crazy smart

092: Top Tea

092: Top Tea "This painting..."

Xu Nanxia's expression was very complicated, and he murmured, "I seem to have seen this painting somewhere before."

Xu Nanxia's words boosted Lin Li's spirit, and he looked at Xu Nanxia expectantly.

But Xu Nanxia actually handed the painting to Zhou Xiaojie and asked, "Xiaojie, can you help the teacher to see if it is Li Cheng's Pingyuan style? If so, then there is only that person."

Lin Li didn't expect that Xu Nanxia would trust Zhou Xiaojie so much, and let him make the final decision on things he wasn't sure about.

Zhou Xiaojie studied it carefully, nodded calmly and said, "Yes, this is Li Cheng's Pingyuan painting style. In the history of modern painting, there is indeed only one person who can interpret Pingyuan's painting style to such a state."

"It's really him."

Hearing this, Xu Nanxia sighed deeply, and his originally happy face immediately faded away.

Lin Li and the others are still at a loss.

a long time.

Perhaps it was because Xu Nanxia didn't want to see a good atmosphere, so he was spoiled by himself, and after handing over the precious painting to Lin Li, he said, "Xiao Li, this painting is hard to see in terms of artistic realm and historical significance. , keep it well."

Lin Li summoned up his courage and asked, "Teacher, who is the author of this painting?"

Xu Nanxia simply replied: "A person whose fate makes people sad."

Zhou Xiaojie saw that Xu Nanxia was unwilling to elaborate, so he took the initiative to take the responsibility of explaining: "Xiao Li, in fact, you don't need to delve too deeply into that embarrassing history. During that period, many talented people suffered inexplicable Doom, and the author of this painting is one of them."


Lin Li couldn't help but think of that sensitive period.

Although the matter has passed for a long time, many people are unwilling to mention it, and even the official is unwilling to make an accurate evaluation and conclusion. It is estimated that they want to just bury it in history.

Then Zhou Xiaojie actually asked: "Xiao Li, I wonder if you are willing to give up? This painting is worthy of publicity in terms of its artistic value and background characters, and it may have an unexpected effect."

"Don't sell!"

Xu Nanxia stopped and said: "Such a work of art should be exhibited! I would suggest that this painting be kept. At least the old man will have an excuse to hold a new tea party and dig out the cards of the old man."

Lin Li was not stingy, and said generously: "If the teacher needs it, then this painting can be kept."

Zhou Xiaojie looked very disappointed.

Lin Li took out good things one after another, but he passed them by one after another. Such setbacks are rare in recent years.Suddenly, he had a strange idea that Lin Li didn't fit with him.

"Okay, let's borrow this painting to show off to the teacher for a few days."

Xu Nanxia was not polite, took it directly, and then returned the gift: "Teacher took your things, so I have to show it. This can of tea is specially brought by Xiaojie to honor me. It is said to be the top Jinjunmei tea. Such a small can cost tens of thousands of yuan."

"So expensive!"

Lin Li had never drunk such expensive tea.

Mr. Tu also said: "I have drunk a lot of top-quality tea before, but I have never encountered top-quality black tea. This time, I have taken advantage of Xiaoli."

Zhou Xiaojie introduced: "Wuyishan Jinjunmei is the premium quality of Lapsang Souchong black tea, the representative of high-end black tea in China. And this can of Jinjunmei tea is grown from the real Wuyishan best tea. Bones and other effects, even if you have money, you can’t buy them, if it’s not because of a deal with a tea merchant, he gave me such a little, I still can’t get it out.”

"So amazing!"

When Lin Li heard this, his mind was moved, and he threw an appraisal spell at the brewed black tea:

The top-quality Jinjunmei tea has magical effects such as refreshing and eliminating fatigue, promoting body fluid and clearing away heat, strengthening bones, diuresis and detoxification, and anti-aging.Restores 3 point of stamina and 1 point of MP every 1 seconds, lasts for 30 seconds, the effect does not stack.

"This is simply the best tonic for long-term identification!"

Lin Li's eyes sparkled.

Although this kind of tea is very expensive, it is not often for Lin Li to appraise it for a long time like today.After all, betting on stones and paintings is not something that can be played every day. Naturally, such expensive top-quality tea will not become a daily consumable.

Seeing Lin Li's bright eyes, Xu Nanxia smiled triumphantly and said, "As long as you like it, I'm afraid you won't be used to black tea."

"Thank you teacher!"

Lin Li gladly accepted Xu Nanxia's gift.

Zhou Xiaojie picked up the paintings that Lin Li found on the first floor of the gallery before, and asked, "Xiao Li, don't tell me that these paintings are all your works."

Lin Li replied: "No, I bet all of these."

Lin Li immediately revealed the matter of betting on paintings.

Xu Nanxia couldn't help but nodded, and praised: "Xiao Li, your appraisal skills are getting more and more exquisite, and you can even find such works. If you really put it up for auction, this is definitely a big leak worth millions. It is rare even in the circle.”

Zhou Xiaojie praised: "With this business card, it is enough."

Lin Li was really happy to be praised by two people with high reputations in the collection field one after another.

