Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 33 Blood and Fire and Massacre

Due to the dark clouds in the sky, the sailors of Xinxing boldly sailed upstream from the mouth of the Bashi River in the dark night, swam for nearly 10 miles, escaped the patrol boats of the Spanish army, and landed on the north bank.The sailors quickly armed themselves under the command of Major Coutere. All 60 capable sailors volunteered to join the rescue team. Most of them were only in their 20s. There were no less than four battles, all of which were men who had seen blood.In the past two years, they have basically had musket shooting training and physical exercise every day. Yin Feng even asked a teacher to teach them how to read. up.

They have more money for work and food than county government officials, plus red envelopes at the end of the year, and pensions for injuries and deaths.The young Captain Yin treats people kindly, trains with them, fights the wind and waves together, and shares joys and sorrows together. Therefore, the simple and loyal Dan people regard Yin Feng as their backbone.The Dan people of Dayan Port in Yazhou still have a relationship with Yin Feng like Mai Wan'er, and they are even more loyal to Yin Feng.

Lin Xiao only participated out of loyalty, while Major Cutre participated out of hatred for the Spaniards.All the staff were ready, and a firearms unit of more than 60 people was formed.Each has a Portuguese-style light arquebus in his hand, with an ammunition belt hanging on it, with gunpowder and bullets in horns; each carries a large knife on his back.Leading the way was Major Cutray, who had been a mercenary in Manila many years ago and participated in suppressing the indigenous rebellion; he later left the Spanish army due to payment issues, but he knew the situation around Manila well.

Although Kutley has rich combat experience, he is only a master tactician and a good instructor, and has no commanding skills; Lin Xiao even has none.So they didn't have any pre-plans for this operation, and they were essentially as reckless and impulsive as Yin Feng's coming to Manila; they just followed the instructions in Yin Feng's letter and found Li Dan first.Finally, Major Coutere, who knew the terrain, led the way. They rushed eastward along the grass on the bank of the river, and sometimes they all went down the river and waded forward with their weapons and ammunition held high to avoid the fixed Spanish army post on the bank.Sometimes, in order to avoid patrolling soldiers, I had to hide in the grass by the river and endure the bites of various insects.

It can be said that under strict training, these sailors are very efficient and disciplined no matter what they do on the ship or in the water.But they had never had the experience of making long marches on land.After walking for a short time, the team began to be a little disorganized; although there is usually training content for marching in unison, it is another matter for each soldier to consciously grasp the rhythm of walking for a long-distance march.Major Coutere frowned, so he had no choice but to slow down, and first sent two of the most astute sailors to be the vanguard 20 steps ahead, and then let the rest rest.

Just as everyone sat down, suddenly, gunshots came from the front.

Everyone didn't panic, they took up their weapons together, and quickly lined up in three rows according to the usual training, half holding their guns, the captain at the head of the row began to light the tinder with a flint, ready to light the matchlock.All the sailors then worked together to look ahead in the dark of night.I saw a large area of ​​fire flickering about two miles away, and there seemed to be many people in the shadows.

The grass in front of them swayed for a while, "Our own people!" The two sharp-edged soldiers said softly, and figures emerged from the darkness.

Lin Xiao hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Who is firing the gun?"

"It's the White Devils, Greek soldiers. They're all on the river bank, shooting across the river."

"how many people?"

"About 50 people, and hundreds of native archers. It's too dark to see how many there are."

Lin Xiao sneered and clapped his hands together: "Is that the only people? Let's attack from behind and kill them!"

In the past two years, Major Cutley has basically mastered the Chinese language, and he basically understands the words of the leading soldiers.In fact, many mercenaries like him are masters in language learning in order to make money in various countries.He patted the shoulder of one of the pioneers, nodded and said: "You did a good job. Mr. Lin, I don't think we need to conflict with them."

He walked to a high ground ahead, and Lin Xiao followed him unconvinced.

"You see, the Spaniards are trying to block this section of the river bank. There must be more than these people in front of them. Other soldiers may be nearby. From here to Binondo, the only way to go around the group of Spaniards in front of you is to go from behind Binondo. past."

The team of 60 people, led by the familiar Major Coutere, bypassed the Spanish soldiers in front, went north, east, and then south, making a big circle, and finally arrived at the north shore of Binondo Island at dawn. , the river here is very narrow and shallow, everyone waded through the water smoothly, and landed on the north side of Pinondo Island.There were still 50 Spanish soldiers stationed on the south bank of Binondo, and the team of sailors carefully passed behind them and approached Li Dan's residence by the river.

The Spaniards never expected that someone would enter Binondo from behind. Except for a few sentries patrolling the river, the rest were immersed in sleep in temporary tents.The vanguard reported that the Spaniards hadn’t noticed, and the sailors carefully lined up in three rows facing the river bank in the dark. Lin Xiao was about to go forward and knock on the gate of Li’s house, when there was a commotion on the river bank only 50 steps away from Li’s house. Shouted: "Enemy!"

Then a sharp scream pierced the dark night sky.

Coutere immediately ordered: "Light it up!"

The captain of each platoon took out his flint and struck it hard, and quickly lit the match; and all the sailors followed suit at once.

