() In the previous life, Ma Yue learned about the wars in the ancient cold weapon era through various forms of literature and art, but until now he knew that all the descriptions and interpretations could not be worth the danger of being on the scene.Whether it is the description of novels, the shooting of TV movies or the creation of games, compared with the real battlefield, they are nothing but child's play.

Just the constant shouts of killing, fighting and screams from all around are enough to scare a person who is not mentally firm enough to be stupid, not to mention the cold arrows that may be shot from behind at any time.And Ma Yue is in it, so he must be on guard against and endure all these at any time, and must keep running hard to save his life.

Soon after the army was in chaos and the Qiang cavalry arrived, Ma Yue had already given up the horse he was riding.In this kind of one-sided defeat, his target will be more obvious when he is on horseback, and the possibility of being chased by the Qiang people will be greater. escaped death.

Seeing that only a few Qiang cavalry could chase dozens of hundreds of officers and soldiers fleeing with their heads in their arms, Ma Yue felt chills in his heart.This is the combat effectiveness of the Han army, and this is the ability of the soldiers of the frontier army. Even when they were several times stronger than the enemy, they were killed with a single night attack and were completely powerless to fight back.This kind of understanding made him disappointed for a while. He didn't know how the Han soldiers would deal with more vicious foreign invasions in the future.

In fact, Ma Yue wronged these soldiers, but they were not so bad.But soldiers in this era have always been accustomed to obeying the command of their generals. Now that they were attacked by the enemy at night and completely lost their belongings, they would scurry around like headless chickens and let the Qiang people kill them.If someone can step forward at this time, maybe there is still room for redemption in this defeat, but is there really such a person?

At this time, Ma Yue didn't have such thoughts, he already had a better understanding of his abilities.It turned out that I thought I could protect myself in a war through months of unremitting efforts, but now I know that this is clearly a dream.In this kind of chaotic army, unless it is really an enemy of ten thousand people, it can only rely on luck.So it is impossible for him to take the risk of summoning the officers and soldiers to fight back, and he also knows that those officers and soldiers cannot obey his orders and fight the enemy desperately, so he should take care of himself first.

After running with the big flow for a while, and found that the Qiang people behind him were chasing more and more and getting closer, a thought suddenly flashed in Ma Yue's mind, and he was still too flustered.In such a dark night, it is also difficult for the enemy to see the road and opponents clearly, and they also pursue according to the situation ahead.Running with many officers and soldiers by myself will only attract more Qiang people to pursue.The most correct way now is to leave the brigade, so as to avoid hunting and protect yourself.

Wanting to understand this, Ma Yue immediately turned into action. Taking advantage of a narrow fork in front of him, he escaped from the retreating army and fled into the trail.The facts also showed that his judgment was correct. After he broke away from the brigade, the Qiang people did not chase after him, but continued to catch up with the officers and soldiers, and kept killing the Han people who fell behind.

Finally, he was a little safer, which allowed Ma Yue to hold on to a big tree to breathe and rest, but the sharp screams coming from his ears from time to time still stimulated his eardrums, making his body tremble uncontrollably.This is not because of fear, but because of anger, because his compatriots were slaughtered!

But Ma Yue was not dominated by anger, and he was not stupid enough to go back.Even if he possesses 2000 years more wisdom than the people of this era, his life will not be hardened among this kind of chaotic army.He clenched his fists and vowed that he would change this situation in the rest of his life, then turned his head and walked deep into the dark path.

After walking for half an hour with one foot deep and one shallow foot, Ma Yue's physical strength was finally exhausted.Since he came out of the tent at night to assassinate Geng Bi, he hadn't really rested for more than an hour. Although his body was much stronger than before, he still couldn't bear too heavy a burden. I have already felt my limit, and it is difficult to move forward.

"Ma Yue, you have to move forward. This place is only a few miles away from the battlefield, and the Qiang people are likely to kill them. At that time, you will not even be able to resist alone, and you will only die!" Panting, Ma Yue kept moving his heavy legs forward, but the speed was too slow.

After walking like this for a while, Ma Yue just couldn't support himself and fell under the tree beside the road, when he suddenly heard an urgent sound of hooves from a distance, and soon, several screams came.This made Ma Yue's heart tighten for a while. Obviously, it was the Qiang people who were chasing up from behind, and those screams must have been made when other officers and soldiers were killed after being chased by them.

He tried his best to stand up and hold the knife in his hand as a defense, but he was so exhausted that it was difficult for him to assume the posture he had when he was practicing martial arts earlier. Even the steel knife he was holding was constantly shaking in front of him. Trembling, that is the performance of exhaustion.

