Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 5 Destiny Turning

On that day, after a period of chaos, Yazhou City closed its gates tightly and mobilized all the strong people to patrol the city.In fact, there are only about 1000 folks who have been trained in this city in name. Fortunately, the local folk customs are quite sturdy, and they can still go to the city and hold swords and guns.

When Mr. Zheng Zhizhou learned that a ship of unknown origin had docked, his face turned pale for a moment. His few years of leisurely knowing the state had come to an end, and something big happened at last.His master tried his best to comfort him. Since the Jiajing period, the state has been invaded by pirates and Japanese pirates every now and then, but usually they don't come to attack the state city.After the state judge Zeng Qi arrived, he reminded the Zhizhou to send someone to Dayan Port to check the situation.

According to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, for ships from foreign countries, it is first necessary to confirm whether they have a form in order to confirm their status as a tribute envoy.If it is confirmed that the tribute envoy was killed and drowned here, rations will be given according to the regulations, and matters such as trade and return to the country will be arranged.The local authorities and Hainan Qiongzhou government shouldered the responsibilities of escorting the tribute envoys and repairing the drifting ships.

After looking through the documents, the master found that such incidents also happened during the Jiajing period. At that time, there was a strong wind on the surface of Wenchang in May and the boat drifted. Later, the local government embezzled all the belongings, and the survivors were "pitted".

Zeng Qi shook his head and said, "This time the ship has cannons, and it's huge. There are more than a hundred people on board. The government officials told him that all the sailors on the ship have guns and guns. From this point of view, it is obvious that the possibility of being a Francine pirate is very high."

The local teacher suddenly had nothing to say, and everyone looked at Mr. Zhizhou together.Suddenly the yamen servant came up to report that Wang An, the eunuch of Shangbao Supervisor, led more than [-] subordinates, together with more than [-] Hainan guards Dingbai, forcibly opened the east gate of Yazhou - Yangchun Gate, and left, claiming that he was going to Qiongzhou Mansion to continue picking pearls.Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.This is great, even the only hundred or so regular officers and soldiers in Yazhou City are gone.

After discussing for a long time, because no one of the three classes of yamen servants was willing to go out of the city to inquire about the situation, they had to temporarily guard the city and wait for help.

When Zeng Qi returned to his home near the state capital, Zeng Yue greeted him and said, "Second Uncle, that Yin Feng is gone."

Zeng Qi's expression sank: "How did I tell you?"

"When I entered the city from the north gate just now, I happened to meet that group of eunuchs rushing out of the city. During that period of chaos, my nephew couldn't watch for a while..."

"Confused, too confused. This person was saved by Uncle Yi, and he will be of great use. How are you doing now, you..." Zeng Qi sighed and sat down on the seat.

Zeng Yue asked a little unconvinced: "This person is just a white man who has returned from overseas. He acted recklessly, but he has some insights into Western things..."

"That's exactly what you need, understand? What kind of business does our Zeng family rely on?" Zeng Qi couldn't help shaking his head: "Your brother Zeng Shan is well-known in Fujian for his literary talents. Yes. Why did your father send you to Qiongzhou?"

"Experience at the second uncle's place and open up the Hainan trade route." Zeng Yue stood with his hands tied and replied respectfully.

Zeng Qi stood up and paced around the room.

"The Zeng family is counting on you in the future. In Fujian Province, Xu Jialin's family and others have controlled most of the business routes of Yuegang's ocean-going trade due to people in the court. Our Zeng family has only barely Keep it up! Nine out of ten members of the Kaiyang family are defeated, and one out of ten of those who start a family wins. My nephew in the mountain has no ability to be an uncle. The contacts on the business path point to you to inherit."

Zeng Yue bowed his head respectfully and cupped his hands: "Nephew, remember the teaching carefully."

Zeng Qi nodded: "Most of the great merchants in the Chaozhou and Guangzhou areas trade with the Folang Ji barbarians in Macau; in our Fujian and Zhejiang areas, most of them trade with Luzon and Japan; now my Zeng family wants to revive the family business, and the only way to find a direct The way to trade with the barbarians. That Yin Feng, who is proficient in the language of the barbarians, lived overseas and knew the barbarian feelings when he was young, and is helpless here, so we can use him to try to open up new business routes..."

