Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 30 Blood and Fire and Massacre

The Zeng's shop has been cleaned up, except for a few chairs in the middle of the empty room.A young man carrying a wooden basin was startled by Yin Feng's tall figure, and when he loosened his hands, the basin fell to the ground, splashing everywhere.Before he could yell out, Yin Feng's face was already close to him and he asked, "Where is your boss?"

The clerk finally recognized the nominal second shopkeeper of the firm, took a breath and said, "Only the fourth young master is here, and the third master crossed the river yesterday to Tongduo. I don't know what's going on now."

Zeng Jingshan and Zeng Yue were washed away on the north bank of the Bashi River yesterday, and then were very unlucky to be knocked over by the Spaniard cavalry, and was trampled by a horseshoe and broke his left leg bone.The servants of the Zeng family tried their best to rescue Zeng Jingshan, so they had to go back to Balian to find someone to treat him.The only bruise doctor in Balian is also from Quanzhou Prefecture. He has been very busy these days, and he didn't come to treat Zeng Jingshan's injury until today.

Seeing that Yin Feng was surprised and speechless, Zeng Jingshan vomited blood and passed out.Fortunately, he had a broken leg bone and a broken rib in his chest, so there was no internal injury.Because half of the teeth in his mouth were knocked off by the horse, he vomited blood and couldn't speak, which looked rather scary.However, because Zeng Jingshan also broke a rib in his chest, and his injury is not optimistic, the possibility of sending him out of Balian in the next few days does not exist.

Yin Feng didn't have time to explain to the Zeng family, so he left Mai Xiaoliu to take care of Jingshan, and went to Li Dan to find a solution.According to the original historical process, time is getting tighter, and the Spaniards' full-scale attack on the Balian Chinese District is imminent.

The petition and petition were over, and the Spanish soldiers surrounding the square were forming a team. Li Dan and several biological Christians were talking in low voices and walked outside the square.The Governor asked them to persuade the rebels in Tondo to surrender immediately, and under this premise, ensure the safety of the lives and properties of all Chinese in Balian-the rebellion must be ended first!

"Andrea Ditis!" A young Spanish officer called Li Dan's Christian name: "Por f**or, espere!" (Spanish: Please wait)

The officer was tall, with a slightly thin body and a clear aristocratic temperament. He walked up to Li Dan arrogantly.Several other biological Christians took a few steps back with great interest, and turned their heads to whisper: "This is Thomas, the governor's nephew, right?"

"It's him, a playboy, who borrows money everywhere, and owes us Tang people a huge debt!"

Li Dan and Thomas quickly finished their conversation, and said goodbye with dark faces, and Thomas walked away proudly.Although I don't know what they talked about, it must not be a good thing.

This petition is meaningless. The Chinese demanded to restrain the robbery of the Spaniards, natives, and Japanese, and to punish the murderers who massacred the Binondo Manor. The Governor only vaguely promised to investigate and deal with it.What he repeatedly demanded was that the Chinese must leave the Tondo Sanctuary and return to Balian; all biological Christians must move their goods and property into Manila.The general manager Huang Kang reluctantly promised to persuade the Chinese to obey these conditions.

When Yin Feng returned to Li Dan's home, Li Dan's servant invited him to the living room, and the master was waiting for him.

Li Dan's face was livid, and he stood in front of the window thoughtfully, looking at Balian in the distance.Yin Feng cupped his hands and saluted. Before he could speak, Li Dan turned his head and said flatly: "Brother Feng, get ready to go. The Spaniards are going to attack in a few days!"

Yin Feng was not surprised, just nodded: "Brother Li, you..."

"I can't go, Binondo has their eyeliner everywhere." Li Dan smiled wryly: "Our Tang people are a mess, and many people are willing to work for the Ganla people. Moreover, Balian, Wangcheng and my buddies, It's too late...tonight, you take Lihua away."

Yin Feng was a little embarrassed, and told Li Dan about Zeng Jingshan's situation, and asked, "Why are you leaving tonight, in such a hurry?"

Li Dan beckoned him to stand in front of the window together: "Wait a minute, you will understand."

In the direction of Manila King City, a western-style carriage was dragged by two horses, entered the Binondo area along the main road, and ran towards Li Dan's house at a corner at the intersection.The groom, a black slave, reined in his horse and stopped the cart in front of the door. Two Spanish soldiers got out of the cart and carried a box into Li's house.

Li Dan watched from the window, his face livid.

The Spaniard handed the box to the servant of the Li family, handed him a letter, and then turned around and left.

Li Dan sneered: "The governor of Manila owes me a lot of money, as does his nephew. I was in Balian just now, and Thomas, the governor's nephew, told me that the situation is tense now. For the sake of safety, Lihua can be temporarily let him come. Protection. Hehe, Thomas usually runs to me every day for Lihua! Look, they brought this box for this. It’s full of silver, and it’s all the silver I deserve. I’m sure , It won’t be long before the governor’s soldiers will raid my house. Don’t worry, I have already sued the governor’s family’s arrears case to the royal judge in Luzon, and I will be fine, and I will stay in prison for a few days at most.”

