Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 57 Guarding the Mountain

When the escaped Japanese ran in the direction of the barracks, they encountered the artillery team led by Captain Biragon, as well as hundreds of Pampanga spearmen and 50 Spanish musketeers.They originally wanted to take the opportunity to enter the mountain pass to participate in the attack when the Japanese and the Chinese were at war.The first is to bombard the hillside parapet fortifications indiscriminately by cannons, and then use musketeers to cover the attacks of indigenous spearmen.

However, the Japanese were defeated too quickly, and the reinforcements were still halfway, and they had already seen the Japanese fleeing back in a panic.Captain Biragun was furious, and he caught a few ronin who were in a state of despair and asked him. He became even more furious, drew his sword and stabbed a ronin to death, urging the troops to move forward at a faster speed.But Captain Velasco persuaded him to stop the attack, because the morale of the Chinese must be high after victory, and there is still half a league to go to the mountain pass from here, so the Chinese have time to retreat behind the fortifications and prepare for the battle.

"Let's wait for Major Azquita's troops to come. At that time, more than 1000 native soldiers can be concentrated to attack the mountain pass, and we can also divide the troops to surround the physiological musketeers by other paths." Captain Velasco was unwilling. The purely Spanish troops I brought suffered losses, but driving the native soldiers to attack could not be organized in a short time: because repeated offensive failures had already demoralized the native soldiers, most of the native soldiers in the Spanish troops outside the mountain pass Already daunted by this mountain pass.

"Okay. We have to wait for Major Azquita's troops to come over." Captain Biragón also sighed helplessly.He also noticed the low morale of the native soldiers around him.

At this moment, there was a loud thunder in the sky.Both sides in the battle didn't notice that the sky above their heads was covered with clouds just now, but at this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind, bursts of thunder, and heavy rain poured down in an instant.

Now even if you want to fight, you can't fight.The Spaniards withdrew their troops and returned to the camp angrily, and got into the tent to hide from the rain.Yin Feng and the others were in a panic. There was no place to hide from the rain in the valley.Fortunately, the old mercenary Colonel Coutere, who had rich experience in the battlefield and thoughtful thought, had already dug a hollow in the lee of the cliff and stored the gunpowder there, so that the gunpowder did not get wet.But people have no choice but to huddle together collectively, holding a wooden shield or breastplate or something on top of their heads, which can be used as rain gear to keep out the rain.

The heavy rain, which was not enough at once, fell from noon until night, causing a small flood in the valley.The flood water rushed down from the hillside and damaged the central part of the breast wall piled up with earth.The muddy flood also brought up countless corpses of the war dead, and piled up the corpses near the mountain pass.

In the evening, the heavy rain stopped, and Yin Feng and others were already in a state of drowning, but they couldn't rest by the fire. They had to repair the fortifications of the breast wall first.

The heavy rain also made it difficult for the Chinese fleeing team to move in the mountains.After Lin Xiao and Lu Shitou led their people into the mountain, the whole team moved very slowly.Since last night, there have been more and more attacks by the aborigines, and the single Chinese will disappear if they are not careful.

When it rains heavily, the mountain roads become muddy and slippery, and flash floods have washed away some sections of the road, making it impossible to travel in many places.The Chinese had to build a camp with wooden stakes on a hillside in the Dalun Mountains.Hunger caused many people to lie down and not want to move.Those who could eat horse meat yesterday were only a few people in Yin Feng's team, but their dry food was running low.Other refugees who gathered here were almost out of food.People are in a hopeless situation, and they don't even complain anymore.People often hang themselves quietly from the trees on the side of the mountain road, and other people passing by can only silently put down their fellow countrymen and companions and dig pits on the spot to bury them.Some people don't want to escape at all, they just sit on the ground waiting to die, they seem to have no sense of death.

Scattered refugees sat around the temporary camp, enduring the baptism of heavy rain.And the team that Yin Feng put together through untold hardships also tended to fall apart.In order to grab a slightly dry flat land, the Pirate Gang and Anping Chinese Christians had a quarrel.At this time, a group of local aborigines suddenly appeared and rushed into the camp to hack and kill. This forced everyone to unite and fought fiercely with these aboriginals.When the aborigines were finally driven back to the mountains, everyone was too tired to fight among themselves.

Soon after Zeng Jingshan entered the mountain last night, he was separated from the Zeng family, and no one could be found.Injured in his leg, Zeng Yue, who was so weak that he was exhausted, fell into despair again.He watched people burying the dead who had just been killed, took out a piece of cloth and said to the young man: "Ah Xiang! Please help me, hang it on the tree, I can't walk anymore, and I can't fight again." I don’t want to die at the hands of the natives, nor at the hands of the Ganla people.”

The young guy, Ah Xiang, was newly recruited by Zeng's family in Balian this year, and he is also from Quanzhou.He hugged Zeng Yue's hand and wept uncontrollably: "Shopkeeper, don't say such depressing words. You have treated me well, and I can't leave you alone. Now that Master Jingshan is missing, I will lose you again, Young Master Yin." I won’t spare me. I heard that our people have arrived at the seaside of Batangas and are building a ship. Young master Yin is so capable, he will definitely be able to hold the mountain pass and defeat those Ganla people. Don’t worry, I will be able to escape here with you Go up a mountain."

Zeng Yue sighed, tried his best to stand up and said, "Well, Young Master Yin is our savior. He has defeated the Ganla people many times, and they won't dare to chase after him for a while."

