Yin Feng looked at the handwritten document, and the delicate handwriting proved to be written by Li Lihua.Among the owners of the China United Company, Li Lihua has a detached status; she represents Li Dan, but she does not hold any position in the company, but she can express opinions on many company affairs, and no one can ignore it—because, the person who started in the company Among the original shares, the shares owned by Li Dan's family accounted for more than a quarter, which was basically the same as the amount invested by Yin Feng's entire net worth.

The influence of Li Dan represented by Li Lihua is also reflected in the company's management; for example, Xu Xinsu and Li Huayu, who are in charge of the inland trade of the Chinese company, are all Li Dan's younger brothers, because of the existence of Li Lihua, they will obey the orders of the Chinese company. Command; the pirate fleet owned by Yuan Jin, Li Zhong and others has also formed its own hilltop in the war fleet of the Chinese company.

In the battle between the Penghu Islands and the Hongmaoyi, Yuan Jin and others disobeyed Yin Feng's order, broke into the Magong Port in Penghu Bay without authorization, and launched a reckless attack on the Hongmao fleet. As a result, several warships were sunk and people were killed or injured. Nearly a hundred.In order to rescue Yuan Jin, Li Zhong was sunk on a boat. After falling into the water, he was picked up by the Dutch and taken prisoner. Later, when the Dutch surrendered, he was rescued by Yin Feng.The culprit, Yuan Jin, relied on his excellent swimming skills to swim out of the bay after falling into the sea, and was salvaged by Yin Feng's troops who arrived later.

Because of Li Dan's face and Yuan Jin's influence in the fleet, Yin Feng didn't make things difficult for him.

Mai Dahai and others got spanked when they got on the boat for their own sake, and Yuan Jin attacked without any hair damage because he disobeyed the order. This is really unreasonable.Yuan Jin was finally sentenced to two months of rowing under the deck of a bird boat (a galley warship), almost as a coolie; Li Zhong was only sentenced to one month of hard labor as a bilge rower because he was only an accomplice.

Yin Feng thought this kind of punishment was unfair, but Zeng Jingshan and Han Ping persuaded him; for the benefit of the company as a whole, to get through the difficulties in the first year safely, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with the people in Li Dan's system.That's why this kind of perfunctory punishment, in Yin Feng's view, is simply a child's play, which is very detrimental to the development of the war fleet; the war fleet has now shown obvious mountainism: the former pirate merchant of Li Dan's system , Lu Shitou was a former Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang coastal pirate, and Yin Feng's direct descendants were Danmin sailors and Quanzhou sailors.Most of the people in charge of the war fleet are Danmin sailors and former pirates of Lu Shitou.There are relatively few people in Li Dan's system, and their status is not high, but they are the most difficult group of people to manage.

This is the foundation of the battle fleet, so Yin Feng's control over the battle fleet is far inferior to the infantry team he built from scratch.The source of soldiers for the infantry is relatively simple.The battleship fleet is almost composed of former pirate members and pirates who are active along the coast. The personnel structure is too complicated, and Yin Feng has no time to reorganize.

Now, something big happened to the battleship fleet.

In fact, Li Lihua has never been a person who maintained Li Dan's system.This company document should have belonged to the functional department of Zhonghua Company—that is, the personnel department, or the military intelligence department of the guard that Lin Xiao was forming, but Li Lihua copied the document herself, which may show her certain attitude.How should it be handled?This is a difficult problem. According to the military regulations of the guard, fleeing in battle can be executed on the spot; the behavior of Yuan Jin and Li Zhong looks like fleeing in battle no matter how you look at it.

People like Yuan Jin, who have lived in the sea since childhood, are far more familiar with the coast than ordinary people.Yin Feng understands very well that Lu Shishitou, the deputy commander of the battle fleet, actually has a tendency to calm things down. Such an official document on how to deal with the request is submitted to Yin Feng, and after approval, it is sent to the station of the War Fleet in Hong Kong for execution. Hehe, this official document Yuan Jin did not know which bay along the coast of Fujian he fled to and hid.

It is said that there are 300-400 bays along the coast of Fujian Province. All the large and small warships of the Zhonghua United Company add up to less than 100 ships, and the total number of merchant ships is less than 250. No matter what, there is no way to find Yuan Jin. Let alone catch him.

Yin Feng felt that the escort team of the China United Company had encountered unprecedented problems, and if it was not done properly, the warship fleet would become a mess, which might affect the stability of the entire company.

He recruited Zhao Tie, Chen Zhongji and several sentinels overnight, and made a plan for the next battle against Xiaolong Society: the core purpose is to appease the main purpose, and to conquer by force. The covenant of Doushe is the model.

Then, Yin Feng took Yan Siqi and 20 personal guards, and left Mujialiu Bay Club early the next morning to return to Taiwan and Hong Kong.

The conquest of the Xiaolong Society did not take much effort. Madou and Mujialiuwan, the most powerful of the four major societies of the Siraya people, had already succumbed. The elders of the Xiaolong Society felt that there was no need to waste their lives and efforts. Anyway, the Zhonghua United Company did not It is not to exterminate them, but to allow them to allow the Han people to move freely on their territory.Therefore, as soon as Zhao Tie's three sentry infantry troops arrived at the gate of Xiaolongshe's village, the elders of Xiaolongshe were already holding small betel nut trees and coconut trees whose roots were wrapped in soil, and were surrounded by a large group of indigenous people to surrender. up.

