Reborn superpower

Chapter 037 Fengshan Industrial Development Feasibility Report

[It was very early today, and Xingchen got up to type.However, as we continued, a 7.0-magnitude Lushan earthquake hit, and the books on Xingchen’s bookshelf fell to the floor, and the whole room creaked, so frightened that Xingchen had to go downstairs and run for his life...]

For this "Feasibility Report", Zao Wou-ki decided to focus on a few questions:

1. Background.This is the background of the "Planning".First, explain the relevant document requirements of Huaxia, Xichuan, Zizhou, and Lujiang, that is, this "plan" was issued in response to the request of the superior; second, explain the economic situation of Fengshan and the income of the people, as well as the gap with other places, It shows that Fengshan itself also needs to vigorously develop its industry.

Originally, in this "background", Zao Wou-ki wanted to include things like industrialization and urbanization, but he gave up later.Because the officials in Fengshan or Lujiang didn't have that insight at this time, as for "urbanization" they didn't mention it at this time.

If township enterprises can be consciously guided into "urbanization" when they start up, then the environmental problems in townships 20 years later will definitely be much better than in previous lives.

2. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Fengshan.Fengshan's advantages mainly refer to Fengshan's natural resources, human resources, etc. Fengshan's people are eager to get rid of poverty and become rich, which is also an advantage that can be used; Fengshan's disadvantages mainly include location disadvantages, traffic disadvantages, basic disadvantages, and conceptual disadvantages wait.

3. Feasibility analysis.That is, relying on Fengshan's advantages and fully considering the restrictive effect of disadvantages, Fengshan may engage in various types of enterprises.This, Zao Wou-ki has not thought of a specific company for the time being, and it is possible to write about it only after he has a deep understanding of Fengshan.

4. Related issues.The first is capital, the second is property rights, the third is management, the fourth is technology, and the fifth is market...

In this part, the main idea that Zao Wou-Ki wants to elaborate is that running an industry is not a simple matter, it requires comprehensive consideration.The five issues listed are interrelated and restrictive. Failure to do a good job in a certain link may cause huge losses to the enterprise, thereby depriving Fengshan of its vitality.

In the report that Zao Wou-ki might release, many problems were mentioned in Fengshan Township, Lujiang County, and even Huaxia. Zao Wou-ki raised these problems in the form of individual cases in Fengshan, but with certain Commonality, because although the conditions for industrial development in each place are different, they also have to face some common problems, such as the market, how to open up the market?Zao Wou-ki specifically mentioned that farmers are very unfamiliar with the city now, and it is very likely that because they do not adapt to the needs of the city or cannot open the market, the enterprises will have a backlog of production, and the backlog will be unsustainable.

Zao Wou-ki believed that, in the face of these problems, if the Fengshan Township Party Committee could not give an explanation or come up with a proposition, it would not dare to start a new enterprise; and if this report was submitted to the higher authorities, it might be possible Arouse the attention of the above, so as to avoid some detours in history.If this effect can be achieved, it is really good.

5 Conclusion.As for whether Fengshan can develop industry, or even take industry as Fengshan's main business, Zao Wou-ki answered in the affirmative.In addition, Zao Wou-ki also took Fengshan as an example, pointing out that the development of industry must have a long-term plan, and we should not start a factory just because a certain product is popular in the market today, but we must consider the problems after the market is saturated; a county, a region, or a Provinces, there should be a unified plan for district and township industries, avoiding famous names everywhere, repeated construction, and wasting limited financial resources and resources; there must be a beginning and an end, and research on the raw materials, production, technology, management, sales, and marketing of enterprises is not a win. Count failure first; the development of regional and rural industries must not seek big things and foreign countries, but must closely rely on local advantages, adapt measures to local conditions, prescribe the right medicine, classify guidance, and classify implementation.

At one o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Zao Wou-ki took the bus back to Lujiang County.

He had to go back to the county this time, because he had to look for some information, which may not be available in the village, such as climate data, land area, topography, and various scales of products in Fengshan or the surrounding areas. Strong professional data are often kept in the Agriculture Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, and Meteorological Bureau. For example, if Fengshan wants to develop industries, he has to consider the resources and basic conditions of Qianshan Township, which is adjacent to him. Moreover, If Qianshan Township wants to set up a similar enterprise, is Fengshan still necessary? Before leaving Lujiang, the two townships have competed to open up. It is hard to say how big this enterprise can be.

Before Zao Wou-ki left the township government office, he asked Xu Tingfang to go to the party and government office to issue a unit certificate. As a result, Tian Jilin went to the township enterprise office in person and asked Zhao Wou-ki which departments he was going to. Come out, and at the same time say the name of the Enterprise Bureau.Unexpectedly, when Zao Wou-ki got the certificate, there was no such unit as "Enterprise Bureau".

"Director Tian, ​​the Township Enterprise Office entrusted me to look for materials related to the industrial development of the district and township. Why not go to the Enterprise Bureau?" In front of Xu Tingfang, Zhao Wuji asked knowingly.

"Our party and government office has all the materials of the enterprise bureau about the township enterprises in the development area. You can just come and inquire directly. There is no need to go to the enterprise bureau." Tian Jilin explained.