Yin Feng sighed and thought to himself: According to the original history, Li Dan would not be in danger of his life, but he was imprisoned in the Spanish prison for nearly 5 years, and he was also a convict rowing in the bilge of a battleship.


In the evening, dark clouds still covered the sky, and the air was extremely hot.

A few servants came out of Li Dan's house, hurriedly walked towards Balian, and got on the ferry by the Bashi River.

A few black shadows flashed at the corner of the street, and then disappeared in the darkness.Yin Feng took Li Lihua, Magaro and others, and deliberately walked towards Balian first, making the Chinese Christians monitoring Li's house lose their vigilance.


St. Francis Day is a religious festival for the Spanish to commemorate St. Francis, the founder of the Franciscan order. It is now the week before St. Francis Day, which is September 1603, 26.

Although some shops in the Balian market area are still open, the Chinese have no intention of doing business at all, and they all gather together and talk in fear.People kept carrying parcels through the empty market, left Balian, and walked towards Bashi River.Those businessmen and craftsmen who have permanent shops, have property that cannot be carried, and are reluctant to part with their wealth look at the people who are in a hurry.Occasionally one or two Spanish black slaves or aboriginals came to the market, and the shopkeepers offered them such cheap prices that they were embarrassed to buy the goods. The Chinese shopkeepers still asked, "Is that enough? There are more..."

In Manila, all the shops opened by physiological people were closed, and all kinds of food, clothing, and decorations that the pampered Spaniards could easily sell on weekdays disappeared.This makes the Spaniards miss the biological man very much.These days, there is no cheap food to enjoy anymore, and even hairdressers and cleaners have disappeared in Manila.The Spaniards in Luzon basically lived on the goods and services of the Chinese.

Two Spanish soldiers were walking on the streets of Intramuros, looking at the shops with closed doors on both sides.The streets are deserted, only some black slaves and natives are walking in a hurry.

At the crossroad ahead, a group of people gathered around, all of them were black slaves and natives, and they were clamoring: "Holy Virgin Mary,..." "God bless!"

"Is it true?"...

"What are they doing?" The two soldiers glanced at each other, and hurried forward with their spears to drive away the crowd: "Damn black!

Ghosts, don't gather together, go away..."

The crowd parted with a whoosh, revealing a fat black woman in the middle.She was kneeling in the center of the intersection, looking up at the sky, seemingly immersed in confusion, chanting words.

The black woman didn't care about the surrounding situation, and knelt there by herself.The soldier frowned and pushed her with his hands: "Hey! Black woman, what are you doing? Get up,..."

The black woman was not afraid. Instead, she approached the guards and said nervously, "Sir, all human beings have been killed! I saw that Manila was engulfed in fire, and there were fires everywhere, very big fires, and blood everywhere!"

The fat black woman spoke quickly, her eyes narrowed, and she shook her head with a strange expression.The two soldiers each took a step back and looked at each other.

"...The Pasig River is full of corpses, and the river is dyed red! God, bless us!" After speaking, the black woman suddenly woke up, looked around, and walked west of the city as if no one else was there.

The two soldiers were really taken aback by her, and they didn't react for a long time, and the onlookers were also silent for a while.After a while, a soldier jumped up and shouted: "Hey lady, did you say that? Could it be the revelation of the Holy Spirit!"

"Witch! Witch! Watch out for the Inquisition!" whispered another soldier, looking around.

At that time, the level of religious complex and superstition of the Spaniards was very serious, and it was also the country where the Inquisition used fire to kill people most actively.Although black slaves from Africa believed in Christianity, they often kept their own witchcraft customs, and there were many tricks such as spirit possession.It's hard to explain why the black slave woman suddenly babbled on the street, but her words fit perfectly with the current tension outside Manila.

So, after the two superstitious soldiers came to their senses, one of them said to the other: "Mario, do you understand? She means that the biological man is about to rebel!"

Mario took a deep breath and hurriedly said, "Go and catch that black woman, take her to the governor, let her tell the governor what she saw, and I will report to the officers."

Soon, the prophecy of the black woman spread throughout the city of Manila, but no one knew which family the black woman was a slave to, so she disappeared.The whole city suddenly panicked. If it meant that the emperor's fleet was just a rumor far away, then the threat of Balian's physiology was right around the corner.All the Spaniards have forgotten who has been threatening the lives of physiological people in the past few months.

Under the order of the Governor of Manila, all the Spanish troops assembled in the barracks in full armor.Binondo, missionaries from the Quiapo colony, and Spaniards also began to gather in front of the church, distributing weapons and organizing processions.

The remaining Chinese in Balian heard the news that before tomorrow, all Chinese must hand over their property and leave Luzon.

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