Infinite Road Warrior Road

Chapter 79 The Pig's Philosophy

In the early morning, when the first ray of morning light shone through the glass window into the house, everyone in the house, whether it was Zheng Zha who was lying on the bed, or Li Shuaixi and Bawang who were guarding by the side, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's a sunny day... Good! The sky is blue and cloudless... That guy (the Lord God) is not completely inhuman. If we arrange a rainy season for us to come to this ghost place, then we will have to cry!" Li Shuaixi After opening the window to check the weather, he wiped off his sweat.

Facing the threat of vampires, they have to live a life of night and day, in order to adjust the time to coincide with the time of vampire activities. No one wants to be kissed by a pair of cold fangs when they are sleeping soundly at night neck.

Anyway, they have drugs to improve sleep efficiency, and one or two hours of sleep a day is enough, so they choose to take turns sleeping during the day, and there are people who are always vigilant. In this world where vampires, werewolves and other ghosts are prevalent, they can't relax at all. .

With Zheng Zha's physique and intermediate internal strength, even without drugs, he can only sleep once a week. The reason why he lay down obediently is because of the sequelae of his hand-to-hand fight with Frankenstein a few hours ago.

The power of Frankenstein is beyond their imagination. It is light to describe it as the power of a bear elephant. The bones in his hands are about the same as halva in the hands of ordinary people. In addition, they are not afraid of anesthesia, which is extremely difficult when their goal is to capture them alive. .

Although Zheng Zha's physique is three or four times that of ordinary people, after he was accidentally caught by Frankenstein, he was almost suffocated during the entanglement. Fortunately, a powerful explosive force suddenly emerged in his body during the crisis, just like in the crimson field. The same as in the middle, his joints are elongated, his muscles are pulsating, and his arms are deformed to more than double, and he actually subdues Frankenstein in turn.

It's a pity that this force came and went quickly, and the sequelae made him feel weak all night, and he didn't fully recover until dawn.

"But that guy should feel worse than me now... Maybe he has been dissected into small slices in Chu Xuan's hands..." Zheng Zha thought maliciously, because since they captured Frankenstein, Chu Xuan spent half the night transforming a solid basement in Fort Willowly into a temporary laboratory, and got Frankenstein inside to start research behind closed doors.

However, just when they planned to take a nap at dawn to relieve their mental pressure, a loud noise from outside quickly woke them up.

They all sensitively felt an ominous omen coming towards them. Zheng Zha, Li Shuaixi and Bawang exchanged glances, and finally decided to go out to see what happened.

Fort Willowly, where they are currently located, has the air of a military fortress.The majestic castle is surrounded by thick walls and towering towers. Manors, racecourses, and mills are dotted around the fortress.

The local lords built large defensive castles. In years of war, refugees and the unemployed gathered near the fortress so that they could enter the castle for refuge in times of danger.

The lord would not allow the refugees to live in the castle for a long time. People gradually formed a residential area near the castle, while merchants and craftsmen slowly built houses and shops along the roads. Over time, when peace came, the size of the town also began. See prototype.

This is also the origin of most European towns in the Middle Ages. Although it is the end of the nineteenth century, this remote mountain town still retains this medieval atmosphere.

It is said that the ancient Willowly Castle not only had majestic Gothic architecture 400 years ago, but also its surrounding environment surrounded by mountains and rivers.The river from Suea flows through the castle, forming a natural moat, and at the same time nourishing dozens of hectares of grape groves on both sides.The grape groves stretched all the way back around the castle, joined the lawns, and sent green to the hills of Suea.

However, the grape grove has been destroyed now, because any existence that can obscure the view may become a hiding place for vampires after dark.Instead, it is a vast square, which is also a training ground for the soldiers of the castle. The floor is paved with thick stone slabs. The stone slabs retain the original characteristics of the stones, but the gaps are filled with whiter cement, and a road is pulled out. A straight white line, at a glance, looks thick and intimidating.Every night, every sentry post in the fortress closely monitors the surrounding square. Once there is any suspicious person or thing trying to cross the square, it will be greeted by dense silver-plated crossbow arrows.

But now, this square is full of crowds, there are hundreds of thousands, and the clamor and cursing can be heard filling the noisy voices, and they are still rushing towards the fortress.

"Stop! There are so many people gathered so early in the morning, what's the matter?" Princess Anna, who had already led dozens of city defense troops, stood under the gate of the fortress, facing the crowd with her hips akimbo.

Compared with her scolding, Wang Zongchao and Fan Haixin standing behind her felt more oppressive. Facing these three people, the noisy crowd finally stopped.

"Okay, let the lord take a look."

The crowd parted, and an old man with white hair came out, holding a girl with two braids on her head.

"Master Morris, what's the matter with Lucy—" In the middle of speaking, Princess Anna swallowed the rest.She saw two bloodshot streaks on the girl's wax-like neck.

When Wang Zongchao saw the little girl Lucy, his pupils froze slightly, because she was the girl who lost her mother because of his fight with the vampire. He really didn't expect that she would still be doomed.

However, except for the pupils, Wang Zongchao's expression remained unchanged like a statue.

"There's more to come!" Following the words of the village chief, the two miserable couples walked to the front.

Fu Laxiu of the flour shop and his wife Jim; the hunter Macken and his wife—both couples are about 30 years old, and their wives are well-known beauties in the town.Seeing the two of them leaning on their husband's hands and looking at the sky with dull eyes, Princess Anna fully understood.

"It's a vampire—to do such a thing..."

"That's right," Macken nodded. "Because we were very tired from work, we went to bed very early. We felt chills and opened our eyes. My wife, who was supposed to be lying next to me, stood by the open window and stared at me with eyes like flames. After something went wrong and jumped up——”,

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