Reborn superpower

Chapter 044 Tracking

[Thanks to all the children's shoes, thanks to the editorial department of the starting point, and thanks to all the friends who support Xingchen and this book...]

"Why are your companies not large in scale, only about 20-50 people?" Bai Sheng asked another question.

"Do it on a small scale first, and if the benefits are good, it's not too late to expand the scale. If you build a large booth right away, what if the company can't go away?" Such questions are really too idiotic, and Zao Wou-ki doesn't want to answer them at all. , but someone else is the leader, Zhao Wou-ki can't do without answering.

"There is another problem, how to deal with the problems of managers and sales personnel?" Li Ping asked again.

In Zao Wou-ki's plan, he actually talked about the management personnel and sales personnel, that is to act according to the principle of market mechanism, and it is definitely not the same as that of government officials.But Zao Wou-ki also felt that what Li Ping was asking was what to do if his idea failed.

"Didn't Zhong Yang propose to focus on economic construction and at the same time propose reform and opening up? Personally, I understand that economic construction must be carried out by economically competent people. Otherwise, no amount of wealth will be enough to defeat him. Leaders, What is the purpose of our industrial development, this question should be thought through first.

If the purpose of Fengshan's industrial development is to fulfill the instructions of the county party committee, then what is the purpose of Lu Jiang's industrial development?Municipal Party Committee, Provincial Party Committee?In the end, the purpose of industrial development all over the country is to implement Zhong Yang's instructions, so why did Zhong Yang develop industry, and what is their purpose?If this problem is thought through thoroughly, the problem of management personnel and sales personnel will be easier to handle. "

Zao Wou-ki's words are quite lethal. The leaders at the scene may more or less have considerations such as completing the tasks of their superiors, and have never thought about why the country raised the issue of industrial development.

When it comes to the extent of the problem, it is almost the same.In fact, the three leaders didn't really understand, because Zao Wou-ki gave the "term explanation", and they actually had a question, that is, could this manuscript be written by Zao Wou-ki?Could it be that his father found someone or personally grabbed a knife to help him write it?

Although they didn't ask many questions, they could tell that this manuscript was written by Zao Wou-ki himself.In fact, even if deputy magistrate Zhao was allowed to catch the knife himself, would it be possible to get it out in such a short period of time? Moreover, it seemed that he had never heard that deputy magistrate Zhao was a master of materials.

The zheng fu group, especially those related to the township enterprise office, because Zao Wou-ki had come up with eloquent materials in advance, these two days were like a festival, but the people in the party and government office were depressed, because they got accurate information. News: Zao Wou-ki has already written the material, and it is a thick book.

The Party and Government Office has always been the core institution of the township government. In Tian Jilin's original plan, he planned to write a 3000-character scale by himself. How cool it is for people to complete the task but fail to produce the manuscript!

However, Zao Wou-ki's birth broke the "monopoly" position of the party and government offices, and they were slapped hard on the face that they always felt superior!

Therefore, the people in the party and government office first thought that this was not written by Zao Wou-ki, but that Zao Wou-ki asked someone to catch him, which is similar to Bai Sheng's suspicion.However, not all the people in the party and government office are idiots. Some people immediately raised doubts: If you ask someone to write it, the speed may not be as fast as writing it yourself.That is not 240 words, nor 2400 words, but a long report of 24000 words!

As a member of the township party committee and director of the party and government office, Tian Jilin is naturally the most depressed person.He also carefully prepared materials of 3000 words during the weekend.However, when this material is facing Zao Wou-ki's material, not to mention other things, just the number of words is a big disadvantage.

However, when Tian Jilin was extremely depressed, Gan Lin, director of Fengshan Township Industrial Development Leading Group Office, sent four reports to Tian Jilin's desk for discussion by the party committee tomorrow.As for these materials, Gan Lin copied them from Lu Jiang in the name of the office director.

Although Tian Jilin is not very capable, he is not completely an idiot.Tian Jilin was unexpectedly happy when he quickly browsed through the several enterprises advocated by Zao Wou-Ki.

Because, in his opinion, the enterprises mentioned by Zao Wou-ki have no future at all, and they are not strictly township enterprises.Such a plan would definitely be opposed by Secretary Fei when it was submitted to the party committee.Nigerian media, is that a township enterprise?It's almost like a manual workshop!

And when Tian Jilin read all the text, he found a few flaws.

For example, according to Zao Wou-ki's idea, the organizational structure of an enterprise should be in charge of economically capable people, but where is the economically capable person?Fengshan is such a big place, and everyone knows people of a certain level. Zao Wou-ki idealized running a business.

For example, in the structure of property rights, Zao Wou-ki proposed that the farmers should voluntarily contribute capital and have the shares of the enterprise. If it is adjusted according to Zao Wou-ki’s method, would it still be a township enterprise?

Another example is that in this market, we want to sell Fengshan’s products to some coastal Canton Fair, sell them to foreigners, Nigerian media, this is foreign trade, is it possible for our small Fengshan?Even Lu Jiang can only export bristles, tung oil, etc., and must go through the provincial foreign trade company.

