Wizard Wang Xiaobo

Chapter 61: Typhoon and Flood Fighting

( ) Dark clouds and strong winds.At seven o'clock in the evening, Wang Xiaobo stood on the steps in front of the office building in the mining area, facing a neat row of eight commandos, and mobilized before the war against typhoons and floods: "Comrades, the great leader once said that with Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun. Today, we are really going to fight against God, do you think you are happy or not?"

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

"We are dragons underground. Will we become bears when we return to the ground? No! We are still a fearless dragon. The strong wind is not terrible, it is like beating the drum of victory for us, and the huge waves are not What a big deal, it's just playing the movement forward for us. Miners are always fearless in front of God, you are real people, each of you is a hero who stands up to the sky, and you truly embody the spirit of the working class vanguard. Advanced." Wang Xiaobo's sonorous voice fell to the ground amidst the howling wind.

The expressions of the commandos in the audience became serious. No one had ever spoken so highly of them. They really felt like the masters.

"Today, like everyone else, I am a glorious commando. What is a commando? The commando is where there are difficulties, where we are, where the most dangerous, and where is our position. All the employees in the mining area are paying attention to us , The people in the mining area are watching us. For the safety of the mining area and the happiness of the people in the mining area, do you think we have a way out?" Wang Xiaobo asked loudly.

"No!" The commando shouted two words in unison.Just like Huang Zhong Dalu, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

"Okay! Everyone is very confident. This is our hope of victory." Wang Xiaobo said and took a step forward: "Now I have a question to test everyone, eight captains, please take a step forward."

The eight commando captains were actually the eight captains, and they all took a step forward in unison when they heard the password.

When Wang Xiaobo saw that the eight captains had become commando captains, he felt a sense of admiration spontaneously.Yes, the ** of the mine manager only represents the mine manager himself, our people, how respectable and lovely our ordinary people are.But they are captains after all, and there are more than 200 employees under them. There is a truth that must be made clear to them: "You are all captains. I ask you, when national property and human life are threatened at the same time, there is only one choice. Which one to save first?"

Eight captains, you look at me, I look at you, what does he mean?In their traditional concept, of course national property is the most important.For example, the grassland hero, a little girl, sacrificed her life to protect a sheep in the commune, and was greatly appreciated by the public opinion.But now that Wang Xiaobo asked knowingly, he didn't know what kind of medicine was buried in his gourd.

Wang Xiaobo smiled: "I know, everyone will say that of course national property is important. But my answer is just the opposite. You have to remember that at any time and anywhere, people always come first. Property is created by people. It is also for people to use. When property is gone, people can re-create it. When people are gone, should property create people? Therefore, we can’t put the cart before the horse and do stupid things that don’t need people but property. .”

When the workers heard this strange talk for the first time, they all felt an unprecedented shock.In the past, Ru Dahai only regarded them as a labor tool, safety production was only a theory on paper, and even an ordinary hard hat was a defective product, so he even did the vicious act of sealing the well.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky were like a group of galloping horses in the prairie, rushing here and there, big raindrops had already hit the ground, and immediately threw a lot of dust on the gray ground.

Wang Xiaobo knew that the heavy rain was coming, so he quickly arranged: "Now I assign tasks, one or two commandos are responsible for the safety of the family members of the mining area; three or four are responsible for the safety of the mining area; safety; seven or eight commando teams are temporarily maneuvering. Good! Take your positions, pay attention to safety, and move."

As soon as Wang Xiaobo finished speaking, heavy rain poured down from the dark sky.It was not rain, but a rumbling, untenable torrential downpour of water, rushing against the ground amidst the whirling sound of a violent gust of wind.

Rainwater fell from the eaves, the top of the wall and the top of the trees, and spread in the yard that was just full of people, bubbling as if boiling, and poured out along the wall and out of the gate.

"Wow", with a loud bang, the flagpole on the top of the gate was uprooted, and like a javelin, it was directly inserted into the office on the second floor opposite.