"Oh, that's fine." Zhao Wou-ki put away the documents and returned to his office, but Xu Tingfang was gnashing his teeth in anger in his office!Sure enough, this party and government office really has no good intentions!After getting angry for a while, Xu Tingfang went to Gan Lin's office and told Deputy Township Chief Gan about Zhao Wou-ki's request and Tian Jilin's answer.

"Well, I see." Gan Lin didn't say anything, which made Xu Tingfang a little disappointed.However, what can Gan Lin express? Tian Jilin is a member of the township party committee.

The reason why Xu Tingfang took so much trouble to report the situation to Gan Lin in detail was because yesterday afternoon, Gan Lin revealed to him the news that Zhao Wuji was the son of the deputy county magistrate Zhao Dezheng.

Xu Tingfang is also a smart person, he understood as soon as he heard it, the village head Gan was telling himself to build a good relationship with Zhao Wou-ki, not to block other people from doing things, and if possible, to help Zhao Wou-ki to the top.

As for Zhao Wou-ki, the purpose of asking that sentence in person was to let Xu Tingfang tell Gan Lin, and let Gan Lin tell Bai Sheng how people from the party and government obstructed our work; If Fei Renqiang wanted to suppress it on purpose, the Baisheng team would definitely not let it go. The Nepalese media, our materials are obviously the best, so why not report our materials?The harder Fei Renqiang pressed, the greater the possibility of Bai Sheng's rebound.It is very likely that Bai Sheng will send the materials he wrote directly to the desks of relevant leaders in the county.

After all, on the issue of developing district and township industries, although the party committee is said to be leading, the government is the real party involved, and it is reasonable for Bai Sheng to do so.Of course, the most important thing is that what Zao Wou-Ki puts out is really good.

However, neither Fei Renqiang nor Bai Sheng expected that Zhao Wuji would come up with a material that they had to treat with caution!Because the problems reflected in the materials can be understood by a fool. If you don't pay attention to handling them, the company may become a burden and a mess!

This is the advantage of foresight.This period of China's history is known as the history of "crossing the river by feeling the stones", but because of the arrival of the reborn, it is possible to avoid some mistakes.

However, Zao Wou-ki can't guarantee what effect it will have.

On Wednesday, Zao Wou-ki's affairs in the county went very smoothly.The reason is naturally that Zao Wou-ki, as a college graduate, took the initiative to apply for a job in Fengshan Township, the most remote part of the county, and the news has spread throughout the county government.Of course, this alone is not enough to have such a high reputation. What is important is his father, Comrade Zhao Dezheng, deputy county magistrate.This year, none of the children of cadres above the official level in Lujiang County has a college graduate. As the son of the deputy county magistrate, Zhao Wuji can choose any unit in the county at will, but he chose the most remote Fengshan Township. A news point out.

"Ah, you are Zao Wou-ki!" Seeing that Zhao Wou-ki was holding the letter of introduction from Fengshan Township, these government officials spoke in a very unified tone. On the one hand, they arranged for someone to find information for Zhao Wou-ki, and on the other hand, they enthusiastically made tea for Zao Wou-ki. .Some bureau leaders who had a good relationship with Zao Wou-ki's father even introduced some life experiences to Zao Wou-ki in the tone of an elder.

After getting these materials, Zao Wou-ki had a complete confidence in his mind.That night, using the time ratio of the system, it took 50 hours and 10 points to produce the 24000-word "Fengshan Township Industrial Development Feasibility Report (Draft)".

Among them, in the item of "enterprises that can be built", Zao Wou-ki listed six enterprise directories based on the advantages of Fengshan and nearby districts and townships: root carving wood art factory, bamboo weaving art factory, Jingpin marinade factory, food processing factory, craft cloth shoe factory , Shanzhen Products Factory.Just in line with the number of enterprises that Fei Renqiang proposed at the cadre meeting.If you add the agricultural machinery repair factory, Chinese herbal medicine processing factory, oil extraction factory, and Fengshan winery, the total number of township and village enterprises in Fengshan reaches 6.However, what these enterprises can bring to Fengshan is still unknown.

The reason why Zao Wou-ki listed the above-mentioned 6 companies is because he found an article in his father Zhao Dezheng’s study, which said that Fengshan’s root carving and bamboo weaving skills were given to Chennault by the government as gifts during the Anti-Japanese War After the founding of the People's Republic of China, those exquisite root carving woodwork and bamboo weaving lacked a consumer market, so they gave way to the production of farm tools and daily furniture.

Zao Wou-ki himself also remembered that Fan Dongming said that the craftsmanship of Fengshan carpenters is very famous in Lujiang County, and the things that grandma wove with bamboo strips are very beautiful.Zao Wou-ki did not have a deep understanding of this, but the bamboo products such as vegetable baskets, dustpans, dustpans, and sieves in Fengshan were indeed more beautiful than those in other places. Acquired, shipped to sell elsewhere.

As for the fine stewed ingredients factory, it originated from Zao Wou-ki's previous life memories. A small pack of stewed ingredients, five-spice powder, etc., is much more expensive than the same pack of traditional Chinese medicines, and Fengshan has quite a lot of traditional Chinese medicines. material resources.Zao Wou-ki thinks that a fine stewed food factory is more expensive than a Chinese herbal medicine processing factory; the reason is the simplest, in this era, only the sick and poor eat Chinese medicine, while those who can afford to eat stewed vegetables are rich people!

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