Wizard Wang Xiaobo

Chapter 56: Miscalculation

() Half an hour passed, and the Eighteen Arhats hadn't returned yet. Wang Xiaobo felt a little strange.Could it be that they didn't hear the explosion?impossible.In the middle of the night, the whole town heard such a violent explosion, and the villagers ran out of their homes to look around for news, let alone them.Could it be that they were stranded by the baldheads?It's impossible. Except for the explosion just now, I haven't heard any gunshots throughout the night.

Wang Xiaobo pressed his temple lightly, and an inexplicable panic suddenly came to his heart. Will they go to the planting base to join the first team?In that case, Li Jianfeng and Marin would be in danger.The son of the secretary of the provincial party committee fell into the hands of drug dealers, so what?Don't allow him to think about it any longer, and measures must be taken.

Wang Xiaobo immediately jumped off the roof and shouted loudly: "Quick, go to the pier."

Five guards ran out from their hiding places and rushed towards the pier.

Wang Xiaobo was the first to arrive at the pier, and there was still the shadow of a motorboat.Now, he broke out in a cold sweat and felt anxious, regretting that he should have left Li Jianfeng and Marin there in the first place.Now, the only hope is that their identities have not been revealed.

Wang Xiaolong concluded that Lai Ming, the captain of the mining police brigade, should be the contact between the drug lords in Southeast Asia and Ru Dahai. He saw that the drug processing factory was blown up and knew that the situation was over, so he would never care about Ru Dahai's life again. , will definitely merge with the first team, preserve strength, and intend to make a comeback.

At this time, the sixty miners should not have woken up. If Li Jianfeng was smart, their identities might not have been revealed yet.Once those miners wake up, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Wang Xiaobo shared his worries with the five guards and became anxious.Without further ado, the six of them ran towards the base tacitly.

After about an hour, I finally arrived at the gate of the base. It was quiet inside, and the hustle and bustle and lights when I left just now disappeared.Different from the quietness when he first arrived, there was a trick and inexplicable murderous intent.

Wang Xiaobo thought for a while, the gate is definitely not allowed to enter, maybe a net is being stretched right now, waiting for him to cast himself into the net.After pondering for a moment, he said, "Wait a minute, I'll pull the ropeway down from the top of the mountain. When you see a flashlight on the top of the mountain, shoot in time to attract their attention."

The guards were used to obeying, nodded to show they knew, and didn't say anything more.

In less than half an hour, Wang Xiaobo climbed to the top of the mountain, and within a minute of turning on the flashlight, gunshots rang out down the mountain.

Although the two steel wires that pull the cableway are two centimeters thick, it is not easy to rely on these two steel wires to slide down without first-class light work.Climbing up uses hand strength and strength.When sliding down, the hand should not hold the steel wire too tightly, otherwise the skin of the hand will be worn out within a few meters of the slide, and if the hand is held too loose, it will fall again.Between loosening and tightening, it depends on your lightness skill.

In less than 10 minutes, Wang Xiaobo had reached the ground.He observed carefully, and the opponent had already formed a three-dimensional crossfire on the house, the ground, and the opening facing the gate in the cave.It was obvious that they were fighting against the Jingwei, especially the firepower at the entrance of the cave was extremely fierce.

It's better to deal with the firepower at the entrance of the cave first, Wang Xiaobo ran into the cave after thinking about it.There was no one in the cave, only three people were squatting by the entrance of the cave, sweeping at the gate with all their might.

Wang Xiaobo moved forward quietly, and when he was less than two meters away from them, he suddenly exerted force, and two darts flew soundlessly towards the backs of their heads. Before the two men could react, they tilted their heads and fell down .The other person realized that the situation was not good. In panic, he just wanted to turn the gun, but the hole was too small, and the gun couldn't turn around all at once. Just as he was about to pull it back, Wang Xiaobo had already come to him, kicked him on the back of the head, and kicked him again. I can't get up either.

After solving the three people in the hole, the pressure outside has been greatly relieved.Although there is no offensive power yet, it is enough to resist for a while.

