Infinite Road Warrior Road

Chapter 76 The rain is coming

Hearing his words, everyone was startled, but the subsequent knock on the door woke them up.

Because of Wang Zongchao's presence, it is basically impossible for any person or beast to approach them within 50 meters without being discovered by him.

Sure enough, after Van Helsing and Princess Anna came in, they greeted everyone first, thanked everyone for their help, and then asked everyone: Do you really want to avenge your dead companions and deal with vampires?

"A total of nine of our companions died at the hands of vampires! Moreover, we are also not the ones who allow others to bully us and dare not stand up and take revenge!" Zheng Zha snorted coldly, with deep anger and hatred, replied.

Although the eight newcomers who died had just met, it was hard to talk about deep feelings, but Athena was their assistant instructor, and she had already accumulated deep feelings through fighting side by side in virtual training in the future, so his anger, Most of them are out of sincerity.

After he said these words, Van Helsing raised his arms and opened his clenched fists. Between his palms, there was a ball of white light, which flickered and then disappeared.starter

"It's indeed the truth!" Van Helsing nodded, and said apologetically, "Please forgive me, the matter is so important that I have to use lie detection."

After confirming the sincerity of the other party, Princess Anna proposed to hire everyone to rescue her brother who was captured by the werewolf. If Dracula can be killed, there will be a heavier reward.

"After seeing the horror of the crimson domain of vampires, I don't think our group of people can play any role." Zhang Jie on the side began to put on a bad face and said clichés.

"Please don't worry, the Crimson Domain can only be activated by using the Holy Artifact of the Blood Race—the bloody cloak. Once activated, it cannot be used again within 36 months, which means that we don't have to worry about the Crimson Domain within the next three years. The threat of the Red Domain. Otherwise, considering the power of the Crimson Domain to destroy a city and an army every time it is launched, Europe has long been ruled by vampires." Princess Anna explained.

"In addition to the bloody cloak, how many terrifying magic weapons do vampires have? We don't expect to die without knowing it." Zhang Jie continued to ask with concern, just in time with Zheng Zha's reaction.

"How many more pieces? Impossible to have many pieces! This kind of terrible thing, there are only three pieces of the same level, and they are called the four holy artifacts of the blood clan: the gun of Longinus, the bloody cloak, the bloody sect Volume, Silver Holy Grail." Hearing Zheng Zha's words, Fan Hai smiled hard, and then added:

"The gun of Longinus was taken from the vampires by the Holy See more than 200 years ago, and it is now under the strict guard of the Vatican. The Silver Holy Grail has always been in the hands of the Vampire Presbyterian Church, and Dracula was in the hands of the Secret Party many years ago. I was expelled from the Presbyterian Church during the battle with the Devil Party, and it is impossible to have the Silver Holy Grail. Starting

The only missing blood scroll is actually not a tool that can be used to attack directly, but it only records the highest and most profound secret art of the blood clan. "

Hearing Fan Haixin's last words, Zheng Zha lowered his head to think, but in fact it was to cover up the glint in his eyes.

"We hope to know more about Dracula." After 'thinking', Zheng Zha continued.

Van Helsing was also very frank. He introduced the history of the European blood race and Dracula's past. As a senior monster hunter, he must of course have detailed information about his opponent. With the Holy See as a source of information, his statement is more accurate than some folklore Much more believable.

Dracula was originally the eldest son of the Duke of Willowly, and he also had two younger brothers. Their families rose up in Hungary's resistance to the Turks' aggression. He, his father, Duke Willowly, and his younger brother Lawton all fought bravely against the Turks. , and the youngest brother Cromwell is still young and has not yet gone to war.

In a battle against Turkey, Dracula rushed too far forward and was scattered by the enemy. When Wei Luoli found him, he was already dying, and a dagger was pierced into his body from behind.The mighty Duke ignored his son's dying and still commanded the army to fight, leaving Dracula temporarily in an abandoned monastery.After their triumphant return, when the Duke brought another son back to the monastery, Dracula's body had disappeared.starter

"Dracula, born in 1422, died in 1462." The history books about him should have ended here.

But a month later, Dracula returned to Fort Willowly alive again.As handsome and thin as before.He also had a companion, tall, with brown hair and dark eyes.The Duke didn't know this stranger, but he was still very happy. The most important thing was that this man brought his son back alive.

However, Dracula encountered a thunderbolt as soon as he returned home. His fiancée Elizabeth just committed suicide after hearing the news of his death!

"My prince is dead. Nothing would be the same without him. May God let us meet again in heaven."

These are Elizabeth's last words.

But due to Christian teachings, Elizabeth who committed suicide cannot go to heaven, and she can't even have a decent funeral.That is God's iron law!

"As I said, he has been playing tricks on us all the time, but we can't be his puppets..." The tall brown-haired man who came with him smiled frivolously and groaned like a devil .

Dracula suddenly fell to his knees and screamed to the sky, cursing God frantically, and drew his sword to chop the statue of Jesus on the cross...

"Since God refuses to teach and redeem her, I hand myself over to the darkness! I will use all the power of evil to avenge her!" He stretched out his arms and said loudly, "Let death be my life!"

Duke Willowly, who heard the news, tried to stop his crazy behavior, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, Dracula turned into countless bats, surrounded by Elizabeth's body, flew into the night sky under the moonlight, and disappeared from everyone's sight. ,

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