The more Zeng Yue heard it, the more serious his expression became, and he hurriedly asked: "So, should we send someone to look for this Yin Feng? I think he has probably lost the Danmin fishing village in Dayan Port. This person has a deep sense of loyalty and will repay his kindness. "

"It's too dangerous to go out of the city at night, let's do it early tomorrow morning. Send a few more family members, so you don't risk going out of the city." Zeng Qi walked to the door, looked at the twilight sky, and sighed: "I hope this Yin Feng is lucky, nothing will happen..."

Yin Feng sneaked out of the city, and first went to the deserted Hebo residence, took out the revolver, took the box with the Bible, and hurried to the Danmin fishing village by the sea.One of his ideas was to see if there was anything wrong with the Maibo family; the other was to get in touch with the group of Westerners.

He saw clearly that the flag flying on the ship was the flag of the Spanish royal family, with a complex coat of arms with three lions. It was the Spanish branch of the Habsburg dynasty, the heraldic flag of the Trastamara family, indicating that it was a A regular ship of the Spanish royal family.

However, at that time, there were many ships sailing on the sea that were both merchants and pirates, so it was still dangerous to actively contact these Spaniards.

Since coming to Yazhou, the three words "what to do" have appeared in his mind every night. How to survive in this world and live well in the future is something that every time-traveling family must consider. Not everyone is able to make quick decisions when encountering such drastic changes.But now the sudden arrival of the western ship made an idea in his mind gradually take shape.He decides to venture to the place where the Spaniards landed and try his luck.Since God saved him from the nuclear explosion in the future world to this ancient world, he has nothing to lose.Today's experience also stimulated him; how can a blind man with no power, no money and no status change his destiny?

When Yin Feng was completely dark, he came to the nearby Danmin Fishing Village, which was brightly lit and crowded with people.

Since most Dan people live on their own boats, the brightly lit place on the coast must be Maibo's house.And the yard of Maibo's house is in an open space by the sea, and it is easy to find that there are more than 10 people around the yard, and several people seem to be wrestling at the gate of the yard.

On the beach, several moored boats were on fire, and the howling of Dan people could be heard.Against the backdrop of the fire, several Westerners were talking to each other on the beach, each with weapons in their hands.

The courtyard wall of Maibo's house is also a fence wall half a person's height, which guards against gentlemen but not villains.At this time, the foreigners had already broken into the courtyard and were talking loudly.

Yin Feng squatted down and walked slowly, and was already close to the back of the group of foreigners.Suddenly, a sharp female voice came from Mai Bo's house, Yin Feng's heart tightened suddenly, he couldn't hold back anymore, he jumped up, stepped forward a few steps, his left hand restrained the tall, thin man who was closest to him The neck of the man in the top hat, and at the same time, the revolver with his right hand fired a musket against his head.

In an instant, many Portuguese words that he hadn't used for many years flooded into Yin Feng's mind.He yelled loudly: "Parar! stop!!" The first time was in Portuguese, and the second time was in English, meaning "stop" and "stop".

The person held by Yin Feng was shocked and almost collapsed to the ground. Yin Feng strangled him desperately, pushed him to the yard, and said in Portuguese clearly and accurately as he walked: "Eu n?o tenho malicioso !" (Portuguese: I have no malice) All the crew members of the Western-style ship present were not wary of the enemy approaching from behind, and the hostage at this time seemed to be someone with a certain identity. Back off, not daring to do anything, thinking to yourself that if you have no "maliciousness", why are you still pointing a gun to someone's head?In fact, Yin Feng didn't have time to get gunpowder, and this gun was just a decoration.

A crew member shouted: "Quem é você?" (Portuguese: Who are you?)

Yin Feng understood, and crisis can indeed stimulate people's potential. He can understand almost all the Portuguese spoken by the other party, although it has a taste of dialect.Before the past life time travel, Yin Feng's Portuguese listening ability was very poor during the university exam.

Some people were very worried about the hostage, and they stepped forward empty-handed and said, "Calm down, calm down! Don't hurt him!"

Yin Feng said loudly in Portuguese: "I am sent by the local government of the Ming Empire to contact you!"

"If you point a gun at my second officer like this, we can't communicate, right?" The pudgy brown-haired middle-aged man suddenly smiled, "We don't mean anything malicious, we just want some food."

