Doomsday Dark Age

062 The Catastrophe of the Peak

In the big team of the Black Claw Tribe, a small group formed around Gao Feng. Gao Feng was the core of this small group. There were 120 four people. These people were people related to Tianshuijing, including Qi Nu. [ ]

Neither Black Claw nor Elder Little Eyes stopped him. In other words, they were happy to see what happened. No matter what, Black Claw always felt indebted to the third son, and this indebtedness accumulated with the Death God incident and the Earth Armor's decision.

When the clouds began to turn from black to red in the second day, the Black Claw Tribe started to migrate again, heading towards the tribe where their ancestors lived. The mountains are spectacular and striking.

Gao Feng lying on a stretcher is receiving the best care. He doesn't know that the daughter of the fallen warrior is greeting her with care. The wilderness woman who can be with a man at the age of 14 has a special wildness and unrestrainedness, and her eyes are twinkling like silk. Under the dangerous and scorching fire, from time to time, it sends out currents that give Gao Feng a headache.

The hardest thing to bear is the beauty, but the beauty in the wilderness is the most tolerable. This 14-year-old girl already has one-thousandth of a prototype of a peerless beauty. Let alone the persimmon-like cheeks, let’s talk about the beauty inherited from her parents. With a wide frame, it is easy to think that Miaoman's figure, curves and curves are definitely not related to her, and even the uniformity of flesh and blood is insulated from her.

Therefore, in this world, Gao Feng finally understands the profound meaning of what is invisible to the naked eye. Every time that big loli casts seductive and ambiguous eyes on Gao Feng who is only one year older than her, it is always the time when Gao Feng just faints.

In the unknown direction of Gaofeng, there are always two pairs of eyes watching him silently, one pair is cloudy and sophisticated, with a cunning that ordinary warriors don't have, and the other pair is cold and majestic, no tribal warriors dare to look at each other.

"What exactly does he want?" Black Claw, who withdrew his gaze, couldn't help asking the elders beside him. He already knew the impact caused by Big Claw. Three of the seven elders of the tribe died in battle with him, and three more were wiped out by Big Claw. There are only five elders left who were not outstanding before.

"He's still a child..." Fifth Elder's eyes flickered, and he relieved Black Claw insincerely. He also saw that something was wrong with Gao Feng, or in other words, neither he nor Black Claw could understand Gao Feng. [ ]

Black Claw shook his head, no longer paying attention to Gao Feng who was indifferent to beauty, and turned his head to look at the unsteady Second Claw in the team, the second son who also gave him a headache.

"Did no one see Two Claws' grandma?" Having said that, Black Claw couldn't help but clenched the claw blades tightly, and the several claw blades that were joined together almost broke apart amidst the sour creaking sound.

Big Claw didn't just kill Black Claw's woman, he killed his own mother, he also committed a big taboo of a man, thinking of Big Claw, Black Claw would like to tear him to pieces.

"No, I asked everyone. Before Big Claw came back, Two Claws and some people from the fringe tribes disappeared. No one knows what happened..."

The five elders with small eyes drooped their eyebrows, and said absentmindedly, this is the weirdest place, why do these people disappear?What is the force behind pushing the Talon tribe into the trap?It's probably impossible to rely on only one armada tribe.

"There are also those strange people in black robes. If it weren't for them, the Earth Armor Tribe wouldn't be so easy to get..."

More questions kept appearing in front of Black Claw, which froze his brain a bit, and it was not enough. Instead of analysis and reasoning, it was better to say that he was tossing himself.

"It should be Xianfeng Jialuo. Ordinary shelter Jialuo is not so precise. Thousands of people will be knocked unconscious before they can escape..."

The Fifth Elder hurriedly answered, feeling a little uneasy. Even Black Claw couldn't do this. If it killed people, it might be okay, but it would be more difficult to just knock people out, or knock out thousands of people at the same time.

"Erzhao really don't know what's going on?" Heizhao, who couldn't figure it out, gave up thinking. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand. If these people had been dispatched earlier, even without the trap of the barren tribe, they would not be able to stop the opponent , but why bother?

"Could it be something that the people of the Earth Armor tribe should do?" Hearing the cold murderous look in Heizhao's mouth, the Fifth Elder glanced at the distraught Erzhuo, and said uncertainly, not for deduction, but just not wanting Heizhao Then kill the second son.

"Impossible," Black Claw denied again. This matter was weird from beginning to end. The news of the barren tribe was told by the second elder to Black Claw, but the second elder was killed by Big Claw, and the Earth Armament tribe besieged He knew everything about the Black Claw Tribe before and after. If there was an internal reaction, the Earth Armor Tribe would not take so long to take action. [ ]

"Do you want to ask Three Claws? There is an evil spirit about this kid. If we can't do it, he may not be able to do it..."

For some reason, the Fifth Elder felt that he wanted to solve the mystery. The only candidate was Gao Feng, but anger flashed in Heizhao's eyes. Why can Three Claws do what he can't do?He is the father of three claws.

"Let's go back first. The tribe has been destroyed, and many chores need to be arranged. From now on, you will be the Great Elder. Then find a few people from the warriors to be promoted to elders. First, stabilize people's hearts..."

