() After listening to Niu Fu's introduction, Ma Yue's face also became very ugly. Although he thought that Dong Zhuo's situation would be very bad with the defeat of the other four groups of people, he didn't expect it to be so bad to such an extent.If this goes on without foreign aid, I'm afraid that the entire army will be wiped out.

But soon, Ma Yue calmed down and made his own judgment on this: "But because the food road of the Lord's army was cut off by the rebels before, why did you fall into such a dangerous situation at this time?"

"That's right!" Niu Fu smiled wryly, "The letter you and I sent was still a step late. By the time the lord reacted, it was too late. The grain road was cut off by the enemy, but luckily the troops we sent took back some of it. Only then can the army sustain until now without running out of food. However, now that the Lord is trapped in that Wangyuan Kip, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on for a few more days."

Ma Yue nodded: "I don't know why General Niu came to me? But do you want to collect some food from me and send it to the front to relieve the lord?"

"Yes, even though I know it is very difficult to deliver food to the lord, I still have to go through this!" Niu Fu nodded.

After Ma Yue heard this, he immediately said: "No! Now that the front is defeated, I still need generals to guard Lintao City, how can you just ignore it like this?"

"However, my lord is in danger, so how could I not go to rescue him?" Niu Fu still insisted on his opinion: "As for the stability and safety of Lintao City, I will entrust it all to you, Ma Zhongling."

"What am I capable of? How can I be able to stabilize the current situation? Not to mention the people with ulterior motives that may appear, just those seniors in the city who have grievances with me are not something I can control. !" Ma Yue immediately shook his head: "I am Lintao City without a general, so I ask the general to think twice before acting."

"Once something happens to me in Lintao City, it will shake the foundation of my lord. I'm afraid that my ambitions in the past will be turned into dust. I'm afraid this is not the result my lord wants to see!" In order to make my persuasion more powerful , Ma Yue emphasized again.

This time, Niu Fu really had a hard time making a decision: "This... two aspects must be preserved, and I can only choose one, so what should I do?" After thinking about it for a while, he still decided to save Dong Zhuo, after all, as long as he is still alive, there is still the possibility of a new life; but once Dong Zhuo is dead, even if Lintao is still there, it will be difficult for them to do anything.

Just when Niu Fu was about to express his decision, Ma Yue suddenly said, "I have a solution, or the only correct choice for us now. That is, the general will continue to guard Lintao, and my subordinates will lead people to deliver food to the Lord!" "

"What?" Niu Fu looked at Ma Yue in surprise, and then shook his head decisively: "No, you are not a general. Why do you take people to fight the Qiang people and break through the rebels' defenses to send food in?"

Ma Yue said: "It is true that I am far inferior to the general's bravery, but this time sending food is different from ordinary warfare. Our first priority is to break through the enemy's blockade, not to wipe out the enemy, so personal bravery is not The most important thing. Besides, I can also invite my elder brother Ma Mengqi to help, with him coming, I think General Niu can relax a little bit?",

Hearing Ma Meng mentioning this name, Niu Fu was really moved.The memory of this brave general who was able to single-handedly kill the enemy is quite deep.If he made the shot, the effect should be greater than his own.

Seeing that the other party was already moved, Ma Yue continued: "And as early as a few days ago, I have already started to prepare for this incident."

"Huh? How do you say this?"

Ma Yue didn't explain much, but asked someone to take a long cloth bag from the warehouse and put it in front of Niu Fu: "Please look at it, General."

Niu Fu carefully looked at this weird thing, this long cloth bag was about ten feet long, one side was sealed, but the other side was open, but he didn't know what use Ma Yue made of this thing.

Ma Yue saw that the other party was still very confused, so he explained: "This is what I thought of to transport food. Just grind rice, noodles and other food into powder, and then pour it into this intestine bag, it is very easy to carry And once it is ground into powder, as long as these grains are mixed with water, a catty can be used for several catties, which can better ensure the needs of the army and not increase the burden on other civilians." This is Ma Yue A few days ago, according to the memory of the previous life, it was thought of by the intestines of the Eighth Route Army. This trick is indeed a good invention for Dong Zhuo who is in trouble now.

Niu Fu held the bag, and soon showed surprise: "It is indeed a good idea. If each person brings two or three bags of this kind, only two or three thousand people will be enough for the Lord's army for several months!"

Ma Yue nodded: "That's true, the only problem is that these bags are likely to be obtained by the Qiang people during the breakout, and they will know this method."

