() In mid-February of the third year of Zhongping in the Han Dynasty, as the winter snow melted, the imperial court officially sent troops to the rebellious Qiang people and other rebellious troops.Because the coach Zhang Wen accepted Dong Zhuo's suggestion, this time the troops were dispatched in five routes. The target of one branch is Jincheng County, which was seized earlier.

At this time, Ma Yue, who was currently an aide under Dong Zhuo's tent, did not go out with him, but stayed in Lintao City, responsible for the logistics support of the army.Because there were hundreds of thousands of troops in this army, the responsibility on his shoulders was even heavier.He gets up early and stays late every day, raising and calculating the grain and grass that needs to be shipped out, and also receiving the grain and grass escorted from other places. He is so busy that he only has less than three hours of rest every day.

Even so, Ma Yue did not relax his attention to the battle ahead, especially to his lord Dong Zhuo's advance.

At the beginning, the news that Ma Yue received was both timely and positive. They all said that the Fifth Route Army was moving forward very smoothly, and almost no decent resistance from the rebel army was encountered. Some land lost last year has been retaken. Quite a lot.

Later, a more exciting news came back. After a month of storming and siege, Jincheng County, which had been lost due to the surrender of Han Yue and others, was also defeated by Dong Zhuo.In this battle, Dong Zhuo's army wiped out thousands of enemies and captured a lot of food and supplies, which greatly inspired everyone's morale.

Afterwards, other four-way armies continued to report success to Lintao.They continued to push forward, forcing the Qiang people to retreat steadily. It seemed that soon, the entire chaos in Xiliang would end with the complete victory of the imperial army.However, with these good news came back, there were also official letters from various people urging them to requisition food and grass. As they continued to penetrate into the enemy's territory, the supply route of the Han army had become longer and longer, which also made Ma Yue's responsibility even heavier.

Just when everyone was working hard for the upcoming victory, Ma Yue, as the leader of the army's logistics support this time, seemed a little heavy.For some reason, when he heard good news one after another, there was always a trace of uneasiness and gloom in his heart that could not be erased, as if everything seemed too simple.

Although Ma Yue had never heard of such a riot at the end of the Han Dynasty in his previous life, obviously this incident had no impact on the troubled times when the three kingdoms coexisted side by side and the heroes were fighting, but it does not mean that the ability of the rebels this time is really weak enough. The point of being extinguished at will.They were able to sweep half of Xiliang in just a few months, and even captured many cities, which shows that these rebels still have strong strength.

On that day, Geng Bi led the soldiers and horses of the six counties of Xiliang to conquer the rebel army. Wasn't he defeated by them in a single night attack?How could it be possible for the opponent to be hard to resist and keep retreating when one's own troops are divided into five groups?When things go wrong, there must be a demon, and Ma Yue has already faintly smelled a hint of conspiracy.

"No, this dispatch of troops is related to the overall situation of Xiliang. I must not just sit back and watch the Han army suffer a disastrous defeat, which will greatly increase the power of the Qiang people." Although he didn't know whether his judgment was true, Ma Yue decided to go to Dong Zhuo first wake up.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo was hundreds of miles away, so it was impossible for Ma Yue to meet and talk with him right away, so he made it clear.But he still had a way to remind people, and that was Niu Fu who was guarding Lintao under Dong Zhuo's order.As long as he told Niu Fu his speculations and worries, and then he sent someone to deliver the letter, Dong Zhuo must be able to know what Ma Yue was thinking in a short time.

Having made up his mind, Ma Yue didn't dare to delay, and immediately went to find Niu Fu.Even though it was late at night, Ma Yue still hurried to meet Niu Fu in the temporary decision hall set up in the city.The latter did not go to bed at this time either. As a left-behind general who wanted to maintain the stability of the place and pay attention to the front at any time, Niu Fu's burden was not lighter than that of Ma Yue.

Seeing Ma Yuekui's visit at night, Niu Fu couldn't help being a little surprised: "Why, is Zhongling here because something happened to the granary?"

"No, I'm worried about something, and I want to talk to the general." After meeting Ma Yue, he straight-forwardly expressed his worries: "... just because I think this situation is too weird, I'm afraid It was deliberately done by the chaos army, so I want to tell the general, I hope you can remind the lord in time, just in case."

After hearing Ma Yue's words, Niu Fu also fell into deep thought.After a long while, he also raised his head and said: "To be honest, I also have doubts these two days. Those rebellious troops were not so bad before, why is it that even the resistance is so weak after a year. Now Zhong Ling is also That being said, it seems that there is indeed something wrong with this matter.”

