Doomsday Dark Age

009 Unexpected hospitality

The hunger in his stomach was not as intense as the pain from his wounds. He raised his arms and looked at the sand-polished wounds on his hands. He was surprised to find that the worn-off skin was covered with something like rotten grass leaves. , although the wound is painful, but you can feel the coolness and itching delivered by the grass leaves. 【leaf*】【*】

"Who did it?" The image of Kuuya suddenly flashed in Gao Feng's mind. The blade of grass in his hand was obviously chewed by someone's teeth. When he thought of the mouthful of rhubarb that Kuuya had, his stomach couldn't help but twitched. Sitting up, he wanted to throw off the things in his hands, and then he saw that his whole body was covered with such things.

The entangled Gao Feng then remembered that not only the broken teeth could apply the medicine for him, but at least there was another person in the room who could do it for him. After searching around, he didn’t find the little bonded slave in the room, and the door latch was stuck. , pistols and sabers are all there. In doubt, he looked under his bed, but saw a small figure rolled together like a cat, occupying one-fifth of the area under the bed, and everything was piled up. It was neat and tidy, and it was not rubbed or touched.

Seeing the well-behaved little Qinu, Gao Feng felt slightly warmed, and slowly stood under the bed. As soon as his hands left the support point, he was startled by the little Qinu standing beside him. No one knew that the little Qinu was Why did he crawl out so quietly? Gao Feng shook his head, pointed at the herbs on his body and said, "Is there any more? Get me some..."

Sitting on the bed, looking at the clear red sand outside the door, Gao Feng couldn't help thinking back to the moment yesterday when he killed Kuitu and avoided the fang knife. His body seemed to have been rehearsed thousands of times, but the memory of this One hand has another name, Seize the Spear.

The use of the gun-seizing technique to avoid fangs and knives can be called an overkill, but Gao Feng is even more curious about his previous identity. He thought he was a soldier, but soldiers don't need to practice the gun-snatching technique?So who is he?And the fierceness with which he stabbed into Kuitu's neck, at that moment he could actually keep his hand, he could easily hang the saber around Kuitu's neck, but why did he stab it all at once?Could it be that he was originally a cold-blooded person?

Amidst the thoughts, little Qinu walked in with Kuo Ya, and Kuo Ya looked at Gao Feng with a foolish smile, put down the hard date cake in his hand and said, "This is today's meal, we don't need to contact Shazhi for two days. , there is no need to wait for the assessment, the tribe is busy with disaster relief... [~]”

Huoya didn't stay for too long, he was afraid that Gao Feng would ask about the money for the Fangya knife.

Seeing the date cake, little Qinu lost his indifference for the first time, and his pure eyes also showed desire and burning. Obviously, the basic need for food is the most irresistible temptation for any starving person. Gao Feng saw The desire and greed in those eyes were slightly dazed.

'Is this the look that wild people should have?They fight bloody for a morsel of food, for a little supplies, not because they are born to like to kill, but reality forces them to do so, will I be like them? Gao Feng asked himself in his heart, and once again, the idea of ​​going out came to him.

Tear open half a sheet of sand date cake, and gestured at the size of the little Qinu. Gao Feng shook his head and tore off half of it again. He was afraid that the little Qin Nu would strangle him to death. One tenth of it weighs two catties, and the moment he handed over the cake, Little Qi Nu looked at Gao Feng in amazement, daring not to stretch out his hand.

Date cake is not a good thing, at least Gao Feng is not used to eating it, it is bland and has no texture, just like chewing white wax, but this date cake is the most official food in the western wilderness, rich in nutrition, and can make an adult eat The warriors ate for two days, most of the slaves and children ate the bran powder that fell from the grinding of sand dates, which was even rougher, while the Qinu ate whatever they had, even when they were hungry, they ate the chaff from the livestock. Feces, looking for undigested grass seeds to eat.

So Gao Feng's kindness was rejected by the little Qinu, which caused Gao Feng a little headache. After carefully looking at the little Qinu, Gao Feng still couldn't see her appearance from her jet-black face. The messy hair was more abstract than a bird's nest. It was dyed red by the sand and dirt, and her clothes were a sack made of grass stems, with three holes drawn from the bottom and sides of the bag, just to cover it, if she put her head and arms Indented, it is an inconspicuous bag. [~]

He didn't comment on the little Qinu's ability to disguise. After thinking about it, Gao Feng suddenly had the image of a puppy in his mind. It seemed that raising such a little Qinu wasn't very difficult?Just like a puppy.

"Go and wash yourself..., eat after cleaning..." Gao Feng said to his first follower, the little Qinu nodded obediently, turned around and went out, leaving a pile of food. Fresh grass leaves.

"Smarter than a puppy" Gao Feng nodded as he looked at the moving sack, and then gave a loud pooh: "This is not a dog..."

The blades of grass left by the little Qinu are somewhat familiar. They seem to be fodder for animals. From the memory of Three Claws, the tribe has better healing medicines. It is a pity that the medicines can only be obtained from the third elder. He is not Official tribal warriors are naturally not available.

The leaves of grass in front of him should be commonly used healing medicines for Qinu, but unfortunately, the healing effect on wounds is not good, and they are slightly poisonous, as evidenced by the itching of his wounds.

