It's a pity that Mu Jinfeng wasn't fooled, he just pondered for a while, his dark pupils were as cold as usual, and he couldn't see any emotion at all.

Seeing this, Ling Jingyi didn't care at all. Instead, he continued to speak, smiling meaningfully, "You two are destined. People who have never participated in the lotus appreciation party in the past are here today."

No wonder someone who has never been interested in these so-and-so skills pulled him over early this morning. It turned out that the ulterior motive was not drinking!

Mu Jinfeng didn't say yes or no, but his eyes flickered slightly, then he narrowed his eyes slightly and ignored him.

On the other hand, the young man in crescent white brocade clothes suddenly took the conversation, with a touch of curiosity in his warm and pleasant voice, "The person Jing Yi just mentioned is my cousin from the Feng family in Ding'an Hou's mansion?"

Hearing this special address, Mu Jinfeng's clear brows suddenly dimmed, and his usually cold brows tightened involuntarily.But in an instant, his face returned to calm.

"Well, she's right. Since Ruxi came back, she probably hasn't seen her with her own eyes, right?" Ling Jingyi nodded, with a very disapproving expression, one hand on the man's shoulder, smiling all over his face.

In fact, this man's name is not wrong. Speaking of which, there is indeed a relationship between him and Feng Mixian, because this person is the nephew of Feng Mixian's biological mother, Ning Yan.

He is the eldest grandson of Prince Anning's mansion, and his name is Ruxi.

Prince An Ning's mansion was originally a prince of the opposite sex, inherited from his ancestors. After the previous old King An Ning (referring to Ning Yan's father) passed away, according to the rules, the throne was passed on to his eldest son Ning Shao.And Ning Ruxi is the eldest son of Ning Shao, so he is now the eldest son of Prince Anning's mansion and the next heir to the throne.

This is different from the situation in the Annan Palace where Ling Jingyi lived, not to mention that Ling Jingyi's grandfather - Annan King Ling Kuang is still alive, even the hereditary system in his mansion is also different.And although Ling Jingyi is also a direct descendant, what is different from him is that he has a decisive and casual heart. On the surface, he looks too dandy, has a dissolute and sentimental nature, and does not do business properly, so he will never be able to take the throne. of.

"Indeed." The corners of Ning Ruxi's lips raised slightly, and he put on a gentle smile, fixed his eyes on the direction of Feng Mixian, and replied truthfully: "I have heard a lot about her in the past few days since I came back. Rumors, but today is the first time I encountered it."

He has been traveling abroad for the past few years, and rarely returns to Beijing, and his impression of Feng Mixian is still that of her stupid appearance.But when he came back two days ago, he heard all the rumors related to Feng Mixian inside and outside the capital, and then he was secretly informed by the people in the palace, and finally he knew the specific things that happened during his absence.

"How long do you plan to stay in the capital this time?" Ling Jingyi asked him, turning his head.

According to the previous rules, he would return to the capital every year at this time, and then stay for a few days before leaving.

"I've been away for so many years, I've seen everything I need to see, and I've played everything I need to play. When I come back this time, I don't plan to leave again." Ning Ruxi still smiled softly.

Ling Jingyi suddenly smiled, and then patted Ning Ruxi on the shoulder heavily: "It's a good feeling, you really should take it easy. You haven't been in the capital these few years, so don't mention how boring I am alone. , Jin Feng is also a quiet person, and you can't get anything out of playing with him."

After speaking, he glanced at Mu Jinfeng who was leaning on the pillar, and found that his expression was erratic for a moment, he was thinking about something thoughtfully, and he didn't listen to them at all.

After hearing his words, Ning Ruxi just smiled lightly.In fact, he had already discovered Mu Jinfeng's strangeness just now. When he returned to Beijing and saw Mu Jinfeng again this time, he felt that there seemed to be something subtly changing in his body, but what exactly was it, he wondered. Unable to speak.

Then, he tilted his head slightly, retracted his eyes, smiled at the corner of his eyes, looked at Mu Jinfeng and said slowly: "Cousin Feng seems to be there alone, I want to see her, do you two want to go together?"

Mu Jinfeng finally came to his senses from his words, and slowly lowered his eyes, using his quiet eyes to conceal some inconvenient emotions. "Miss Feng still has a marriage contract with Brother Wuhuang, so as not to cause trouble, I will not go."

After finishing speaking, he secretly looked in Feng Mixian's direction again, and saw that she finally raised her head to look at him, her eyes lit up, and she seemed to be smiling at him.Mu Jinfeng's handsome facial features were a little stiff, and his black eyes just stared at her with complicated expressions flashing in his eyes.

Ling Jingyi glanced at him sideways, realizing that his words were too unconvincing, he paused, turned his back to him, his eyes were a little half-smile, he snorted lightly, and mercilessly immediately His excuses were exposed: "Have you ever really cared about these worldly views?"

He really couldn't figure out which string Mu Jinfeng made a mistake. He was fine just now, so why did he change as soon as he saw Feng Mixian?

He rolled his eyes speculatively, and sensitively noticed that there seemed to be something that happened between Mu Jinfeng and Feng Mixian that he didn't know for the time being.

As for his words, Mu Jinfeng just pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time.Seeing this, Ling Jingyi also felt bored, so he didn't say anything else.

"Forget it. I haven't seen Feng Meiren for quite a while, let's go, let's go and have a look together." After a while of silence, Ling Jingyi opened his mouth again, and tugged on Ning Ruxi's sleeve with a smile Said.

Ning Ruxi seemed to be smiling lightly again, so she turned around perfectly and gracefully, raised her feet forward and walked shoulder to shoulder with Ling Jingyi, her slender figure showed a special expression in the goose yellow light. Not out of the free and easy.

For a moment, the pavilion fell silent, leaving only Mu Jinfeng's sad figure.

On this side, Feng Mixian sat down again after sizing up a few of them, and just reached out to pick a thick green leaf.I heard a clear and loud female voice ringing in my ears.

"May I ask, are you the rumored Feng Mixian recently?"

Feng Mixian heard the words, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the strangely dressed woman who suddenly appeared in front of her.

This person looked to be about the same age as him, with bright eyes and bright teeth, and regular facial features, he should be a heroic little beauty.However, she obviously has a daughter's body, and she wears her daughter's hair in a bun, but besides that, she is wearing men's clothes and a man's attire.Therefore, the overall shape looks indescribably weird, with a sense of perversion that is both male and female.

Could it be that transvestites are also popular in this world? !Feng Mixian couldn't help slandering secretly in her heart, and glanced obscenely at her obviously protruding breasts—couldn't they be stuffed with steamed stuffed buns or apples, right? !Such a nonsensical idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

But at this moment, the weird little beauty's eyes were overflowing, and she was expecting her answer.

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