"Then please ask the general to send someone to speak to the lord as soon as possible, so that he must be careful, especially the rear of the army, and there must be no mistakes." Ma Yue immediately suggested: "Although the army is nominally in our Xiliang , but in fact, they have already opened a lot of distance from the rear. If the rebels take this opportunity to suddenly cut off my food supply, I'm afraid..."

Niu Fu nodded: "I will report this to the lord in time. Even though Zhong Ling has other duties, he can still imagine this for the lord. I am really moved."

"Since you are a counselor for your lord, you should do your best for your lord's affairs!" Ma Yue hurriedly expressed his feelings.


A few days later, Dong Zhuo, who had already marched through Jincheng and pointed directly at the Qiang people's lair, received a letter of advice from Niu Fu's order day and night.Before that, he had heard Li Ru talk about it several times.

However, because Dong Zhuo knew that the other four roads were also progressing smoothly, Dong Zhuo, who wanted to make greater contributions, did not listen to this advice.In fact, Dong Zhuo felt very unhappy when he learned that the five armies were advancing almost at the same time. He had expected to be unique, but he didn't want to end up disappearing from the crowd. This was not the result he hoped to see.So even if someone reminded him, Dong Zhuo still went his own way, but kept urging the army to move westward, and he must beat the chaotic army before the other four armies.

However, after receiving the letter from the rear, especially after Ma Yue came from the level of Liangdao, Dong Zhuo's feverish mind suddenly cleared up: "This matter is indeed a bit strange. Could it be that they were defeated so easily? Also, in the Battle of Jincheng, we only besieged the city for ten days before they abandoned the city. At that time, there was still enough food and grass for them to hold on, so why did they abandon it? What about the city?

"Could it be that, as Ma Yue and the others deduced, this is a trap to lure me into it?" Dong Zhuo, who had calmed down, quickly found a lot of unreasonable things, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and finally He still called the most trustworthy Li Ru to him for questioning.

After listening to Dong Zhuo's words, Li Ru breathed a sigh of relief: "Father-in-law, this is exactly what I have been worried about. These days, we marched too fast, and everything went too smoothly. Now, the soldiers have already With the intention of arrogance, the rear is completely defenseless, if the Qiang people are really outstanding soldiers, I'm afraid..."

"Immediately send an order to let the army stop moving forward, and send two thousand elite soldiers back to protect the food road in the back road!" Hearing his judgment, Dong Zhuo finally became vigilant and ordered immediately.

At the same time, in the camp of the Qiang people hundreds of miles away, Beigong Boyu has also issued an order: "The Han army is all in, it's time to show them how powerful our Qiang cavalry is! Order all the hidden fast riders to dispatch, this time the goal is to cut off his food supply and burn his army rations!"


Two days later, on a road leading to the west, hundreds of grain carts pulled by oxen and horses were struggling to move forward.Around these grain carts, hundreds of Han soldiers were scattered in disorder.They are the grain team ordered to send grain to Zhang Wenjun in front. There is enough grain for the 3 horses and horses for ten days.

Because the battle ahead has always been going smoothly, they marched very casually. They didn't even send out the necessary scouting horses, but just scattered around the grain carts.Many people are still complaining that the army in front is advancing too fast. If the opponent can slow down, they won't have to travel so far.

While talking here, the leader among the soldiers suddenly frowned: "Why are there horseshoes coming here, and listening to this movement, there are quite a few coming."

Immediately, everyone became nervous and took out weapons from their horses one after another.But before they had formed their defensive formation, thousands of cavalry rushed out from the forests on the left and right.The other party didn't say anything, but a burst of arrows shot towards the grain detaining team.

Those Han troops who were holding grain had no time to resist, and half of them were shot and killed on the spot.Immediately, those people rushed into the middle of the grain team, and a killing without any suspense began and ended soon.

In less than half an hour, the 600-strong and 500-vehicle grain detaining team was completely annihilated, and soon after, thick smoke shot up into the sky, and tens of thousands of grains were instantly destroyed.

After confirming that no one was alive and all the food was destroyed, the Qiang cavalry roared away.

In just a few days, in the back of the Han army, more than a dozen grain teams were attacked by the Qiang people, and [-] dendrobium grain and grass were destroyed by their fire, and the battle changed fundamentally in an instant...

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