On the training ground of the guard camp, the guard soldiers of the two teams lined up in three rows of shooting arrays, marched towards each other, and fired at each other with flintlock guns that only had gunpowder but no bullets. This kind of training continued until the two teams were separated. It stops only a few steps away.This is Yin Feng's bad idea to train soldiers' psychological quality on the battlefield.The Portuguese mercenary instructor on one side was stunned.

On the other side, a whole post of 120 soldiers was crawling through a muddy quagmire filled with water. Under the officers' sticks and scolding, no one dared to hesitate a little, and all of them fit into the quagmire and crawled forward desperately;

On the side of the Dajiao Field near the river bank, on a sandy beach, countless pre-buried gunpowder bags were detonated one by one, and the gunpowder bags wrapped in feces, chicken blood, mud, etc., immediately flew around.A sentry escort soldier is arranged in a 30X4 horizontal formation, and under the rhythm of the beating of the drums, they are walking through the training field full of explosions, feces and chicken blood; any soldier in the horizontal formation must put the Put everything aside and concentrate on the whole set of actions of loading ammunition and shooting; if you hesitate a little, the instructor's braids and sticks will fall down mercilessly.After a while, all the soldiers were covered in dirt, blood and excrement all over their bodies, but no one dared to back down, and they continued to shoot and advance.

Captain Van Layden, a Dutch officer, looked at the training ground in astonishment, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't close it for a long time.

Most of the Dutch prisoners of war had been released after the East India Company’s ransom arrived. Soldiers and officers paid a total of 15 taels of silver along with the ransom for the two battleships Eunice and Orange.This made the income and expenditure of the Battle of Penghu basically balanced, and Yin Feng was also relieved.Captain Van Layden voluntarily stayed and became the infantry instructor of the escort.There are also Dutch seamen who were attracted by Yin Feng's high salary and voluntarily stayed as teachers in the seamen's school.

It took Van Layden a long time to come back to his senses, and he said in Spanish to Yin Feng who had been observing the training situation: "Mr. Tong, your way of training troops is very impressive..."

Yin Feng smiled faintly: "Captain Layton, let's make a straightforward evaluation, my Spanish is not good."

Yin Feng is learning Spanish with Li Lihua.

Li Lihua, the only female teacher in Taiwan, is in charge of teaching Spanish in the company's guard literacy school. It is said that many officers and soldiers take her class because they want to know the enemy's language so that they can know themselves and their enemies.

To be honest, Portuguese and Spanish have 70.00% of the same vocabulary and similar grammatical rules, especially Castilian (Spanish at the time) and Portuguese in the seventeenth century, there are many similarities; According to Yin Feng's personal feeling, the difference between these two languages ​​is far smaller than the difference between Hokkien and northern Mandarin in Chinese.

Therefore, Yin Feng mastered Spanish very quickly.Captain Layton thought for a while before saying: "You are training like a devil. This training ground is simply hell! God, Mr. Commander, your army will become a terrible weapon for killing people."

Yin Feng sneered: "Of course, they must become weapons to protect our company's interests from infringement, are you right? Captain Layton?"

Captain Layton grinned: "Master Commander, you should rest assured that the Dutch are your friends now, and you will be there when the Holland Business Hall is established tomorrow, right?"

Yin Feng smiled, patted Captain Layton on the shoulder and said: "I have always regarded you as our friend. Your training work is very dedicated, and I am very satisfied. However, please tell your company's business agent, Tonight, I will set off to quell the rebellion of the indigenous people, and the company's chief treasurer, Mr. Zeng Jingshan, will represent me to attend the opening ceremony of the Dutch business house."


In the evening, the infantry guards with 3 sentries left the camp and marched towards Madoushe with a 3-pound bronze cannon.In the middle of the night, 400 escort soldiers and 100 recruited auxiliary laborers joined 100 indigenous auxiliary fighters sent by Xingang Society by a stream.

The company's guards and the allied forces of the Xingang Society's natives spent the night there. On the second day, they quickly approached the main settlement of the Madou Society with a fast march.

On the same night, the escort led by Mead set off to the north at the first post, and the professional artillery team followed.Accompanying the troops were 100 farmers recruited to do coolies, and a hunter team under the jurisdiction of the leather goods branch of the company's trade department. There were more than 10 experienced hunters in total. They were mainly guides and translators for the escort.Med's sentry unit is the best equipped in the entire guard (all equipped with flintlock guns, paper fixed ammunition, and bayonet bayonets), and it is also the most hard-trained unit. Many of them have participated in the In the battle against the Dutch, the combat effectiveness is the strongest in the guards, and it is worthy of the name the first whistle of the China United Company.

The battle fleet prepared a large amount of guns, gunpowder and bullets for the needs of the landing operation. It was delayed for a while, and it was dispatched two days after the infantry set off.Xinxing took 20 two-masted medium-sized blessing boats, carrying nearly 800 sailors, and set off northward for Tamsui and Chicken Coop.


At the same time, Guo Yi drove his own fishing boat to Shihu, and met the captain Shen Yourong again.

He handed Chen Dong's note to Shen Yourong, and Shen Yourong gave him 5 taels of silver with a smile.Then he asked Guo Yi: "Dong Fan, oh, have all the farmers and fishermen on Taiwan Island returned? What is Captain Yin Feng doing? Is he still training his guards?"

Guo Yi carefully put the money into his arms, cupped his hands and said, "When I left, there were already a lot fewer people on the streets of Taiwan Harbor. It is said that Captain Yin still goes to the guard camp every day, but the access control over there is too tight. Yan, Mr. Chen can't go in, so we can't find out what's going on."

