No scars left, um, he's still a handsome young man!" She handed him the mirror, smiling and nodding slightly.

This mirror gave Gao Tianxiang a heavy blow - the face in the mirror was clearly a Caucasian face!

I pulled my face hard—it hurts, and my sense of touch is good, and I'm definitely not wearing a mask or mask.

"How can you do plastic surgery on me without my permission? I'm not one of those bloody Goryeos!"

Gao Tianxiang suddenly widened his eyes and roared at the female nurse.Indeed, this is too much!What a contempt for human rights!

However, a huge roar interrupted his roar - a huge four-engined plane dragged the flames and wobbled past the window, so close that Gao Tianxiang could clearly see The aircraft emblem with white stars on a blue background is densely covered with bullet holes.

As a hardcore flight game fan, Gao Tianxiang could recognize it at a glance, it was a b-17 sky fortress bomber.And more details are still explaining to him: that plane is absolutely genuine.

A flying fortress!Such a thing is definitely a national treasure in the 21st century!A crew may be able to come up with all kinds of weirdness before.But he would never use a flying b-17 to fool a little guy like him, the cost of doing so is too expensive.Gao Tianxiang gradually understood that he might have really time-traveled.His head began to feel a little dizzy, and his hands and feet were a little bit disorganized, so he stretched out his hand and supported the window sill, and it took a while to gradually recover.

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