Although the damage and HP of the magic-winged bat were relatively high, its defense was much lower. Therefore, under Chen Fan's attack, the magic-winged bat soon had only a trace left.

At this time, the blood volume of the magic-winged bat can kill it as long as Chen Fan attacks again.

"Squeak..." But at this time, the remaining nine magic-winged bats had already flown up and attacked Chen Fan at the same time.





A series of attacks and impacts sounded, and Chen Fan's blood volume continued to decrease. In the blink of an eye, only one-tenth of it was left.

"It's too powerful for a group to launch an attack together." Chen Fan's face changed suddenly, and he quickly took out a bottle of intermediate red potion from the storage ring and drank it.

"HP+200" blood volume increased by [-] points in a very timely manner, but he was not out of danger, so he had to quickly drop these magic winged bats.

"Get rid of you first." The target aimed at the magic-winged bat he had just attacked. A sharp light flashed in Chen Fan's eyes, and then he turned around and stabbed at it with his long sword like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.


"Crit -100"

"Vampire HP+33"

This time, there was a critical attack directly, and Chen Fan's blood volume recovered a lot. At the same time, the magic-winged bat immediately screamed, turning into white light and dissipating in the air.

"Experience +1500"

This time, the experience rewards were richer. Chen Fan was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't dare to linger, and quickly ran towards the two sides in one direction.

"Hoo!" Seeing Chen Fan running away, those magic-winged bats immediately flapped their wings and chased after him.

Speed ​​is not the advantage of the magic-winged bats. Their advantage lies in their attack power and their own blood-sucking skills. Their speed is similar to that of Chen Fan, so the two sides keep a certain distance.

When he saw this scene, Chen Fan felt relieved. After the red potion cooled down, he took it out and drank it. After 2 minutes, his blood volume immediately returned to full.

"Although at this speed, we can keep from being overtaken by the magic-winged bat, but it's not a solution to consume it." Chen Fan frowned.

"The challenge time has passed 5 minutes, the countdown to the second floor is activated, and your challenge time is only 10 minutes."

The system sounded, and then a countdown clock appeared above Chen Fan's head, which was the remaining time of the challenge.

There is a time limit for the challenge, it doesn't matter how long you want to challenge, each level must be completed within the specified time, otherwise it will be judged as a mission failure.

"Two ten minutes." Chen Fan looked back at the group of magic-winged bats, frowning.

If you run back, you will definitely be killed in the blink of an eye, because there are too many of them, and you can only defeat them one by one.

But this is again a puzzle because they all come together and there is no way to separate them.

Chen Fan, who was at a loss what to do, frowned. At the same time, he opened his property page and began to think. He didn't have much time, so he had to find a solution as soon as possible.

The countdown on his head couldn't be stopped, and 2 minutes passed quickly, and Chen Fan had even less time.

"Yes." Chen Fan's eyes locked on the two skills.

"Elementary picks."


"Elementary uplift can lift opponents into the air, while heavy strike skills can directly stun monsters. Perhaps the combination of these two skills can separate those monsters."

Chen Fan's head spun quickly at this time, and at the same time he was simulating the situation of waiting to attack, then turned his head and fixed his eyes on those magic-winged bats.

"Try to see if the combination of these two skills can kill them." Chen Fan clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, and immediately adjusted his mentality to calm himself down.

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