There were also three people at the firepower point on the ground, but these three people used pistols.

In order not to let the people on the roof notice, Wang Xiaobo hid under a trolley and slowly pushed towards the three of them. 5 meters, 3 meters, 2 meters, with a raised hand, two darts flew out at the same time, and the trolley pushed hard again, hitting the third person.Two seconds, just two seconds, although the three of them were not moving, they had already lost their fighting power.

Six vital forces were wiped out at once, and now the power ratio between the two sides is almost two to one.I believe that the five guards can resist for a while.He could now consider Li Jianfeng's situation. Since there was no one in the cave, they must be in that row of houses.

More than 100 people can only be shut down in the dining hall.Wang Xiaobo walked around to the back of the house and looked at the dining hall from the window. Sure enough, more than 100 dumb people were locked there.There were two people standing at the door, and the other was walking back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, looking very anxious.

At this time, he probably also heard that something was wrong with the gunshots, so he said to the two people standing at the door: "You two watch them, I'll go out and have a look."

Wang Xiaobo thought, this is probably the captain Lai Ming.Capture the thief first, capture the king first, why not capture him first when he is alone, and force them to surrender, which also saves a lot of trouble.

So he walked around to the front of the house and saw Lai Ming walking towards this side with a carbine in his hand, and wanted to go to the entrance of the cave to see what was going on.

When Wang Xiaobo got close to him, he immediately rushed forward, kicked Lai Ming's wrist, and the carbine flew up.

Lai Ming was also fearless in the face of danger, quickly took two steps back, and reached out to touch the pistol at his waist.

Wang Xiaobo was willing to give him this chance, but he attacked him again.

Lai Ming was startled, he moved so fast, he didn't even care about touching the gun, he hurriedly rolled forward, narrowly avoiding the sharp kick.Before the man could stand up, a punch hit his crotch.

As if Wang Xiaobo had calculated it right, he had already grabbed his wrist, lifted it up, and turned it around, and Lai Ming's left hand was useless.At the same time, the other hand was already on the throat.

After Wang Xiaobo pulled him to the back of the house, he touched a few acupuncture points and ignored him.Next, what he needs to deal with are the two guards in the dining hall.

This time, Wang Xiaobo ran in swaggeringly, and said with a smile to the stunned two people: "Thank you for your hard work, I will replace you." As soon as he finished speaking, he was already standing in front of them.

One person asked suspiciously: "Who are you? Why don't I know you?"

Wang Xiaobo shook his fists in front of the two of them: "What do you think this is?"

Feeling baffled, the two looked at him in amazement.

"Look at it." Wang Xiaobo said, and his two fists hit the eyes of the two of them heavily.

The two fell to the ground and stared at him with two panda eyes for no reason.

Wang Xiaobo picked up two carbines, and said with a smile: "You don't understand the panda-eyed tricks of Mr. Wang?"

"Fifth brother, it's really you. What's the matter with the gunshots outside?" Li Jianfeng ran out from nowhere.Marin also came over and said, "It's tiring to be a mute for two hours."

It turned out that after Wang Xiaobo and the others left, they also sat on the floor in the dining hall with the mutes, closed their eyes and rested their minds, and gradually fell asleep.Soon this group of people rushed in and yelled at them. Naturally, the mutes could only yell, and the two of them saw the opportunity quickly, and followed suit.He didn't reveal his identity.

Wang Xiaobo patted the shoulders of the two of them and said: "Okay, let's deal with the gunmen above first. By the way, who can use a gun here?"

Immediately, seven or eight people ran out.Wang Xiaobo said again: "You guys are holding carbines, no matter who is there or not, just shoot at the roof."

So, these seven or eight people ran to each room and swept up the roof.All I could hear was screams from the roof.The guards outside also attacked in.

Wang Xiaobo saw that it was almost done, so he took Lai Ming out, stood in the yard, and said loudly: "We have captured Lai Ming, you surrender, resist to the end, you will only die."

There was a burst of gunfire just now, and many people were injured. Seeing that the leader was also caught, the situation was over, so he raised his hand and surrendered. "

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