Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 505 Taking Guangning

Fort Xining has become a logistics depot on the North Road of the Chinese Army, and a large amount of arms and food supplies from the east bank of the Liao River have filled all the warehouses in Fort Xining.

Lu Xiaotian, who led the attack without authorization more than ten days ago, was appointed as the temporary garrison of Fort Xining at this time, and began to manage the logistics work very depressed.This is the clerical work he hates the most, involving countless numbers, he has a headache but can't shirk it-this is a direct order from the manager Zhao Tie.

Zhang Pan, the former garrison of Xining Fort, is now in charge of the infantry of the Chinese Army on the North Road that attacked Guangning, and Li Jicheng is in charge of the cavalry.As the commander-in-chief of the campaign, Zhao Tie went directly to Zhenwu Fort.

The logistics work of the Chinese Army on the North Road, as well as the search and suppression of scattered Ming army routs, taking in Ming army prisoners, resettling the wounded and sick of the Chinese army, as well as stabilizing the hearts of the local people and providing compensation for refugees returning to their hometowns, etc., are all piled up in Lu In front of Xiaotian.

The Huanglue Division of the Chinese Army on the South Road has the natural advantage of sea transportation, and the transportation of materials from the east of the Sancha River to Guangning is all by land, requiring a large amount of manpower, animal power and various carts, but from Xining Fort to Within a few hundred miles of Guangningwei, almost all the residents have become refugees, and Lu Xiaotian couldn't recruit enough people locally.The Chinese Army has always attached great importance to logistics, so the officer sent by the logistics office of the Liaodong March Army Chief suggested to Lu Xiaotian: conscript those Ming army prisoners to work on the spot.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and he immediately started to do it.

At this moment, most of the defenders of Fort Xining are members of the militia from various places. Apart from the standard battalion directly under Lu Xiaotian, the only regular troops are 200 teenagers from the first battalion of the student army.

Zhao Yi discussed with several whistle chiefs and captains under him, and they all came to Lu Xiaotian and asked to go to the front line to fight.

Lu Xiaotian and Zhao Tie have a good relationship, and Zhao Tie treats him as his own nephew, so Lu Xiaotian and Zhao Yi are also familiar, not only Zhao Yi, but Li Jigong, the first sentry chief in this student army, Captain Yin Bin and several trainee junior officers were all acquainted with him.

Because of this, Lu Xiaotian shook his head like a rattle to the request of Zhao Yi and others: "No, no, Xining Fort is now an important logistics and military supply place, and you need to defend it. You can't leave here."

No matter how these teenagers asked or begged, Lu Xiaotian firmly refused to allow them to leave.


At this moment, Wang Huazhen, the Liaodong governor in Zhenwubao, is regretting that he did not leave in time.

Two days ago, he was protected by Ming army generals such as Zu Dashou, Qi Bingzhong, and Wang Chaodong. He ran for two full days between fields, jungles and rivers, and entered Zhenwu Fort exhausted.

Afterwards, a large number of Ming army routs followed him into Zhenwu Fort and the surrounding forts. Soon after hearing the news, a large number of rout soldiers came, and more than 3 Ming army routs gathered in Zhenwu Fort uncontrollably.

More than 5000 cavalry of the Chinese Army followed closely. They quickly deployed their troops and blocked the way for the Ming army to continue fleeing westward.In fact, if Wang Huazhen had made up his mind to break out of the siege at this time, it would be impossible for the cavalry of the Chinese Army who had not yet formed a complete and tight encirclement circle to Zhenwu Fort to stop so many officers and soldiers of the Ming Army from fleeing in all directions.

However, Wang Huazhen suddenly remembered the problem of face: he thought that Xiong Tingbi might have rushed to Guangningwei at this time, and he was waiting for Wang Huazhen to go back in disgrace and bow his head to admit his mistake.The literati in the Ming Dynasty were all good-faced, and so was Wang Huazhen.

So Wang Huazhen said to all the generals: Gather up the defeated troops in Zhenwu Fort, regroup, and fight to the death with the pirate army!

All the generals and Wang Huazhen's staff were dumbfounded on the spot.If Qi Bingzhong hadn't stopped him in time, Zu Dashou would have jumped up and had a fit.