Wang Xiaobo was taken aback, wondering what happened to the people in the town? "Quick, the Eighth Commando will come to town with me?" He shouted loudly, leading the charge into the rain and fog.

The situation in the town is much more serious than in the mining area.The typhoon has opened a big hole in the roofs of several common people, and people are busy covering them with rain cloths.Due to the heavy wind and heavy rain, there were few people, even adults and children went there, but it still didn't help.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaobo gave an order: "Go and help them." He took the lead and went to the roof of a house.

Twenty team members rushed to help, and finally the roofs of those houses were covered.

As soon as Wang Xiaobo got off the roof, he saw the roof of a house not far away collapsed.He was taken aback, and ran over quickly, only to see the sound of crying for father and mother coming from inside.

The door was blocked, and it was impossible to get in.After taking a few steps back, Wang Xiaobo sped up and ran a few more steps. With a kick, he climbed up the three-meter-high residual wall and fell into it with a bucket.A seven or eight-year-old child was crushed under a girder, crying. He hurriedly removed the girder, picked up the child, removed the sundries by the door, and rushed out to hand it to a commando: "Quick, send the child away." Go to the clinic."

Then, he rushed into that family for the second time and recited an old couple.Three more people came over and hurriedly sent the old couple to the clinic.

The people in the town were very surprised at the appearance of such a supportive team. It has been many years since we saw this kind of situation. You can see that none of the township cadres has been present.The common people were moved, and many of them automatically joined the commando.Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "He is the alien Wang Xiaobo mentioned in the newspaper."

So people rushed to tell each other, a team of 20 people, like a snowball, turned into a team of nearly 200 people, they rescued, rescued people, and did good deeds everywhere, becoming a beautiful landscape in the storm.

He saw that Beishan had moved. Although no township cadres appeared, the people are so lovely and great. This is the power of the people.

The violent wind and rain shook Beishan.

Wang Xiaobo hasn't been appointed yet, but he doesn't know that a cruel test is about to befall him.

After returning to the office, Wang Xiaobo was reminded by Ma Lin that a phone call was made to the duty room of the township government, and it took a while for someone to answer the phone.

"How is the flood discharge situation of Beishan Reservoir now?" Wang Xiaobo asked bluntly.

"Who are you, why do you ask this?" The other party asked impatiently.

Wang Xiaobo shouted loudly: "This is the Office of the Special Commissioner of the Provincial Party Committee, please cooperate."

"Special commissioner? Do you think of yourself as Xu Yunfeng or Jiang Jie?" The other party was still reticent.

Wang Xiaobo was so angry that he threw away the phone: "Come on, Commando No. [-] will follow me to Beishan Reservoir to have a look."

Marin also quickly put on the poncho: "I worked on the reservoir project when I jumped in and settled down, and I will go there with you too."

Wang Xiaobo patted Marin on the shoulder: "It's more reassuring to have an expert here." Then he turned to Jiang Weimin and said, "You are in charge here, and communicate in time if you have something to do." After speaking, he and Marin led the team and set off.

It rained harder and harder.Deep darkness enveloped the uninhabited mountains.The sound of the rainstorm, the howling of the strong wind, these elements liberated from nature, are frantically demonstrating on the land of Beishan.The creeks by the roadside were so tender before, but now they have all turned into wild horses, running forward angrily.

Both Wang Xiaobo and Ma Lin felt an inexplicable panic in their hearts.My heart is heavy, it seems that something important is about to happen.

The Beishan Reservoir lay quietly in the dark, and the violent wind and rain in the reservoir set off waves of waves from time to time, violently impacting the embankment.Marin looked at the scale on it with a flashlight: "No, it has already exceeded the police line by ten centimeters, why haven't you opened the gate yet?"

"Is it dangerous?" Wang Xiaobo asked.

Marin said: "In theory, it is already very dangerous, but it depends on the design strength of the dam. Let's go to the office to find out the situation."

A group of people walked to the office with lights on.I saw the four people on duty playing cards leisurely there.

Wang Xiaobo was so angry that he stomped on the table...

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