() The two memorials were sent one after the other into the city of Luoyang, the capital of Han, which immediately shocked the inside and outside of the court hall, and made the dignitaries in the court and China begin to really shift their eyes to the land of Xiliang.

At the beginning, when the court learned of the Qiang people's rebellion, although they were annoyed, they didn't take it seriously.To those big men, it was nothing at all for some uneducated barbarians in remote places to make trouble. Maybe they just wanted to rob some property, and they couldn't hurt the big man's fur.But the current facts have dealt them a heavy blow. Those Qiang people not only developed and grown, making many Han officials and people their accomplices, but also defeated the conquest of tens of thousands of troops in Liangzhou in the first battle. It cannot be ignored.No one can guarantee whether this will be another Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion, which was started by a small group of Taiping Road monsters, swept across most of China in a short period of time, and almost overthrew the Han Dynasty.Although in the end, through the efforts of all parties, these thieves were still put down, but the Han Dynasty was also seriously injured, and it would be impossible to recover in five or sixty years.

If there is a new chaos at this time, I am afraid that the Han Dynasty will come to an end.This is absolutely intolerable to those big figures who hold absolute power in the court, so they immediately started to suppress these thieves, even His Majesty Huangdi Liu Hong, who has been ignorant recently, had to come forward this time Decided.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the government has been fighting endlessly with the Shichangshi, but the official group, which has always been at a disadvantage, also used an excuse to attack these dead eunuchs who actually held the power of the government.The reason they are looking for is also very simple, that is, Geng Bi, who has been killed, was elected by the ten permanent servants, and it is precisely because of Geng Bi's incompetence that this result has resulted.

This previous report was written by Li Xiangru and other eunuchs, so naturally they would not save Geng Bi any face. The book said that his perverse actions in Xiliang pushed all the blame for the Qiang people's rebellion to Geng Bi. on the body of the dead.In addition, he sent troops rashly, giving the enemy an opportunity to lose troops and lose ground, so the crime is not light.And as the palace attendant who once recommended him to this position, this time it is natural that he cannot escape the blame.

The officials seized this point and tried their best to criticize the ten permanent attendants, thinking that they were the chief culprits who caused the Qiang people to rebel.And the only thing these servants in the palace can do is to cry out their grievances in front of the emperor and beg the emperor for forgiveness.

And as a result, just like in the original party's dispute, the dead eunuchs, who were almost irrational, easily passed the test relying on the emperor's trust in them.Although they also paid a certain price and threw out a few scapegoats, the crime still failed to fall on them.

After the responsibility for this matter was settled, the competition between the middle officials and the officials began again. This time they were fighting over who to send to Liangzhou to preside over the overall situation.After all, the situation in Liangzhou is very bad now, and the imperial court must send capable generals to quell the rebellion.At this time, the melody written by Dong Zhuo was also sent to Luoyang City.

When he learned that after the defeat in the first battle, someone won the victory very quickly and defeated the tens of thousands of rebellious troops——as a person who wanted to show his merits to the court, Dong Zhuo would of course respond appropriately in his performance. I have exaggerated the merits I have made necessary - the whole court was greatly relieved, so it seems that at least the situation in Xiliang has not been corrupted to the point of irreparability.

Dong Zhuo finally got his wish, and the credit this time was enough to offset his previous defeat when he quelled the Yellow Turban Rebellion.But his second wish could not be easily fulfilled. For the choice of commander in Liangzhou to quell the chaos, almost no one was optimistic about this veteran general who had just defeated the Qiang people.

But this has something to do with Dong Zhuo's identity, he became an official relying on his father's shadow, so he didn't need to buy from the regular servants in the palace to obtain his status like some people, so naturally he can't be regarded as a eunuch.And Dong Zhuo has always been an official in the local area, and his foundation in the court is very shallow, so he can't be regarded as one of the powerful people in the court.When the two sides regard this position as a new contest, how could these people choose Dong Zhuo as the coach of the peace in Xiliang?

So after a long period of debate and wrangling, finally, one month after the report entered Beijing, the imperial court decided on the candidate, and then sent this decree to Xiliang along with the rewards to Dong Zhuo and his subordinate army.And these people who keep procrastinating for their own interests have never thought of how precious this month is. It is very likely that when they are still arguing about an unimportant issue, the situation in Xiliang has undergone earth-shaking changes .