Zhou Xiaojie hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously: "Xiao Li, are you looking for these paintings just for personal hobby?"

The paintings that Lin Li found on the first floor of the gallery were all of high quality, some even reached the artistic level of a quasi-master, which is very rare. Zhou Xiaojie's original intention was to acquire all of them.But he was much more careful this time, he didn't want to run into a wall like before, so he took a tortuous route.

Lin Li didn't think too much about it, and replied, "That's not a pure hobby, it's just a whim."

Zhou Xiaojie sensed something, and asked, "Then do you have any intention of selling it?"

Lin Li replied frankly: "Yes, I am in a hurry to raise funds recently!"

The concerned Xu Nanxia hurriedly asked: "Xiao Li, you are so young, what are you doing to raise money? Is it for Tian Cheng's surgery fee?"

Lin Li shook his head, and announced his plan to bid for the Haijia villa.

"Er! This plan is amazing!"

If it was just a small amount of money, Xu Nanxia would never care about it, but now it is different. This is a huge transaction involving tens of millions, and unless he uses the power of his family, it is impossible for him to get it.

Zhou Xiaojie seemed to see countless opportunities, so he hurriedly asked, "Xiao Li, what's your plan?"

Lin Li looked very indifferent, and said calmly: "There is no auction yet, and we will have plenty of time after the auction to slowly pay all the auction money."

In general, large-scale auctions cannot be settled immediately. After all, it is often tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. Even the boss of a listed group cannot just take it. They must be given some time to raise money.Therefore, generally formal auction houses will give buyers a certain buffer time, and the auction of Haijia Villa is no exception.

However, Zhou Xiaojie said confidently: "No matter how much time you have, there is a limit. You can't procrastinate indefinitely, can you?"

Lin Li naturally understood Zhou Xiaojie's intentions.

He was a little hesitant at first, but remembering Xu Nanxia's previous words, especially when he saw Xu Nanxia nodding secretly, he made a decision: "Brother Jie, I won't talk about those nonsense. I will try these works first. Let’s try the market, if possible, I have the intention to auction this landscape painting today, as well as Gong Xian’s "The Strange Rock" to raise funds."

"it is good!"

This is the best news that Zhou Xiaojie has heard in recent days.

Not to mention this mysterious landscape painting of unknown value, Gong Xian's "Strange Rock" alone is worthy of Zhou Xiaojie's special auction.

Xu Nanxia reminded: "Although this painting has no name, it can be called "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"."

"Thousands of miles!"

"The artistic conception expressed in it is indeed the taste of Jiangshan Sheji."

Lin Li and Bi Han nodded straightly.

Zhou Xiaojie was even less polite, so he jumped up and said excitedly: "Okay, I will arrange this exhibition now, hoping to open up the situation in one fell swoop and give an answer that satisfies Xiaoli!"

"That's troublesome, Brother Jie!"

Lin Li didn't put much hope in it.

After all, this time it's just some unnamed students' works. Even if the artistic level of the works is not low, but this circle pays attention to fame.How many people gave their youth, even their lives, for this "name", but in the end they got nothing.

Therefore, Lin Li regards this cooperation as a pure fulfillment, to save Xu Nanxia's face, and at the same time to avoid Zhou Xiaojie from being too disappointed.

"Don't be in a hurry, the tea is ready."

Although Xu Nanxia likes Zhou Xiaojie's efficiency, but the atmosphere is right now, he doesn't want Zhou Xiaojie, who is chatting happily, to leave like this.

"Thank you teacher!"

Zhou Xiaojie didn't dare to refuse, and sat down again.

But just sitting there, Zhou Xiaojie suddenly had an idea and thought of a very good idea, so he asked quietly: "Xiao Li, I wonder if your funding gap is big? If it is big, maybe my brother can help you A little busy!"

"The gap is huge."

Even when Lin Li had the most liquid capital, it was only tens of millions, and the 5 or 6 million that he had snatched up the villa was just a drop in the bucket. How could he not be short of it?

But being short of money doesn't mean worrying.

There is still a period of time for Lin Li to raise funds, and he can also bet on stones, paintings, flowers and trees, and use identification techniques to amass money crazily.So for Zhou Xiaojie's bait, Lin Li only showed a little curiosity, but he was not in a hurry.

Zhou Xiaojie, who was a little disappointed, said mysteriously: "Xiao Li, I wonder if it is convenient for you to talk a little bit? Although my plan is simple, it can raise a lot of funds for you in a short period of time, and make up for you to the greatest extent. The funding gap; and this move also has a certain meaning to me, it can be said to be mutually beneficial, killing two birds with one stone."

"Oh, then I really need to listen."

Lin Li originally thought that Zhou Xiaojie was just trying to instigate him to auction those antiques and works of art, but now it seems that Zhou Xiaojie really has a good plan.



Xu Nanxia waved his hand helplessly, pointing to his living room, obviously asking them to communicate in the quiet living room.

Although Bi Han and Mr. Tu were curious, they could only watch Zhou Xiaojie and Lin Li leave.

The heart of gossip is not only for women.

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