
Chapter 43

Yes, it's windy!

Under the movement of this sudden mountain wind, in just a few minutes, large, large clouds covered the entire sky, completely blocking the sun that was still emitting strong light and heat just now.Looking at the layers of pale fish-belly above the head, the dark clouds that are so thick that they almost fall directly, and collide head-on with the whole land, watching them roll continuously, forming a strong sense of movement and Zhang Yang, everyone clearly felt the most intense depression and dullness before the mountain rain was about to come.

Several heavyweight instructors looked at each other. They were the instructors of the fifth special unit, but at the same time they were also human beings. They also had their own emotions, emotions, and desires.Although they tried their best to be fair and fair, and frankly admitted that it was impossible to open the door to Fengyinglou during this kind of graduation exam, but...they still gave Fengyinglou a hand in the end!

Of course they knew that it would rain today, and it was heavy rain, heavy rain, and violent rain, but they still chose this day! [


Suddenly, a purple thunder snake ruthlessly cut through the pitch-black sky. In the lightning-fast twists and turns, it shot the extremely dazzling blazing light onto the entire land in an instant, and the deafening roar, It was like hundreds of battle drums beating wildly together, causing the whole earth to tremble slightly.And this thunder that pierced through the heavens seemed to be the firing of a starting gun, and raindrops the size of peas filled the entire world in an instant.

It is in the face of this irresistible power of nature, and when the raindrops splash down like silk, chains and arrows, it seems that human beings become small and empty because of this, in this piece of stone that is shocking, those in the mountains On the stage where the towering trees are constantly tumbling violently with the strong wind, it is the most eye-catching and the most negligible. The legendary one is still him... Fengyinglou!

Showered in the blazing light of Lei Fei Dianwu, Feng Ying Lou really looks like the most powerful creature from another different dimension world, its whole body exudes a dazzling silver brilliance.Although it is unbelievable, although it is too exaggerated, his body standing there quietly and proudly is like a legendary body, and the terrifying power that is almost domineering in him makes the Dragon King suddenly have a clear light in his heart. Enlightenment... This boy, this former classmate, will definitely stand at the pinnacle of the world stage in the future!

Even people with the richest life experience can no longer see the background of Fengyinglou.

On the face of Fengyinglou, the unique tenacity and strength of the little people struggling at the bottom of the society are written; but in just over an hour, with victory after victory and "killing" the enemy again and again, cultivated His strong self-confidence; on his body, there are six years of depression and grievances, all blooming at this moment, that explosive vigor and domineering that can no longer be resisted!

The scariest thing was his eyes.

It is so cold that there is almost no temperature, with a sharp feeling that kills with one blow, in the wind, in the rain, in the mountains roaring, in the rolling trees, it is as clear as a sword, sharp as a sword, deep as a sword, strong as a sword, and cunning as a sword. The sword is as reckless as a sword, but for some reason, there is a gray film faintly covering such a pair of sharp eyes like heaven and earth soldiers.

It was such a pair of eyes that made him stand there in a big way, allowing his body to be exposed in front of the Dragon King and the others, and allowing them to raise their guns at him, but for some reason, he looked like It's a wolf!

A veteran of many battles, he has already learned to endure and fight in the cruelest nature. He is used to hiding in the dark for a long time. Once hit, it's back to Dark Wolf again!

"Dragon King!"

Listening to the violent drinking of Fengyinglou, separated by a distance of more than 20 meters, separated by a rain curtain that is flying like arrows and is becoming more and more impenetrable, Fengyinglou and Dragon King were doomed six years ago. The elite students of the Fifth Special Forces, who might become friends, just stood there in a certain corner of the mountains and dense forests. When their eyes collided fiercely in the air, several shapes burst out spark.

Fengyinglou slightly narrowed his eyes. That's right, the 17-year-old Dragon King is not yet a qualified special forces captain. That's because he spent too much time on self-training.Dragon King, he is proud and arrogant, but in the field of individual combat, he does have the capital of pride and arrogance, and he likes to break the situation with strength, and likes to take responsibility for himself and go forward bravely, which can inspire people on the battlefield. Everyone's unyielding blood!

Although after chasing and fighting here, there are only the last two people around the Dragon King, but Fengyinglou understands that the current Dragon King is more terrifying than ever, because he is angry and crazy!The Dragon King is the kind of berserker who is like in the Nordic mythology, those who meet the strong will be strong. Once they are angry or crazy, they will inevitably burst out with the strongest fighting flames, and even the gods and demons of the world will be moved by it!