Black Claw didn't want to ask Gao Feng's opinion, felt embarrassed, and switched to other topics. He thought the Fifth Elder would be very happy, but unexpectedly he shook his head and said:

"The position of the Great Elder has been vacant for so long, isn't it because no one knows how to settle accounts? You asked me to calculate the tribe's food reserves and population consumption. Why don't you kill me now? Anyway, if something goes wrong, you will kill me too. I…"

The fifth elder's refusal made Black Claw's face look sad. Other elders can be replaced, but the first elder can't, that is, the first elder is good at calculation. Calculation is a major matter involving the life and death of the tribe. It can be calculated from the amount of food harvested every year , Calculate the per capita consumption of the tribe's population, ensure that everyone has enough food for the winter, and other things. If you don't know how to calculate, how much you eat, everyone is waiting to starve to death.

"Not only the issue of rations and food, but also the plan for next year. How many fields of sandy dates should we plant and how many seeds should we set aside? There is also the slaughter of livestock. If you kill too much, it will affect your livelihood in the future. If you kill less, it will consume more. A lot of pasture, by the way, there are more than 20 soil lizards in the team, their consumption should also be counted..."

The five elders' rambling narration made Black Claw's head a bit bigger. The Great Elder of the Black Claw Tribe had a lofty status, just like the prime minister of the country in his previous life, he managed the entire tribe, and as the leader, he was more like a strategic leader. Xing's nuclear weapons will not be used easily, and at the same time, he will not have the heart to manage the tribe. Anyway, as long as he can't starve to death, he can guarantee his life.

"It's a pity that Kuitu was killed by the three claws. The Great Elder doesn't know how to teach others, but he will definitely teach Kuitu. I wanted to let him hone it for a while before recommending him as the Great Elder..."

While the Fifth Elder was complaining about his suffering, his mind was also spinning, and it was pulled onto Kuitu unconsciously, making Black Claw's heart move. He suddenly remembered the words drawn by Gao Feng. No matter where Gao Feng learned these taboos, most of them understand words People who know how to count, maybe the peak can do it?

A thought flashed by, and Black Claw remembered the meeting. Gao Feng sat on his lower head, ignoring himself, and suddenly became angry, and shouted loudly: "No, you can't let Three Claws become the Great Elder..."

This was just a thought in Heizhao's mind. He suddenly shouted it out, which made the Fifth Elder a little stunned. Then he suddenly let go of his brows and eyes, and shouted loudly: "Yes, you can make Three Claws the Great Elder..."

"I said no, absolutely not. No one knows what that kid is thinking. What if he goes crazy and ruins the whole tribe? Also, he hasn't been through personnel affairs yet, so he can't be considered a real man. You expect a child to be able to What a great ability..."

"Three Claws are more capable than me." The Fifth Elder could only murmur these words in his heart, Black Claw's angry excuses were not tenable. Killed the horrible god of death. Last night, only fifty slaves were used to turn the people killed by the ground armada tribe on their backs. They even fished out the ground armada, so that Black Claw can easily capture the camp. All of them are worth showing off for the rest of their lives. great merit.

"Why don't you take over the position of Great Elder yourself?" The Fifth Elder didn't dare to object to Black Claw's opinion, and carefully said that it was not an option. He really didn't want to be the Great Elder.

Heizhao was dumb for a moment, opened his mouth and stared blankly at the pitiful Fifth Elder who was staring at him, and then said uncertainly after a while, "How about... let Three Claws try?"

"This method is good. Whether it works or not, try it first. It's easier not to become a man. We put all the women in the tribe above the age of ten and under the age of 16 in front of him, and let him choose..."

The fifth elder's old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile. If Gao Feng became the first elder, then the position of the second elder would be his, and the second elder's rights were not small. He was very satisfied, but the method he said made Black Claw doubt again.

"I gave him the most beautiful woman in the whole wilderness tribe, but he is still dissatisfied. The women of the Black Claw tribe... don't seem to be able to impress him, could it be..."

Under suspicion and speculation, Black Claw's face suddenly turned ugly, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Gao Feng who was pretending to be dead, and said word by word from his throat: "Could it be that he likes men?"

Good masculinity is not uncommon in the western wilderness, but it mostly happens to qinu, because qinu has no chance to get a woman, and slave women are not willing to have sex with men who are eliminated, just like in the animal world, female spouses , need the strongest male sex, leave the best genes, and the tribe also turn a blind eye to this, let the bondage slaves vent each other, is it better than oppressing them, and thus harming those animals?

"It's possible..., wasn't he looking for the little qinu who followed him yesterday? I heard that the little qinu was killed by the big claw, it seems that he still doesn't give up."

The Fifth Elder crossed his arms, touched his chin with his right thumb and index finger, and said thoughtfully, looking at his serious look, he looked wise. After he finished speaking, he looked at Black Claw triumphantly, But he saw a big foot slamming on his heart, causing the Fifth Elder to fly out screaming.

"Get out..., my son doesn't like men." Black Claw's roar shook the eardrums of the Fifth Elder, and made the rest of the tribe look at it together. There was an incredible look in their eyes, and Black Claw couldn't help rubbing against it. Holding the sharp blade, he stared back fiercely, but worried in his heart: "Could it be that he really likes men? No, he must not be allowed to touch other men and surround him with women. I don't believe in breaking him..."

Black Claw couldn't help making up his mind, his flaming eyes showed unprecedented firmness and fanaticism, his son would definitely become Xianfeng Jia Luo, how could he like men as humblely as Qi Nu?

Gao Feng didn't know what Black Claw and Fifth Elder were thinking, and he never cared about it. He couldn't find Hongsha, which made him very depressed. At one time, he had the urge to find someone to fight. Zhang Mingming was a woman with a persimmon face, and a girl who blinked at him with small eyes.

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