Subsequently, the convoy of the China United Company continued to march towards the indigenous villages in the Pingtung Plain.The aborigines of the Pingtung Plain include: Dazejishe, Taloushe, Taccarriangh, Shangdanshui, Xiadanshui, Netnee, Dolatock, Kato , Release Suozishe.Because of their location close to the port of Taiwan and the advantages of ports along the coast, these aborigines had contacts with Han fishermen, pirates, and maritime merchants very early.

In the anti-Chinese company attacks that occurred in various places in the previous period, the aborigines in this area did not respond. Zhao Tie's brigade passed through the Pingtung Plain. The time was purely an armed demonstration, and the natives were all obediently signing the covenant.

Taijialiyang Society is located 12 to 13 miles southeast of Taiwan Harbor, about two days away from Xingang Society.The Jialiyang Society and the Xingang Society are also feuds, and there have been conflicts between them.Therefore, this time, Xingang Society members actively dispatched more than 500 people to support the escort team. The company's alliance vote certificate.

On the evening of the third day after departing from Mujialiu Bay, the coalition forces arrived near Tajialiyang Society, and after crossing the river the next day, they formally encountered the indigenous warriors of this village.First, the Xingang people fought with javelins, and then the guards of the China United Company attacked with muskets. The enemy fled without any suspense. The captain of the guards drove straight into the village and set fire to it.

In the early morning of the next day, the Takaliyan people who came to make peace came to the camp, so Zhao Tie sent people to escort their elders to Hong Kong City, Taiwan.

The coalition forces of the Chinese company and the aborigines left Tajialiyangshe, and encountered many enemies on the riverside plain during the eastward march. The opponents did not dare to attack because they were afraid of the thunderous muskets of the Chinese company guards. The coalition army launched an attack first. , but escaped for the other party.The next day, the Allied forces arrived at Xiadanshuishe. Through the Han people who had lived in the club for a long time, the club expressed its intention to conclude peace with the Chinese company guards from Taiwan. an elder.

According to the conditions concluded with Madou, Takaliyang, Xiadanshui, Damulian, and Tower all signed the same treaty with Zhonghua Company, expressing their submission to Zhonghua United Company, and expanding the border of the company's direct control area to the south 15 miles.

Soon, the Fangsuo Society, located in the south of the Tajialiyang Society, was panicked when they heard that the company had conquered the Tajialiyang Society. They took the initiative to send a local Han to Taiwan and Hong Kong to make peace, and the company then sent a representative to the society. , and brought back three leaders of Fangsuozai Club to express their submission.

In the new year of this year, the Chinese company called the leaders of the Guishun village community to hold the first meeting. The participating village societies, except for the Huweilong society in the north of Yaogang, and the Siraya people in the north of Taiwan Harbor, were from Ping There are 29 Guishun villages in the Eastern Plain, including Tajialiyang, Damulian, Pandel, Calilivong, Talou, Tourioriot, Fangsuozai, Kato, and Lili. .At the meeting, Yin Feng, the boss of the Chinese company and the president of the guard team, gave admonishment, and awarded porcelain, silk brocade and a large Chinese character banner on a blue background representing the authority of the company to all the representatives attending the meeting. Ceremony for the transfer of land sovereignty by Suozi et al.Although the scale of this rally was small, it already had the form and significance of the annual Allied Village Community Assembly.

Last year's New Year, Yin Feng spent time with the seriously ill Zeng Yue in Quanzhou.This year, he didn't even return to his home in Quanzhou, and devoted himself to the company's various affairs.

The first is the crisis of the war fleet.

As soon as he returned to Taiwan and Hong Kong, Li Lihua came looking for him.He said bluntly: "Immediately order Yuan Jin to be hunted down, otherwise the battle fleet will be finished!"

Due to the defection of Yuan Jin and others, the warship fleet was in crisis. Except that the troops led by Ye Hua and Mai Dahai went north to Danshui and Jilong were mainly Danmin sailors and Quanzhou sailors, who were not affected much. Defectors appeared one after another in the war fleet of Yaogang.Some of Lu Shitou's subordinates also complained that the military discipline was too strict, the training was too hard, and the income was too low, so they fled the whole ship.Yin Feng had nothing to say when he heard the news: the monthly wages and food money he gave to the sailors of the warship was higher than that of the servants in the magistrate's yamen.Those pirate brothers from the Jinghai gang have been living their lives with ups and downs all year round. No matter how they are treated by the Chinese company, they are not bad, but they still complain like this... Yin Feng decided to completely reorganize the warship fleet. , at the expense of pushing it all over again.

For a while, except for Yin Feng's direct lineage, the brothers in the other warships were panicked and at a loss; they were wary of each other; Every day, brothers in the battleship team had internal strife with each other, and dozens of people were killed or injured before Yin Feng arrived.Lu Shitou is like a firefighter every day, running wherever there is trouble; however, he can no longer even control his original subordinates.

The problem of the war fleet has been magnified, and even in the port of Taiwan, there have been internal strife among merchant sailors.

Lin Xiao also rushed to Yaogang, bringing with him more than ten members of the special team, including Luo Aquan.The information brought by Lin Xiao further proves the seriousness of the problem: there are also shadows of foreign forces intervening in the chaos of the warship fleet.

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