"Are you the captain?" Yin Feng lowered his right hand and moved the muzzle of the gun from the second officer's head to his back.

The chunky captain put his hand on his chest: "Francisco Barreto, captain of the merchant ship Tomar, Kingdom of Portugal."

Yin Feng nodded to the fire on the beach: "The fire can only represent malice, right? Also, there was a lady's cry in the yard just now. I hope she's okay."

Captain Barreto smiled bitterly: "Forgive me, our people have been drifting at sea for nearly 20 days, almost desperate, and when we landed on this beach, we thought we were saved, but we..." He was a little embarrassed.In fact, the current Portuguese people are relatively well-behaved on the coast of China, because Portugal does not want to offend the Ming Dynasty government and bring any trouble to Macau, a Sino-foreign trade center.

Yin Feng understood what Captain Barreto hadn't finished saying: Dan people were the lowest class in society at that time, and they were often starved of food, and their families had no food for the night. How much to eat, its unknown fire is also conceivable.

Captain Barreto said to his crew: "Call everyone back and stop harassing the natives."

Yin Feng still didn't dare to let go, so he relieved some of the strength of his left hand strangling his neck, and pushed the second officer into the house: "I'm sorry, I have to make sure that the owner of this house is safe."

The Portuguese crew stepped aside one after another. Yin Feng saw that Mai Bo's family of five were tied up and thrown in the middle of the room. He couldn't help but turned his head and glared at the captain: "What's going on?"

The captain spread his hands: "I'm sorry, they are a little emotional, we are just looking for food."

With black lines all over his forehead, Yin Feng pushed away the hostages and went forward to untie Mai Bo's family.He found that Mai Wan'er had passed out, and Dahai and his wife had been beaten to the point of bleeding.Yin Feng smiled wryly and said to Mai Bo: "Maitou, these people only need food, just give them."

Yin Feng untied Wan'er and found that her hair was disheveled and there was blood on her head.

After freeing himself from the shackles, Mai Bo threw himself under the bed, took out a wooden box and opened it, a box full of shining pearls dazzled people's eyes.

"It's all for this thing!" He shook his head and sighed, "I thought they were going to grab something...".

Yazhou City, the next morning.

Yazhou City was rebuilt during the Hongwu period, with a total of five hundred and thirteen feet and five feet, two feet high and nine feet thick, with a total of three gates in the east, west and south.To be honest, this is a small city.

Lin Hai, who had just returned to the office last night, was dozing off at the gate of the Qianhu Office in Yazhou, and was awakened by a Baihu. There is a tall man - Yin Feng, and a brown-haired Westerner in strange clothes.

"That, that, not that..." Lin Qianhu scratched his scalp and stuttered in surprise.The hundred households on one side hurriedly said: "It's that Yin Feng who came back from the West, and that one is from the West..."

"I can see it." Lin Qianhu interrupted him angrily, and shouted to the two weird people below: "What do you want to do?"

"Enter the city and meet Master Zhizhou. This is the leader of the Folang Jifan. Their ship was damaged by a storm and drifted here with the wind. They want to see Master Zhizhou to ask for relief." Yin Feng said leisurely below.

Soon, the news that the western Flang machine merchants drifted to Yazhou due to the damage of the ship spread all over the city.Everyone in the city was relieved, and Master Zhizhou heaved a sigh of relief.

That night, Yin Feng reached an agreement with the Portuguese crew. He would help to obtain supplies and repair materials for the ship, and the Portuguese promised not to disembark and harass any local residents.The merchant ship Tomar suddenly encountered a storm more than 20 days ago, and it was about the time when Yin Feng crossed.During the storm, the sailors had to cut the sails of the fore and aft masts and lost the sails of the fore and aft masts; I donated all my own clothes (this is why Yin Feng saw that half of the crew were shirtless), and finally even used some goods; a few rolls of silk.Even so, only a small half of the power can be recovered, and the steering wheel is also damaged, and the water tank is broken... In short, after the storm, these seamen drifted with the wind for more than ten days in the southeast sea of ​​Hainan Island. Died of thirst, on the verge of despair, I finally saw the coastline outside Big Egg Harbor.

In all, 72 people on board survived.