But the facts are also speechless. The situation in Xiliang did not deteriorate rapidly because of the procrastination of the court. The Qiang people did not take advantage of this time to continue to march south, and the reason was the climate.

Not long after the Battle of Lintao, the first snowstorm in Xiliang this winter came.This blizzard lasted for seven days and seven nights, and the mountains and rivers were completely covered by white snow in an instant, and all the roads were buried by snow.Even if they are familiar with the geographical situation of Xiliang, no one dares to travel far when they can only see a piece of white snow.Not to mention letting people lead tens of thousands of troops to expedition to other places, I am afraid that if this is done, these Qiang people will not need to be dealt with by the Han army, and they will die on the road of marching.

Ma Yue, who lived in the south in his previous life, was also surprised by such heavy snowfall.When the snow fell, he was still worrying about how he would survive the cold winter.You know, in this era, there is no heating equipment such as air conditioning and heating in the later generations, and his small body may not be able to withstand it.

But the facts tell Ma Yue that all this is an overstatement.As one of Dong Zhuo's most valued counselors, he was treated very well. Not only did he have a small courtyard of his own, but he also had seven or eight servants who could be dispatched by him.And when the weather turned cold, a charcoal stove was installed in his room. The fragrant charcoal stove not only kept the whole room warm like spring, but also didn't have an unbearable smell. This made Ma Yue really feel a lot of emotion.

It wasn't until this time that he realized that life in ancient times was not as comfortable as modern life, but there was a prerequisite for everything, that is, you must have great power or a lot of property.

And with the guarantee of life, and at the same time not having to worry about the Qiang people coming at this time, Ma Yue's life will be very happy.Every day, he is either studying in his room, or chatting with other counselors like Li Ru, talking about his views on the current situation of the government and the opposition.Or, he would also go out to drink with Wang Feng and a few people who have become his confidantes. Such a comfortable life makes Ma Yue sometimes wish that time would stop.

Because he knew that he would soon be involved in successive battles, Ma Yue paid more attention to those military books and historical records written by his predecessors when reading books.The conversation with Li Ru and other knowledgeable people of this era also gave Ma Yue a deeper understanding of the era he lived in.

It turns out that eunuchs and relatives played a very important role in the imperial court during the Eastern Han Dynasty. Today's court can be said to be completely divided by these two forces.Although most of the court officials regarded themselves as loyal ministers, in fact they still took refuge in these two camps, and the so-called loyalty was not to Jiangshan Sheji at all.

The Yellow Turban Uprising, which has always been praised in textbooks, is actually a disaster for this era.These farmers who have put down their hoes and picked up their weapons have no rules of conduct at all, and are more like doing things like bandits.This is also the reason why the Yellow Turban Rebellion was extinguished soon after its great prosperity, and most of what I learned in my previous life was arbitrarily distorted views from the standpoint of a certain class.

Of course, the forces of the Yellow Turban Rebellion are too complex. Even today, a few years later, these rebels fighting in the name of the Yellow Turban Army have not been completely wiped out, and this is one of the hidden dangers of the court.

The knowledge that was unfamiliar and vague to Ma Yue was quickly mastered by him during this period of time, and he also found that his brain also has a strong ability to understand the way of using troops.Although everything he has now is just on paper and has not yet been put into practice, he believes that armed with this knowledge, he will definitely play an important role in the future history.

In addition to arming himself with knowledge, Ma Yue did not forget to continue to exercise his body.The danger of being almost killed by the rebels had already let him know how urgent it is to practice martial arts.So in the early morning of these days, he would come to the courtyard to practice the set of boxing techniques taught by Ma Chao, and at the same time, he would also ask Wang Feng and others about the tactics of short weapons.He doesn't ask himself to be like his elder brother, to be the first general in the army, but only to be able to fight in danger so that he won't die in some unforeseen accident .

Seeing all this, Dong Zhuo had a higher opinion of Ma Yue, a certain man, and felt that this man was indeed not simple, and he would definitely be an important help to him in the future.

Time flies by with simplicity and fulfillment.On this day, when Ma Yue practiced a set of boxing as usual to fully move his body, and then planned to practice another set of chopping knife skills, a servant came to report: "Mr. Ma, Mr. Li!" If you have something to do, please come to the front hall to talk."

Ma Yue nodded in agreement, returned to the room and put on a fur coat, then stepped on the thick snow and walked to the front hall.However, he was full of doubts about Li Ru's invitation this time.


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