Emperor Liu Hong

17 Building Power

()ps: Today’s recommended tickets will reach 200, and tomorrow will be updated

Liu Hong fed the hawks and teased the dogs all day long, and had a great time playing.Until now, he has fully realized the joy of the dandy life.

A good life always passes quickly, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.Although Liu Hong didn't take much care of things in the past two years, because he had already made a plan, the Hou Mansion was completely prosperous.

The current Hou's Mansion is not the Hou's Mansion that could go bankrupt at any time two years ago.Leaving aside those projects that Liu Hong sorted out, almost all of them have been tested by now.Even a large part has been produced and sold, earning a lot of money for the Hou Mansion.As for the large farms, the Hou Mansion bought more than a dozen of them.

Of course, with so many farms, it is impossible for them all to be in Hejian.Because Liu Hongzhi is in the world, and he knows the truth of building walls high and accumulating grain widely.In order for him to ascend the throne as the empress in the future, he can quickly control the world.After overall consideration, he identified many places in various states to establish farms as bases, and in just two years, he made more than a dozen.

These farms are different from the farms in Hejian. They mainly exist as bases for Tibetan soldiers to store grain.Although they have also implemented ecological planting, in order to meet Liu Hong's requirements, most of the farms focus on planting high-yield crops. In the north, there are many kinds of corn and sweet potatoes, while in the south, they grow the crops that Liu Hong specially sent to Linyi Nong. Chengdao.

Generally speaking, the development of the Hou Mansion is good.Now it is about money and money, and people and people.It has only been a short period of two years, and I believe that as time goes by, the Hou Mansion will become better and better.

However, Liu Hong was still not satisfied with this.There is money and people, but the influence of the Hou Mansion is still not great, especially the influence in the court, which can be said to be almost zero.As a Hou Ye who is a clan member of the Han Dynasty, this is definitely a kind of sadness.If this Lord Hou is still a time traveler, it will be even more sorrowful.

When the Deng family sent people to seek his secret technique, Liu Hong always remembered it.If he had power in the court, as a member of the Han family, why would he let a little foreign relative bully him.

In the past, if we didn't build power, it was mainly because we didn't have money.If you can't even support yourself, how can you win over others.But now, the Marquis Mansion has enough money, so Liu Hong has set his sights on the court and established his own influence.

To build power, it is difficult and easy to say, but the main thing is to use money and interests to maintain it.

Liu Hong is young, it is impossible to gain the trust of others.However, he didn't intend to use his own name, and in the eyes of others, the head of the Hou Mansion should be Liu Chang, Marquis of Xieduting who was bedridden.

Regardless of Liu Chang's serious illness, he might die someday.But as long as he doesn't die for a day, he is also the Marquis of the Han Dynasty.As the current emperor's cousin, the majestic Marquis of Jieduting, it is really not difficult for him to recruit some forces, especially those small forces.

The power in the court can be established slowly, but the relationship between some people should be done now.The great hero who recommended Liu Hong to the throne in history, Hejian Wang Zong's Liu Wei, and the empress Dou's father Dou Wu, who is still uninterested, are all candidates who urgently need to establish a good relationship.

Liu Shu, as the royal family of Hejian, has a relatively close relationship with Liu Chang, otherwise, in history, he would not have elected Liu Hong as emperor.

Although the relationship between the two parties is close, in Liu Hong's mind, this is not enough. There needs to be enough interests to tie the two parties together, so as to be safe.

Liu Hong was young, only 13 years old after he ascended the throne, and he did not have enough prestige to suppress the officials in the court.So many things need to be prepared for a rainy day.And Liu Shu is an important part in Liu Hong's eyes.This is not only because he was a great hero in supporting Liu Hong in history, but also because he is capable enough and is a close relative of Liu Hong, so he is more trustworthy.After Liu Hong ascended the throne, Liu Shu could completely help Liu Hong control the court.

In order to get closer to Liu Shu, Liu Hong spent a lot of money.Partnered with him with a glass mirror that was faster than stealing money, and jointly established a firm.

Although Liu Shu belongs to the royal family of Hejian, he is not doing very well now.After all, the Liang family had only been exterminated for less than two years, and the emperor had just gained power. How could a clan like his be reused so quickly.After all, in history, he only got the chance to recommend Liu Hong because of his personal relationship with Dou Wu.And that Doctor Guanglu was appointed because he wanted to welcome Liu Hong into the palace.

The miserable Liu Shu was suddenly hit by a big pie, how could he not be excited.Does Liu Shu know that the glass mirror is bright and bright, showing every detail of the person, and it is more than ten thousand times stronger than the bronze mirror.It caused a sensation as soon as it was listed in Luoyang, and all the few pieces were bought at a high price and sent to the palace.

Such a project is a unique business. Liu Shu knows that this is really the same as stealing money.But Liu Shu knows that there is no free lunch in this world, and the money earned by this project must not be given to him for nothing.Although Liu Chang didn't make any demands, Liu Shu knew Liu Chang's situation clearly, and there shouldn't be much time left.He is paying so much now, just waiting for him to be gone so that he can take care of his family.

There is a big difference between the thinking of ancient people and modern people.Especially the people of the Han Dynasty, the grass defense is almost the highest in history, it is definitely a kindness of dripping water, and it should be repaid by the spring.Now that Liu Chang has paid such a big benefit, Liu Shu has made up his mind that he will take good care of Jieduting Hou Mansion and take good care of his eldest nephew Liu Hong in the future.

If this is put into modern times, it is simply unbelievable.Not to mention taking care of orphans and widowed mothers, the biggest possibility is that when Liu Chang dies, Liu Shu will drive Liu Hongniang and his wife out, and then take away Liu Chang's family property.

Once you have a good relationship with Liu Shu, it will be easier to curry favor with Dou Wu.Now Dou Wu is still just a doctor who no one cares about, and with Liu Shu's recommendation, it is quite easy to burn Dou Wu's cold stove.

Liu Hong is preparing to build up his forces, and a servant came to report that according to observation, there is a possibility of a locust plague this year.

The locust plague was not too difficult to treat at the beginning.As long as you make up your mind to catch it before it grows wings, it will basically not cause serious harm.However, due to superstition and other reasons, people dare not touch it, and when it has completely become a disaster and has grown wings, it will be too late to catch it.

Now that the locust plague is showing signs, Liu Hong certainly can't take it lightly, he decided to go to the fief to inspect it in person.

Walking on the road to the fiefdom, Liu Hong felt excited for a while.His fief has changed now. A wide ditch surrounds the entire fief. On a high slope, there is a huge water building. Five waterwheels more than ten meters high are whirling and turning towards Water is delivered in the water building.

Near the main road is the academy established by Liu Hong.Liu Hong invested a lot of money in this academy. The entire academy covers an area of ​​more than 30 acres, with green brick and green tile houses and smooth and even cement pavement.Such a large-scale academy can be counted in the whole Dahan.

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