
Chapter 12 Field Survival

Chapter 12 Field Survival

The two lovely thorns fell into a pool of blood, Zhou Yuqi and Fengyinglou both laughed when they saw the sudden and rich loot.At this moment, Zhou Yuqi let out a sigh, pointed to the water pool, and said, "Why do all the fish in this pool come up?"

Zhou Yuqi didn't read the field survival manual carefully at all, and stayed in the plot of TV dramas for catching fish. Zhou Yuqi, who was so superficial, didn't know that in field survival, there was a unique trick of "fishing in troubled waters" among the fishing skills.

To put it simply, in a closed environment such as a puddle or pool, if you find fish, you can throw stones into the pool, or simply use a stick to keep stirring in the mud at the bottom of the pool to remove the fish. The pool water was completely muddy. Under such circumstances, the fish in the pool water could not breathe at all, and could only float to the surface to breathe.And those who are proficient in fishing skills will kill at this time.

Fengyinglou and Zhou Yuqi didn't understand "fishing in troubled waters", but they used the homemade harpoon to stab the small pool three or four hundred times. Make the pond water muddy.Although I don't know why a dozen fish surfaced together, but at this moment, if you don't know how to whip, chop and chop them with a stick, the two of them are not qualified at all. Enter the Fifth Special Forces Elite Training School! [

In the end, the two of them brought more than a dozen half-foot-long fish, two thorns that were riddled with holes by them, and a lizard that looked like a snake with four legs, and returned with a full load. Returned to the temporary camp.Then they saw Lei Hongfei frowning in the middle of a pile of firewood picked up by everyone, he kept tossing his hands, and he was still muttering: "Hey, hey, hey, give me the fuck Burn, boil, explode!"

No matter what method the hunting team used to get back a rabbit, not to mention how Fengyinglou and Zhou Yuqi managed to earn a lot of money by fighting right and wrong, the real dereliction of duty was their captain Lei Hongfei.He spent two full hours, but he couldn't raise the fire.

Faced with this scene, Fengyinglou and Zhou Yuqi were dumbfounded.Although eating raw meat should be one of the essential qualities of special forces soldiers, they are really not prepared for this, and they are not sure whether they can overcome such a difficult challenge.The most important thing is, that lizard that looks like a snake but has four extra legs, if it is not cooked, who would dare to eat it?

It is estimated that Lei Hongfei and Qiu Yue, the two captains, would not dare to touch them!

No lighter, no matches, no modern tools for making fire, let an ordinary person talk about other ways to get fire, and you may be able to say terms such as flint to make fire, what to drill wood to make fire, etc.But if you practice it, you will probably soon fall into Zhou Yuqi's predicament of making fishing lines.

Lei Hongfei's first choice was the flint making fire technique.He also paid attention along the way and picked up a few white stones.But this kind of work is definitely a technical job. The flint selected is not good enough. Even if you find the tinder that is the easiest to ignite in the dry bark, the back of the combat saber is almost knocking a gap in the stone, and sparks are still flying. Non-stop, knocking and beating for more than an hour, but there was not even a few wisps of smoke.

Finding that nothing could be done, Lei Hongfei shifted his goal to drilling wood to make fire.But to be honest, after tossing a few times, he soon discovered that this is more a work of endurance and technology.The location of the drill is wrong, the method of placing the tinder is wrong, of course, the fire cannot be obtained, the arm is sore when drilling, the excessive friction between the palm and the branch makes it painful, and there is a slight pause. Will be flat again.

In short, more than two hours have passed, and Captain Lei Hongfei, except for the slightly charred piece of wood with a small hole drilled in his hand, really achieved everything and accomplished everything.Faced with such a nasty reality, it is difficult for a clever husband to cook like a fire, so it is no wonder that everyone is staring at each other.

"Report to the captain!" Suddenly one of the team members raised his right hand and said, "My second uncle is in charge of the city's No. To buy cigarettes from other prisoners, and by the way, I saw their rather peculiar lighting method, if it doesn’t work, we can give it a try.”

At this time, a dead horse is about to become a living horse doctor, Lei Hongfei slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Tell me about it."

"Prisoners in the prison can hide cigarettes privately. Even if they are found out, the punishment will not be too severe. But if they hide matches, they are hiding dangerous goods. They never dare to take this risk. So They all use some local methods to light the fire."

The team member thought about it and said: "They taught me this method at the time, but unfortunately I never tried it myself. They put smoked cigarette ash mixed with washing powder with white scales on a sheet of more than one finger. Twist the wide paper strips into a spindle shape, and then use a thick-soled cloth shoe to rub it on the concrete floor continuously. After rubbing for a few minutes to heat up, pick up the spindle-shaped thing and pull it hard, and tear it into Simultaneously with the two halves, the fire started."

Lei Hongfei tilted his head, thought for a moment, and said, "It's indeed a good method, much more effective than drilling wood to make fire."

Zhou Yuqi said regretfully: "It's a pity that we don't have washing powder with white scales here."

"Without washing powder, it's better than taking a piece of wood and drilling there. Why didn't I think of using shoe soles instead of palms? It seems that the wisdom of the masses is really poor!"

With a soft sigh, Lei Hongfei suddenly stood up. Using the method that the student just said, he wrapped the easily ignited tinder into two wide paper strips, took off his leather boots, and looked at the bottom. The soles of the boots were too sharp, so he finally grabbed his military backpack, folded it into several layers, and then used it as a tool to knead the spindle-shaped ball of paper.

Ten minutes later, on a flat stone, a wisp of green smoke slowly floated out of the spindle-shaped paper ball that Lei Hongfei kneaded with his backpack. Seeing this scene, Lei Hongfei rubbed it even more vigorously. up.After a few more minutes, the light blue flame finally tore through the paper ball.Lei Hongfei grabbed the bark that was the easiest to ignite, and carefully aroused the fire little by little.At this time, the team members standing around to block the breeze for him were already cheering in unison.

Now counting the trophies they have been busy for nearly three hours... Thirteen half-foot-long fish, two thorns that have already died, and a lizard whose scalp is blown to anyone who looks at it. A wild rabbit that couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, a pile of mushrooms that were eaten by ants so it must not be poisonous, three handfuls of wild broad beans, four or five catties of wild vegetables that were found to be eaten by rabbits, so they must be edible, plus Qingbulaji, not very sweet at first glance, and more than 40 wild fruits with a smooth surface and no wormholes.

Oh, by the way, there is also a snake that Qiu Yue wandered around after catching the hare, and caught it casually.I don't know if this snake is poisonous, but it is three or four feet long, and it looks like it has a lot of bones and a lot of meat.In Qiu Yue's words... "It's worth a dozen or twenty chicken necks at least?"[

Busy until now, it was nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, a group of students who didn't have much breakfast, were already so hungry that they listened to Qiu Yue's words, not to mention, there were not many people present, looking at that one was enough The snake, which made the girl scream in fright, already had a green light in its eyes.

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