The camp was set up quickly, and the [-] soldiers went to bed early after eating the dry food they carried with them.They have been bumping on horseback for the past few days, but they are exhausted.

The whole camp was shrouded in the hazy moonlight, without the slightest light of fire, it was vague and mysterious.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, the curtain was raised, the moonlight poured down, and there were voices.Looking inside, there are still many people.Yan Liang was sitting at the top, Gao Lan was at the side, and the twenty thousand-man leaders below were all there, and they crowded the small tent to the brim.

"Brothers, now we are on the border of Xianbei, and we will soon enter the grassland to slaughter Xianbei dogs. Are you excited?" Yan Liang asked the people below.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Five years ago, Xianbei dogs killed my parents, captured my wife and children, and ruined my family. This feud cannot be shared." The middle-aged man who spoke, his eyes were full of hatred.

"I took refuge only when I heard about the prefect's policy towards foreign races." This man was named Gao Xiang, he was young, but his martial arts were not weak, and he could last ten rounds under Yan Liang's command.He is the outstanding person excavated by the talent collection department.

"Last year, Wuhuan was massacred, and this year, Xianbei was massacred. They are all aliens. Of course I'm excited!" This is Yan Liang's old subordinate.


Although everyone's answers were not uniform, their eagerness to slaughter Xianbei was the same.

Don't be afraid of enemies like wolves, but comrades like sheep.Seeing the expression of the head of twenty thousand people, Yan Liang nodded secretly.Then he made a gesture, and the audience fell silent.If there are modern people here, they will be greatly amazed that the gesture of slapping the palm and pressing the index finger up to represent stop has existed in the late Han Dynasty.

After the audience was silent, Yan Liang said: "We have 2 people, the goal is too big. In order to reduce the chance of being discovered, we will now divide the people into ten teams according to the command of the lord, and enter the grassland in batches tomorrow."

"Big Beard, Yang Mei, Zhang Tian, ​​Zhou Qi, Liu Die, Zeng Tui, Chen Fa, Lai Pi, Xiong Mao, and Jing Tian listen to the order. Ten of you lead the cavalry and divide into five groups, follow me to the right and enter the grassland. At that time, Tiangao will let the birds fly, and once I find the Xianbei tribe, no matter how old or young, I will kill them all."

Those who were named came out and promised.

"The remaining ten thousand-man commanders are also divided into five teams based on a team of 2000 people. General Gao will lead them to the left and enter the grassland."


"It's getting late now, everyone, go back to camp early to rest!"

Everyone retreats.

The next day, the whole army was divided into ten teams and began to slowly infiltrate the Xianbei territory.

On the grassland, a cavalry of 2000 men galloped quickly.The leading general wears a dark red armor, holds a big knife in his hand, and wears a lion-shaped belt around his waist.

This was exactly one of the [-] massacres of the Xianbei tribe, led by Yan Liang himself.

At this time, the scout commander caught up from behind and said to Yan Liang: "General, the scouts have come to report that a thousand-man Xianbei cavalry team has been found thirty miles ahead!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; amp;#160; "Huh?" Yan Liang frowned, and continued: "How about it?"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; I don't know what's loaded."

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; Yan Liang heard a murderous look in his eyes, and said: "It must be the Xianbei robbery team!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Big Beard!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "General!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Listen to my order, you immediately lead a thousand cavalry to attract the enemy's attention from the front, and you must hold them back!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Here!"

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; The bearded man, as the name suggests, has a beard on his mouth.This person is bold and delicate, and has some thoughts. He knows that the general wants to defeat this group of cavalry, but the head-on confrontation will cause too many casualties, so he needs to lead someone to attract the attention of the Xianbei cavalry. In the end, Yan Liang led another 1000 people from behind. Outflank it and defeat it, or even wipe it out!

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;At the moment, the bearded man led away.


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