Chen Dong is the nephew of Chen Di, a veteran who went to the East with Shen Yourong to fight Japanese pirates. He has been on the road of imperial examinations for 10 years without success, and has been working as a private school teacher in Quanzhou. do salary.Chen Di and Yin Feng were also considered to be close friends. Yin Feng also gave Chen Di his "East and West Travel Records", and Mr. Chen Di also presented his book "Dong Fan Ji" which recorded the battle of Dong Fan. give him.In the middle of this year, Chen Di saw that his nephew was living in poverty, so he recommended him to Yin Feng, who was recruiting teachers, so Chen Dong went to Taiwan.

The problem is that Chen Dong is a man with high eyesight and low abilities. Seeing that his teacher earns 10 taels of silver per month, which is even less than the stupid soldiers of the guards, he feels insulted because of this, and he is indignant all day long.He went back to his hometown in Quanzhou a few months ago for family affairs, but he ran into Shen Yourong who was visiting Chen Di.During the conversation, Shen Yourong keenly sensed Chen Di's dissatisfaction with the Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng, and successfully developed him into his own eyeliner.Now, this Chen Dong is the first time to send relevant information.

Shen Yourong was looking at the information, nodded and murmured: "From this point of view, Yin Feng has a lot of ambition, and it will be a matter of time before he rebels against the imperial court! Why is this joint company able to unite so many businessmen?" of?

At this time, Guo Yi suddenly remembered the scene he saw on the street that day, and hurriedly said, "When I left there, I heard that the Japanese pirates had arrived in the chicken coop, Danshui..."

"What did you say?" Shen Yourong slapped the table with a "slap!" and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's like this. Yin Feng sent people to open mines in the north of Taiwan Island. As a result, one day they were raided by Japanese pirates and Japanese people killed many of them. The rest fled back to Taiwan Port. It seems that the aborigines from all over the world began to fight with the Chinese people. The company fought against each other, and several company employees were killed."

Shen Yourong asked: "Then, how should Yin Feng deal with it?"

"Before I came, Zhonghua Company didn't seem to have decided what to do."

Shen Yourong lowered his head and thought for a moment, then stood up and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, prepare the boat, go to the governor's office!"

Guo Yi scratched his scalp and said cautiously: "My lord, this season is not a good time to go to Taiwan."

That's right, the last time Shen Yourong fought against Japanese pirates in Dongfan, it was also in the early winter of the new year, the team was blown away by the hurricane at the beginning, and it took a narrow escape to reach Dongfan.

Shen Yourong shook his head: "No, we can't let the Japanese pirates gain a firm foothold in Chicken Coop Danshui, otherwise the Japanese pirates will use the northern part of Taiwan Island as their base to harass our Daming coast, and there will be a big mess."

Guo Yi let out a long breath, and said with a smile, "I thought my lord would take the opportunity to trouble the Chinese company."

Shen Yourong said sternly: "No matter whether the Chinese company will rebel in the future or not, it is still my Ming's people now, so how could I help the Japanese pirates to deal with the Chinese company?"


On the island of Taiwan, at the Jinbaoli Society on the other side of the chicken coop, hundreds of Japanese warriors were setting fire to the village building, with flames burning into the sky and thick smoke billowing.

In Jilong Harbor, there are dozens of Japanese Hachiman boats moored, most of which are Chinese-style sailing boats. The three largest boats have a banner with the words "Exotic Crossing the Sea".These three ships were issued by the Tokugawa shogunate with the "Exotic Crossing the Sea Zhuyin Certificate", the so-called "Shuyin Ship", and were allowed to go to Annan, Siam, Luzon, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries for trade activities.

The chief ship owner is Nagatomo Yamada, who was born in Numazu City (now Shizuoka Prefecture), Suruga Country.The 16-year-old young man standing next to him is Yamada Nagamasa, his son.Both of them are of five short stature, short and dainty.Standing on the other side was Yuki Kawayama, a retainer of the Shimadzu family of the Satsuma feudal lord. In fact, he was the nephew of Kawayamaemon who died in Yin Feng's robbery of the Shuin ship.

In fact, most of the samurai who landed were from the Satsuma clan. This sneaky invasion of Taiwan Island was mainly Kawayama Yuki's idea.And Yamada Nagatomo's Shuin ship was on the way to the Kingdom of Ayutthaya (Siam) for business, and was invited by the Satsuma feudal lord to join.As for why he did this, the reason is very simple, because Yamada Nagachi is Honda Masanobu's retainer.

Honda Masanobu (1538-July 1616, 7) was a daimyo in the early Edo period of Japan, a famous Tokugawa retainer, and a samurai who was born as an eagle craftsman.At this time, Honda Masanobu was the elder of the Tokugawa shogunate. He was known as "Tokugawa's wisdom bag" and could serve as Tokugawa Ieyasu's think tank and favorite minister. That is to say, many of Tokugawa Ieyasu's decisions were made by him. , so later generations called him Tokugawa Ieyasu's staff.

Therefore, the Shimadzu family was willing to recruit Yamada Nagatomo to come to Taiwan to rob, in fact, it was to please Honda Masanobu, a powerful figure in the Tokugawa shogunate.

At this time, Kawayama Yuki asked Yamada Nagatomo very respectfully: "Your Excellency, do you think it is necessary to send more people to burn down all the nearby villages?

The short and sharp Yamada Nagachi said coldly: "Anyway, they have already made an act of resistance, and it is unforgivable at this time! Let it go!"

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