Years of the Republic of China 1913

Chapter 57 Loyalty and filial piety

It was night, and Fang Zida was playing with an invitation in his hand. The signer on the invitation was Ichiro Fujita, a former logistics officer of the Eighth Division of the Army and a Japanese consultant.A few days after Fang Zida resigned in Nanjing, Fujita's term as a consultant also came to an end. He thought he had returned to Japan long ago, but unexpectedly he came to Beijing and found his own house alone.

Fang Zida happened to be in the Song Mansion when Fujita visited, so he specially left an invitation for him to attend the reception at the Liuguo Hotel the next night.For this Japanese, Fang Zida has always been vigilant, and Fang Zida has also guessed a thing or two about the real identity behind Consultant Fujita.

To be honest, Fang Zida has not been able to fully guess what kind of medicine Fujita is actually selling, but judging by his feelings will definitely not be a good thing.No matter what you do, you can be gracious, rape or steal. Little Japan has always been like this. Fang Zida, who has competed with the Japanese many times in the business field, has deeply experienced it.

However, Fang Zida is not afraid to make any calculations. When he was in Nanjing, he had thought carefully that the biggest possibility for the Japanese was to use him.As for using him, Fang Zida didn't care. The Japanese used him, so why wasn't he using the Japanese?The key is to achieve your goals.For example, regarding the case of Chen Qimei, Fang Zida certainly understood that Fujita's whistleblowing would never be of good intentions, let alone love China as he said, but for Fang Zida, no matter what the reason was, he had to arrest Chen Qimei. of.

Fang Zida is different from the people of this era. He has his own ideas and judgments, and he will not be bound by any benevolence, justice and morality.To put it bluntly, he is just a pure businessman at heart. In the shopping malls, Fang Zida has seen a lot, and he will suffer from it if he does not die.Just like Chen Qimei, a die-hard member of the revolutionary party, who has been defeated in every battle but is indomitable. As long as this kind of person still has freedom, it will be very scary.Fang Zida would never allow Chen Qimei to escape so easily and have another chance to make a comeback.

Of course, Fang Zida didn't expect Chen Qimei's final suicide. Originally, he only wanted to catch Chen Qimei and let him spend his life in prison after being tried by law. Who would have thought that he would commit suicide in anger.But it's okay to die, once and for all, if possible, Fang Zida wished that Sun Wen would end up in the same end as Chen Qimei.

After thinking for a while, Fang Zida threw the invitation aside, and asked Zhou Zhouer to explain a few words in detail, and asked him to arrange someone to go to the Liuguo Hotel to watch this Fujita Ichiro dead, and report any situation at any time.

"Central Bank?"

Yuan Shikai read the report submitted by Song Jiaoren, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't the Bank of Communications here? If Fang Zhangming wants to be the general manager, why should he split up the Bank of Communications?"

"That's right, what does he mean by Fang Zida? What does he want to do!" Liang Shiyi's face was extremely ugly. You must know that he is now the head of the Bank of Communications, and the Bank of Communications is actually the purse of the Beiyang Department, and the actual power of the head office of the Bank of Communications If Fang Zida splits the Bank of Communications according to Fang Zida's opinion and establishes a new central bank and cancels the original currency issuance rights of the Bank of Communications, what status does he have as the Secretary-General of the Presidential Palace and the General Office of the Bank of Communications? ?Is it strange if you are not angry?

"Brother Yi Fu, don't be angry, I just forwarded Fang Changming's request to the President." Seeing Liang Shiyi's reaction, Song Jiaoren explained kindly, but secretly cheered in his heart.

This Liang Shiyi relied on Yuan Shikai's trust and held the power of the Bank of Communications. He never took himself seriously, and the main funds for the aftermath of the big loan were all stored in the Bank of Communications. Without Liang Shiyi's permission, the Ministry of Finance could not transfer it at all. There were several times Song Jiaoren approached Liang Shiyi for financial problems, but he pushed him back. If Yuan Shikai hadn't come forward to approve the note in the end, the Ministry of Finance would have been unable to solve the problem.

"Fang Zida is messing around! He...he has ulterior motives! President, you must not agree to him!" Before Yuan Shikai could speak, Liang Shiyi refused with a dark face. This matter is directly related to his rights, so it would be strange not to argue.

"Whenever there is a big event, be calm! Yifu, I'm thirsty, go drink some water..." Yuan Shikai said something coldly suddenly, and Liang Shiyi was shocked when he heard it, and he quickly stepped back to the side without daring to utter a breath. He picked up the teacup and drank it in small sips.

Yuan Shikai usually values ​​Liang Shiyi as a confidant, but today Liang Shiyi's blatant reaction made Yuan Shikai very unhappy.As the president of the Republic of China and the big boss of Beiyang, he hadn't spoken yet, let alone the Prime Minister Song Jiaoren, Liang Shiyi, the secretary-general of the presidential palace, spoke arbitrarily and was too domineering.