"I can't take care of all these things now, it's serious to break the siege of the Lord first!" Niu Fu said indifferently.Then he looked at Ma Yue solemnly: "Since Zhong Ling has considered such details, you must be prepared to solve the lord's difficulties. In terms of ingenuity and cleverness, I am indeed not as good as you, so just According to what you said, you will lead the troops there."

"Thank you, General, for your trust in me!" Ma Yue hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "But I don't know how many people we have available now?"

"My lord left me 3000 people when he left, and I'll share half of them with you." After pondering, Niu Fu said, this is indeed the limit of manpower that can be used, otherwise Lintao City will not be able to defend it.

"Okay, I'll send people to Long County right now, and ask my brother to bring a team. Within three days, I'll set out to rescue the Lord. I hope everything will be in time!"

Ma Chao's reaction was still very fast. Under his leadership, a thousand elite cavalry under the control of Ma Teng appeared in Lintao City two days later, thus joining forces with Ma Yue's troops who were ready to go. one place.In addition, those intestinal bags have also been filled with rice and wheat powder. Although this added dozens of catties to the knight's body, it did not affect their speed and agility.After seeing this scene, Ma Yue couldn't help but let out a sigh: "The quality of the cavalry in the Han Dynasty is really high. If it was the Song Dynasty, I'm afraid they would have fallen down by now?"

But when Ma Chao knew that his younger brother would go to the rescue together, he showed a look of worry: "Second brother, you are not skilled in martial arts, how can you take such a risk? Why don't you leave this matter to me..."

But Ma Yue rejected his elder brother's persuasion: "No, I must go together for this matter, it is related to our own development!"

Although he didn't understand why his brother was so persistent, in the end Ma Chao still believed in his younger brother's judgment, and he also had strong confidence in his own ability, believing that he could protect his younger brother and enter the encirclement of the Qiang people safely.

Neither Ma Chao nor Niu Fu could guess Ma Yue's overall consideration.Apart from the fact that he wants to become Dong Zhuo's real confidant through this rescue, and confirm his position in the hearts of Dong Zhuo's subordinates through this battle, there is another point that is also very crucial.That is, he doesn't want to stay in the granary anymore, because after all, this is not a place where he can shine, and this is not what Ma Yue hopes to do when he joins Dong Zhuo's command.

In addition, there is another point, which is also the reason why Ma Yue is willing to take risks. He is afraid that Niu Fu will let him play tricks on the food issue soon.Just in case, so that Dong Zhuo's defeat is not too ugly, Niu Fu will inevitably play tricks behind, so that the other four armies will also completely collapse.And the easiest way to completely collapse an army is naturally to let them run out of food.So Niu Fu would probably ask Ma Yue to stop and provide food to Zhang Wen and other four people who had retreated to a safe area, and he would be really in danger by then.

Compared to the danger of ruin that might have been brought about by that incident, it was a bit easier for him to lead an army to support Dong Zhuo, at least there was nothing to criticize if he failed.It is precisely because of this that Ma Yue stepped forward to take on this arduous task, not hesitate to bet on his own safety.

Not to mention what Ma Yue thought, but said that this team of more than 23 people set off from Lintao on April 27, traveled for several days, and finally arrived at a hidden place [-] miles away from Wangyuan Kip at dusk on April [-]. Only then did Ma Yue order people to dismount and rest, thinking that he was fully prepared for the assault.

Perhaps it was because the Qiang people had already put all their attention on Dong Zhuo's army and Zhang Wen's defeated army, so Ma Yue and the others came all the way without any hindrance, and came to the periphery of Wangyuan Kip with ease. .

"Second brother, these Qiang people's siege is still very organized. They actually encircled them on all sides without leaving any gaps." After receiving the news from the scouts who arrived one step earlier, Ma Chao said with emotion: "What are you going to do? ?”

"The only way is to use the old routine and attack at night." Ma Yue said: "Presumably they would not have thought that our team of less than 3000 people would suddenly kill us? As long as we grasp their mentality, we want to break through the encirclement It's not too difficult to get in. What's more, as long as we attack, Dong Zhuojun over there will respond accordingly, and the internal and external forces will be able to break in."

"It's true to say that, but have you thought about what we should do next?" Ma Chao immediately asked the most realistic question, which really made it difficult for him to understand.If he still couldn't break out after getting in, it was just a few thousand more people who died with him. My brother wouldn't do such a stupid thing?

In this regard, Ma Yue was speechless. The reason why he made such a decision was another key factor, which was his own grasp of history.He knew that Dong Zhuo would play a great role in the later history, so he would never die here.It is precisely because of such confidence that Ma Yue dared to take this risk, but this is obviously unspeakable.

So in the end, Ma Yue could only say: "At that time, I will have my own way to get the army out of trouble, brother, you must believe me!"

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