The Dragon King also slightly narrowed his eyes, because he knew why Fengyinglou stopped suddenly.

"Dragon King, hold on for another 3 minutes, and then we'll be here! Remember, at this time, we don't ask for merit, but for success. As long as our two brothers join forces, that bastard in Fengyinglou, that trash It is impossible to turn the garbage in the sky into the sky..."

In the portable walkie-talkie, not only came Chen Bubu's low growl, but also heard Chen Bubu's uncontrollable panting during the continuous running, and the second special operations team led by him, [-] people fought hard. When they tried their best to advance at full speed in the mountains against the wind and rain, their heavy footsteps sounded.

That's right, as long as the Dragon King and Chen Bubu, who is still strong and strong, and has not lost a single team member until now, can successfully meet together, and Chen Bubu's extraordinary leadership and wisdom, coupled with the Dragon King's bravery and combat skills, will inevitably lead to a relationship between them. There will be a qualitative change in geometry.

However, listening to Chen Bubu's whispers and feeling the waves of coolness and comfort brought by the rain like arrows hitting his body, the Dragon King reached out and slowly took off the portable walkie-talkie with waterproof function beside his ear. , Even interrupted the contact between him and Chen Buxing. [

Because the Dragon King knew very well that at this time, if he ignored the order of 21 [-] to shoot, or simply stood by and waited for Chen's foot reinforcements to arrive, then in this narrow battle where the brave wins, he would be an out-and-out loser!

He will never forget this day, this scene, let alone the fact that all the weapons in his hands are gone, but he still dares to stand there proudly, waiting for them to catch up, using his body, his expression, his gaze, his attitude, Fengyinglou launched a wave of sonic challenges to himself!

Because the only reason why Fengyinglou stopped was that he wanted to completely wipe out the special operations team led by the Dragon King with only three people left before the Dragon King and Chen Bubu met!Moreover, what Fengyinglou wants to use is the brave duel that was once popular on the ancient Chinese battlefield thousands of years ago... heads-up!

One-on-one, not relying on many soldiers and generals, not relying on strategists' tricks, with the drums beating and the thousands of troops shouting, blood and sweat flying together, writing one after another human legends, can only belong to the strongest and bravest in this land Showdown stage!

If facing this kind of duel, the Dragon King evaded and flinched, he could win the elimination match, but he, his career, was destined to come to an end here.Without the murderous aura of encountering gods and killing gods, encountering Buddhas and punishing Buddhas, without the most craziest and passionate presumptuousness that can erupt in the depths of the soul, he is nothing!

While staring at each other silently, the Dragon King threw the portable walkie-talkie and the automatic rifle in his hand to the foot, then nodded slowly towards Fengyinglou.The two of them pulled out their fighting sabers almost at the same time. The difference was that what the Dragon King pulled out was just a prop fighting saber made of rubber with a layer of silver dust on the surface, while the one that Fengyinglou pulled out was a That fighting saber that used to accompany Mo Tian across the world was a full 36 centimeters long and drank the blood of countless enemies!

The raindrops hit the blade, and splashes are dazzlingly beautiful, and the life is so short that it is just a flash in the sky. However, with their foil, the whole fighting saber looks more and more cold and dangerous stand up.Looking at the back of this fighting saber, it can sharply saw off a steel bar two centimeters thick, and when it penetrates a person's body, it will cause a large area of ​​fatal wounds. It is [-]% the sawtooth that stabs someone to death. After Fengyinglou reacted, do The first thing I do is put it back into the magazine.

Two minutes and 45 seconds, at most two minutes and 45 seconds later, the reinforcements led by Chen Bubu will arrive. In this case, Fengyinglou, who has already wiped out all his weapons, chose to fight with bare hands!

He actually tried to defeat or even "kill" him with his bare hands within 45 minutes and [-] seconds. In all grades in the school, his fighting skills can be squeezed into the top [-], and he has already won the third-degree black belt in karate. Qigong has been practiced so proficiently that he can break nine green bricks with one palm, and even smash the dragon king who smashed three layers of ice!

Facing this scene and facing the frontal challenge of Fengyinglou, the Dragon King's eyes suddenly burst into a blazing flame. With the etiquette of a martial artist, he cupped his fists at Fengyinglou as a salute, and said in a deep voice: "Sorry, admire, please!"

Without being there, who can understand the complex and profound meaning of the six short words of Dragon King?

