Liu Hong is a straight-forward, vigorous and resolute character, now he is happy, and urgently wants to go to court to find the messenger sent by Chen Yaotian to understand the situation.Zhang Rang had served him for many years and was well aware of his temper. After leaving the palace, he hurriedly recruited eunuchs to pass orders to the government offices of various officials, while he went straight to the post station.This piece allows him to have self-knowledge, knowing that he is a eunuch, loses his favor, and will be nothing after leaving Liu Hong, so as long as it is what Liu Hong orders, he will do his best to complete it.As for the trouble to go to the station in person, it is to put it bluntly, to get money, the messenger sent by Chen Yaotian visited Zhang Rang's mansion as soon as he arrived in Luoyang, and gave a lot of gold and silver treasures.Going there in person this time will definitely be rewarding again.Thinking of this, the corners of Zhang Rang's mouth almost reached the base of his ears, his legs quickened his pace, and he ran straight away.

really.When Zhang Rang came to the post station, before delivering the decree, the messenger took out a pair of night pearls from his sleeve, which were the size of eggs, and stuffed them into Zhang Rang's hands.

This thing is a rare item, and it was obtained by Chen Yaotian from the families who ransacked their homes in Shanggu. This time, the messenger came here, in addition to reporting the great victory in the north to the court, he also brought a lot of money and treasures. He was ordered to stabilize the relationship with He Jin and Zhang Rang, and make friends The dignitaries, ask for a promotion.

Zhang Rang looked at the Ye Mingzhu emitting soft white light from his hand, and thought to himself that he was smart, if he didn't come, this baby might just pass by!With such a big night pearl, I am afraid that the whole man will not be able to find a few!

"Haha... the emperor is very happy to hear that Chen Taishou has made such achievements in northern Xinjiang! Now he has issued an order to go to court, and you and I will enter the palace together. Don't worry, Chen Taishou entrusts our family's affairs, our family I will definitely help out in the hall." Zhang Rang, with an old face like a blooming chrysanthemum, put Ye Mingzhu in his sleeve calmly, and said to the messenger with a big smile.

"Master Zhang, you stay in the palace every day and serve the emperor. You have to pay attention to everything big and small. You are the number one celebrity around the emperor. The power is not inferior to the three princes. It is basically safe for you, a big Buddha, to help you speak. The villain is here Thank you in advance for my lord." Chen Yaotian originally wanted Xi Zhicai to wait for one of them to come to Luoyang, but Shanggu had a lot of things to do, and there was a serious shortage of talents, so they couldn't spare time.This man's name is Tian Chou, who was selected to come to Luoyang, and his eloquence and communication skills are not ordinary. After this praise, Zhang Rang was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth.

"Our family is just an eunuch. He has been working diligently in the palace for decades. Thanks to the emperor's favor, he became the ten permanent servants. If you want to talk about this world, it is still the emperor's world. Who does he want to enjoy the glory and wealth? , who can enjoy the red flowers and wealth, we eunuchs are just the shadow of the emperor, how can we have any power." Arrogance will make people unhappy.Although Zhang Rang enjoyed the feeling of being held, he was still modest in his words.

"As we walked, we said that the emperor is still waiting in the main hall. We, the courtiers, can't keep him waiting for a long time, right?" Zhang Rang said again.

Emperor Liu Hong sat on the court hall with a radiant face.The courtiers below have also arrived one after another.

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Why hasn't the messenger from Shanggu arrived yet?"

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; Zhao Zhong and other eunuchs looked at Lingdi speechlessly. In just a quarter of an hour, Lingdi asked no less than dozens of times, but Lingdi was his master. No matter how impatient, I still have to answer softly.

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;At this moment, eunuch shouts came from outside the hall.

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; "Zhang Changshi, together with Shanggu messenger Tian Chou, request an audience."

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Xuan!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; Emperor Ling gave a loud shout.

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; A small eunuch stepped forward and said: "Xuan, Zhang Changshi, Shanggu Messenger Tian Chou has an audience!"

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; Zhang Rang stooped, and together with Tian Chou entered the center of the hall.

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; "Old slave Zhang Rang, kowtow to His Majesty!"

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; "Shanggu Tianchou, I greet Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Please get up!"

amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160;amp;#160; "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; Zhang Rang returned to the place where he stood facing up.Only Tian Chou stood in the center with no fear on his face.

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; "Tian Chou, right? Tell me quickly, how did Chen Xiaoxian fight? He was able to completely defeat the Wuhuan alien race with an absolutely inferior force .”

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; Tian Chou lowered his head, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, on that day, Lord Prefect..."

amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; amp; #160; After Tian Chou finished speaking, it was already half an hour later. The leader of Wuhuan, Qiu Liju, was actually killed by Chen Xiaoxian, he is truly an invincible and cunning figure. Hahaha..."


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