Lin Xiao suddenly appeared next to Zeng Yue, and shouted in a fuss, "Third young master, are you okay? Hey, that, this..."

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Zeng Yue couldn't help asking curiously: "What's going on? Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Xiao said dejectedly: "Uncle Li Dan's sister is gone. She can't be found anywhere, and she was not among the people who were killed by the natives. If there is something wrong with her, Captain Yin will not let me go. And I'm sorry for Uncle Li Dan!"

Zeng Yue thought for a while, then suddenly smiled lightly: "It should be fine. I guess she went back to find Yin Feng."

Lin Xiao patted himself on the head: "My God, this aunt may have done this!" He hurriedly went to inquire, and sure enough, he found that the servant of the Li family, Jia Ding, had also disappeared.He let go of half of his heart, but now the aborigines may come to attack the Chinese anytime and anywhere. Just in case, he organized more than a dozen strong men and walked back with weapons after the rain stopped to look for Li Lihua.

The heavy rain didn't stop until evening, and Li Lihua took more than a dozen servants and servants to go back for a short distance, so he had to find a forest in the mountains and spend the night first.

This night, no matter Yin Feng and others in the mountain pass, or the large number of refugees in the mountain, it was difficult to stay up all night.In the second half of the night, heavy rain poured down again, causing many mountain roads to be washed away by floods.When Li Lihua and others walked out of the col early the next morning, the mountain road in front of them was completely changed.Although the sun quickly dried the wet ground, because the vegetation on the ground had been washed away and the terrain had changed, Li Lihua and others lost their way.

The situation of Yin Feng and others was also very bad. The parapet that had just been piled up was washed away by the flood again in the middle of the night.This time the flood also rushed to the cave where the gunpowder was stored, and half of the remaining barrels and a half of gunpowder were scrapped due to flooding.

This dealt a great blow to Yin Feng's team of guarding the mountain, and the musketeers could no longer sweep the valley unscrupulously.This is the second day of guarding the mountain. According to the original plan, everyone should persist until evening before retreating into the mountain.However, this morning, Major Azquita's Spanish, Japanese and a large number of Pampanga spearmen, as well as a large force of native coolies carrying cannon, food and equipment, rushed to the pass.

The Chinese fighters in Shankou are facing the most severe test.From noon, the Spanish army began to attack in turn. A large number of native soldiers took the lead, ignoring the bows and arrows on the cliff above their heads and the continuous fire of musketeers, constantly attacking the parapet defense line.The musketeer reserve team composed of Zeng Jiji and Chinese Christians also had to go into battle. Chen Zhongji took the lead to stop the enemy on the right hillside. Because the right hillside was relatively gentle, many native soldiers attacked the Chinese positions from that direction.At this time, the fifty-step open space behind the wooden fence was already full of corpses.Most of the corpses piled up in the mountain pass were cleaned up by the Japanese and indigenous coolies under the attack of arrows. During this process, the Japanese and indigenous people also added more than ten corpses to the corpse pile.

The battle was unprecedentedly fierce. In front, the native soldiers repeatedly attacked the parapet, stepped on the water-logged pits to climb up, and then were knocked down by musket bullets, spears, bamboo spears, and swords.Many native soldiers' morale collapsed and they turned around and ran away, only to be shot dead by the Spanish musketeers who had just entered the mountain pass.The Spaniards finally joined the battle. They deployed a small group of Spaniards in the direction of the mountain pass, using heavy matchlock guns-mustak guns, and fired at them outside the range of the Chinese muskets to suppress their firepower.At the same time, a team of Spanish musketeers engaged the Chinese archers on the cliff, and then the Spaniards pushed the cannon into the pass.

Yin Feng saw the Spaniard's cannon and knew something was wrong.At this time, he had just discovered that in the musket reserve team, a Zeng guy had shown the talent of a sharpshooter, and shot 6 shots in a row with his flintlock without missing a bullet.And this Zeng guy actually shot the gun for the second time.

"Your name is Luo Aquan, right? Have you seen the cannons of the Ganla people over there? Can you hit the people over there?"

"That's two hundred paces away. Can our gun go that far?"

"Give it a try!" Now, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor like this.

However, the round lead bullets of smoothbore guns in this period were far less stable and fast than the rifled bullets and metal fixed bullets of later generations, and they were really rushed to the shelves as sniper rifles.The few bullets fired by Luo Aquan flew in the valley, and none of them touched the Spanish cannon or gunner.

When the roar of the cannon resounded through the valley, Yin Feng knew that they would not be able to guard at night.

The Chinese spearmen had just begun to have a tacit understanding of the formation battle. Regardless of the fatigue of not being able to sleep all night, they continued to fight for two hours from noon. under the assassination.Against the flying arrows of the enemy, the musketeers insisted on shooting the enemy in a strict formation, repelling the Spanish army time and time again.

"Boom! Boom!"

The shotgun knocked down large swaths of people before and after the fortifications, regardless of whether it was the enemy or the enemy.


Two spherical metal cannonballs knocked out two bloody alleys in the Chinese spear formation.

Yin Feng's Sailor Musketeers suffered the most casualties since they went ashore. Five people were killed on the spot and eight were injured.He himself was also wounded on the shoulder and left palm by the shotgun bullets, but his mind was very clear that he had to withstand the attack at this time, otherwise few of the Chinese fighting here would be able to leave alive.Only by repelling the attack of the Spaniards can I and these brothers safely evacuate and enter the mountains.

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