Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 23 Gunshot Wounds and Family Affair

In all the victory documents and Tang newspapers about the Battle of Dongfan, the participation of Xinxing was mentioned.Although Shen Yourong said that the merchant ship was besieged by the Japanese pirates and the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to defeat the pirates, he privately asked the governor Zhu Yunchang for orders to investigate Yin Feng's details.The governor doesn't think there is anything suspicious about such a businessman. There are many local businessmen who have gone abroad with ships.

He shook his head: "It's just a matter of business, you're a foreign businessman, why bother to go to war. Let him go."

After Shen Yourong stepped down, Governor Zhu unfolded a document on the table; it was a report about the Quanzhou Zeng family's voluntary donation of 2000 taels of silver for the navy officers and soldiers to save their own merchant ship Xinxing from Japanese pirates.After reading it roughly, Zhu Yunchang gave a quick reply: Fujian Dusi can decide the use of this fee by himself.

What he didn't know was that Zeng's family and Yin Feng actually donated 3000 taels of silver, and Fujian Dusi Yamen only deducted 1000 taels, which is already very good.

However, at this time Yin Feng was suffering from illness, often unconscious, and had no time to care about these bad things.

Yin Feng returned to his home the day before New Year's Eve.He was carried off the ship because of a gunshot wound to his shoulder, and Yin Feng had a high fever the day after the fighting ended.The infection and inflammation of the wound made his left arm almost double in size.

The method of treating gunshot wounds in this era is still being explored all over the world, let alone the treatment of bacterial infections.Yin Feng has suffered a lot this time, and he has been regretting that he shouldn't be so impulsive and public.The people from Zeng's family who came to pick up the boat were shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly sent someone to report to Zeng's family.

Wan'er rushed out of the gate in panic, just in time to see Yin Feng being carried off the carriage.She pushed aside the crowd recklessly, and saw Yin Feng was in a coma, his face was livid, and his eyes were tightly closed.Wan'er couldn't help but grabbed Yin Feng's hand tightly, and burst into tears, everyone looked at each other at a loss.These are the sailors of Xinxing, including Mai Dahai, Lin Xiao and the black Magaro, all under Yin Feng's subordinates.No matter what you say, Wan'er is the boss's woman, and the big guy doesn't want to pull her or persuade her, so she looks at Mai Dahai: You are his brother!

Mai Dahai hesitated for a while, not knowing what to do.Fortunately, his wife Zeng Jing came out at this time, and brought a group of maids and servants to pick up Yin Feng and carried him into the inner house.

As soon as the news of Yin Feng's injury and serious illness spread, the old and young masters of the Zeng family came from the opposite door; all the merchants who did business with Yin Feng as a joint venture came, and the sailors of Xinxing came.For a while, Yin Feng's family was full of families, and the people who came and went were not rich businessmen, but Yin Feng's subordinates, clerks of the firm, accountants, and relatives of the Zeng family.

On the third day, Li Dan's sworn brothers, Xu Xinsu and Li Huayu, also came to report to Yin Feng. The silk weaving workshop jointly opened by Li Dan and Yin Feng was doing well this year.

Li Dan is now spending the winter in Manila, and Xu Xinsu and Li Huayu are his representatives in China.

Yin Feng was asking Lin Xiao to tear open the bandaged wound, and the inflamed and abscessed left shoulder was bleeding out blood and pus, emitting bursts of stench.

Although Xu Xinsu is young, only 16 years old, but she grew up in a pirate's nest since she was a child, and she is not afraid of such bloody wounds.Li Huayu is a literati. Although he is only 18 years old, he is steady and kind. He has not seen many bloody scenes. Seeing Yin Feng's injury, he couldn't help but take a step back.

Yin Feng can still stay awake at this moment, and only his followers Lin Xiao and Magaro are beside him.He tried his best to stand up and said to the two young men, "Boss Li said that you have all seen blood?"

The two boys didn't know why, and nodded together.

"Okay, take that dagger, and grill it repeatedly on the candle."

Lin Xiao blurted out: "Captain, no way..."

Yin Feng interrupted him: "If you can't do it, let these two little brothers try! A few days later, my little life will be over!"

Yin Feng has completely lost confidence in the treatment of gunshot wounds in this era.

Zeng Ke invited a military doctor from Zhongzuo Institute (Xiamen), which was said to be the best in the entire Fujian Navy—actually, there were very few military doctors in the army at that time, and there was only one military doctor in each guard, and there was only one military doctor in an average of [-] soldiers.Moreover, the status of doctors was not as high as that of soldiers at that time, and they were usually dispensable figures in the barracks.

This military doctor surnamed Zheng didn't have much experience in treating firearm injuries. While reading "March to the Army Prescription", he used ice flakes, back incense, and burnt and ground clam shells as powder, applied it on Yin Feng's wound, and prescribed some oral administration. Clear gunpowder, even if it's over.He doesn't know how to operate at all, and has never had surgery, but Yin Feng still has a bullet in his shoulder!What's the use of just using externally applied medicines!

So, taking the women to the temple to burn incense and pray for him, Yin Feng decided to save himself while his mind was still clear.

Lin Xiao refused to use the knife, and Magaro couldn't understand what he was talking about. When Yin Feng was getting angry, Li Dan's two little brothers came.

