() Being settled from the city gate to the luxurious guest room of Dong's mansion is a great improvement for Ma Yue, at least his life is guaranteed.However, he wasn't very interested in the food and drinks that his servants brought up afterwards, and he still couldn't let go of those who had suffered with him at the gate of the city, as well as those outside the city who were still suffering. common people.

Picking up the wine glass, Ma Yue put it back on the table after sighing, but his heart was still full of hesitation and entanglement.He felt that he really shouldn't be happy here, he should go to the city gate to join Wang Feng and others, if Dong Zhuo refused to send troops, he would take his people there.

Even if doing so might mean death, Ma Yue admitted it.Deep in his soul, he still has the thinking of modern people. He feels that everyone has the right to live, and since he has seen it, he should try his best to do it.But when he thought that doing so might cause Dong Zhuo's displeasure, he hesitated. Ma Yue was still deeply afraid of this momentary hero.

Just when Ma Yue was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, suddenly he vaguely heard the sound of war drums and horns from outside.Ma Yue, who had been in the army for a while, immediately heard the news that the army was being summoned to prepare for battle, which gave him a sudden boost of spirit.

"It seems that Dong Zhuo is still convinced by me, and has decided to send troops to attack the Qiang people! Presumably he also agrees with my statement, thinking that this will be a great opportunity for him to rise from Xiliang, so he must do his best to fight against the rebellious army. A war may really save those suffering people!" Ma Yue thought excitedly, then picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank a big glass full.

At this time, a clear voice came from outside the door: "Brother Zhong Ling is really good at drinking!" Following the voice, a man in Tsing Yi walked in slowly.

Ma Yue had also seen this person in the pavilion, but he was completely attracted by Dong Zhuo's aura at that time, so he didn't take him seriously.But looking at this person's appearance now, Ma Yue has to give a shout. This person is more than seven feet long, and he is very handsome. The only fly in the ointment is that his eyes are slightly vicious, but he can't hide his demeanor.

Presumably this person should be an important person around Dong Zhuo, with this understanding, Ma Yue didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly got up and saluted: "I don't know who is your brother?"

"Next is the Li Ru you mentioned just now, with the word Wenyou." Li Ru said with a smile.He still had a good impression of this young man who said he was talented in front of his father-in-law.

"So it's Brother Li! It's better to be famous when you meet each other!" While talking politely, Ma Yue felt amused in his heart.In the film and television works he has seen, this Li Ru has a dog-legged appearance with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, but today, it seems that this person is also extraordinary.In fact, it should be the case. In the Han Dynasty, the most important thing was a person's origin and appearance. If he looked unattractive, he might not be able to do anything, and he would not be reused by powerful people at all.Since Li Ru can leave a name in history and be reused by a hero like Dong Zhuo, he must have his own merits, and his appearance is also an aspect.

Li Ru was not polite either, and after a smile, he sat in front of another table, and then turned his back on the main guest and said: "Zhong Ling, please sit down."

Ma Yue sat down as he said, and murmured in his heart, why did this person come to see him?Couldn't it be because I said good things about him before that he came here to make friends?This idea seems too self-righteous. The ancients were not so cheap that when someone said hello, you would come to the door. After all, Ma Yue is now completely unknown and powerless, so it is difficult for people to flatter him.

Seeing Ma Yue's thoughtful look, Li Ru also guessed what he was thinking, and said straight to the point: "My father-in-law has already approved what you proposed. He is also from Xiliang, so naturally he doesn't want Liang The common people of the state have been plagued by the Qiang people."

"This is the blessing of the people of Liangzhou! Dong Gong's decision to make such a decision is enough to show that his ambition is beyond the comparison of ordinary officials."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Li Ru asked with interest.

"People who are officials always like to say that they don't seek their own affairs when they are not in their positions. They often just do what they should do, and ignore other affairs, whether they are minor or serious. Such a person is exactly what I despise. In my opinion, one can only be considered a great hero if he does what is right for the country and the people. Dong Gong is such a character. And a great hero must have retribution that ordinary people can hardly have."

Li Rulue nodded: "What you said also makes sense. My father-in-law is indeed very comparable, and his mind and ambitions are not clear to the unscrupulous. However, if you want to realize your revenge, you must have the courage to do it." It’s still not enough, we still need a group of like-minded people to assist us, I wonder what Zhong Ling thinks?”

Ma Yue heard the hidden meaning in Li Ru's words at that time, and his heart skipped a beat.Unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo actually developed a desire to recruit himself, which was really unexpected.One must know that Ma Yue is only a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy, not to mention his reputation, he doesn't even have a decent background, so how could Dong Zhuo take a fancy to him?

As for Taishi Dong, who will leave a great reputation in history in the future, Ma Yue just wants to get rid of him, otherwise who knows if he will be implicated by him in the future?Moreover, Dong Zhuo is still a moody master, if he really voted under his command, he might lose his life because of a single sentence, this is something Ma Yue can't accept.