When the Dragon King raised his hands and slowly made a fighting gesture, there was no more flaws in his whole body.His chin was slightly retracted to protect his throat, and the Dragon King's eyes stared directly at Fengyinglou's eyes from the front.He watched with such concentration and seriousness that anyone could clearly understand that as soon as he made a move, what he would make would be the craziest, fiercest and craziest frontal attack, and he would definitely be desperate, A barbaric attack that maximizes the offensive and offensive instincts of generals!

Even if the person standing in front of the Dragon King at this moment is the champion of the World Disparity Fighting Competition, facing his eyes full of wildness and unyielding, and even faintly revealing the craziest fighting spirit, he will understand the horror of the Dragon King, and he will not just start the game. Unbridled all-out attack!

The two team members standing behind the Dragon King involuntarily held their breath carefully, and their eyes widened.

Of course they knew how powerful the Dragon King was, but they really didn't expect that in Fengyinglou, more than 20 meters away, they could see an unyielding fighting spirit that was almost equal to that of the Dragon King. Give up all defenses and strengthen the attack to the limit of the fighting stance!

They are like two sharpest spears. As for who is tougher and who is sharper, the only way to find out is through a head-to-head confrontation!


The second burst of furious thunder rose above their heads. It was like a hundred suns rising at the same time, tearing apart the splendor of heaven and earth in an instant. It was a deafening roar that made human hearts tremble wildly. , carrying the majesty of heaven and earth, slammed into everyone present, and an electric snake even slammed into the jungle less than 100 meters away from them.

For a moment, the world really fell apart, and it was really a group of demons dancing wildly.

But at this time, Fengyinglou and Dragon King still stared at each other without blinking. The two of them didn't move their eyes, hands, or hearts. Faced with such close proximity, it is impossible for human beings to resist. With the natural power of heaven, the two of them actually chose not to move!


But at the moment when a big tree fell down by lightning and collapsed, Fengyinglou and Dragon King moved together, because they both clearly understood that their opponents already possessed the best military qualities that can change color when facing the collapse of Mount Tai. It is absolutely impossible to catch the opponent's spiritual loopholes in this imposing duel! [

The most important thing is that the second special operations team led by Chen Xuxing is already close at hand.


Two minutes later, Chen followed him all the way out of breath. The first thing that caught his eyes was the Dragon King who was half kneeling on the ground, letting the bean-sized raindrops hit his head and face, but still motionless.

"Dragon King, why don't you reply to my communication..."

Chen Bubu's angry scolding came to an abrupt end, because until this moment, he didn't know why the proud Dragon King would half-kneel on the ground.He was able to withstand repeated blows with a wooden stick more than 100 times, and his left knee, which could be shaped like nothing, was kicked until he lost consciousness. When he watched the Dragon King carefully support his body little by little, his face was full of pain. Unable to suppress the pain that was exposed, Chen Bubu really couldn't imagine, except instructor Jin Zexi, who could have such a strong attack!

Facing Chen Bubu's unbelievable gaze, the Dragon King said frankly: "I lost to Fengyinglou, but I am convinced!"

Don't ask how much time the two have been facing each other, and don't ask how many strong shots they have played on each other.It was Fengyinglou who finally ended the battle and was punched by the Dragon King, breaking two ribs and kicking the inner knee of the Dragon King's left leg.

This seems to be just the most common kick, but it is the trump card tailor-made for Fengyinglou by instructor Jin Zexi.

Not to mention that this trump card is a combination of taekwondo, karate, and ancient muay thai kick techniques, the essence of the inner circle technique, not to mention, for this trump card, there is also a matching hard qigong practice method, These things are all nonsense for professional soldiers.

However, if you want to practice this trump card, the most important one is to practice at least one and a half hours every day!

In other words, for the past six years, Fengyinglou has spent at least one and a half hours every day facing the poplar tree wrapped with hemp rope, like a mindless robot, kicking the same part non-stop, doing the same action.

If it takes one and a half hours a day, Fengyinglou will use this seemingly simplest inner knee kicking movement to practice more than 60 times.In the past six years and two thousand days, he practiced this simple kick more than [-] times!

60 million times!

Who can imagine that a boy who is full of grievances and unwillingness to give up has practiced 60 times of kicking, kicking the human body, and the possible lethality in an instant? !

By the way, I forgot to mention, Jin Zexi gave this "killer mace" a short but resounding name... Zhan Tie!

Only the strongest professional soldiers who can meet the strong and become strong on the battlefield can use this "killer"!

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