Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 50 Yamaguchi

Behind the fence of the mountain pass, a Spanish colonist stretched his waist, raised his head from his doze, and glanced at the dark thatched grass outside the mountain pass.Suddenly, a bush trembled, a silver light flashed, and a short crossbow bolt was stuck in the throat of the colonist militiaman.His whole body trembled, and he wanted to reach out to grab the foreign object in his throat, but the life flowed out of his body quickly, and he fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, his body twitched a few times, and his soul immediately went to see God.

The other sentinel, who was still asleep, was unaware.

The thatch swayed wildly for a while, and Colonel Coutere crawled out of the grass with a quick-mounted crossbow commonly used on the Portuguese fleet.With the help of the torch illuminated on the fence, the crossbow arrow successfully hit the No. 2 sentinel's throat.The unfortunate man immediately went to see God in his sleep.

There were a total of three sentries, the two that were killed now were dozing off by the fence, and the last one was huddled under a cart behind the fence, hiding his whole body in the shadow of the cart.

Colonel Cutley leaned against the fence, observing the situation left and right.Behind him, Yin Feng, Lin Xiao, Mai Xiaoliu and others all held their breath, staring at Kutre's every move.Zhang Zhongji covered his mouth with all his strength; just now, Kutley shot a person to death with an arrow, his actions were ruthless and sloppy, and he couldn't help shouting several times.The boy asked to follow him on his own initiative, and he pestered Yin Feng to join the night raid team.In the end, Yin Feng, who was entangled helplessly, ordered him to follow and not to participate in the battle.

Coutere aimed left and right for a long time, but the angle was wrong, and the opponent was in the shadows, so he couldn't guarantee a hit.He stood up, and even started to climb over the half-human-high wooden fence.Zhang Zhongji almost exclaimed again, but before he could react, Colonel Kutley had already climbed over the fence with agility, and rushed to the front of the cart as quickly as a leopard, covering the sentry's mouth with one hand, and The dagger on the top has cut the opponent's throat.The sentry suddenly opened his frightened eyes in his sleep, then stared blankly at Kutley in front of him, his body limply collapsed to the ground.

Yin Feng kept nodding his head: This Colonel Kutley is indeed an old mercenary, and he is completely the way of special forces.There is still one year left on the three-year contract, we must let him pass on all his tricks to us.

Seeing that Kutley raised his hand to signal, Lin Xiao immediately lit the torch, and Yin Feng raised his flintlock gun and stood up. 50 sailors and musketeers, and 10 barely sufficient servants of the Zeng family stood up and quickly formed three rows of 20 people each.The captain at the head lit the match, and all the team members followed suit with flints on the match.

This is the most troublesome problem with arquebus combat. The muzzle-loading musket must stand to load ammunition, and the matchlock must be lit before shooting; if the matchlock is ignited too early, the fire and smoke of the matchlock will be far away in the dark night. You can see that there is no such thing as a sneak attack.The flintlock gun in Yin Feng's hand did not have this problem.He raised his gun and pointed forward, and the team began to move forward slowly.

The fire flashed, and the brothers on the river beach also saw it. The big guys grabbed swords, sticks or stones and stood up excitedly.Lu Shitou took the lead, and everyone rushed over in a panic.

Lin Xiao and others didn't want Yin Feng to take the lead and put him in the last row.However, all actions are ordered by him.

The musketeers approached the wooden fence, but there was still no sound in the colonists' camp.

Several temporary tents were where the Spanish colonial militiamen rested, while the native soldiers lay in disorder on the grass on one side of the valley, and the whole camp snored loudly.

Yin Feng shouted in a low voice: "First row, push the fence!"

Behind them, the sound of chaotic footsteps became louder and louder. The Pirate Gang and other Chinese capable of fighting totaled about 300 people, and they were quickly approaching the mountain pass.

The sound of footsteps finally alarmed the Spaniards and the native auxiliary soldiers. Several people were awakened in their sleep almost at the same time. Then, in the faint light of the fire, they saw that the mountain pass was full of arquebus gunners.


"There are enemies!"

Yin Feng let go of his voice and ordered: "Stand still! Prepare for salvo!"

The musketeers in three rows launched a salvo formation again, with the front row kneeling and aiming at the front, and the second and third rows aiming at the standing posture.

The entire Spanish camp was completely startled, and many people were awakened, but they hadn't recovered from their dreams; two Spanish colonists got out of the tent while pulling their pants; The batch man had already pushed aside the fence of the pass.They hurriedly grabbed the torches at the door and rushed into the tent, kicking and beating their sleepy-eyed companions while grabbing guns, yelling, "Get up, the biological man is coming!" No one noticed. The torches were lit in the tent at this time, as if they were directing the target for the enemies outside.

"Let go!" Yin Feng gave the order decisively after the brothers in the first row returned to the queue.

"Boom! Boom!" Within 30 steps, 60 matchlock guns of the Musketeers fired simultaneously, including Yin Feng's flintlock.

The projectile easily passed through the canvas tent, knocking down the Spanish colonists whose figures were reflected on the tent.The two tents were set up side by side. At this moment, there was a lot of screams inside. Many people went to see God with drowsy eyes; .The colonist who was the first to rush out of the tent was shot twice at the door, one hit his left arm, and the other hit his right leg. He turned over on his back and fell, and the torch in his hand fell into the tent. , immediately caused a fire.Another tent also revealed flames, and it was probably caught on fire for the same reason.