But then again, following Dong Zhuo now is not without its benefits.At least Ma Yue knew that soon, Dong Zhuo, who was still just a rich man, would have a chance to make his mark.Moreover, in his early days, the imperial court was under control, and even the emperor could be changed at will. This power was so powerful that many people joined his sect.If Ma Yue could really become one of his confidantes, he would definitely get a lot of benefits from it, and it would be of great benefit to his future development.

Moreover, Ma Yue is currently in the Dong family's mansion, and all the soldiers and horses in this city are under the control of Dong Zhuo's subordinates. It can be said that his life is in the hands of the other party.If he dared to refuse the other party's solicitation face to face, Dong Zhuo would die if he turned his face.

With these considerations in mind, Ma Yue had no choice but to serve Dong Zhuo temporarily.He then said to Li Ru, who was observing him and waiting for his answer: "I am really lucky to be valued by Dong Gong so much. However, I am young and have little talent and learning. Worry about the centimeters. Of course, if Mr. Dong is really useful to me, I will not dare to hide my secrets, and I will know everything."

Seeing that Ma Yue finally nodded his head after being dazed for a while, Li Ru was satisfied in his heart.He was really worried that this young man didn't know what to do and rejected his father-in-law's kindness, so he had no choice but to get rid of him.As Dong Zhuo's confidant, Li Ru knows how ambitious he is. This Liangzhou can't meet Dong Zhuo's needs at all. His real purpose is to enter the court and become the Sangong.

And on the way forward, there are bound to be many obstacles. If this horse becomes a subordinate of a certain political opponent, it is a threat, and it needs to be removed as soon as possible.If talents cannot be used by me, I will destroy them. This is Dong Zhuo's consistent criterion for treating talents.

"Since you and I are on our own, I have a few words to ask Zhong Ling. Do you think we have a chance of winning this battle?" Li Ru deepened the topic after receiving Ma Yue's reply. This is also to test the young man's ability, to see how capable he really is.

Ma Yuexin said that this is of course a victory, because the Eastern Han Dynasty did not die here in history, and Dong Zhuo also made great achievements later.But of course this answer is not certain, so we can only analyze it based on the current situation: "In my humble opinion, whether it is Dong Gong sending troops to attack the Qiang people this time, or our overall battle in Liangzhou, we have a great chance of winning. "

"Oh, how do you see it?"

"Naturally, it goes without saying that our army took advantage of the enemy's exhaustion to attack suddenly, and it was only a matter of time before we won. As for the latter, it can be seen from the strength of both the enemy and us. Although our Xiliang army is currently at a disadvantage , Lost the city and land continuously, and lost a lot of soldiers and horses, but it is not a problem for the entire imperial court. Presumably soon, the imperial court will condemn another army to Liangzhou, and then cooperate with the original troops here. It was enough to defeat the enemy. The Yellow Turban Rebellion at the beginning was so powerful that it was eventually destroyed in a short period of time, and the power of these Qiang people could not be compared with it.

"As for the rebellious army, they have deep problems hidden inside. On the surface, they seem like a rainbow, and they have expanded their troops to nearly [-] in a short period of time, but what is really usable is But there are only [-] to [-] Qiang cavalry. As for the Han rebellious army that surrendered to them, it is true that one side supports them when they are going well, but once they are defeated, they will become a mess, and they may even help the court to suppress the bandits. Yes. With these two points, I can affirm that these rebellious armies are so powerful that they will be wiped out by our court within a year or less!"

Ma Yue's remarks made Li Ru nod frequently, obviously this judgment fit his thoughts very well.This made Li Ru appreciate Ma Yue a little more. This young man is indeed extraordinary. With him and him assisting his father-in-law, the idea of ​​letting his father-in-law sit on the position of the third prince is more certain.Because his identity is not an ordinary counselor, but Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, so he also lacks the idea of ​​general counselors who are jealous of the virtuous and capable, and is more concerned with the overall situation, and his attitude towards Ma Yue is naturally better.

"Okay, it's really exciting for Zhong Ling to have this insight. Just a few words, it's a superficial explanation!" Li Ru asked his servants to bring a few more fine wines, and then stood up as a gift. Ma Yue just poured a full cup into the empty copper cup.

Ma Yue didn't dare not drink Li Ru's toast, so he drank a big glass with him.After drinking these two glasses of wine, the strength of the wine quickly rose.Although the wine at this time was not as intoxicating as the distillation method in later generations, but because Ma Yue's body was only in his teens at this time, he could not adapt to the power of alcohol like Cheng Ren, so he soon felt top-heavy and dizzy up.

Seeing his appearance like this, Li Ru stopped persuading him, ordered his servants to settle Ma Yue down, and then went back to report to Dong Zhuo.Ma Yue, on the other hand, fell asleep on the bed. He had experienced a lot that night, and he was really tired.Now he did everything he could do, and under the influence of alcohol, he fell into a sound sleep.

It's just that Ma Yue didn't know that when he was sound asleep, his relatives were worrying about him.


Continue to be wild and ask for tickets to collect, because the big show without the protagonist is about to start, guess who will come to steal the spotlight

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