The Horse of the Three Kingdoms Treads the World

Chapter 73 Water Attacks the Enemy

() On the fourth day of May, advisable: travel, offering sacrifices; bogey: marriage, breaking ground.

It was day and night, and the new moon was like a hook, but with a gust of wind, it brought thick dark clouds, covering all the stars and the moon. It was a scene of a dark moon and a high wind.When the second watch was approaching, all the Han troops in Wangyuan Kip were gathered quietly, each occupied the high ground, and waited quietly for an order from above.

During this period of time, the Han army has been full of breath.From the beginning of the battle again, they have never had a good life, and they are always beaten back by the Qiang people.In the past few days, he almost starved to death in this small canyon without food.Now, it was finally time to fight back, and naturally everyone wanted to kill the enemy.

And beside the dam on the left side of Xia Valley, hundreds of soldiers were already standing, carrying a lot of equipment in their hands, quietly waiting for the time to come.When the second watch came, Dong Zhuo, dressed in military uniform and looking extraordinarily energetic, finally strode out from the tent, and then nodded to Guo Fan beside him: "Destroy the embankment, release the water!"

"Here!" Guo Fan agreed, and rushed to the embankment to give the final order.

Immediately, hundreds of hoes and iron loquats smashed hard on the embankment that had just been built.One stroke, two strokes... In just one cup of tea, a gap of Zhangxu wide was opened in the embankment built by tens of thousands of people of the Han army for several days.Immediately, the river water that was blocked by the dam and had accumulated a certain amount of strength found a vent outlet, roaring and rushing out of this small gap. In a blink of an eye, the entire dam was completely wiped out by the sudden flood washed out.

In order to make the water flow more turbulent enough to overwhelm the camp of the Qiang army over there, the Han army built a dam and at the same time cut off its downstream flow. Only by relying on this dam can the river be forcibly accumulated.Now that the dam is destroyed and the river has a vent, its momentum is naturally very strong.

The dozens of soldiers who were pawing the embankment were caught off guard for a while, and they only had time to scream, and they were swept away by the rushing water, disappeared in an instant, and disappeared.The others hurriedly dodged to the side, looking for a high place to settle down, so as not to be swept away by the subsequent force of the water, but they were also frightened into a cold sweat.

When he saw the river roaring towards Xiagu Road, and then rushing out, Ma Yue standing on a high place couldn't help but sigh: "The power of nature is indeed incomparable to me."

"That's right! Otherwise, the city could not be attacked in ancient times, so why did so many flood the city? Although the torrent accumulated today is not comparable to the water of the Yangtze River, the camp of the Qiang bandits is nothing more than stone and wood. It’s just a completed building, and it can’t stand the rush of this current!” Li Ru stroked his beard, and said excitedly: “When the water force is drawn into the enemy’s camp and its layout is messed up, our army will take advantage of the situation and fight out, and this battle will surely be won. !"

Hearing his reassurance, Ma Yue was also very excited, and couldn't help but look towards Xiagukou, but unfortunately the weather and distance were uncomfortable at this time, and it was impossible for him to see the scene over there.


At the second watch, the Qiang camp was already quiet, but Bian Zhang did not sleep peacefully.For some reason, he felt more and more uneasiness in his heart, which was an inexplicable induction cultivated by his years of marching.Whenever he was disturbed, something big might happen, but what could happen now?

Although in the past few days, because the two sides have fought with generals, the Qiang people have lost several generals in a row, but this does not change the current situation.And as far as he knows, there is no trace of the Han army within hundreds of miles around, and there will be no such thing as the previous Han army breaking through the siege.

"Then what else will happen?" Bian Zhang couldn't help walking back and forth in his tent, and at the same time, he was repeatedly thinking about all the information he had received about the Han army in Kip during this period of time. move.

As Ma Yue said, because the two sides are not far apart, the Qiang people are quite clear about the actions of the Han army in Kip.Soon, a strange thing jumped into Bian Zhang's mind: "I heard people report that the Han army has been building dams to block water these past few days. Judging by what they did, it seems that they are trying to pass this kind of It is necessary to catch fish and shrimps to supplement the shortage of food and grass... No, they still have tens of thousands of horses, can fish and shrimps in the river alone solve the food problem, there must be something wrong in it!" Because there was already a doubt in his heart, Bian Zhang The problem was found very quickly.

But for a while, he still couldn't figure out the real purpose of the Han army, which made him feel even more uneasy: "Why did they do this? Is it to open a way out for themselves through this method of building a dam?" This is probably very difficult, and the only thing left is... not good!" Under Fu Zhi's mind, Bian Zhang suddenly thought of something that was extremely unfavorable to his side.

