ultimate war god

2 drinking glasses

The military training started the next day. The squad led by Sun Jiashu was divided into three groups, and each of the three female squad leaders led a group. Sun Jiashu only needed to guide back and forth between the three groups. Today, he held Looking at the silver-white cup that Zhang Shengnan gave her, this cup is really good, the boiled water in the morning still burns her mouth after drinking it, so she hasn't finished drinking this cup of water after taking it for a long time.Involuntarily transferred to Zhang Shengnan's group, Zhang Shengnan saw at a glance that the cup in the instructor's hand was given to him by her, the beauty in his heart, the instructor seemed to be interested in her, he felt elated, happy, training Then he worked harder, and you could hear her calling the password. The tone was at least two decibels higher than usual. Sun Jiashu stood aside and watched for a while, feeling very satisfied. This Zhang Shengnan is really not simple. The only three boys in the school were assigned to Zhang Shengnan's class. At the beginning, the three boys didn't cooperate, so why were they led by girls?I was not convinced, but within a few days, the three boys were subdued. Why, because his name is Zhang Shengnan, and he is better than yours.

Sun Jiashu took the cup and walked to Jiang Shan's class. Jiang Shan's class is full of beauties, but Jiang Shan is more beautiful. Sometimes beauty is capital. But Jiang Shanling is different, because you are not as beautiful as her, and if you are not as beautiful as her, why don't you listen to her?Seeing that Jiang Shan shouted slogans very hard, and the girls in the class were also very serious in their actions, Sun Jiashu felt very relieved.

Jiang Shan shouted: "Stand at attention." The whole class stood in unison, even their chests were straight, their cheeks were flushed, and they were dripping with sweat, which made people feel a sense of pity and pity , but Jiang Shan didn't feel this way, she wished to train her class ten times better than the other two and a half, Jiang Shan inadvertently squinted and saw Sun Jiashu standing beside him, holding a silver cup , Why didn't I take the cup I gave him last night?Did the girl in the class give it to him?Is he not cold to himself?Jiang Shan was distracted after thinking about it, and when she gave the command, she called "walk in step" instead of "run in step", which caused the girls in the class to burst into laughter. Jiang Shan blushed and shouted: "rest." Then someone ran to the side alone The tears went away.Everyone didn't know what was going on, they thought it was because Jiang Shan's self-esteem was hurt by laughing just now, so they didn't dare to go over to persuade her.

Sun Jiashu saw that Jiang Shan's class was training well and suddenly took a break, so he hurried over to ask Jiang Shan what was going on.

"Jiang Shan, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Shan turned her head aside and ignored him, but her tears flowed down like broken beads.

"Jiang Shan, why don't you speak? What's the matter? If someone bullies you, tell me, I will never spare him." Sun Jiashu said again.

"Instructor Sun, let me ask you, who gave you this cup? It's so ugly, why don't you use the cup I gave you?" Jiang Shan said, wiping her tears.

Sun Jiashu looked at the cup in his hand with a wry smile, it turned out that he was jealous, girls are naturally sensitive, alas!It's all Yang Tianming's fault. Originally, he also liked blue, but he was snatched away by Yang Tianming last night. This guy doesn't necessarily have a crush on the cup, but it must be a gift from a beautiful woman. It is still necessary to come and change with him.He smiled and said to Jiang Shan: "I have been arguing for a long time because of this, Jiang Shan, don't cry, I will change it tomorrow, and I promise to use the cup you gave me every day." At this time, you must not tell her The cup was given to Yang Tianming, so it would definitely not end.

"Instructor Sun, you are so kind." Jiang Shan smiled through tears. The girl's face is like this, just like the weather in the mountains, which changes as soon as it is said. She happily shouted to the girls in the class: "Start training."

After training in the afternoon, Sun Jiashu returned to the dormitory early. Yang Tianming hadn't come back yet. He hurriedly washed his used cups and dried them with a towel. He saw that the trademark he had removed yesterday was still stuck to the table legs. , hurriedly peeled it off and stuck it to the original place, so it looks like the cup has never been used like a new one, so he must exchange the cup with Yang Tianming.

At this time, Yang Tianming came into the room whistling, holding the sky blue cup that Jiang Shan had given him in his hand, and Sun Jiashu stared straight at him.

"Platoon leader, do you think we can change the cups? I still like blue." Sun Jiashu said pitifully, he thought it would be the only way to get Yang Tianming's sympathy.

"Sun Jiashu, I also like the blue one. You agreed to give it to me, but you can't go back on your word. You must be honest and trustworthy." Yang Tianming said, holding the cup in his arms.

"Platoon leader, look, this one hasn't been used yet, please change it for me?" Sun Jiashu picked up the silver-white cup.

"I've already used mine. Look, the trademark is gone. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I have bad breath. If you smell it, even the cup smells bad." Yang Tianming said.

"Why didn't I know you still have bad breath after coming here for so long? I don't believe it, let me smell it." Sun Jiashu said.

Yang Tianming saw Sun Jiashu's plan, and wanted to snatch it away while he was smelling it, but there was no way: "Sun Jiashu, don't smell it, bah, bah, look, I'm spitting on it."

"It's okay to spit, just brush it and it'll be clean. Here, this is for you." Sun Jiashu handed over the silver-white cup.

"It seems that you have to change it today? No, I have to find a way to let you put an end to this idea. Where did I put my knife?"

"Platoon leader, what do you want to do? Do you want to destroy the cup?" Sun Jiashu was anxious.

"I won't be so stupid. I have to engrave my name on the cup so that you won't change it with me." Yang Tianming knew why Sun Jiashu wanted to change the cup. Jiang Shan must have been angry when he saw it, but He wouldn't give it to him so readily, he had to tease him well, so he deliberately opened the drawer to find it.

When Sun Jiashu heard this, he became even more anxious. He must not be allowed to engrave on it. Once the inscription is engraved, it will become his permanently. It seems that it must be snatched by force. Holding the cup, Sun Jiashu saw the opportunity, snatched the cup with lightning speed, and then ran out. With that speed, if he went to the bank to rob money, he would be able to get it.

"You kid is playing tricks, give it to me quickly." Yang Tianming rushed to snatch it, but Sun Jiashu had already run outside the door, "Hahahaha." He laughed loudly while clutching his stomach.

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