() Don't think that Fei Renqiang has good intentions and wants to push Zao Wou-ki to the fore.In fact, Fei Renqiang very much hoped that Zao Wou-ki would be embarrassing during the performance, even if Fengshan was No.1 from the bottom, as long as Zao Wou-ki was embarrassing.Besides, has Fengshan Township ranked in the middle for this kind of cultural activities?

Making Zao Wou-Ki embarrassing, this time really killed three birds with one stone.The first is to hit Zao Wou-ki himself, aren't you very good, you can't even sing a song?Second, it hit the people of Bai Sheng's family, the Nepali media, don't you Zheng Fu have talents, even such a trivial matter makes a fool of yourself?The third is Zhao Dezheng, who made him feel extremely unhappy. From the Nepalese media, you have a college son who thinks you are so amazing, so you can't get on the stage!

Of course, no one knew about Fei Renqiang's hidden "evil intentions", and the real situation in Fengshan was indeed the same. If better talents could be found, who would send Zhao Wou-ki to take risks?

"I think Secretary Fei's suggestion is good. Our township will send Zao Wou-ki to the party." Before Miao Chenglin and Bai Sheng could speak, Li Ping expressed her point of view impatiently.Li Ping usually lives in the village on weekends, and only goes to Rong Dagao's house in the county town when she has something to do. Even after arriving in the county town, she only has a meal at Rong's house and lives in the county party committee guest house.

"Can Zhao Wou-ki do it?" Bai Sheng expressed concern.What Bai Sheng was worried about was not Zao Wou-ki himself, but that this matter would be messed up, which would be bad for Fengshan's image.

"I think Zao Wou-ki can do it! If he really can't do it, let him perform two sets of fists and kicks on the stage, and he can calm down the gang of judges." Wei Changqing, Minister of Armed Forces, also jumped out to support Fei Renqiang.Although he didn't see how Zao Wou-ki subdued the three gunmen, he was the first to hear Nan Gongmai and a few young people extolling Zao Wou-ki's heroic deeds vividly.

If the literature is not good enough, come to the martial arts. If you talk to this level, what else can you talk about? Zao Wou-ki.


Once the excitement passed, Zao Wou-ki became a little sad again.Because, although he is close to the state of "proficiency", he has already reached proficiency, but he just didn't learn to sing or vocalize. It is not bad in itself, but Zao Wou-ki, who has studied music, also understands that if he does not have professional training, or does not know professional vocal methods, he just follows his own whims, although he will not make a fool of himself on stage, but he wants to gain It is difficult to pay attention.

Anyway, Li Xinxin is also a professional teacher.

"Nimei, learn vocal music, let's have a hot sale again!" Zao Wou-ki recalled the experience of learning shooting and jungle gunfights in the system, and felt that the system was reliable at critical moments.

Vocal music is a branch of music, and it is the most basic branch of music. In ancient China, music was called vocal music.In layman's terms, vocal music is singing, of course it can be accompanied by musical instruments.

"Since the host has already reached the level of 'proficiency' in music elements such as lyrics and music, it will take 400 hours and 80 points for the host to learn the 'jing' level."

"Okay, start studying!" Zao Wou-ki couldn't care about the points anymore, facing the music instructor "Li Xinxin" in the system who could only watch but not eat, Zhao Wou-ki's personality seemed to undergo a little unknown change.

"However, vocal music learning is different from other subjects. Vocal music learning is divided into one session every 5 hours, that is, after 5 hours, you have to restore your voice, otherwise, excessive fatigue will lead to throat disease, even if you have the practice method. Trouble.", that "Li Xinxin" who can see but not eat behaves very much like Xiao Huang sometimes.

"Okay, whatever you want." Zhao Wou-ki was like a child, in order to get something he likes, he will do whatever it takes.

At this moment, the system made a "ding" sound:

"Congratulations to the host! The host has completed the system's active task 'Eliminate the Spider Gang'. The task difficulty assessment is very difficult, the completion rate is 81%, and the completion time is 24 days. The host will be rewarded with 2300 points; in addition: because this task is the first time the host has completed An active task, the completion rate is good, the time has been advanced by more than 50%, and the host will be rewarded with 500 points; the total of the above rewards is 2800 points."

"Nimei, that's cool! 2800 points!" Zhao Wou-ki said smugly, looking at the time, it is now 8 o'clock, could it be that those three guys turned themselves in to the police station on time?

Zhao Wou-ki obviously didn't know that after he left, great changes had taken place inside the Spider Gang.

Just when Zao Wou-ki was about to start learning vocal music formally, the system beeped again:

"System Announcement: The second active task is now released. Fengshan Township is a poor mountain town, and the masses urgently need industrial projects to get rid of poverty and become rich. The host's task is to help Fengshan Township establish a root carving wood factory, a bamboo weaving factory, and mountain delicacies. factory, and establish a smooth sales channel for it. Task difficulty evaluation: extremely difficult! Task completion time: within three months. Special note: This task is a bundled task, that is, all three factories are built and the sales target is achieved. It's done."