After the pirate alert was lifted, Yazhou City did not allow Portuguese sailors to enter, but the people sent by Zheng Zhizhou still brought them a lot of food and a batch of clothing.After these foreigners put on robes, they were even more moved by the hospitality of Yazhou; a batch of repair wood and a batch of cloth were sent to the beach, and some local craftsmen were sent over.

These are provided free of charge. Yin Feng's original words to the Portuguese were: willing to use money to buy food and timber, and willing to pay to hire people to repair the ship.

However, Zheng Zhizhou ignored his message and ordered to supply everything for free. He said this is called: Huai Rou Yuan Yi.Moreover, the imperial court will generally reimburse the cost of recruiting and treating difficult and distant barbarians.

Yin Feng's status has become the general manager of the Yazhou government, and he is constantly busy traveling between the beach and the city every day.The story of him going deep into the barbarians in the middle of the night to rescue the Dan people in the fishing village has spread throughout Yazhou.In the daily rush, Yin Feng has already started to implement his plan.

His plan is full of realistic leanings, making money in China during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.The experience of the past few days made him understand: In this era, as a powerless commoner of the Ming Dynasty, unable to enter the bureaucratic class and gain power, then having wealth is the best way to ensure his quality of life, and overseas trade was the most important thing at that time. The only choice for powerless civilians who want to get rich in a short time.There are not many specific measures. First of all, we have to engage in foreign trade.This first step went fairly smoothly; doing business with the Portuguese.Yin Feng's advantage lies in his foreign language ability, his knowledge of the historical trend of the world, and his knowledge of the history of exchanges between China and foreign countries.

That night, after talking with Captain Barreto, he learned that the merchant ship Tomar was going to Malacca for trading, and that the ship was full of Chinese goods purchased in Macau.Due to the loss of goods in the storm, the owner of the ship asked whether he could replenish the goods locally in Hainan Island so as to offset the loss of the storm.The owner of the cargo was a lanky, hook-nosed young man with a depressive expression. His name was Bernardo Diaz de Caceres.Yin Feng was confused by the long list of names, but some vague images flashed in his mind, and he felt that this young man looked suspicious.Those crew members seemed to be very rude to him, and they always didn't give him a good face. During the meal, because of the venue problem, Bernardo was often squeezed to be the last one to eat.One day when Captain Barreto was chatting with the crew, he talked about Bernardo and mentioned a set of words, but Yin Feng couldn't understand for a while.

He asked the second officer—the crew member he hijacked, Captain Barreto's nephew: "What does this mean?"

"New Christians, those who were originally Jews and were baptized Christians."

So that's the case, no wonder Yin Feng always thinks that Bernard has a special appearance. It turns out that this is the appearance of Jews in European and American World War II movies in previous lives.Yin Feng immediately shouted in his heart: "God help me too!!"

In the second half of the 15th century, in the late period of the "Recovering Lost Lands Movement" in Spain, the authorities began to frantically persecute the Jews. After 1492, Spanish Jews fled to neighboring Portugal in droves.But 5 years later, the Portuguese authorities followed in the footsteps of Spain and began to persecute the Jews.Jews faced two choices: they had to be tried by the Inquisition if they continued to believe in Judaism, or they could convert to Catholicism.As a result, a large number of Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism and became the so-called "New Christians" (Nouveaux Chrétiens).In Spain and Portugal, Philip I was the king. After the merger of Spain and Portugal, the new Christian trade network and the financial resources of the country that emerged in the half century from 1 to 5 almost surrounded the world. European centers in the region include Lisbon, Porto, Ciudad Campo, Madrid, Seville, Valladolid and Antwerp; in the New World of America

Among them, there are Pernambuco, Lima, Olinda, Mexico and Cartagena, and in Asia there are Malacca, Macau, Nagasaki, Manila, Goa and Cochin. In fact, the new Christians and their Jewish relatives Trade networks were a major force in global international trade at the time.

In front of him, there is such a representative of new Christians, Bernardo, who is a member of the family of the famous Macau rich businessman Antonio Diaz de Caceres.The goods they handle account for a large part of Macau's export trade.Now, Bernardo, a new Christian, wanted to buy goods locally in Hainan, and the local small pearls were the most popular overseas trade goods at that time.

At the same time, the Maibo family and the Dan people knew every pearl pool on the coast of Yazhou.

This is Yin Feng's opportunity.

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