The Spaniards on the bank of the river were obviously attacked by surprise. The sentinel who called the police was stoned to death by several figures suddenly appearing in the river, and a lighting torch fell to the ground and ignited a tent.More people are still in the river, struggling to swim to the shore.

The incident happened suddenly, and the Spaniards were unaware.In this era, there were very few night raids. For example, the Spanish army used matchlock guns as their main individual weapons. When fighting at night, the burning matchlock was filled with smoke and flames. It was impossible to carry out sneaky night raids with such a gun. It was discovered from afar.

Therefore, the Spaniards instinctively thought that the rabble-rousing Balian Chinese would not play tricks at night and underestimated the enemy, and this time they suffered!The first few Chinese who came ashore rushed to the sleeping Spanish soldiers, holding sticks, stones and kitchen knives in their hands, and began to attack without mercy.

Captain Gaspar, the commander of this small unit, responded in a timely manner. After the first alarm, he jumped up and took out his sword and pistol.As soon as the screams stopped, he was already ordering loudly: "All soldiers, line up and light the fire, and prepare to shoot!" At the same time, he kicked and beat the rolling and crawling Spanish soldiers: "Quick! Quick!".

Seeing a human head appearing on the surface of the dark river, he shouted: "Come closer to me!" While loading the ammunition, he picked up the torch inserted in front of his tent and lit the match, firing the first shot at the fastest speed. one shot.

It took Yin Feng an hour to encourage a group of Chinese from Quanzhou with good water skills to follow him across the river to attack at night.Most of these people are small merchants and artisans.After all, it was a mob. It took Yin Feng another half an hour to arrange more than 100 people in two rows. After entering the water, dozens of people disappeared.

Yin Feng chose to attack the south bank of Binondo, which is far away from the capital of Manila. Once a battle occurs, it is difficult for Manila to detect it. Even if it is discovered, the road to reinforcements is relatively long.The Spanish soldiers on the nearby river bank would have to cross the water on the north bank of Pinondo if they wanted to come for reinforcements. Once the Chinese succeeded, they would have enough time to escape.At worst, you can temporarily hide in the residential area of ​​Binondo and wait for the wait.

On the south bank of Binondo, the light of the torches in front of the Spanish army's temporary garrison became everyone's target.A few ex-merchant sailors took the lead, and everyone swam to the other side with great effort.However, those guys with good water skills didn't take Yin Feng's words seriously at all, and didn't wait for everyone to gather before attacking.These few people were the first to land ashore, only to be discovered by sentries.After these reckless guys killed three soldiers, they were immediately knocked down by the surrounding Spanish soldiers with swords and gun handles.

At this time, Yin Feng and more than 30 people arrived at the riverside; [-] Spanish soldiers had already lined up in disheveled clothes, and were nervously loading ammunition, tamping gunpowder with a cleaning rod, and putting bullets in. Nervous, but the sequence of actions of the soldiers operating the matchlock guns was not chaotic at all, which shows that these soldiers are also well-trained on weekdays.

The Spaniards threw a few torches on the shore, and now the stowaways who hadn't landed were exposed to the air without any shelter.

Yin Feng took a dozen of his own people, and dragged Zeng Yueshan and Li Lihua at the back with a raft. Seeing that the night attack plan was in vain, they were on the open water, and the Spanish soldiers fired their muskets, including Everyone, including myself, is bound to become a water ghost.All the Chinese who participated in the night attack stopped paddling for a while. Although one person on the shore had already landed, he squatted in front of the Spanish soldiers and remained motionless, waiting for the row of matchlock guns to fire flames and projectiles.

Yin Feng regretted it; mob!How can you trust the mob!I still lack command experience!If you let your subordinates lead the team, it won't be like this!

He hurriedly shouted: "Go back! Go back! Pull the raft back!"

At this time, gunshots rang out. "Bah bah bah..."

Yin Feng lowered his head instinctively, and a bullet landed on the water in front of him, splashing water.

However, there was a scream from the shore, and more than a dozen Spanish soldiers fell straight forward and fell to the ground.All the Chinese still in the water were in shock, but Yin Feng keenly saw: in the darkness, 50 steps behind the Spanish soldiers on the shore, there were several rows of fire ropes, and looming figures.

The Spanish soldiers had already noticed that there was an enemy behind them, and they did not expect that it was an army with muskets anyway. They couldn't help being panicked, turned around one after another, ignored the officer's order, and opened fire sparingly.And their opponents quickly fired another volley: "Boom!"

Most of the remaining 20 or so Spanish soldiers also fell.The commanding officer, Captain Gaspar, was shot three times, but fortunately missed.Knowing that it was impossible to recover from the defeat, he jumped on the horse beside him and galloped along the river bank.

In fact, the torches and burning tents on the shore clearly reflected the Spanish soldiers, so they were good targets.After two rounds of volleys, most of the Spanish soldiers were reimbursed.The rest of the people lost their morale and counterattacked a few shots sparsely, then completely collapsed and ran for their lives.The sailors of the Xinxing were relatively in the dark, and the Spanish soldiers were attacked from behind. They were panicked and their skills were inaccurate. After shooting, none of them were hit.

Yin Feng finally saw the team of musketeers 70 steps ahead with the help of the fire from the matchlock gun.He shouted happily: "It's one of us! It's a new number!" He rushed up

Going to the shore, shouting loudly: "Folks, come on!"


Sorry for the late post

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