"Extremely difficult?" Zao Wou-ki liked the task very much, after all, there are points rewards, but this "extremely difficult" made Zhao Wou-ki a little startled.

The difficulty of the task of "eradicating the Spider Gang" is very difficult. The main difficulty is that Zao Wou-ki must eradicate them on the premise of ensuring his own safety and not letting others know. Zao Wou-ki's completion is not bad.

Although the system did not give a standard for judging the degree of completion, Zhao Wou-ki can roughly guess some things: first, Zao Wou-ki used the method of "magic" to successfully lead the thinking of the spider gang away from Zhao Wou-ki; Killing Li Quan caused the Spider Gang to be leaderless; thirdly, it was also a magic spell, which caused the main members of the Spider Gang to have fear. Fourth, Zao Wou-ki did not completely eradicate the Spider Gang physically, which should be in line with the system's humanitarian philosophy or requirements, otherwise, this alone would not count as completing the task.

What is the difficulty of this "extremely difficult" task?Zhao Wou-ki was a little uncertain.However, even if this task is to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, it is impossible for Zao Wou-ki to do it at this time, because today is Sunday.

According to the system's requirements for mastering the environment, Zao Wou-ki must master all the pronunciation techniques and skills of bel canto, folk singing and popular singing before he can pass.

Sometimes, Zao Wou-ki feels that he is "hard-working", which is quite reasonable.Other protagonists with systems, as long as they want to learn, it's easy; for those who don't want to learn, they don't have to learn at all. It's not like this one, which makes a singing very scientific, professional and comprehensive.

However, this "hard-working" Zhao Wuji is still very willing, this is a peerless weapon to get in touch with his wife in the previous life.

When Zao Wou-ki hid in the system to "practice", the temporary standing committee of the Lujiang County Party Committee was also being held.The theme of the meeting was naturally about last night's spider gang dead man incident.

The participants were naturally the real bosses in Lujiang County.

Rong Dagao, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Cai Guoan, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Mayor, Tang Baoan, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, Ling Li, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the County Political and Legal Committee, Zhang Shengyuan, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the County Disciplinary Committee, Liu Youzhi, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the County Industry Committee , Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Mayor Gong Jianzhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Director of the Organization Department Zhang Jiakang, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Mayor Zheng Danqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Director of Propaganda Liu Changping, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the County Armed Forces Jiang Shixiang, In addition, the county police Secretary Guo Xingfu attended the meeting.

"Comrades, the situation is grim..." After the county police chief Guo Xingfu introduced the case, Rong Dagao began to attack, "Three days ago, a massacre occurred in our county. A family of six died at the hands of gangsters; And last night, there was another serious violent incident at the Juxin Teahouse. Five people died on the spot, and another two died this morning. According to the report from the county hospital, it is estimated that one more person will not survive noon... Comrades, a little Such serious public security cases have occurred continuously in Lujiang, can't we pay attention to it?

Sometimes, I think, our Lu Jiang is no longer under the Communist Party, because bullies, bandits, and gangsters are rampant!Ordinary people report that some people charge protection fees for small businesses; when they go out to do errands, they are most afraid of encountering gangsters on the street, and when they go out at night, they are even more frightened; Is this situation normal?Comrade Guo Xingfu, is this normal?The county police bureau, including the district and township police stations, has a total of 327 members of the national cadre establishment, and another 458 are also paid as assistant police officers. During the war years, this is almost the strength of a regiment. Could it be that we hold weapons behind our backs? Are the people's police, who have a powerful dictatorship machine in the country, still afraid of street gangsters with a few watermelon knives? "

"Therefore, I propose that the first agenda of this Standing Committee is to discuss the appointment of Comrade Guo Xingfu..." Rong Dagao has been in Lujiang for nearly two years, and he has never had such an aura!

"In addition, I would like to report one thing. Due to the seriousness of the case, the Provincial Police Department has dispatched the Lujiang 7.26 Violent Homicide Task Force headed by the deputy director, Comrade Zhao Yongzong, and will arrive in Lujiang this afternoon to guide the county police. The investigation work of the police station!"

If there were some people who were wavering before, then Rong Dagao's words at this time are like a bomb, Lu Jiang, the wind is about to rise, and the fence-sitting faction is about to lose the market.

"May I ask Secretary Rong, why did such an important matter be reported to the Provincial Department without being discussed by the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee?" Cai Guoan asked suddenly.If the provincial government sends someone down, his ending may be very bad.Therefore, he seized Rong Dagao's weakness and wanted to fight back.

"I am the secretary of the county party committee, and I have the right to report to my superiors!" Rong Dagao said resolutely.

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