Emperor Liu Hong

91 Reformation begins

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In any case, the first imperial examination in history was successfully completed.More than 800 candidates have been admitted, and the reform of the official system can finally be promoted.

The more than 800 newly promoted officials will not be used at all if the official system is not reformed.But now that the new official system is implemented, these more than 800 people have joined the thirteen prefectures, more than 100 counties and countries, and thousands of counties and cities in the Han Dynasty, which is not necessarily enough.

But even if it is not enough, we can only think of a way in the future, because Liu Hong has already ordered that the new title reform and the new official system reform will be implemented from today.

"Your Majesty, don't you think about it? I always feel that your Majesty's reform of the official system is a bit aggressive."

Liu Hong also knew what Liu Shu said.Strictly speaking, the reform of the official system he carried out was a bit big.If you don't pay attention, it is very likely to pull the egg.However, Liu Hong couldn't care less.

In this world, what do you do without risk?You may choke to death when you eat, and you may choke to death when you drink water, not to mention the reform that affects the fate of thousands of people.

Especially Liu Hong knows that as long as he holds the army and the economic power, basically, he can be assured of no worries.Even if there are any changes in the reform, there will be absolutely no major problems.That's why he dared to make such bold reforms.

In fact, Liu Hong's reform of the official system, if we say it is advanced, is nothing more than the House of Representatives and Congress, these two places. China after 2000 has not yet implemented it. For the people of the Han Dynasty, if they can figure out these two places at once, it would be pure nonsense.

But there was nothing to do about it. At the end of the Han Dynasty, social contradictions became very prominent.If there is no other way to transfer these contradictions, the Han Dynasty will not be able to get rid of the end of chicken flying eggs.

"Uncle Huang, there is a process of getting used to everything. Although it seems that this reform of the official system is a bit aggressive, it is just because the people do not understand the benefits of this official system. As long as we can ensure the smooth implementation of this system, Even if the common people don't understand it now, after a long time, they get used to it and it becomes natural. After the common people's education level improves, they will naturally understand the benefits of this official system."

"Since His Majesty has made up his mind, I will fully cooperate."

Sure enough, once the system of the House of Representatives and Congress was implemented, the common people below were at a loss.Liu Hong knew that the reason for this phenomenon was mainly that the people's education level was too low and their comprehension skills were too poor.As long as the education of the people is strengthened, the situation will naturally improve.

So Liu Hong made up his mind. Even if everyone didn't understand, these two departments had to be established first.The next step is to popularize education and solve this problem fundamentally.

Monitoring work is the top priority.Ensure the integrity of officials, monitor the efficiency of officials to see if they are competent.This is also the department that needs officials the most. More than half of the newly promoted officials are prepared for this department.

Since it is a department directly under the emperor, it has nothing to do with others.Liu Hong directly appointed Du Mi as the censor of the left capital and Guo Tai as the censor of the right capital, and asked them to set up supervisory departments in various places.

The place of judgment, this should be the place that ordinary people care about most.When common people have grievances and grievances, they must find a place to reason and seek justice for themselves.If the imperial court can meet the needs of the people, the people will be satisfied.However, if the court cannot satisfy the people, it will attract the hatred of the people, and once this kind of hatred increases, the end is self-evident.

Since the place of ruling is so important, Liu Hong named it Dali Temple.Let Liu Ju be the first Minister of Dali Temple, and in order to show his importance, let him concurrently serve as Zongzheng.

The reason why he does not call it a court according to the name of later generations is that Liu Hong wants the place of ruling to become a place of reasoning.Liu Hong believes that only when the country's judicial place is reasonable can the common people get justice.

But Liu Hong is very clear that as long as the power of judgment is in the hands of the officials, if the common people want to get justice, basically it can only be a luxury.So Liu Hong directly handed over this right to the common people.

Liu Hong stipulated that every time a court session is held, nine randomly selected ordinary people must form a jury.They have the final say on the outcome of the trial. If they think they are guilty, the judge can make a judgment according to the specific legal provisions according to the guilty verdict.And they think that they are not guilty, even if the judge objects to it, it is useless and they can only let him go.

