Emperor Liu Hong

72 Separation of government and military

()ps: Thanks to the beauty lifecat for the reward again, thank you! ! !

Now in **, no one dares to "bully" Liu Hong.It made him enjoy himself in the bed all day long, and he felt a little bit reluctant to leave.

However, he is the emperor after all, and there are always some important national affairs that must be handled by him.Just like the army, if he doesn't control this thing in his own hands, he will never feel at ease.

The matter of the army is of great importance, and he handles it cautiously.So for a while, he has been thinking about how to reform.

"Is it really a small trouble, and a little reform is enough? Or is it a model for future generations, and a major operation is done directly?" Liu Hong kept pondering, "Although the small trouble can treat the symptoms but not the root cause, it is better in the future." It is safe, and there will be no fluctuations. If it is based on the future generations, although both symptoms and root causes are treated, the movement will be big, and it is hard to say whether it can be completed smoothly. "

For such a big matter, it is impossible for Liu Hong to make an arbitrary decision on his own.Therefore, he brought Liu Shu and Sangong Jiuqing all over, and wanted to discuss with them.

This time, it was the first time for Liu Hong to invite ministers to study state affairs.Those of them who were invited felt very honored, and wanted to show a good performance in front of Liu Hong and help Liu Hong give advice.

But Liu Hong, once he said his two thoughts, these ministers were all dumbfounded.

There is no way, what Liu Hong proposed is really too advanced.Even if in Liu Hong's eyes, it was a minor reform, in their eyes, it was already a major operation.Not to mention, they never considered the separation of military and government.Therefore, they were all confused by Liu Hong's thoughts for a while.

For such an important matter, these cautious ministers dare to come up with random ideas when they don't understand it.So it is a pity that Liu Hong failed to get any useful suggestions in his first initiative to discuss matters.

"Well, these ministers really can't help much. I have to make up my own mind about the military reform." Liu Hong thought about it, and finally made a decision. Move it thoroughly at once, so as to save you trouble later on."

In the end, Liu Hong made up his mind. Since he wants to change, he will not make small troubles.Just do it in one step, and completely separate the military from the government.

The military and the government were separated. From now on, the officials only manage the country, and the army only fights the war.In this case, as long as the army is taken care of, there is absolutely no possibility of rebellion without the support of the army.In this case, his regime will be much more stable.Based on this point alone, Liu Hong felt that it should be implemented.

However, if the military and the government are separated, those officials who are involved with the army need to choose whether they want to join the army or politics.

But Liu Hong knows that there are many people who have nothing to do with the army, and they are rare generals.For example, Li Ying, who is now Henan Yin, is such a character.So Liu Hong spoke again, since he had to choose, he gave all officials and military officers a chance to choose together.

Now the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are all messed up. After all, this matter, it seems, is an opportunity for everyone.Afterwards, the military and government were completely separated. Now the emperor, let them choose whether to join the army or politics in the future.But no matter how they choose, it is certain that the two separated systems will lack people.After they choose, they will definitely be reused.

But this choice, after all, is related to their future.Although there is a shortage of people now, they can be reused.But what about the future?They had to consider this question.In particular, there is only one chance, and once chosen, it cannot be changed. All the people are quite cautious about this.

Officers and officers, still at the time of selection.Liu Hong sent people to take over the troops in those places.

The local army must absolutely not be retained.He had already made arrangements for this matter, and the bases he was tinkering with were largely waiting for this time.

The local army is certainly not so easy to take over, and no one is willing to give up their rights.But Liu Hong has great determination and will not give up just because they don't want to.Moreover, the people he sent were not vegetarians, and the Musketeers he had trained for so long were not vegetarians either.Whoever dares to make trouble and refuses to execute it, the musketeers will wipe him out immediately.As long as you kill the leader, you don't have to worry about losing the power of the army.

Due to Liu Hong's toughness and iron blood, it didn't take long to completely take over the army of the whole country.

"Okay, now I'm relieved. The army is now completely taken over by me. Even if the military reform is more than half completed. Without the army's involvement, even if those officials play tricks, they can't turn it over. My God." Liu Hong's hanging heart was completely let go, and then he pondered, "The reform of the military system can come slowly. But the elimination of the weak and the strong, the replenishment of soldiers, and the strengthening of training are not enough. It’s time to finish it.”

Liu Fu has experience in this matter, and Liu Hong appointed him as the general manager of the whole army, who is fully responsible for the whole army training.Liu Fu was very interested in this task, selected some manpower, and happily took up the post.

It is easy to weed out the weak and keep the strong. There is a precedent of the Habayashi Army. Those under the age of 45, or those with disabilities or serious illnesses are not suitable to stay in the army. They are all forced to leave the army and go to work in Liu Hong's farm or workshop.

Because these people have proper arrangements, there will be no problems in their future lives.So this thing went well.

As for the recruitment of soldiers, it will be smoother.Now almost the whole country is recruiting disasters, and there are refugees everywhere.Put the banner of recruiting soldiers into the pile of refugees, and as many soldiers as you want, you can recruit them in a short time.

There are enough soldiers, if you want to turn them into a strong army, you just need to strengthen training.

There is no need to worry about this, the private soldiers trained by Liu Hong in the early years are definitely qualified for the role of instructors now.It is only appropriate to let them train recruits.From the beginning, Liu Fu took them all with him, just to let them complete this task.

Those private soldiers are very familiar with training recruits.Anyway, those things were already trained by them, and with the training materials issued by Liu Hong, it was not a simple matter for them to train the recruits.

Soldiers are training hard, and those officials who decide to join the army are not idle.Since they chose the army, they will be officers in the future.As an officer, the necessary military skills must be mastered.

Therefore, Liu Hong directly set up a lecture hall.All recognized famous generals and successors of military strategists are invited to give lectures inside, so that all officers can go inside to learn.

Liu Hong thought about it, since there is a lecture hall, those famous generals in history simply found them and got them to train them.

Although Liu Hong is only familiar with the generals of the Three Kingdoms period.Most of them are still young now.However, there are also many adults, such as Huang Zhong, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Cheng Pu, Ma Teng, etc. They are all talents, and Liu Hong sent people to find them.

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