Xu Xinsu carefully held the exquisite Arabian dagger - which was given to Yin Feng by a Portuguese businessman in Macau - and washed it with white wine over and over again.

"Do everything as I said, wash the knife with white wine first." Yin Feng half leaned on the head of the bed, took a deep breath, took a sip of wine, and continued: "Pour wine on my wound to wash away the blood and blood. Pus! Shine, you hold me down, if I struggle, you must hold me down!"

Lin Xiao nodded palely.

The operation was not going well, Yin Feng gritted his teeth, sweating all over his body, Xu Xinsu held a sharp dagger in his trembling hand, and searched for the gun in the open wound, then he shook his hand and picked out the rusted bullet When he came out, he cut off a piece of Yin Feng's flesh, and blood gushed out.Yin Feng jerked his body up, shouted and passed out.

Lin Xiao was so frightened that he quickly poured cold water on Yin Feng's face, while scolding Xu Xinsu: "Boy, you fucking want to kill someone!"

Yin Feng took a sharp breath and woke up. The cold water in the first month of the lunar calendar is still very effective.He was soaked from head to toe by now.

"Boy, bandage me quickly, why do you want me to bleed!" He said weakly to Xu Xinsu who was staying aside: "Remember, wash the wound with white wine first, understand?" This is the only way to go, it depends on your luck.

Xu Xinsu shuddered, quickly put down the dagger, and quickly bandaged Yin Feng's wound.This is not a problem for him, he has done these tasks on a pirate ship before.In a corner of the room, Li Huayu was speechless in astonishment.

At this time, Xu Xinsu, Li Huayu, Lin Xiao and others looked at Yin Feng almost with admiration.This act of cutting the wound with a knife to heal the wound is almost the same as Guan Gong scraping the bone to heal the poison in the play.

Yin Feng was so weak that he finally passed out again.In the long darkness it seemed to him that he was still at sea, and the waves kept rocking his boat.

When he woke up again, his wife Zeng Jingjiao's beautiful face was looking at him with concern.The eyes of the two met unexpectedly, Zeng Jing immediately looked away, stood up, and said lightly: "My husband is awake, I will call you Wan'er to serve you."

Yin Feng sighed, this respectful wife is his unsolvable problem.At the beginning, I agreed to marry her because of the interests of reality and because of her legendary beauty, so I couldn't talk about feelings; but now I want to talk about feelings with her, but it's like facing an iceman.Whether Wan'er is more grateful to him than affection, Yin Feng is not sure.

Yin Feng was able to deal with Fanren and Yiren, he was able to do well in overseas trade, and he was able to calmly fight against Japanese pirates... But he admitted that he failed in his family life and emotional career, and he lost for no reason.

However, he finally came back to life.

When Zeng Jing came home that day, she saw the bloody, unconscious Yin Feng, and the dagger, and almost fainted from fright.She forced Lin Xiao to tell the whole story. She was embarrassed to blame the two young men from the Li family, so she could only drive Lin Xiao out of the gate, and said that if the master couldn't wake up, she would report him to the police.

All the members of the Zeng family came, and Zeng Yue and Zeng Jingshan stayed by his bed all night.His fever subsided in the morning, and although he was still awake, his breathing eased a lot.Wan'er stayed by the bed for another day and night before Zeng Jing ordered her to go back to her room to rest.

Yin Feng lay on the bed for another month before slowly regaining his strength.During this period, he has already started to work: don't think about it when going to sea, this year Bernardo will be in charge of the transaction of Xinxing to Japan.He discussed the expansion of the silk weaving workshop with several partner businessmen, and took out some patterns he got from Macau, and asked the silk weaving workshop to process incoming samples.

When Mai Dahai came, he reported that his second ship was built smoothly.

When he was able to sit up, he asked someone to cut short the legs of a square table and put it on the bed, and he started to draw the design again.This time, he wanted to make the "flying shear boat".

It was already May when the women of the family allowed him to get out of bed and walk.This is about the longest period he has rested at home in the past few years.

He walked out of the room, breathed in the air greedily, and saw Zeng Jing trimming branches beside the peach blossom tree in the yard.Under the makeup of the young woman's head are bright eyes and a fair face. She wears a light blue dress, a close-fitting short jacket with long sleeves and collar, and a long skirt with a pendant.Yin Feng thought of her soft body and slender legs under her long skirt, and immediately had the urge to push her down and perform Fa-rectification on the spot.

But he didn't dare to do anything, in fact, he didn't want to face this cold face when the time came.

He had no choice but to laugh at himself: "It seems that my body has indeed recovered!"

Zeng Jing turned her head and said flatly, "You came out."

Yin Feng nodded, and asked for something to say: "These days, why haven't I seen the fourth brother and Jing Shan?" The fourth brother is Zeng Yue.

Zeng Jing continued to arrange the flower branches, and said slowly: "They went to Yuegang a month ago, and went to Luzon by sea."

"Oh!" Yin Feng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He immediately turned around and broke into Wan'er's room in the backyard, where Wan'er was dressing up.Yin Feng stopped her questioning with gestures, and hurriedly said: "Find out those manuscripts, I will be useful!"

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