"Isn't Liang Yifu holding too much power?" Originally, Yuan Shikai didn't have this idea, but what happened today made him think about it.Usually, both Yang Du and Xia Shoutian often criticized Liang Shiyi in front of him, and even raised objections to some of Liang Shiyi's actions.However, because of Yuan Shikai's trust, Liang Shiyi's status was not affected. On the contrary, because of his loyalty, he appointed Liang Shiyi as the head of the Bank of Communications after he officially took over the post of President.

Resting his right hand on the edge of the table, tapping his middle finger lightly, Yuan Shikai seemed to be pondering something, and after a while he said: "This matter is important and we need to be cautious. I will leave this thing here for the old man. Let the old man think about it in a few days." Reply again, what do you think of Dunchu?"

"Of course! Of course the President has no objection to Jiaoren's consideration of such an important matter. Besides, President, there is one more thing that needs to be informed to you."

"Oh, what else?"

Song Jiaoren said with a smile: "It is about the establishment of the official constitution, criminal law, civil law and other laws. I plan to submit a law-making proposal to Congress in the near future. I hope the President can support it."

"Hehe, of course, don't hesitate to submit it at the beginning, I will definitely support it with all my strength!" Yuan Shikai agreed with a smile. Yuan Shikai had already considered the constitution and other proposals. As a country, it is natural to formulate laws. There is no reason for refusal.What's more, there isn't much going on in the Congress right now. These members of Congress are not fuel-efficient lamps, so we can't let them idle too much. When they are idle, they tend to cause troubles. It's peaceful now. Find something for these guys to do first, so as not to jump out and make trouble for themselves when they are too bored.

After Song Jiaoren left, Liang Shiyi hurriedly persuaded again: "President, this Bank of Communications is the lifeblood of Beiyang! Who is Fang Zida? He is from kmt! Song Jiaoren's confidant! Your roots! You must not agree to this matter, the worst is to allocate money to him and let them set up their own bank. Why do you have to split the Bank of Communications?"

"Okay! This old man has his own decision!" Raising his hand to stop Liang Shiyi from continuing, Yuan Shikai was unavoidably annoyed, but seeing Liang Shiyi's expression of hesitation and panic, he couldn't help but sighed and comforted: "Yi Fu, your loyal old man knows, don't worry about going back, don't take this matter to heart."

"Yes... yes..." Liang Shiyi nodded respectfully, took his leave and left.

After leaving the presidential palace, Liang Shiyi stamped his feet with a livid face, and greeted the ancestors of Song Jiaoren and Fang Zida in his heart. He had been by Yuan Shikai's side for a long time and knew Yuan Shikai's temper well. How could he fail to hear that his last few words represented What do you mean?It seems that regardless of whether the Bank of Communications will be split up in the future, his position as the head office will be in jeopardy.

After Liang Shiyi left, Yuan Shikai thought about it alone. Originally, he planned to invite Yang Du and others to discuss this matter carefully. Will not let go.As for the opinion of Duan Qirui and others, Yuan Shikai has not considered it for the time being. As a soldier, it is better not to intervene in these political affairs. Although his old Yuan has been a little old and faint in recent years, he can still grasp some things.

"Father, this is the Korean ginseng tea brewed by my son, try it..."

Hearing the sound, he raised his head, and saw the eldest son Yuan Keding limping in with a teacup, and respectfully raised his hands.

Nodding slightly, he took a sip of the teacup and said, "Well, it's the best Korean ginseng tea, and it's rare now."

While drinking tea, Yuan Shikai couldn’t help but think about his past in North Korea. Since the defeat in the Sino-Japanese War, North Korea became a Japanese colony. The high-quality Korean ginseng tea that was easy to drink in the past has become a rare commodity now. The eldest son Yuan Keding didn’t know where to bother The thing he got was filial to himself, so this kid is a bit filial.

"How are your legs and feet? Are they still hurting in the rainy weather?" Putting down the teacup, Yuan Shikai looked at Yuan Keding, who was standing with his hands down, pointed to a chair beside him and said, "Sit down and don't run around if your feet are inconvenient. Let the servants do the trivial things like delivering tea and water."

"Thank you, father, for your concern. It's okay to be calm. What's more, my father is busy with state affairs. He is exhausted. He is not strong enough to share his worries, but as a son of man, he should serve his father." In front of Yuan Shikai, the playboy Yuan Keding is like a filial boy. The baby is average.

"I have a heart..." Nodding in satisfaction, Yuan Shikai, who is always strict in front of his children, showed a gratified smile, picked up the tea cup and drank it down, and put it aside casually.

Seeing that he had finished drinking, Yuan Keding hurried over to clean up. He accidentally saw the report lying aside, and couldn't help but glance at it.

"Fang Zida? Central Bank?"

"Do you also know Fang Zida?" Yuan Shikai asked casually when he heard Yuan Keding exclaimed softly.

"Hehe, of course I know. Father, you don't know that Fang Zida and his son have a good relationship." Yuan Keding replied with some complacency.

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