With just one volley, nearly 50 of the 30 Spanish colonial militia gathered in the tent were killed or injured.

"Kill!" The brothers of the Pirate Gang arrived, and rushed across the mountain pass to the already chaotic Spanish camp.

A few Spanish colonists who managed to escape the volley of muskets climbed out of the already flaming tent with hands and feet, and met the murderous Chinese head-on.Before they could react, Lu Shitou, who rushed forward, raised his Japanese sword and chopped off the head of one of them; the other was stabbed to death by three Spanish long swords at the same time.

"Don't let any one go!"

Under the command of Yin Feng, some of the pirate gang brothers surrounded the tent that was blazing out, while the other part rushed towards the native soldiers behind.The native soldiers woke up quickly and ran fast; when Yin Feng ordered the volley, they never thought of resisting or going to rescue the Spaniards, basically all of them fled to the mountains immediately.

The flames finally came out of the tent, and all the Spaniards who tried to rush out of the tent were hacked to death by the surrounding Chinese without exception.A missionary in a black robe rushed out of the fire with smoke all over his body, plopped and knelt on the ground: "Our Father in heaven, we..." He only read the beginning of his prayer, and only drew the sign of the cross on his chest. Halfway through, a thick wooden club hit his head, and a bamboo spear pierced his abdomen...

When the tent fire was about to be extinguished, the Chinese who were chasing the native soldiers also returned.They only killed a few native soldiers, and the rest of the natives ran fast and were relatively familiar with the terrain, and disappeared into the night after a while.Since the mountain road was still shrouded in darkness when the sky was slightly bright, the Chinese didn't dare to chase too far, so they retreated quickly.

The brothers of the Pirate Gang were clearing the road, while the sailors of the Musketeers gathered in front of the cart, all of them were very excited: They picked up treasures. On this cart, there were three full barrels of gunpowder, countless lead bullets, and seized Nearly 20 muskets of various styles, several swords, and two sets of armor.More could have been seized, but unfortunately many muskets have been burned to waste together with their Spanish masters.

After leaving the Xinxing, the sailors of the Musketeers, who had basically not replenished their ammunition, could finally fire as much as they wanted.Moreover, 3 flintlock guns were seized this time, and there were also a large pile of small porcelain bottles—quantitatively assembled propellants. Since the muskets at that time were easy to explode after continuous firing, the bullet belts carried by Spanish soldiers generally only stored 12 pieces of gunpowder. Ammunition, that is, 12 small bottles, corresponds to the number of the twelve Christian apostles. Therefore, the Spanish muskets are also called "the twelve apostles".When the 12 rounds of bullets are finished, they use bullet sticks as weapons instead of spear guns to fight the enemy.This is much quicker and more convenient than using horns to load gunpowder and pouring gunpowder into the muzzle by hand.

The sky is bright and sunny, and today is a fine day.Yin Feng stood at the mountain pass, watching the dark crowd slowly moving over from the east.He turned back and asked Lin Xiao, "Is there any news about the guarding brothers behind?"

"Not yet, I have already sent Er Zai and the others to meet them."

"I hope the Spaniards don't come after them so quickly." Yin Feng let out a long breath.After laying down this mountain pass, it is considered half of the completion of the plan.

But the way of heaven is impermanent, and things in the world can't always go as people want.

The sailor Erzai, who was guarding at the back of the team, reported that a large group of Spaniards had already crossed the swamp and appeared on the river beach 10 miles away from the mountain pass.The Pampanga native soldiers who were the Spanish outposts had appeared 3 miles away.

As for the fleeing team of nearly 3000 people, it will take more than half an hour to pass through this narrow mountain pass that only allows 10 people to pass side by side.

Moreover, even if everyone can enter the mountain pass in time, there will be many winding and steep mountain roads in the next journey, and a large number of Chinese refugees bring their families with them, and the gold and silver are still reluctant to throw away; in addition, there are many injured in the team. Or, in any case, this team is not going fast, and will definitely be caught up by the Spaniards.

At this time, the black Magaro who was sent to watch and observe on the cliff of the mountain pass rushed over: "Captain, Spanish cavalry!"

All the sailors of Xinxing are convinced by Magaro's good eyesight trained on the East African grassland since he was a child.He shouted in panic in Portuguese: "A cavalry is coming!"

Yin Feng was taken aback: "What? How many riders are there?"

"About a dozen horses, at most one league away from the mountain pass."

The conversations between the two were all in Portuguese, which the sailors couldn't understand. Seeing Yin Feng's expression became more and more solemn, knowing that something had happened, the speed of equipping ammunition was also accelerated a bit.

When Kutley came from the south of the valley, Yin Feng stopped him with a wave of his hand: "Colonel Kutley, how is the situation ahead?"

"The front is a hillside, which is a very good defensive terrain, easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"Okay, you go over there to gather people, quickly build a parapet, and move all the remaining ammunition and guns to the back of the fortification."

Adhering to the qualities of a professional soldier, Couterey immediately went to carry out the order without asking any questions.

Suddenly there was a clamor of cries and screams, and the rear of the refugee team that was slowly passing through the mountain pass suddenly exploded, and the crowd scattered and fled.

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