Several horsemen and horses were visible in a blink of an eye, they were running fast, and then they saw Ma Yue, and the Qiang people uttered a high-pitched shout, and immediately urged their horses to charge towards him, and at the same time, the sabers in their hands were already on the ground. He pointed it out, lifted it up, and slashed at Ma Yue's neck.

In such a situation where the horse is running fast, as long as the saber hits the target, it can quickly cut off the head of the person with the impact of the horse, almost without the knight's effort.These Qiang cavalrymen have already killed countless Han troops with this trick tonight, and they don't think they will miss this time. The soft sound of the human body came.

Ma Yue smiled wryly, seeing the enemy rushing towards him, but he had no power to resist or evade at all, and could only close his eyes and wait for death.Any ambitions, any desire to do something in this troubled world, to change the tragic fate of the Han people in the next hundred years, will disappear after this moment, and my journey through time will come to an abrupt end in less than a year.

A helpless wry smile flashed across the corner of Ma Yue's mouth, and he resignedly accepted the coming of death...

"Hoo!" Just when Ma Yue thought he was going to die and had already closed his eyes, there was a sharp whistling sound of feathered arrows piercing the air from behind him, and an arrow flew over his head, grabbing the The Qiang people who rushed over faced the door.

The Qiang man was completely unprepared, and he had already focused all his attention on this knife, so he was shot in the face by this precise arrow, and fell off his horse after a miserable howl.

Ma Yue heard something strange, opened his eyes out of curiosity, and saw that Qiang man fell from his horse, and was startled.The other Qiang people were also very surprised. They hadn't encountered any decent resistance since launching the sneak attack at night, and they didn't expect to encounter a blow at this time.

While everyone was in a daze, more than 30 riders suddenly rushed out from the dark place behind Ma Yue.These more than 30 people all held bows, skillfully bent their bows and set arrows, and shot towards the Qiang people not far away.

These Qiang people are all light cavalry, they don't even have decent armor on them, and they are completely defenseless, and they are still inferior in number, so after a round of arrows, there are not many left.It wasn't until then that they suddenly came to their senses and quickly turned their horses to escape.

But it was already too late. The thirty or so riders killed here were extremely fast, and they had already rushed in front of them in a blink of an eye. With all kinds of weapons in their hands, they fell fiercely on those who were on their own. on the person who killed.The screams stopped after a while, and the Qiang team of seven or eight people was strangled to death.

Ma Yue looked at what happened in front of him in amazement, almost thinking that it was his own hallucination.You must know that since the defeat was decided, the Han army had never had a real counterattack, and the Qiang people were massacred completely one-sidedly.But now, things have taken a 180-degree turn, which made it difficult for him to react for a while.

At this time, the 30 or so riders had already killed all the Qiang people, and asked Ma Yue, "Brother, are you okay?"

"Thank you for your help, I'm fine..." Ma Yue replied casually, but then he looked up at the person who spoke in shock, and said with emotion: "It's the leader of the king..."

"Huh?" The person who spoke was startled for a moment, and then he let out a cry of surprise: "Mr. Ma is you!" This person is Wang Feng, the leader of Yiwofeng who surrendered to the army just before, and Who else would kill the enemy with him, other than a gang of heroes?

These people were surprised and excited to save Ma Yue here. They got off their horses one after another and asked about Ma Yue's situation.And Ma Yue was also full of doubts, but he still had judgments, knowing that this place was not safe, and it was not a place to elaborate, so he said: "Boss Wang, let's find a safe place first, and then it will not be too late to elaborate."

"Young Master Ma is right. We must not be discovered by the main force of the Qiang people, otherwise we will be difficult to resist." Wang Feng nodded in agreement, and then he called people to help the horse and got on a Qiang war horse, and then headed towards the horse not far away. ran to a small hill.

It wasn't until he was a few miles away from the battlefield and saw that the terrain was conducive to holding on, that Ma Yue was completely relieved.But as his mood calmed down, he felt a burst of exhaustion in his body, every bone seemed to be broken, making him wish he could fall asleep immediately.But reason told him that now was not the time to sleep, there were still things to understand.

So Ma Yue quickly looked at Wang Feng: "Boss Wang, why did you appear here? How could you save my life in time? And why are there only so few brothers, what about the others?"


Someone in the book review area asked about the future of the protagonist, passers-by can spoil a little bit, the protagonist can’t go up and fight the enemy head-on, the most is to kill someone or something when it is in danger, the fighting part will be done by his big brother Ma Chao

In addition, if you have any opinions and thoughts on this book, you can post them in the book review area, and passers-by will give some responses here in time

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