Picking up a light red blade of grass, Gao Feng felt the heat in his palm again. According to his method of extracting the essence of the sage flower, he placed his palm on the blade of grass, and slowly felt the change of the traction force of his fingertips. After the heart fell into the tranquility of the ancient well, the thoughts and the scorching heat of the palm merged into one. In an instant, the scorching heat of the palm turned into ice cold, and the grass blade withered visibly with the naked eye. Rolling and condensing into small transparent water droplets, it makes people happy to watch.

This drop of water exudes an indescribable fragrance of grass and trees, which makes Gao Feng, who is accustomed to the taste of the wilderness, clear his mind for a while, and the impetuousness in his heart disappears a lot. He stares at the suspended water drop, carefully pulls it, and slowly moves it to his neck. On the wound, it was the scar left by Kuitu.

After a little hesitation, Gao Feng decided to land on the back of his hand, which was farther away from his vitals. There was a burst of coolness, as if a cold plaster had been applied to the wound on his body, and he let out a deep breath.

Little Qinu came in naked, with wet hair sticking softly to her cheeks, dripping water all over her body, and bright red spots all over her not delicate skin, as if rubbed by sandpaper, the peaks were slightly swept away , Not daring to look carefully, grabbed the animal skin mattress on the bed and threw it on the little girl, muttering: "I will find a way to make clothes by myself. I only have sand date cakes here. If you don't eat them, you will starve to death..."

After finishing speaking, he picked up half of the date cake and walked out of the house, feeling his cheeks hot, even though little Qi Nu was just a little girl less than seven years old, he felt sincerely ashamed.

"Am I a lolicon?" Gao Feng, who was squatting in front of his own property, staring at the killing crowd and staring at the killing crowd, wondered, and then thought: "What is a lolicon?"

Gao Feng squatted in front of his house eating without any image, watching the endless stream of transport teams carrying sand outside the fence, and occasionally an arm or a thigh could be seen stiffly protruding from a basket of sand.

There was no pity, no sigh, and no resentment towards this damned world. Gao Feng chewed and ate and watched coldly. The wound on his body was cleaned up according to his own method. He could feel that the wound was healing to goodness, but he was not prepared to give it to others. Help, because the people here have nothing to do with him.

This is when Gao Feng saw Huoya. Huoya was cleaning the sand in front of his house with a tribal warrior. Compared with the hardworking tribal warrior, Huoya held a tusk knife in one hand while digging out the sand absently. Not long after, He saw Huo Ya lying on the ground rolling, and the tribal warrior was using a broken spear to lash out at Huo Ya. Seeing this, Gao Feng suddenly smiled, which was also his first smile in this world.

Gautai was lazy and was whipped by his own Ah Da, but Gao Feng felt a kind of envy. At least, Ah Da of Kuoya was caring for him in another way, but he felt that in this world, even one who committed a crime Wrong, no one smoked himself.

He never thought of Black Claw as his father, even the memory of Three Claws. In Three Claws' heart, Black Claw was more like a symbol, an abstract verb, a stranger who didn't have much intersection. How Talon and Twopaw got along with Talon, at least, he didn't have to worry about accepting such an old anxiety that suddenly hit him on the head.

"Three claws, three claws!!! I've brought you good things..." A friendly shout pulled Gao Feng over from Kuoya, and he turned to see a tribal warrior with a smile on his face. A plate of things came towards him, and there was a pile of barbecued meat still bubbling on the plate.

This tribal warrior has a smoothness that other people don't have. The fang knife that the tribal warrior regards as life is casually inserted behind the buttocks, and the blade exposed from the leather case is covered with various black, yellow, and green stains. , but his body and face are clean, which makes people like him at first glance. At least a clean person is easier to accept than a dirty person.

Gao Feng chewed the bread and stood up, looking at this guy suspiciously. If I remember correctly, this person should be in charge of the tribe’s livestock management. During major celebrations, the most anticipated barbecue is distributed by him himself, which is rare. The most amazing thing is that he was able to properly distribute the attendants according to Ada's status in the tribe after the attendants. In Gao Feng's memory, in every celebration, the barbecue meat obtained by the three claws was second only to the big claws and the two claws. .

"A lot of beasts died yesterday, and today I ate meat, I'm afraid you don't know, it was brought here for you..."

"Thank you Uncle Gan, do all the attendants have it?" There was barbecue, Gao Feng naturally accepted it with a smile, and spoke a little affectionately. Pretend to be mysterious and said to Gao Feng: "Don't say anything, only you have it, and you don't have big claws. You killed Kuitu yesterday, but you shocked us. If you want to eat meat in the future, just tell your Uncle Gan. If Uncle Gan doesn't eat it, he has to keep it with you..."

Gao Feng was very disdainful of Rod, whether this plate of barbecue was covered or not, people knew how far away, and Rod delivered barbecue to himself, but he didn't understand the reason, didn't Big Claw, he did?Could it be the reward for killing Kuitu?

Gan and Gao Feng chatted a few unnutritious gossips, turned around and left while swinging their fatter buttocks, and kicked the eyeless Qinu half to death in a tricky way, but he was not a big-hearted person. Looking at the back of the pole, Gao Feng frowned, and he felt the heat in his palm...

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