
Chapter 52

Li Wan pondered for a long time, and finally came up with a compromise.

This method is to continue to refine the magic weapon, but it is no longer a "seven skillful flying knife", but an ordinary flying knife magic weapon made according to other magic weapon maps.

He has already tried it out at this time, and with his current ability, it is impossible to refine this set of magic weapons, it is more wise to give up the difficult and take the easy.

But this is not giving up. Giving up at this time means that all the hard work in the past few months has been in vain. There are always a few things to be produced, not to improve the cultivation level, but also to pay off the debt.

While the craftsmen in the workshop were creating rough embryos for new flying knives, Li Wan found Gong Shuyuan and asked him for advice to see if there was a solution.

"You actually forged a magic weapon?" Gong Shuyuan was surprised when he heard what Li Wan had done recently, "This is the most difficult thing, even if it is a master's skill, it is not easy to make it."

Li Wan inherited the "Qi Zong Da Canon", and he didn't feel much about the difficulty, but just felt that the difficulty of refining this set of magic weapons was indeed much greater than that of ordinary magic weapons.

"Let's put the difficulty aside, I just want to know why there is always no way?" This is his big doubt.

"Probably because you haven't mastered it yet, and you can't use what you have learned to understand things, right?" Gongshu is indeed an old expert. After thinking about it for a while, he pointed out Li Wan's current shortcomings.

"You come from a famous family, so you must have learned a lot about various crafting skills and inheritance secrets? But no matter how much you learn, it is the stuff of your predecessors, not your own. Qian, I know that this matter has to be practiced, if I don’t try it myself, no matter how many people tell you, how can I have any insight?”

"Bow?" Li Wan was startled.

The meaning of Gongshuyuan is to ask him to experience and do many things by himself, instead of relying entirely on what he has learned.

Since he got the "Qi Zong Da Dian", he really relied on the wisdom of the predecessors to refine all kinds of tools, and rarely had his own things.

That is to say, he hasn't mastered what he learned in "Qi Zong Da Dian".

"Although the Jade Slip of Spiritual Consciousness is miraculous, it is impossible to completely replace my own personal experience after all. I haven't learned it yet." Li Wan nodded secretly.

Gong Shuyuan didn't know Li Wanjing's own words, he had already seen the real shortcomings, and continued to point out: "There is one more thing, you seem to be inattentive."

"Not focused?" Li Wan was taken aback, not knowing what Gongshu Yuan meant.

After all, Gong Shuyuan is an old senior, and he was not polite when he pointed out: "Recently, you seem to be focused on improving your cultivation and trying to build a foundation? This is not bad, but human time and energy are limited after all. As a craftsman, you If you want to achieve something in this path, you still have to relax your mind and make some choices. If you have half-hearted minds, you should practice or not, and you should refine weapons or not, and in the end you can only end up with both ends, and neither path will please you."

Li Wan felt a little relieved when he heard his words.

In fact, he has been practicing Qi Dao knowledge very carefully, and since he cultivated the Primordial Precious Qi, he practiced the Qi method together, and entered the Dao with the Qi, which also solved the problem that it was difficult to balance the Qi Dao and the Dao.

Both ways are not pleasing, but he has no worries in this regard.

The reason why everything he does now seems to be indiscriminate is because his cultivation base has improved so fast that people mistakenly think that he has spent all his time and energy on this aspect, but in fact, Li Wan did not practice hard at all, even It can be said that his refining is cultivation, and cultivation is refining, and there is no distinction between them.

But this matter couldn't be explained to Gongshu Yuan, the existence of primordial treasure energy was a secret among secrets, so he had no choice but to nod embarrassingly to show he was educated.

Gong Shuyuan nodded in satisfaction. He felt that Li Wan was a good seed who could become a master craftsman, but he sincerely hoped that he would not go astray.

Gongshu Yuanyu persuaded him earnestly: "I know, you young people, and many monks, think that the golden elixir road is the right way, and you can live a happy life, while other paths, although they can be beautiful for a while, will end up as loess.

However, throughout the ages, how many people can finally achieve something and live a happy life?Cultivators are like crucian carp crossing the river, and those who finally become enlightened are very rare. This is the biggest joke in the world!We monks often say that people in the world are mediocre and can't let go of fame and wealth, but we don't know that we are even more greedy for longevity and happiness.

For the sake of the future, monks can kill people and seize treasures at will, attack each other, abandon their families and children, and be alone. Isn't this the same as ordinary people fighting for fame and fortune?

If you look a little wider and know how to make trade-offs, then you can understand that the road in this world is not only a long life and a happy life. There are many wonderful things that are just waiting for you to explore. There are also many pursuits and ideals that are enough for you to devote your whole life. hard work.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is not to tell you to learn pedantry, but to know how to choose and not to follow blindly. "

Gongshu Yuan's words are actually no longer new.