Therefore, Tian Jilin concluded that Secretary Fei would deny this material.

Indeed, as Tian Jilin said, after reading the material written by Zao Wou-ki, Fei Renqiang basically held a negative attitude in his heart.However, Fei Renqiang's "negation" is not the same as Tian Jilin's hoped "negation".In Fei Renqiang's view, the organizational structure of the enterprise can be adjusted according to Zao Wou-ki's ideas, but that is just a formality, and the helm of the enterprise must still be nominated by the party committee and appointed by the government.However, it is possible to engage in a form of "election" for the factory director and manager.

For example, the participation of farmers in the shares, in Fei Renqiang's view, has its merits.Because if all the money comes from the finance of Fengshan Township, it is unrealistic to want to start 6 enterprises at once.Even, it is possible to allow farmers to hold the majority of the shares, and let the farmers run the business themselves. As for the money that Fengshan Finance should get, can it not be owed first?Township enterprises, in the final analysis, have to hand over profits to townships and townships, and when profits are obtained, they can be invested in enterprises.

However, Fei Renqiang really didn't like the several enterprises that Zao Wou-ki chose. He thought similarly to Tian Jilin. He felt that such enterprises were too stingy, and even if they were successfully established, they would not make much money.

When he got off work in the afternoon, Fei Renqiang basically came to a conclusion.First, it is to praise the people who run the township enterprises. After all, others have come up with a plan, and there is a price for telling lies.Second, integrate the enterprises designed by Tianjilin and the enterprises designed by the Township Enterprise Office, and select three enterprises each.Thirdly, if the people on the Zheng Fu side win the battle, then the enterprises proposed by the Township Enterprise Office will be organized by the person in charge of Zheng Fu, or even directly handed over to Zao Wou-ki for direct management. yo.Fei Renqiang didn't believe that several enterprises could be run successfully with just one Zao Wou-ki.

Thinking of this, Fei Renqiang smiled.He felt that Zhao Wou-ki's ability to come up with such a solid plan showed that he really wanted to engage in industry, and the deputy county magistrate Zhao Dezheng must have known about such a thick material, including the data inside.Then, Fei Renqiang pushed the boat smoothly and let Zhao Wuji stand on the top, which is naturally regarded as a return to Zhao Dezheng. From now on, everyone will at most be in a relationship of mutual negligence.

Tian Jilin miscalculated a bit, that is Fei Renqiang's attitude towards Zao Wou-ki.From Tian Jilin's point of view, Fei Renqiang would definitely not use Zao Wou-ki, because after all there was some grievance between Fei Renqiang and Zhao Dezheng.But he didn't know that although Fei Renqiang was thinking the same thing, he had a different way of thinking: Don't you, Zao Wou-ki, have a lot of ideas?Our Fengshan Township Party Committee attaches great importance to talents, so we can adopt some of your suggestions, and even let you be in charge of business affairs directly.If you can't even handle this matter well, even if you Lao Tzu personally do it, I, Lao Fei, will have something to say.

As for the plan reported to the district and county, the two plans should be combined and submitted.Fei Renqiang even thought carefully, that is, just a few days after the county's decision on the development of district and township industries came out, Fengshan came up with a plan.

After Tiger and Bold from the Spider Gang arrived in Fengshan, they had been drinking tea in a small teahouse. The so-called turtle has a turtle and a snake has a snake. The gangster got up and called him brother, and immediately knew that Zhao Wuji didn't seem to live in the dormitory of the township government, but rented a house from a fellow villager.Nigerian media, this is a good thing!If they live in the township government, they really have a guilty conscience.

This afternoon, after Zao Wou-ki came back from Bai Xiangchang's office, he sat in the office and didn't go anywhere.He read the newspaper for a while, and then read a compilation of documents hosted by the Lujiang County Party Committee.He looked at the compilation of these documents, and only carefully browsed them once, and he basically memorized them. In addition, the system can help him remember, making Zao Wou-ki a freak of "photographic memory".

It's late July, and Lujiang has entered the hottest season.But in the afternoon of Fengshan, because of the higher terrain, there is a cool breeze, which makes people not feel hot at all.

"Ding! The system warns: There are two unknown persons who are following the host, with the intention of harming the host!" After get off work, Zhao Wuji just walked out of the street and walked towards Ouyang Fu's house, when the system's alarm sounded suddenly.

"Where are they? How can I deal with them?" Zao Wou-ki didn't turn his head, he was used to the sudden sound of the system.Now that someone was following him, Zhao Wuji naturally wouldn't turn around to startle the snake.

"They have two machetes, and their comprehensive combat power is equivalent to that of the host at this time. The chances of victory and defeat are [-]% each!"

"How could this be? Didn't you judge that I'm not even afraid of ordinary bullets?" Zao Wou-ki felt that the system's assessment of the real world has always been inaccurate.

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