The Qiang army is currently at the mouth of Wangyuan Kip, and the terrain here is the lowest in the whole area. If they deliberately use water to attack... Immediately, Bian Zhang's expression changed, and he immediately decided to kill him tomorrow. The men and horses moved to a slightly higher place, where the Han army could still be trapped, and there was no need to worry about being flooded.In addition, he even thought of storming the camp of the Han army. Maybe this is the best way to relieve his uneasiness?

But his idea came too late, at this moment, he heard a faint sound of splashing water.Bian Zhang rushed out of the main tent, looked around where the voice came from, and saw a flash of light suddenly flashed in the darkness.

"This is..." After Bian Zhang was stunned, he exclaimed: "Water! The flood is coming!"

The water came quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the front of the Qiang army camp.The fortifications that were set up to prevent the Han army from rushing into the camp, such as repelling horses and horned deer, were completely swallowed up by the flood in an instant, and the current took advantage of the situation to rush into the camp, destroying the tents that were randomly set up one by one. up.

The sound of splashing water turned into a rumbling sound in a blink of an eye, which woke up all the Qiang people from their sleep.But many of them just opened their eyes and found that their bodies were submerged in water. After struggling desperately, they sank faster and disappeared after a few grunts.

The Qiang people are also like other nomadic peoples. They are best at fighting on horseback, and they are most afraid of water.So when the turbulent water came, many people didn't react properly at all, they were caught in the water, life and death were hard to tell.Only a few with shrewd minds and quick reactions escaped from this sudden disaster, but their armored weapons and fighting horses were all taken away by the rushing water.

All of a sudden, the entire camp of the Qiang army turned into Zeguo, and countless people sank or floated in the water, calling for help.There were also people who panicked and jumped around.In a word, the entire Qiang army camp was completely in chaos.

Luckily, Bian Zhang, the commander in chief of the army, had noticed it a long time ago, so when the water spread, he quickly avoided to a high place under the protection of a group of pro-army, so he didn't die underwater like his soldiers.But his face was already pale, not only because he was suddenly frightened, but also because he knew what would happen next.

The Han army had planned for a long time, and decided on this strategy of attacking the enemy with water. Of course, it was impossible to just let it go.Their real purpose is still to break through the siege. Now that their army has been washed out of order by the water, and the morale of the army has long been slackened, the Han army's attack is about to start at this time?

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Bian Zhang's mouth. It seemed that he was completely defeated this time. If he wanted to keep the remaining troops, he had to make way and let the Han army break out.

With this understanding, Bian Zhang immediately ordered: "Let the road be released and the Han army leave. Unless they attack me, they must not obstruct it!" The disbanded army?Finally he thought so.

Seeing the flood rushing into the enemy's camp, and hearing the constant exclamation from over there, the morale of the Han army rose to a new level again. Everyone was murderous, and only waited for Dong Zhuo's order. He rushed over and killed all these enemies.

But at this time, Ma Yue, who was beside Dong Zhuo, put forward his own opinion: "Master, the most urgent thing is to leave this place as soon as possible. If the Qiang people don't come to stop them, we should not fight with them. After all, there are still people around here. There is a Qiang army, if we get entangled with them here, and they arrive in time, it will be difficult to leave."

After all, Dong Zhuo was a person who could afford it and let it go. Although he wished he could turn around and wipe out Bian Zhang's army this time, he also admitted that the possibility of doing so was not high.Moreover, this time the water attack has already killed many Qiang people, which is enough to get a lot of credit, so instead of insisting on revenge, he nodded: "Send the order, the whole army will rush out of the Qiang people's encirclement as soon as possible, and don't love to fight!" ! Anyone who dares to defy will be shot to death!"

Immediately, the [-] Han troops who had been prepared for a long time rushed out of the gap with shouts, and rushed into the camp of the Qiang army stepping on the stagnant water that did not reach the knees of their horses.

At this time, the camp of the Qiang army has long since lost its previous appearance, only the water flowing all over the ground, and some Qiang soldiers still ups and downs in the water.The Han army rushed past them with shouts, and some people stabbed the enemies who were still alive with swords and guns, and sent them to the west.But the Han army also followed Dong Zhuo's order closely, and did not delay much, but just rushed forward, leaving only the corpses of the Qiang army who were hacked and killed by them.

When the flood finally receded and the sun rose, when Bian Zhang checked again, he was moved to find that this time, there were nearly ten thousand people who were drowned by the water or died under the sword of the Han army, which was enough to offset the previous When they besieged Dong Zhuo's army, the number of casualties brought to them was astonishing!


Went out, just came back now, quickly update Chapter 2, please bookmark, there has been no movement for several days (⊙o⊙)

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