As for the jury, they are all made up of ordinary people and have no professional level.Bad people may be misplaced, and good people may be wronged.

Regarding this point, Liu Hong was not worried at all.Although ordinary people do not have professional skills, they do have the most basic concept of right and wrong.Moreover, as ordinary people, their vision is basically the same as that of the general public, which represents public opinion.

As long as public opinion approves it, it really doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong.If the sentence is heavy, it is only your fault that you caused public anger, and you deserve it completely.And if it is misplaced, it is even simpler. The common people think that he is justifiable, which is enough to show that he has not misplaced it.

Even if there are occasional mistakes, they can be forgiven.After all, in any temple in the world, there are no ghosts who died unjustly.No one can guarantee that there will be no unjust cases, as long as it is not caused by officials, it will be fine for Liu Hong.After all, he used this method to pass on the contradiction. To achieve this step, he had already achieved his goal.

Besides, even if the judgment was wrong, wouldn't it be possible to appeal to the higher level Dali Temple?If you refuse to accept it, you can continue to appeal until you go directly to the emperor.During this process, there is no need to worry about being arrested by local officials and locked up in a small black room.Therefore, the probability of wrongful conviction is basically zero.If under such circumstances, the case can still be judged wrongly, then he really can only admit that he is unlucky.

As for this, it would be very unfair to this person, but Liu Hong had no choice.For him, the advantages of doing this outweigh the disadvantages, and this is enough, and he can't force anything else.

As soon as the Dali Temple trial court was established, Liu Hong urged the Congress to amend the law.Liu Hong believes that a law is not a good law, no matter if there are many situations that are reasonable and unlawful, or if there are many situations that are unreasonable and unreasonable but legal.So adhering to this principle, Liu Hong asked them to modify all the outdated ones.

Liu Hong believes that things that are reasonable and reasonable must be legal.Like many laws of later generations, he couldn't understand them.Among other things, Liu Hong does not agree with the view that the law is intolerant.

The law is nothing more than a means of governing the country. Is it necessary to not talk about human touch at all?What can I do if I tolerate it?Isn't the law full of human touch more harmonious?How cruel are those regulations that must kill relatives righteously.But if you don't do this, you will commit a crime and harbor a crime, which is really bad.

Let's not talk about this aspect, the laws of later generations, in Liu Hong's view, are not protecting the people, but seem to protect crimes.

As far as that defense is concerned, this is quite nonsense.There is no good words to scold each other, no good opponents to fight, don't you understand such a simple truth?Ordinary people, who are not professionals, really fight. In such an emergency, how can they think about other things.But if you miss, it will immediately become an overdefense and a criminal. Aren't you forcing the common people not to take action?

You might think that the criminal might not have gone so far.But in Liu Hong's view, this should be the price of crime.As long as you are committing a crime, even if someone beats you to death, you deserve it.If you don't want to die, don't commit crimes. This is the same principle as using heavy codes in troubled times.Only in this way can criminals be deterred and good people can be protected.So Liu Hong asked the Congress to change all those unreasonable laws, first of all to protect the kind people.

Some people may feel that this is unfair to criminals and inconsistent with the principle of equality before the law.But Liu Hong believes that the world is like this, full of injustice everywhere.In Liu Hong's view, the saying that people are divided into different classes and everyone is equal is completely nonsense.This thing, big people can talk about it, but ordinary people must not believe it.When big people say that everyone is equal, it is because of political needs. If ordinary people really believe it, they are pure idiots.

Is it possible for the sons of national leaders to be equal to the sons of migrant workers?Things are obvious, so things like this are completely unreal.

Now that Liu Hong knows, it is impossible to achieve equality for everyone within 2000 years.Therefore, it is impossible for him to do this in the Han Dynasty.And Liu Hong also knows that as long as the common people can ensure that they get justice.He really doesn't necessarily care if others are fair or not.Therefore, the laws enacted by Liu Hong do not pay attention to equality, but aim to protect goodness.

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