Arrows rained down all over the sky, blocking all the way forward for the Dali Battalion, and the density was no less than that of a violent storm.

"Kill!!!" Daliying's soldiers turned a blind eye to the arrow rain in front, and rushed in without slowing down their horses.

The huge mace seemed to be waving freely in their hands without any effort.The arrow feathers whistled, and they guarded themselves like iron buckets, and none of them fell off the horse.

"Good job!" Dian Wei crossed out a pair of big iron halberds, and chopped down the three bows and arrows that were flying.

The first round of arrow rain passed quickly, and the soldiers of Daliying took advantage of the enemy's gap in taking arrows, clamped their legs tightly, and whipped their horses hard.

The war horse was in pain, and suddenly jumped out, and the speed increased again, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.From a distance, it looks like flying.

"Quick shot, quick shot..." Shaking Shihuai watched the enemy's speed increase sharply, the distance was getting closer, and the saber pressed down again.He shouted eagerly.

The Xianbei soldiers hurriedly pulled out the arrow feathers from the quiver, bent their bows and set the arrows. With the buzzing sound of the bowstring vibrating back and forth, another round of arrow rain rushed out.

"Haha...block it again."

Without any suspense, the second round of arrow rain also did not cause any damage to Dali Camp.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only a dozen steps.The Xianbei soldiers abandoned their bows and drew their swords one after another, and slapped their horses to fight.

It was getting closer, it was getting closer, the eyes of all Daliying soldiers glowed red, and the corners of their mouths unconsciously evoked a cruel smile.Due to over-excitement, his breath became slightly short of breath.

Dian Wei was the first to collide with the enemy as an arrow.I saw that he opened his left and right iron halberds at the same time, and quickly drew a semicircle, cutting all the Xianbei cavalry within the enveloping range into two pieces.Then the horse's speed did not decrease, and it was nailed into the Xianbei formation fiercely, tearing a small gap.

With this gap, the soldiers of the Dali Battalion from behind quickly squeezed in, their weapons in their hands never resting, and they came out ferociously, turning into whirlwinds, smashing all the nearby enemies into the air.

Anyone who was hit by a mace in a Xianbei stroke had a blurry wound, and he vomited blood from his mouth, and what's more, there were a lot of smashed internal organs vomited out.

Under the leadership of Dian Wei, a thousand Dali battalion soldiers are like a flooding dragon, passing by, killing everyone in Xianbei, and no one can survive it!

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; Dian Wei took the lead, with the iron halberd in his hand covering the range of the battle, sweeping all the way, it was like a gust of wind falling leaves, stirring up pieces of flesh and blood.

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; And behind him, giant maces swung forward, back, left, and right, like the scales of a dragon. There was a burst of blood mist!

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; In the end, a thousand war horses were mixed into one body, and the sound of hooves falling was surprisingly consistent, covering up the sound of killing on the battlefield.Accompanied by the rapid and loud sound of horseshoes, the warriors of the Dali Battalion became more and more brave, and every time they passed by, all the enemies, including men and horses, were turned upside down.

"Da da..." The sound of the horse's hooves was like thunder, and every time the hooves fell, the faces of Xianbei soldiers turned pale.In the quagmire of the [-] troops, the Dali Battalion did not slow down at all, and was rising rapidly!Often the Xianbei people have been crushed and crushed by the army before they have even drawn their swords!

Chen Yaotian led [-] cavalry to follow behind, as if walking a long and bright road, without being hindered in the slightest.

"Haha... The Dali Battalion took me a lot of energy to build, and it did not disappoint." Chen Yaotian laughed excitedly, with such a sharp knife in his hand, no one in the world can compete for the front.

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