Since ancient times, countless monks have followed one after another to cultivate the truth, but after experiencing countless painful lessons, they gradually reflected that some monks' pursuits had changed, and they did not value longevity as much as the ancient monks.

In this regard, some monks who abide by the ancient rituals and have a firm Taoist heart say that their hearts are not ancient and the world is declining, but Li Wan feels that this is living in this world.

What Gong Shuyuan said was actually what he thought. He had self-knowledge and knew that although his talent was not bad, it was not at the level of a peerless genius, nor did he have the chance and luck of those famous disciples to obtain the "Qizong Dadian" After that, I have already regarded this way as the only broad road that I can walk, and of course I will not be half-hearted.

In fact, he didn't care too much about Jindan Dao, and he only focused on building the foundation, but it was just for self-protection and refining better magic weapons.

Li Wan said euphemistically, "Senior's words are very true."

After hearing this, Gong Shuyuan's expression turned pale, and he couldn't help showing some appreciation when he looked at Li Wan's eyes.

He waved his hand and said: "If you understand this, then you don't need to be in a hurry, haste makes waste."

Li Wan smiled bitterly: "That's right, haste makes waste."

At this moment, Gongshu Yuan suddenly said: "However, if you really have the heart, I'm here, and I have a way."

Li Wan was stunned, and asked: "What method, please give me your advice, senior."

Gongshuyuan smiled and said: "It's very simple, go with me to the Wanbao Fair to purchase precious materials! If you don't make sure you see something on the road, you will have a new understanding, which can help you realize your epiphany. Even if it doesn't work, it can be regarded as a pioneer. experience."

Gong Shuyuan said that it is a way to go out and travel and increase your knowledge and experience.

Going out to travel is the complete opposite of closed-door practice, which emphasizes the emergence of spiritual light and sudden enlightenment, which is suitable for the situation where the cultivation base has reached a certain bottleneck and cannot be broken through.

On the way of cloud travel, it is possible to make friends and obtain treasures of heaven and earth, but at the same time, there is also the danger of being chased by the enemy and going to death. A monk really grows up.

Although Li Wan has not yet reached the stage of foundation establishment, as long as he follows Gongshu Yuan and others, it is enough to ensure safety. Perhaps he will break through after he has an epiphany at the market meeting.

Gongshuyuan continued: "This market fair is jointly held by the cave owners of the 36 caves in Yundang Mountain. It is held every year for a period of one month. There are a lot of refining materials in our workshop, which are purchased from this market fair. The reason why I let you go with me is to let you have the opportunity to see the source of the precious materials for refining, familiarize yourself with the process of collecting and processing them, and further understand the nature of the objects. At the same time, it is also to understand the personnel and affairs in the workshop."

In fact, the latter is the real purpose of Gongshu Yuan. The new craftsmen don't know the situation of the Tiangong workshop, and they will inevitably complain when they see that there are no treasure materials. difficulties.

In addition, the commission and dividends between the workshop and the refiner also depend on the cost of the precious materials. Let the refiner understand this, which is enough to show fairness and justice.

"One month? It's okay." Li Wan thought for a while, and was also a little moved.

"You can make preparations first. It's the middle of the month, and we will leave at the end of the month. We will arrive in three days by taking the flying shuttle treasure." Gongshuyuan said.

The flying shuttle weapon he was talking about was a flying magic weapon in the cultivation world. It could carry multiple people for long-distance travel, which was very convenient.

Li Wan agreed, and asked Gongshu Yuan for advice, and then left.

Back at the mansion, Li Wan told Shi Haoguang and Xing Tongfang about it, and they agreed with it.

"I've been here for almost a year. Although I have no worries about food and clothing, I'm a little bored. It's not bad to go out for activities. Let's go together."

"That's exactly what I mean," Li Wan said.

When Shi Haoguang thought about the studio, he felt a little worried: "However, we all left together, who will watch in the studio?"

Li Wandao: "Don't worry, the workshop was originally managed by Guifang. After the incident last time, the guards and patrols have become more stringent. There will never be any problems. Instead of staying there, you might as well go with me. There can also be a follow-up."

Shi Haoguang and Xing Tongfang thought about it for a while, but they also felt that it made sense, so they said, "Then we will prepare as well."

At this time, Xing Tongfang suddenly thought of something, and said: "I seem to have heard of this market meeting before. Many treasures in Tiangongfang are purchased from there. Daoyou Li, do you still have Lingyu on hand? You can also take this opportunity Buy some treasures you want."

"Huh? That's a good idea." Li Wan didn't think about it before, but when Xing Tongfang reminded him, he couldn't help but come to his senses.

Although he still owes Lingyu in the workshop, if he doesn't pay it back for the time being, he can always keep tens of thousands on hand. If he encounters any suitable materials, he can take it by himself.

This trip is not all about watching from the sidelines, it can be regarded as one's own business.

"Looking at it this way, this Wanbao Market Fair is really worth going to." Li Wan smiled gratifiedly, and began to have some expectations in her heart.

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