At this time, a defeated soldier from the Ming Army on the North Road also came to Zhenwu Fort, bringing a glimmer of hope to Wang Huazhen.It is said that when the Ming army on the North Road was defeated and retreated at Shalingyi, someone saw a large group of Mongolian cavalry appearing in the direction of the Horqin grassland in the north.

I don't know how this news came out. In fact, some of the cavalry troops led by Zhao Tie were Mongolian cavalry, and some were originally Mongolian soldiers captured in the Battle of Hetuala.These Mongolian cavalry were organized into several sentry teams and joined the cavalry brigade. They participated in the Battle of Shaling. It is likely that the fleeing Ming army saw these Mongolian cavalry in the Chinese army.However, Wang Huazhen took this indistinguishable fact as a life-saving straw, and she had a last sliver of hope: "This must be the iron cavalry of the Tartar tribe, we are saved! They have already gone south, and they will join our army in a few days! At that time, with the help of one hundred thousand Mongolian Tartar cavalry, we will defeat the pirate army in one fell swoop!"

Almost all the generals looked at Wang Huazhen as if they were seeing a lunatic: This Liaodong governor, does he know what he is talking about?One hundred thousand Mongolian cavalry?If the Horqin Mongolian tribe really had so many cavalry, they would not have been repeatedly defeated by the pirates on the banks of the Songhua River.

Because of Wang Huazhen's irrational request to stay in Zhenwu Fort, more than 3 Ming army officers and soldiers missed the opportunity to escape the encirclement of the Chinese army.

When Wang Huazhen found out that the Mongol Tartars had not come, it was already the third day they stayed in Zhenwu Fort.Under the command of Zhang Pan, the infantry of the Chinese Army came to Zhenwu Fort on this day, with a total of 2000 infantry, with [-] field cannons, two thunderbolt cannons, and a [-]-jin bronze siege One shot.They quickly blasted several small forts around Zhenwu Fort with cannons.

Zhenwu Fort is a well-fortified military center. In addition to being surrounded by a solid city wall, seven or eight small forts were built within one mile of the fortress. According to regulations, hundreds of defenders are stationed on each of the forts. .It is unrealistic for more than 3 Ming troops to be crushed inside the fortress. Zhenwu Fortress cannot accommodate so many people.Therefore, many defeated soldiers of the Ming army were squeezed into these platforms, and more than 4000 people were squeezed into the eight platforms.

As soon as the infantry of the Chinese Army arrived at the battlefield, they immediately pulled out these small forts. It took half a day to clean up the Ming army strongholds around Zhenwu Fort, and soon formed a tight encirclement of Zhenwu Fort.

This time, Wang Huazhen and the rest of the Ming army completely lost hope of breaking through and returning to Guangning.

At this moment, Guangning is about to fall into the hands of the pirate army.

After Huang Lue led the two regiments of the Sixth Division to land in the Liaoxi Corridor, they went all the way north and captured Ningyuan, Zhongzuosuo, Xingshan, Guangning Zhongtunwei (Songshan) and other places.Huang Lue always seeks to act quickly. He organized a cavalry team to go north first. He led two regiments of regular infantry, more than a thousand marines, and thousands of Liaodong militiamen. resistance.The strength of the Ming army in the vicinity of Guangning has long been almost dispatched by Wang Huazhen. The Ming army in Dalinghe was assembled with great difficulty by Fang Zhenru, the governor of Liaodong, Wang Xianggan, the governor of Jiliao, and Gao Bangzuo, the governor of Liaodong. , is the last Ming army of Guangning Guard.

How could the tens of thousands of Ming troops gathered loosely could block Huang Lue's Chinese soldiers who were eager to fight.In the battle of Dalinghe, more than [-] Ming troops were wiped out in just half a day.

On the same day that Wang Huazhen was finally surrounded in Zhenwu Fort, Huang Lue's cavalry vanguard pair had already appeared in the outskirts of Guangningwei.

Then, just one day later, Sun Degong, who had just escaped from the front line of Xining Fort, launched a mutiny together with his subordinates Qian Zonglang Shaozhen, Lu Guozhi, and Guangning Garrison Huang Jin.Sun Degong's rebels guarded the city gate and took control of Guangning City.Then, without any suspense, they went out of the city and surrendered to Huang Lue who had just arrived at the foot of Guangning City.

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